Digital Pres LP
Digital Pres LP
Digital Pres LP
Unit Objective
In this unit, students will learn the principles of effective memoir composition and
strategies for digital presentations to create, revise, and present their own short
Lesson Objective
Using the previous assignment (5 page memoir), TLW will radically revise a piece of
writing, turning it into a three to five minute digital presentation.
TLW create and present a digital representation of their written work for no less
than three minutes.
ISTE Standards
In this lesson, students reimagine the memoirs they have created by representing
them digitally and speaking about them, strengthening their awareness of their
works essential narrative threads and thematic concerns.
Students will likely use concepts and methods from this lessoneither narrative
concepts or methods of digital presentationin their final projects.
Use of Microsoft Power Point and Internet search engines can be modified to suit
the individual needs of students.
Introduction/Problem Statement
o Memoirs can often convey powerful emotions and help us understand our
lives, but they must be read in isolation. Imagine that somebody reads your
memoir and tells you that they loved it, and would like for you to do a TED
talk at the next TED conference. You must figure out a way to translate your
memoir into a digital presentation that you can use to accompany a short
overview of your story using only Microsoft Power Point and the Internet.
o Day 1 (Teacher)
Walk-through example of how to outline your memoirs essential
takeaways that should be translated into the presentation (10)
Walk-through an example of a strong digital representation (10)
Lead students to the lab (5)
Write a list of photo sites on the whiteboard for students to use, and
circulate around the lab in case of questions (30)
Return students to classroom (5)
Day 1 (Student)
Using walk-through as example, creating a rough outline of the
memoirs main narrative points to put into presentation
Help complete classroom example slides with the instructor
Walk to lab
Using lab computer, launch Power Point and an Internet browser
Begin creating digital representation
Save presentation
Create a title slide
Use each new slide to represent a portion of the outline
Day 2 (Teacher)
Review yesterdays progress; answer questions (10)
Circulate and assist students (45)
Day 2 (Students)
Continue assignment where it was left off the day before
Use the Notes function to add notes to slides
o Upon returning to classroom, we will discuss how far along students have
gotten on projects and how they can finish them if there is work left to be
o Students will sign up for five minute time slots to present their work to the
The student had all of his/her materials,
including a copy of the graded memoir
assignment, and remained on task