ACCOUNTING STANDARD-1: Some Salient Features: Considerations in The Selection of Accounting Policies
ACCOUNTING STANDARD-1: Some Salient Features: Considerations in The Selection of Accounting Policies
ACCOUNTING STANDARD-1: Some Salient Features: Considerations in The Selection of Accounting Policies
The following is the text of the Accounting Standard (AS) 1 issued by the Accounting Standards
Board, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India on 'Disclosure of Accounting Policies'. The
Standard deals with the disclosure of significant accounting policies followed in preparing and
presenting financial statements.
In the initial years, this accounting standard will be recommendatory in character. During this
period, this standard is recommended for use by companies listed on a recognised stock exchange
and other large commercial, industrial and business enterprises in the public and private sectors. 2
The following are examples of the areas in which different accounting policies may be adopted by
different enterprises.
AE = Sources = Assets
Financial Statements
Accrual principle
Matching principle
All income are not receipts
All payments are not expenses
Depreciation: Part of the cost of the Asset used during the period
Decrease in asset
No out flow of cash
Stock and COGS
Stock: Asset
COGS: Expenses
Depreciation :
o If payment is less than expense: Liability
Retained profit:
o Opening RP + Profit for the period Dividend = Closing
Retained Profit