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Ministry Trust

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To disseminate the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God to the end that people may

be evangelised and believers may be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

To regularly assemble together the members of this church for fellowship, one with
another, both in large public congregations and in small fellowship groups in houses and to
co-operate in the building up of the whole Body of Christ.
To provide systematic study in the Bible to those who desire to be fed the Word of God (1
Peter 5:1-3).
To involve every participant of this church in its fellowship and activities and in the
ministry of the Holy Spirit throughout the Body of Christ.
To strengthen the family units so that the home life of each member is healthy and fruitful
by biblical standards.
To perform the ordinances of the church which include baptising believers in water by
immersion, celebrating the Lords Supper and performing other ministries which include
but are not limited to, anointing the sick with oil, conducting weddings and funerals and
dedicating infants.
To act with charitable concerns for and to help not only the members of this church, but all
people in need of any help which this church can give, regardless of race, social position or
religious affiliation.
To pray for the needs of all people, for local and national leaders and governments, and for
all that are in authority as instructed in 1 Timothy 2:1-3.
To support and encourage communication and extension of the Christian life and witness
by sound expository preaching and teaching of biblical principles to all people, both within
the church and elsewhere; not only by conventional means, but also by all means which
will accomplish such communication, extension, teaching and preaching.
To recognise the various ministries established by God to equip believers to fulfill their
respective functions as members of the Body of Christ and to bring the whole Body of
Christ into unity, maturity and completion according to Ephesians 4:11-16.
To license and ordain ministers, to assist in the establishment and maintenance of other
churches or ministries, and to send forth and maintain ministers, missionaries and other
workers for the establishment and upbuilding of such churches or ministries, either
domestic or foreign.

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