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p p o H is e d a r G t s Fir
Dear First Grade Parents, It was wonderful talking with you at conferences last week. I loved hearing your thoughts and I appreciate the opportunity to work with your children. They have all made a lot of growth so far, as you could tell, and the exciting thing is that we still have 50 plus days left this year to continue learning all we can. Some high-lights of the new things we are learning right now are: Introducing Touch Points on coins to make counting change easier. Each point is worth a count of 5. So the kids need to be able to count by 5s to do this. We began doing a Word Study in our class last week. This is an assessmentguided phonics, spelling, and vocabulary instruction that we are doing to help the kids understand words better. In groups we talk about meanings, alphabetize, categorize and sort, practice spelling, and test. The kids have enjoyed this new activity in our room. We are learning about Properties of Matter in science. Earth materials are any of the solid, liquid, or gaseous materials that make up the earth. Rocks are the solid earth materials. The students are the Geologists, who study the earth and rock compositions. We are learning about the properties of rocks, and also where they came from, etc. Which has lead us to learn about volcanoes too. The kids have made predictions, experimented, recorded data, made conclusions, sorted objects according observable attributes and more. We will begin learning about magnets this week. They will learn concepts such as magnetic/non-magnetic, magnetic poles, magnetic attraction and repulsion. They will have many opportunities to experiment with magnets. The kids will begin Readers Theaters this week. These are little plays that the kids read in groups of 2-4. They practice rereading a script until they can fluently read their part. Every few weeks, after they have practiced for many days, they will perform for an audience, which will be the others in our class. They will practice these in groups during Read to Someone time. I know from past experience that the kids love these! We will do these until the end of the school year. As I was asking the kids for suggestions of what we need in our room, many of them told me they need new crayons and colored pencils. I will let you decide once you talk to your child if you want to do this. Most of them do need glue sticks. The class supply is gone and many children are also out. Thanks so much!!

March 18, 2013

Word Wall Words:
(Red word can not be sounded out.)

March 18-22 does, new, start, bring write Skill work: review magic
e, bossy r-,

March 25-27 (short week) ten, run, has, sit, hot

Skill work: review vowels

Things we need:

Glue sticks Kleenex boxes Gallon size Freezer bags Lysol wipes

Thank you for your contributions to our class. Contact information:

Classroom phone: 863-6363, ext. 4721 Office phone: 863-6362
Blog: kimdonzeclassroom.blogspot.com

Have a great spring vacation. Its a great time to read! :)

Belmonts Best
All the children in our room have celebrated Belmonts Best with Mrs. Thelen this year! A BIG THANK YOU to the
PTO for purchasing the books the children received on their special day!

Special Schedule:
Monday: P.E. Tuesday: ART Wednesday: LIBRARY
Please note that all library books must come back to school by Wed. morning in order for your child to check out another book.

Thursday: P.E./ COMPUTER LAB Friday: MUSIC

Alise and Mika are Reading to Someone during Daily 5.

Mark your Calendar:

March 20: March 28: April 8:
Favorite Sports Team Day No School

March 29-April 7: Spring Break

School resumes but it is a LATE START Popcorn days day for students. School begins at 10:40.

April 12 & 26: Math Information

Our unit 7 will end with us looking at 3 dimensional shapes and noticing the flat faces and corners on solid figures. They will be introduced to pyramids, cones, cubes, spheres, cylinders, and rectangular prisms. The students will explore symmetrical shapes. We will begin unit 8 in math before spring break and will be reviewing money and place value concepts that were introduced earlier, but take these concepts another step forward. The students will be introduced to dollars. I will extend place value concepts to the hundreds place. After vacation, we will begin learning about fractions.

April 19:
Picture day

Donuts with Dad 7:158:15 am and Spring Crazy Hair day

April 26:

These kids are recording their data while experimenting with magnets.

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