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Nteq Ms Powerpoint Lesson Plan

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NTeQ MS PowerPoint Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety Review

Subject Area: Introduction to Computers

Grade Level: 9th Grade

Teacher: Christy Wilson

Lesson Summary: This lesson will be the summary lesson of the unit on Computer
Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety. The purpose of this lesson will be to help the students
review what they have learned during the unit, to prepare for the unit test, and to begin to
use MS PowerPoint as a means to communicate information. Students will use MS
PowerPoint to create a presentation on one of the 14 lessons covered during the unit. The
presentation will serve as a summary of the information contained in the unit.

Estimated Classroom Time: 5 days

Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the students will:

 demonstrate knowledge Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety.
 demonstrate the ability to summarize information.
 create a presentation to present information on Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and
 present their presentation orally to the class and visually to parents at conference

 National:
 Students understand the ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.
(NETS-S 2.1)
 Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and
software. (NETS-S 2.2)
 Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong
learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity. (NETS-S 2.3)
 Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and
promote creativity. (NETS-S 3.1)
 Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-
enhanced models, prepare publications, and produce other creative works.
(NETS-S 3.2)
 Students use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and
ideas effectively to multiple audiences.(NETS-S 4.2)
 Local:
 Access the potential of information and technology to address personal and
workplace needs. (C/T
 Demonstrate knowledge of electronic crimes such as viruses, pirating, and
computer hacking. (C/T 9-12.3.2)
 Adhere to fair use and copyright guidelines. (C/T 9-12.4.1)
 Adhere to the school division's Acceptable Use Policy as well as other state and
federal laws. (C/T 9-12.4.2)
 Model respect for intellectual property. (C/T 9-12.4.3)
 Practice self-directed use of advanced technology tools for communicating with
specific audiences. (C/T 9-12.9.3)

 Computers
 MS PowerPoint
 Notes for previous lessons
 Project Rubric
 Index card with lesson topic
 List of partners/groups
 Think Sheet

Identify the Nature of the Problem: Students have reached the end of a unit on
Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety. They need to review what they have learned in
order to take a unit test. They also need to learn how to disseminate what they have
learned to others using advanced technology skills and software.

Computer Functions and Data Manipulation: Computer technology is an integral part

of this lesson. The chart below lists the learning tasks and its corresponding computer

Learning Task Computer Function

Presentation MS PowerPoint - computer generated

The following table is a breakdown of each computer function, the computer application,
and how the data will be used or manipulated.

Computer Function Computer Application Data Manipulation

MS PowerPoint Summarize the information Summarize your
collected from past lessons information from a past
into a PowerPoint lesson into a 8-10 slide
presentation presentation, making sure to
include all of the necessary
points included in the
grading rubric
Lesson Activities:

Problem: Today we are going to begin our review of the unit on Computer Ethics,
Etiquette, and Safety as well as learn how to use MS PowerPoint to create a visual
presentation. You and your partner/group will be assigned one lesson to cover in your
presentation. You will use your notes from the past lesson to create a summarized
presentation to present orally to the class and visually to your parents at conference time.

Providing Instructions: The students in the class come from a diverse background of
computer exposure. But, most students have had at least some exposure to MS
PowerPoint in regards to the types of presentations it can build. The students will receive
a two day lesson on how to create a presentation using PowerPoint before they are
expected to use it on their own. At that time, students that still require additional
assistance will be able to receive help from their lab partner and/or the teacher.

Think Sheet: A Think Sheet will be provided to each group with a list of questions. The
questions will serve as a reminder, along with the rubric, of the type of things that should
be included in the presentation. The questions on the Think Sheet are as follows:

1. What are the main points of the lesson?

2. What are the key words for each main point?
3. List at least one example of what you should not do.
4. List at least one example of what you should do.
5. Is there a real world story that deals with your topic?
6. What is the single most important thing to remember for your lesson?

Presentation: Students will present their PowerPoint presentation orally to the class and
then visually to their parents during conferences.

Activities Before the Computer:

Lecture: (Objectives should be written on side board as usual.)

 (2 day lesson) Using PowerPoint.
1. Opening/Creating a new PowerPoint presentation.
2. Choosing a layout for the slide.
3. Choosing a background design.
4. Changing font.
 Color
 Style
 Size
 Centering
5. Adding/Deleting a slide.
6. Saving work.
7. Adding graphics.
8. Adding bullets/changing bullet type.
9. Using a "special" trick (timing, sound, etc.).
10. Locating and opening saved ppt.
11. Answer any questions
 (2 days) Handout index card with lesson for presentation.
 Display sample presentation.
 Discuss rubric.
 Discuss due date/presentation date.
 Answer any remaining questions.

Activities During Computer Use: The students will use MS PowerPoint to create a
presentation that summarizes a lesson from the unit on Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and

Activities After Using the Computer: Students become more aware of the issues
surrounding computer usage. They gain the necessary knowledge to correctly and safely
use computers in any environment.

Lesson-Related Supporting Activities: Students have their own computers with MS

PowerPoint access so there should be no waiting. If there are computer problems,
students can create posters containing the summarized information.

Assessing Students: Student assessment will be completed throughout the lesson.

Students will be informally assessed on their ability to navigate MS PowerPoint. Each
student will receive a number grade from the rubric for the information contained in their
PowerPoint presentation and their overall oral presentation.

The rubric assessment will let me know that the student completed the summarization of
the assigned lesson and was able to articulate the summation to their peers. Through all of
this, the student will demonstrate that s/he is proficient in the Standards covered by this

 Think Sheet - used to help the students summarize the information from the
lesson they are presenting.
 List of Lessons - list of lessons that will appear on the index cards to be given to
the student groups.
 List of groups - list of student name and the groups they will be broken down into.
Think Sheet - Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety Review

1. What are the main points of the lesson?

2. What are the key words for each main point?

3. List at least one example of what you should not do.

4. List at least one example of what you should do.

5. Is there a real world story that deals with your topic?

6. What is the single most important thing to remember for your lesson?
List of Lessons Covered

Lesson 1: What you do reflects on you - lesson on the idea that you are not really
invisible on the Internet. What you post on the Internet directly affects you.

Lesson 2: Those are real people out there - lesson on the fact that just because you
cannot see the person you are talking to or dealing with on the Internet, it is
still a person and they have feelings.

Lesson 3: Play by the rules - lesson on following general rules of the Internet, School
rules for the Internet, and rules set by parents.

Lesson 4: Keep it private - lesson on protecting one's own privacy and the privacy of
others in different online arenas.

Lesson 5: Look your best - lesson on the importance of and how to properly
communicate using the Internet.

Lesson 6: Don't pollute - lesson on what is proper and improper to post on the Internet.

Lesson 7: Remain cool under fire - lesson on flame wars and controlling your anger

Lesson 8: Read with your eyes open - lesson on evaluating what you find on the

Lesson 9 - Credit the source - lesson on how to properly document information you take
and use form the Internet.

Lesson 10 - Respect the creator - lesson on intellectual property rights and how to avoid

Lesson 11 - Don't take candy from strangers - lesson on strangers on the Internet and how
to avoid them and what information you give them.

Lesson 12 - Your computer can get sick too - lesson on viruses and how to protect oneself
and computer from viruses.

Lesson 13 - Don't go where you don't belong - lesson on computer hacking.

Lesson 14 - Do your part - lesson on one's responsibilities as an Internet user like keeping
passwords safe, adding valuable information to the Internet, etc.
Student Groups

Mary and Jake

Allie and Jessica
Grayson and Shelby
Aston and Lincoln
Laura and Luke
Jason and Christy
Jenna and Mark
Lisa and Kevin
Beth and Paul
Scott and Rachel
Robert and Mike
Will and Carol
Kristina and Suzanne
Amy and Michael
Computer Ethics, Etiquette, and Safety

Name: Total Score:

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Background Background does not Background does not Background does not Background makes it
detract from text or detract from text or detract from text or difficult to see text or
other graphics. other graphics. other graphics. competes with other
Choice of Choice of graphics on the page.
background is background is
consistent from card consistent from card
Score: to card and is to card.
appropriate for the

Content - All content Most of the content is The content is Content is typically
Accuracy throughout the accurate but there is generally accurate, confusing or contains
presentation is one piece of but one piece of more than one
accurate. There are information that information is clearly factual error.
no factual errors. might be inaccurate. flawed or inaccurate.

Spelling and Presentation has no Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has 1-2 Presentation has
Grammar misspellings or misspellings, but no grammatical errors more than 2
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. but no misspellings. grammatical and/or
spelling errors.


Sequencing of Information is Most information is Some information is There is no clear plan

Information organized in a clear, organized in a clear, logically sequenced. for the organization
logical way. It is easy logical way. One card An occassional card of information.
to anticipate the type or item of information or item of information
of material that might seems out of place. seems out of place.
Score: be on the next card.

Use of Graphics All graphics are A few graphics are All graphics are Several graphics are
attractive (size and not attractive but all attractive but a few unattractive AND
colors) and support support the do not seem to detract from the
the theme/content of theme/content of the support the content of the
the presentation. presentation. theme/content of the presentation.
Score: presentation.

Cooperation Group delegates Group delegates Group delegates Group often is not
tasks and shares tasks and shares tasks and shares effective in
responsibility responsibility responsibility delegating tasks
effectively all of the effectively most of effectively some of and/or sharing
time. the time. the time. responsibility.

Effectiveness Project includes all Project includes most Project is missing Project is lacking
material needed to material needed to more than two key several key elements
gain a comfortable gain a comfortable elements. It would and has inaccuracies
understanding of the understanding of the make an incomplete that make it a poor
topic. It is a highly material but is study guide. study guide.
effective study guide. lacking one or two
key elements. It is an
adequate study
Score: guide.

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