9.28.12 News
9.28.12 News
9.28.12 News
Contact information:
Classroom phone: 863-6363, ext. 4721 Office phone: 863-6362
Blog: kimdonzeclassroom.blogspot.com HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND!
Here are some pictures that show a little of what is happening in our room:
This is an art project we did where the children got to create themselves using scraps of paper and yarn. What a beautiful class!!
We had a wonderful time learning about who Johnny Appleseed was. (Johnny Chapman was his real name.) They all had an apple to graph, cut, and peel for our delicious applesauce we made!! Thank you so much for sending them with your children! We also read many books (fiction and nonfiction) about apples, read poems, made an apple project, and more. It was a great apple themed week! We are looking forward to more exciting things in the coming weeks!
Belmonts Best
Mrs. Thelen will invite these kids to eat their lunch with her during the week of: Oct. 1 : Olivia Gossman Oct.8: Mika Marshall Oct. 15: Sarah Bryant
PTO has purchased a book for each child again this year and they will receive it at lunch on their special day.
Special Schedule:
Monday: P.E. Tuesday: ART Wednesday: LIBRARY
Please note that all library books must come back to school by Wed. morning in order for your child to check out another book.
Parent Helpers:
I will be sending home a schedule next week with parents who volunteered and to see if there may be more who want to help. I have to change the time just a little bit, due to a scheduling conflict here at school. I am going to have parent helpers from 9:3010:30, Tuesday thru Friday. My goal is still to begin using parents the Week of Oct.15 I will stay in touch.
To explore various uses of numbers, To introduce the analog clock, To practice find the values of various combinations of pennies and nickels, and To introduce number models for change to-more and change-toless situations.
Monarch caterpillars are here! We will learn their life cycle and some amazing facts about these beautiful butterflies. We are learning about the 4 seasons, weather (including temperature, wind, cloud cover, and precipitation in each season), and watching a maple tree in our school yard change each season. The Seasons will be a year long theme in our class.
They are really cute little caterpillars. We will be watching them grow and change during the next 5-6 weeks. I am sure you will hear a lot about them. We put fresh milkweed leaves in the net daily and are amazed at how much they eat and grow!