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PG Department of Social Work


(Affiliated to Annamalai University)
Koliyangunam, Mailam(Post),
Tindivanam (T.K), Villupuram(Dist) 604 304


Submitted by

Student Name : TAMIL SELVI P

Register No : 21121PSOW025

Submitted To

Mr. Y. Tamazhian, MSW, M.Phil, NET, SET, (Ph.D)

Assistant Professor and Head
PG Department of Social Work,
BWDA Arts and Science College


(Affiliated to Annamalai University)
Koliyangunam, Mailam(Post),
Tindivanam (T.K), Villupuram(Dist) 604 304




Register No : 21121PSOW025

COURSE : Master of Social work (MSW)

Semester : 1st Semester

Year : I Year
PG Department of Social Work


This is to certify that field work practicum on Concurrent Field Work -1 report is a
record Submitted for the degree of Master of Social Workdone by
TAMIL.SELVI.P Reg No 21121PSOW025 under the supervision of
Mr. Y. TAMAZHIAN, Assistant Professor in the department of social work,
BWDA Art and Science College, Kolliyangunam. This field work practicum is not
previously formed the basis for the award to the candidate to any degree diploma,
associate ship, fellowship or any other similar title.

Internal Examiner Supervisor

Mr.Y.Tamazhian MSW,M.Phil, NET,SET,(Ph.D) Mr.Y.Tamazhian MSW,M.Phil, NET,SET,(Ph.D)

Department of Social Work Department of Social Work
BWDA Arts & Science College BWDA Arts & Science College
Koliyangunam-Mailam- 604 304 Koliyangunam-Mailam -604 304

External Examiner (1) External Examiner (2)

1 Introduction

2 Objectives of field work

3 Values of field work

4 Principles of field work

Observation Visit Organization Details

5 Bullock-cart Workers Development Association(BWDA)

6 Association for Rural Mass India (ARM)

7 Mother Trust

8 Rural Education and Action for Liberation (REAL)


Society for People Education and Economic


11 Kalvi Kendra

12 Sneha Opportunity School

13 Pondicherry Multipurpose Social Service Society(PMSSS)

Centre for Rural Education and Economic

Working Organization Details

15 Organization Profile

16 Activities carried out by the Students

The nucleus of Social Work is the field work program which is the fundamental component of
the curriculum. The field work practicum is the central mechanism of the transmitting theoretical
knowledge in the practical level of social work. Practice learning in social work training plays a
vital role in providing the students with an opportunity to explore learn and develop professional
skills necessary for working with people, the essence of the profession. It has several
components that help the students to develop a holistic understanding of the problems, situation,
their causative factors and the possible strategies of intervention.

The broad aim of field work is to provide opportunities for students to apply the knowledge
learnt in the classroom situation and to plan, implement and evaluate these experiences while
working with individuals, groups and communities. These will be in keeping with the placement
agency’s philosophy, policy and goal & use of guided supervision.


Practical work carried out by staff or students of the university, for the purpose of research
and/or teaching, in locations which are not under the control of the university, but where the
university is responsible for the health and safety of staff, students and to others exposed to its


1. To help students understand the socio-economic, cultural and political milieu and develop
capacity for critical examination of causative and maintenance factors of social problems and
their consequences

2. To provide students with an opportunity to apply theories in practical situations for problem
solving with individuals, groups and communities

3. To help students identify, plan and implement social work interventions through the
application of the methods of social work and to assess their impact on different client systems in
various field settings.
4. To help students appreciate the role of social work profession empowering individuals,
groups and communities and in facilitating social change, ensuring human rights and social

5. To help students develop skills and appropriate personality qualities required for professional
social work practice

6. To provide opportunities to accept challenges and respond to them

7. To understand the nature of social work practice in different specializations



“Social Case work is the method employed by social workers to help individuals find solution to
problems of social adjustment which they are unable to handle in a satisfactory way by their own
efforts. Further it is a process used by certain human welfare agencies to help individuals to cope
more effectively with their problems in social functioning.”


 It is a method of social work, seeks to help individuals in a systematic way based on

knowledge of human behavior and various tested approaches.

 Consumers of these services are individuals and their families.

 Case Worker’s knowledge, expertise and available material resources are used to inject
strength in the person.
 Person to person relationship, face to face, interpersonal transaction.
 Deals with the adjustment of the individual towards more satisfying human
relations, Case Worker helps the total individual, i.e., with every aspect of his life
(psychological and environmental - social & physical factors).
 Case Worker provides assistance to every individual in accordance to his problem and
 Problems differ from individuals to individuals.
 Process used by certain human welfare agencies to help individuals cope more effectively
with their problems in social functioning.


 Basic purpose is to enable the client to enjoy with some degree of permanence. More
satisfying, effective and acceptable experiences in the social situation in which he finds
 Better adjustment in the social relationships of the individual and the development of
individual personality.


 To understand and solve the internal problems of the individual.

 To strengthen his ego power.
 Remediation of problems in social functioning.
  Prevention of problems in social functioning.
 Development of resources to enhance social functioning.


Social casework values have roots in the democratic social system. They are:

 Every man has inherent worth and dignity.

 Every individual has the right to self-determination.
 Every individual is the primary concern of society, has potential for and the right to
 Every individual, in turn, has to contribute to the society’s development by assuming his
social responsibility.
 The individual and society in which one lives are interdependent.
 Basic human needs have to be met by services which are not dependent upon in accord
either to moral behavior or to race, nationality, caste, etc.

 Man is a bio-psycho-social being who is in constant interaction with his environment.

 All problems in social functioning are psycho-social in nature and most are interpersonal
as well.
 Within certain limits, man can be understood and helped.
 Man can grow and change limited only by his inherent capacities and potentials.
 Every person is unique as well as similar to others.


 Principle of Individualization.

 Principle of Purposeful expression of feelings.

 Principle of Controlled emotional involvement.

 Principle of Acceptance.

 Principle of Non-judgmental attitude.

 Principle of Client self-determination.

 Principle of Confidentiality.


Social casework is an ongoing process of exploration (study), assessment (diagnosis),

formulation of goals and treatment planning, intervention (treatment), evaluation and termination
(disengagement). Fern Lowry (1936) described this process as similar in form to a rope woven of
multiple strands. When one cuts the rope at any point, all the component strands are exposed.

In the same way, examination of social casework at any point of time reveals fact-finding,
assessment (diagnosis) and intervention (treatment) taking place concurrently. The first three of
the processes, viz., fact-finding (study), assessment and planning for intervention, represent
simply the empirical methods of a science applied to a human problem in a social work context.

Intake:It is an administrative procedure, and not a process of social casework, to take in the
person with problem, i.e., admit him or enroll him as a client of the agency. This starts with first
encounter and ends with usually the second interview with the intake worker. This phase requires
a very skillful probing into the client’s problem, mopping up all the relevant areas of the person-

It is an ongoing process which begins with the first knowledge of the case, takes place in every
interview, and extends over the entire contact. It may be defined as that part of the casework
process which brings together the facts about a case and is distinctly different from the
assessment of the meaning of the facts. Psycho-social study involves exploration, observation
and documentation of both objective and subjective facts from a variety of sources.


The point of view of psycho-analytic theory says that “etiology, diagnosis and therapy are
inseparably linked theoretically and practically in every approach to any of the disabilities of
man”. Since social casework services are addressed to free the man from his psycho-social and
socio-psychological disabilities, diagnosis (assessment) is the inseparable part of helping


 To prevent social breakdown and restore social functioning

 To provide positive reinforcements
 To compensate psychological damage
 To increase capacity of self direction
 To increase his/her social contribution
 To create opportunities for growth and development

The purpose of evaluation, as a process of casework, is to see if our efforts are yielding any
result or not, if the techniques used are serving the purpose, and if the goals are being achieved.

These evaluations may tell if the problem needs redefinition, if the objectives are to be
reassessed and re-determined, and if the intervention approach and techniques need any change.
This will further strengthen the relationship between the helper and helpees and motivate the
client to work towards his goal.


What is a group?

Donelson R. Forsyth’s definition of a group as ‘two or more individuals who are connected to
one another by social relationships’. Groups are a fundamental part of human experience. They
allow people to develop more complex and larger-scale activities; are significant sites of
socialization and education; and provide settings where relationships can form and grow, and
where people can find help and support.

Definition of group work:

Social group work is a method of social work which helps individuals to enhance their social
functioning through purposeful group experiences, and to cope more effectively with their
personal, group or community problems.

Goals of social Group Work:

 To teach the individual to live and work together and to participate in the activities
together and to participate in the activities of a group for their intellectual emotional and
physical growth.
 To live a good life within the group and family. The individual is also taught to work
together with eh other people and participate in different activities.
 To solve problems of adjustment by development of individuals persobality through the
group process
 As a remedial role to help the social adjustment of persons group therapy helps patients
in need of physical, mental and emotional adjustment
Principles of Social Group Work:

 The principle of planned group formation

 The principle of specific objectives
 The principle of purposeful worker group relationship
 The principle of continuous individualization
 The principle of guided group interaction
 The principle of democratic group self determination
 The principle of resource utilization

Skills of Social group worker

 Skill of establishing purposeful relationship

 Skill of analyzing the group situation
 Skill of participation with the group
 Skill of dealing with the group
 Skill of program development
 Skill of Using agency and community resources
 Skill of Evaluation

Value of social group work:

 Individual are of inherent worth

 People are mutually responsible for each other
 People have the fundamental right to experience mental health brought about the social
and political conditions that support their fulfillment


Community refers to people who live in some specific relationship to one another and who
shares interest and values

Murray G. Ross (1967) defines community organization as a “process by which a community
identifies its needs or objectives, gives priority to them, develops confidence and will to work at
them, finds resources (internal and external) to deal with them, and in doing so, extends and
develops cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices in the community”.

“Community organization refers to various methods of intervention whereby a professional

change agent helps a community action system composed of individuals, groups or organizations
to engage in planned collective action in order to deal with special problems within the
democratic system of values.”

Objective of community organization:

 To secure and maintain an adequate factual basis of sound planning and action
 To improve standard of social work and to increase the effectiveness of individual
 To develop a better public support of a public participation in social welfare activities
financial support.

Scope of community organization:

Community organization is a recent developing branch has the scope in economic upliftment,
education, health road and housing, recreation and cultural development

 It promotes sense of participation among the people

 It brings out individual progress towards material and recreational goals
 It creates an atmosphere of respect for the right and interest of people

Principles of Community organization:

Keeping in mind the actual practice situations in India Siddiqui (1997) have worked out a set of
8 principles.

 The Principle of Specific Objectives

 The Principle of Planning
 The Principle of Peoples Participation
 The Principle of inter-group approach
 The Principle of democratic functioning
 The Principle of flexible organization
 The Principle of Optimum Utilization of Indigenous Resources
 The Principle of Cultural orientation

Approaches to community organization:

There are three type approaches to neighborhood organizing.

 The social work Approach

 Political Activists Approach
 Neighborhood maintenance/Community development Approach

Models in community organization:

 Locality development model

 Social planning model
 Social action model


Fieldwork is frequently valued for its ability to fulfill such a wide range of roles, many of
which link to the wider curriculum. Crucially, it’s a ability to combine different educational
objectives that makes it potentially effective method of learning. However, there are other reason
why fieldwork is valued. For example, fieldwork may be values for its ability to raise the profile
for geography within a school. For others, fieldwork is simple integral to the discipline ethos,
culture and pedagogy.

Saucer’s assertion that “The principal training of the geographer should come, wherever possible
by doing field work” is the reflection of the importance traditionally attached to fieldwork within
the discipline.
However, evidence from this research suggested that, for some geography teachers, the value of
field work had become overshadowed in recent years by the constrains facing those organizing
fieldwork. It is therefore important that all those involved in the fieldwork planning process
recognize the variety of different roles that fieldwork can fulfill as well as its potential to inspire
and motivate a future generation of geographers. Fieldwork is a completely integral part of



Bullock-cart Workers Development Association (BWDA) – a service organization started on

2nd October, 1985, is committed to the sustainable development of unorganized workers, women,
children and animal welfare in the state of Tamil Nadu and Union Territories of Pondicherry and
Andaman & Nicobar Islands with Head Office at Villupuram.

BWDA has a Managing Committee consisting of eminent and seasoned personalities in public
service. Dr.C.Joslin Thambi, Secretary and Founder of BWDA, has about 35 years of exposure
in public service and Dr.Gnana Robinson, President, has about 43 years of exposure in public
service. Mr.M.Jesudasan, Vice President is Ex. Regional Director of Reserve Bank of India and
others are financial experts.

Organization legal status & Address:

Legal status : Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act of 1975 and FCRA Act.
Date of Registration : 13-01-1986 (Reg. No: 9/86). FCRA No: 076010074.

Address :858, East Pondy Road, Villupuram-605602, Tamil Nadu.

Phone No. :04146-240683 / 243861 Fax No. 04146-242815 / 240683
E-mail ID :mdbwda@gmail.comWebsite:www.bwda.org.in.

“A poverty free, prosperous, equitable and sustainable society”


“To empower 15, 00,000 poor and vulnerable households economically and socially by 2015,
through establishing sustained access to financial and capacity building services”

Slogan: “15 by 15”

The present staff Strength

BWDA and BFL have about 633 dedicated staff who are directly and indirectly involved
in the welfare activities of the people.

Objectives of the organization:

 Facilitating additional income to improve the economic and social status of the target groups.
 Providing regular and easy access to credit to the economically disadvantaged to get
additional income for improving their economic status.
 Building collective strength of women, unorganized workers and individuals through
promotion and sustainability of SHG/JLG, individuals, federations and institutions with the
support of BWDA and other network organizations.
 Evolving strategies for holistic empowerment of women and unorganized workers.
 Empowering 15, 00,000 poor and vulnerable households economically and socially by 2015,
through establishing sustained access to financial and capacity building services.
 Creating a poverty free, prosperous, equitable and sustainable society.

The biggest development which BWDA wanted to bring on the rural women is creating and
sustaining family bondage, preserving cultural heritage and providing economic well being and
health awareness, which is being brought about by our family counseling system. A well trained
counselor meets the members of the groups, helps them to overcome their emotional problems and
guides them. Qualified trainers go about to provide health related and other need based training.
This has brought sea change in the lives of women folk.
Major supporters /partners of BWDA:

SIDBI, NABARD, RMK, Nationalized banks, Tamil Nadu & Central Social Welfare Board,
Animal Welfare Board of India, UTI, Microsave, Sa-dhan, CRISIL, TNVHA, Childline India
Foundation, CMC-RUHSA, Water.org, REACH-RNTCP, Future Generali India Insurance
Company Ltd. Habitat for Humanity of India, CORDAID, RABO Bank Foundation, etc.


 BWDA Water and Sanitation Hygiene Loan (B-WaSH) programme supported by
Water .Org to promote water and sanitation facilities among target people by giving loans
to construct house-hold toilets with water connection..
 AXSHYA TB program supported by REACH organization, Chennai to create awareness
among community. The program is carried out in Villupuram and Cuddalore districts.
 CHILDLINE 1098 Program supported by Child India Foundation for the protection and
welfare of children. BWDA is acting as a Nodal Agency. Totally 250 children were
intervened and rescued and 1244 calls were received till date by the 5 partner NGOs under
this program and more than 35,000 general public got awareness.
 Family counseling & crèche program supported by Tamilnadu Social Welfare Board.
 Preventive / Primitive Health & Total Sanitation program. Health program supported by
 BWDA Educational Program – Crèche, Summer Schools, Schools, Polytechnic and Arts &
Science College, Cash Award programfor best scoring school students
 Advocacy and Lobbying.
 Relief & Rehabilitation program – Fire victims, earth quake, tsunami, flood, cyclone.
 Animal Welfare program


BWDA Finance Limited is an extended arm of BWDA–NGO, focusing on financial
products relevant to the economically weaker sections of the society, functioning in
concert with BWDA for the economic empowerment of the poor. It started doing micro
finance on 09.09.1999 and in 2003 formed as an NBFC called BWDA Finance Limited.
BWDA has taken the responsibility of forming SHG/JLG, training them and helping them
to become economically independent. BWDA, as well as, BFL are functioning under one
roof in about 35 locations, in the state of Tamil Nadu and Union Territories of Pondicherry
and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

Unique financial products that cover areas of activity in rural areas are agriculture, animal
husbandry, micro industry, petty trade, income generation schemes, water and sanitation,
rural housing etc. BWDA / BFL have experience in rural housing schemes including up-
gradation and maintenance projects. To some extent HDFC Limited has funded for house
maintenances and up-gradation projects through us. All the financial products are priced
very economically so that the burden of interest is not felt by the economically weaker
 National Pension System (NPS) with the collaboration of Govt. of India to provide pension
facility to the general public (other than government staff) and BWDA is appointed as an
 PAN Card Scheme was started on 3.5.2012 with the collaboration of UTI Infrastructure
Technology and Services Ltd. and within a short period of 45 days, 11,000 persons were
issued PAN Cards by BFL.
 Accident Insurance program is implemented with the association of Future Generali India
Insurance Company Ltd.
 Western Union Money Transfer program collaboration with Weizermann Forex Ltd.
 Micro enterprises development program.
 Marketing support exhibitions& workshops to SHGs


The trainee felt very glad & thankful to BWDA for given opportunity to visit & observe about
the organization in learning whole about the service rendered to the people of poor and
downtrodden. The trainee felt that the days spent in BWDA is not enough to learn whole thing
about BWDA due to the services BWDA is doing. There are so many learning have been learnt
from this visitto BWDA and the most is that the unique services done by BWDA is that the
BWDA is not only giving awareness for socio-economic development but also the credit
facilities which is felt is the ground reality of the poor and needy to develop their life towards



Association for Rural Mass India (ARM) is working in the field of health, development,
empowerment and capacity building.  In the year 1993 it was registered as society.  Initially we
provided non-formal education to child labor and later moved to HIV/AIDS prevention in
Villupuram district.  ARM works with a plethora of high risk groups, through targeted

Association for rural mass India is committed to spreading awareness about diseases that
affect communities, through novel strategies and tools that are culture and gender sensitive,
ARM works to bring about a behavior change among the communities to protect them from
diseases and to provide access to quality treatment and care. In development we build the
capacity of individuals, communities  and NGOs,through training and empowerment
strategies.ARM also joins with the under privileged and marginalized communities in attaining
their Human Rights, Health rights and Women’s Rights. All the work and strategies of ARM are
based on protection of confidentially, respect, on-discriminative, on-judgmental of the individual
and communities and involving the community in all stages of activities.

Association for Rural Mass India will join the underprivileged in the struggle to attain Human
Rights, Health Rights and Women's Rights by developing, strengthening and sustaining people's
structures so that the plans and policies of the Government is a reflection of people's action in the
process of creating a just society.

 Protect individuals and communities from diseases like HIV/AIDS and enhance healthy

 Work towards sustained development of communities, especially those in rural areas,

through building their capacity and infrastructure.
 Empower rural women by imparting life skills and income generating activities
 Educate adolescents, especially adolescent girls & children to reduce their vulnerability
to diseases and grow up as healthy and responsible citizens of the nation
 Empower vulnerable, stigmatized, marginalized communities and tribal’s to protect
themselves from diseases, improve their lifestyles and bring into the national mainstream.
 Provide care for the PLHA, children infected and affected by HIV
 Enhance child rights and child protection work towards sustain development of tribal


1.Comprehensive HIV prevention & care continuum:

This program being supported by TANSACS/ NACO is being implemented in Villupuram

District. We are covering 1200 persons belonging to high risk groups such as Female Sex
Workers, MSM and Transgender. The project adopts the major strategies of Behavior Change
Communication, STI services, Condom Promotion, Creating Enabling Environment and
Community Mobilization. ARM works with DAPCU and District Health Administration for
enhanced collaboration to reduce and control HIV infection in the district.

2.Composite Intervention for HIV/AIDS and STI prevention in North Chennai

This project is supported by TANSACS and NACO, covering 2000 high risk population, in
North Chennai. The strategies adopted are Peer-led Outreach, BCC, STI services, Condom
Promotion, community Mobilization and CBO formation and capacity building. Community
Crisis Response is also an important component of this project.
3.Tribal development initiative:

The above project works among the tribal population at Vellimalai block of Villupuram district
supported by DATA – Madurai. It covers 19 tribal villages in this block, concentrating on Self
Help Group formation, Youth Development, Goat rearing, Development of Kitchen Garden and
other economical empowerment programs. The project also assists in obtaining Community
Certificates for the Tribal youth’s education, by advocating with the local government agencies.
The project also promotes Solar Energy for lighting the tribal villages.

4.Child line 1098, Villupuram

ARM implements the Childline 1098 project, as a Collaborative Organization. ARM has a “Call

Centre”at Villupuram for Childline. The centre reaches out to every child in need of care and
protection by responding to emergencies on1098 and by physically reaching out to the children.

5.Link Workers Scheme

The Link Workers Scheme has been implemented in 22 blocks of Villupuram District, by
selecting 100 vulnerable villages and carrying out HIV/AIDS prevention activities at rural
villages. 40 link Workers have been appointed in 4 Clusters, who are being monitored of by
Supervisors in each cluster. High Risk population, vulnerable population and Bridge population
are identified at village level and referred for ICTCs and STI clinics. The identified PLHIVs are
linked with ART centers and regular follow up are carried out for adherence to the treatment.
The project is supported by TANSACS, APAC and NACO. The project is mainly implemented
with the coordination and cooperation of local PRI members.

6.Miss Koovagam – An Annual Pageant of TG community

 ARM has been working with the TG community through its HIV/AIDS prevention activities. In
this connection ARM has been conducting the Koovagam Transgender Festival, for the past 13
years in succession. More than 5000 members of the TG community assemble for this festival
from all over India and lot of risky behaviors would take place after the temple worshipping gets
over. During the festival ARM’s activities were aimed at reducing stigma.

7.Formation of District Level Peer Educators' Association

ARM has formed its 250 strong peer educators into an Association called the "Villupuram
District Peer Educators' Association (VDPEA)" President, Secretary and other officer bearers are
elected and it meets once in a month. The Peer Educators' Association works closely with the
field staff, implementing all the activities of the project in their spare time, the association
monitors the activities of the Peer Educators and reports to the NGO once in a month.

8.Formation of Halt Point Committees at truckers' points

The concept of Halt Point Committee (HPC) is an innovative and unique strategy initiated by
ARM to enhance effectiveness of its targeted intervention for the long distance truckers. As most
of the BCC activities are carried out mainly at the Halt points where truckers spend their time for
food, rest and recuperation, the HPCs proved to be very effective in organizing these activities.
The members of the HPC consist of the owners, managers or personnel of the establishments that
exist at that particular truck halt point, for example, the owners of the lorry booking offices,
dabha owners or employees etc. and the people who live around the halting point.

9.Condom promotion through Social Marketing by Peer Educators

Condoms are promoted aggressively through social marketing in the target area of ARM, in
order to make condoms available, accessible and affordable. For this we are making use of the
peer educators, developing their shops and establishments into Non-Traditional Outlets. We have
also developed some of the Peer Educators into sub-stockists, so that they directly sell condoms
to the retailers. 160 condom outlets were established for condoms promotion


The trainee has observed the different activities of ARM in which he has learned the various
approaches of addressing the health issues like HIV/AIDS among tribal & transgender. The
development projects of ARM leads to the sustainable growth of any organization with
innovative steps to be achieved


Overview of Mother Trust

MOTHER (Mind/Body medicine Organization for Treatment Training Holistic Education and
Research) is a registered public charitable trust registered in the year 1996. From the period of
establishment it has been rendering its services on Mental, Physical and Social Health through
awareness program, Treatment Training, Holistic education and research.
Also it gives preference to the children and women services to upliftment the poor and the
downtrodden people especially the scheduled caste scheduled and tribes.14 years of committed
service in the field of mental Health and community Development MOTHER is a voluntary,
NON-profit Non Government, Non Political, Non Religious public charitable trust Registered in
the year 1996 working in the field of mental health, community Development especially Child
and Women Development preferably rural areas.
1. Sathguru- Special School for the Mentally Challenged
Special school for the mentally challenged located at Tindivanam at present there are 56
mentally challenged children’s are under our residential care.
More than 30 children are benefits day care.
Medical and paramedical staffs are works for their welfare.
DDRO and other government officers visiting our center regularly
2. Annai Saradha-Family Counseling Center
This center is located at Villupuram this project is aided by Central Social Welfare Board
Delhi under this project, this Year there are 224 cases registered out of these cases 94 of the
cases reunited with family, agreed to stay with her parents as well as husbands. Sub committee
meetings are very useful to us in the committee members give their valuable suggestions, the
committee members are various faculties such as legal, Medical, Social Welfare Department and
other NGO’s. Tackle the problem of those who are suffering family problems create awareness
to SHG members and general public. We make regular follow up by home visits and phone calls.

3.Dhanvantri Institute of Mental health

It is the only NGOs dealing mental health professional dealing mental health problems in
Villupuram Town in collaboration with SCARF- India, Chennai. Also giving free medicine,
around 250 mentally ill persons are benefiting every year. It is rendering services to the mentally
challenged children, residential and day care. Also with its special educators make community
based rehabilitation services for those who are multiple handicapped, also refer them various
other NGOs and hospital those who need more and professional help.
4.Outreach Programme:
Mother trust professionals used to go to various Hr.Sec.School and Technical Institutions,
Teacher Training Collage to create and awareness regarding, mental health pre-marital
counseling, learning disabilities, smoke and drug dependence, AIDS prevention made the
mental & physical energy to positive and society acceptable manner.
Crisis Intervention:
One of our innovative programs is crisis intervention that values human life and feelings.
Talking about and sharing a problem can often be the first step to resolving it. In this
Organization exists to emotionally support and understand people who are in crisis
Psychological Counseling to the Prisoners:
In addition mother trust uses to go to Cuddalore Central Jail to give psychological
counseling to the prisoners, those who are crisis, depressed, alcohol and drug dependent, those
they don’t know their values of life. It makes them to know their self-esteem live their family
and society healthy happily after discharge. A refresher course to the staff at the central prison

The trainee has learned about the special school for mentally ill people which is very challenging
task of service tendered to the mentally affected people. Addressing the family counseling issue
is the need of the hour which Mother trust is involving & solving the problems of poor and
downtrodden family. The intervention of prisoner’s life is the greatest work which the mother
trust is doing with the challenging of changing the mindset of the prisoners.


BLESS is a Non-profitable, Non-Religious and Non-Government Voluntary Organization
works for the social, economic and cultural upliftment of the marginalized village community
BLESS was founded in 1989 in Cuddalore by Mr. L.S. Anthony Samy, who has built his
experience in Village Development Programs BLESS registered under Tamil Nadu societies act
1975 and entitled to receive Foreign Contribution. BLESS was established in 1989, registered
under the Tamil Nadu Societies Act 1975, with the Registration number 35/1989. It is entitled to
receive foreign funds for the projects.
Vision :
Social transformation.
Mission :
Village upliftment.
Target people :
Hopeless, helpless, voiceless, powerless, and faceless people.
Our objectives :
 To develop solidarity among the rural community.
 To promote women, youth and unskilled farm workers organizations.
 To promote cooperation, economies and small savings.
 To favor direct contact with Government and public sector agencies.
 To promote hygiene, sanitation and safe environment in the villages.
 To provide opportunity for awareness, education and training for self-reliance.
 To promote self-employment through vocational training.

Operational Area
 300 villages
 5 Districts: Cuddalore, Villupuram,Thiruvannamalai,Kancheepuram,Nagapattiram.


 Empowering poor rural women/ youth/ farmers/ fisherman/ artisans/ disabled persons to
become economically self-sustainable and independent decision makers in the family as
well as in the society.
 Organizing the above said into community-based organizations/small Self-help Groups and
trains them in the micro credit system in order to become self-sustainable.
 Organizing: Self help groups, women group, youth groups, men groups, disabled persons
groups, unskilled farmers? union, fisherman community and networking.
  Providing Education on: health and hygiene, water and sanitation, women?s rights,
consumers? Right, legal awareness, right to information act. Land rights, Child rights,
human rights, Aids awareness and functional literacy.
 Training on: Capacity building, Small Savings, Account keeping, Documentation, Eco-
farming, Water and Sanitation, Health and Hygiene, Child Development, Animal
husbandry, Income generation programs, Information and Communication and Short t-term
Computer courses
 Program on: Public Health Promotion, Water and Sanitation, Eco-San toilet construction,
child care. Micro Finance, Sustainable Agriculture, Animal Husbandry , Livelihood
Promotion, Permanent House construction, Environmental Programmes and Income
Generating Program.

 BLESS currently recognizes 3000 SHGs and 20 federations.

 Internal savings of Rs.10, 00, 00,000.
 External lending with nationalized banks of Rs.30, 00, 00,000.
 Present OSB Rs.10, 00, 00,000.
 Current demand from groups Rs.100, 00, 00,000.

1. Water &Sanitation and Livelihood
BLESS has implemented multiple water sanitation projects in Cuddalore District since 1996.
BLESS is also currently conducting impact studies and providing technical support to other
NGOs that are working towards eliminating open defecation and improving access to clean
water. BLESS has recently collaborated with WTN to promote ecological sanitation, build a
water purification plant, and provide educational programmes improve hygiene and community
2.Medical Camps:
BLESS has therefore determined to organize monthly medical camps in Cuddalore District in
Tamil Nadu.The main role of the medical camp intervention is prevention. Prevention consists of
educating people on how to reduce or avoid disease transmission, identifying and treating
chronic illnesses to prevent long-term complications, and immunizing children against
preventable diseases. Additionally, children attending the camps will receive special attention to
increase theirawareness and understanding of healthcare.
3. Bless Children Home
Among the various projects we are undertaking right now in education, health, or community
empowerment, one of the most significant is the Bless Children’s Home and the Linsi
Foundation. Currently, 60 children from unprivileged communities in Tamil Nadu live in the
Bless Children Home. While living at the Home, they attend a local school and are helped with
their studies by Home staff, Indian and international volunteers. They receive three meals a day
with locally-produced food, with an increasing portion of this food coming from gardens and
animals at the Home itself. Children also participate in organized activities such as dance classes,
yoga classes and excursion tours.
4. Shelter
BLESS strongly believes the community is the director of its own development. Anyone can
build a house, but building a community is a process. During 2004 Tsunami disaster completely
devastated many villages. BLESS, in collaboration with national and international NGOs,
supported many families through the disaster in material ways, by building houses and
reconstructing villages, but also through building social link

Cycle fish vendors

Following the 2004 tsunami disaster, many NGOs, INGOs and government departments
provided temporary relief for affected fish vendors by organizing meetings, distributing relief
materials, and conducting awareness camps. However, the fish vendors served by BLESS were
ineligible for this aid, as they were not registered with the Fisheries Department BLESS initially
conducted a survey which revealed that these vendors are bonded with debts with huge, un-
payable interest rates (for example, a cycle fish vendor in debt to a money lender for their
business, is charged Rs. 50/- as interest on daily basis.)

Support my School
Bless contributed to the Support My School Project, providing facilities to 8 schools located in
rural areas. For a better health and creating hygienic habits among the children, we installed
clean water, toilets, and rainwater harvesting material. Regarding the children’s playing
environment, we brought playing materials, landscape gardening. Also, for a better learning
environment, Bless offered computersand books for the schools’ libraries.
Self-help Groups / Women Empowerment
A Self-Help Group (SHG) is an unregistered group of micro-entrepreneurs with similar social
and economic backgrounds, who voluntarily work together to improve their individual and
collective business. The purpose of BLESS SHGs is to promote the businesses of women, young
adults, and unskilled farm workers. Members save small amounts regularly, with the mutual
agreement to contribute to a common fund to meet their emergency needs. The group members
use collective wisdom and peer pressure to ensure proper use of credit and timely repayment of

The trainee is able to have good interaction with the co-ordinator who is able to share the whole
of BLESS in a detailed way to understand and observe the activities of BLESS.The trainee has
learned differ rent types of program especially to the victims of tsunami disaster & he able to
learn the core area of real development of the villages which inspired the trainee and helped to
understand the actual need of the village development for nations development.

The trainee has observed the co-ordination among the staff and able to observe the dedication
towards the commitment of the executive director which shows the future development of the
BLESS as an NGO serves to the rural development of the people.



REAL was initiated in the year 1989 by a handful of enthusiastic and committed youth in and around
Ennayiram Village in Villupuram district in Tamil Nadu. It was founded and led by Mr. A. Lawrence
along with the young companions who were involved in providing services to the neglected,
marginalized, exploited and illiterate rural poor people, in order to free them from the clutches of poverty,
ignorance, ill health and social suppression.


The vision of Rural Education and Action for Liberation (REAL) is a transformed society that has control
over the resources and exercises their rights and power in socio-economic and political decision making
process to ensure social justice, equal opportunity and equitable sharing of resources for sustainable
development which ultimately reflects in quality of life.


To establish and strengthen community-based organizations at village level and federating the community
based organizations (CBO’s) at area level to form a mass movement to implement, manage and advocate
socioeconomic development of the target area and function as a pressure group to influence the micro and
macro level political decision making process in favour of CBO’s and poor communities.


 Relieving the children from child labour and other rights violation situations and ensuring natural
growth and improvement through various empowerment and development initiatives.
 Reconstruction and rehabilitation of affected communities due to natural and man-made calamities
and disasters through empowerment and development initiatives.
 Empowerment and development of women through SHG, federation with other groups, micro credit
and micro enterprises programmes and process
 Empowerment and development of Dalits through appropriate forums, federations, movements, and
economic programmes.
 Influencing policy and decision making processes at the micro and macro level in order to foster
increased local governance and development processes.


  To educate the rural children, women and youth through suitable educational programmes.
 To improve the under-developed and under-privileged rural communities through integrated socio-
economic, education, health and community development activities.
 To extend relief and rehabilitation measures to the affected people due to natural and man-made
calamities and disasters.
 To provide sustainable rehabilitation programmes for child labourers, disabled persons and
distressed women.
 To impart awareness and functional education to the weaker and dalit sections regarding health and
hygiene, water and sanitation, legal rights, livelihood improvements, etc.
 To provide skill training and technical knowledge for sustainable income generation programmes
and management of locally available resources.


1. Capacity development programs:

Capacities building training program have been conducted at the community level by project staff, these
include training in Education, Health, Leadership, Accounts, Documentation, Livelihoods activities,
SHGs, Village mapping and planning, etc..

2. Child Development programs

 Early Childhood Care

Early childhood care and development focused the age group of 2-5 years by providing nutritional food,
imparting learning through play way methods, concentration on early childhood development skills with
adequate health care and hygiene promotion activities.Pre-school education centres (balwadis) have been
a part of REAL’s work over the past decade.

 Supplementary Education Centres

The children in the age group of 6 – 15 years are provided with supplementary education after regular
school hours. These Supplementary Education and Recreation Centres (SERC) provide additional
educational support for children in need of improved performance in school. These centres help to
strengthen the stakeholders’ efforts to work towards building a child focused and child

 Setting up of District Child Resource Centre

In order to address the problems affecting children in a more comprehensive and systematic way, REAL
initiated the District Child Resource Centre (DCRC). The purposes of the Resource Centre are to
coordinate activities of likeminded organizations related to children issues, to provide a place where
organizations can learn and share experiences related to working with children, and to facilitate
discussions on developing child friendly schools and district. A steering committee at the district level has
been set up to take responsibility for the overall coordination of the Resource Centre. The responsibility
of the committee is to ensure that government institutions, schools, NGOs and local panchayat work
together at all levels to respect, protect and fulfill children’s rights.

 Children’s Parliament

Children’s parliament is yet another initiative started among the CRC children in the villages as an effort
to help the children to realize their rights, responsibilities and power when they are united. A model
parliament with Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and concerned ministers has been formed among
the children.

3. Disaster related activities:

Promoting safer communities through local accountability and capacity enhancement:

Even before the Tsunami struck the Tamil Nadu coast line, REAL (with the support of UNDP) started a
Disaster Management Programme for the poor and the marginalized. Though it is difficult to universalize
and institutionalize disaster preparedness for all potential disasters, REAL developed an intervention for
capacity development of local communities to participate in Disaster Risk Reduction Management
(DRR). This was done through a series of training programmes for the entire community to equip them
with the basic skills required to face hazard situations like floods, fires, earthquakes, factory accidents,
etc. Mapping of the village is the first activity, with an emergency plan identifying safe evacuation routes
in case of a disaster. REAL also helps villages to create task forces which have their own special
responsibilities such as recovering the bodies, a first aid committee, a shelter committee, a counseling
committee and more. Disaster Program to School Children, in Tanjore and Villupuram
Districtimplemented in 168 schools in the coastal areas Trainings has been provided to the children on the
various aspects of disasters and their impacts

Health Water & Sanitation:

Health and Hygiene education became an integral part of the programme as children needs to be
mandatorily educated for better knowledge. Classes were conducted in schools in the coastal villages of
Villupuram District. In the past two years we were able to reach out to one Panchayath Union Middle
School and 10 Panchayat Union Primary Schools spread across 11 villages. A total of 1359 Government
school children (671 boys & 688 girls) aged 6-15 years were trained in environmental and healthy water
and sanitation practices.


In Villupuram District, REAL has undertaken programs for women and children in the tsunami affected
coastal villages for water and sanitation, health and hygiene to increase the standard of living through Self
help groups. Promoting cleanliness and safe sanitation practices at the schools was implemented to enable
the younger generation to be better aware of water borne diseases and the benefits of clean and safe
classrooms and toilets.


In partnership with the Tamil Nadu Health Care Services project, REAL has initiated a 24hr ambulance
health care project. The ambulance provides services to the needy communities in around 55 village
panchayats in the Marakanam block.

Housing Programme at Esalam Village:With the support of KKS Germany, in the year 1997, REAL
undertook the housing programme in Esalam village. Beneficiaries contributed to the programme, and the
details of the families and cost covered under this project are as follows:

The trainee has learned about the following things:
 The different capacity building programs which helps the children to grow sustainably
 The disaster projects have helped the people to have a safety and protected life.
 The skill training program are emerging the people to lead their life very peacefully.
 The Amiadi foundation is fulfilling the needs of other NGOs


About Organization

SPEED - Society for People Education and Economic

Development is a humble initiative of Mr. S.Nagarajan, who
hailed from an ordinary family in Kurinjipadi in Cuddalore
District. He always cherished a better dream not only for
himself but for his immediate surroundings that was marked by
poverty, unemployment, , illiteracy, Poor standard of health,
poor nutrition, social exclusion, dilapidated mud houses, poor
standard of living especially the scheduled caste community.


A society in which all the people live with equality, respect

and dignity, prosperous, free from poverty, bondage,
violence, rights violations, health hazards and health risks
and economically sustained, and have necessary personal
qualities, individual and collective infrastructure.


Empowering and developing, bringing sustainable

development, enhanced self-esteem and self confidence the
target communities to build their own environment,
necessary structures and systems, solve their own problems
and issues and to have control over all round development
process and their destiny through assertion of their socio-
economic and political rights, to effectively use their
collective power to enjoy good governance and to intervene
effectively through Networks of community based
organizations in all issues.

 Empowering women socially, economically and
politically to achieve equality in opportunity and status
and gain the capacity for community leadership,
personal autonomy and economic liberty through
awareness campaigns, advocacy interventions,
vocational trainings and entrepreneurial initiatives.
 Liberating the children from violence and exploitation
and shaping them into responsible, healthy and educated
citizens, as a part of the personal, family, local and
national overall development through childhood
protection and promotion activities.
 Reduction of poverty and increasing the standard of life
of the rural poor marginalized Objectives
 To reduce the menace of poverty among the rural poor
and build appropriate infrastructure through various
rural development strategies.
 To reduce water-borne diseases by ensuring the
availability of protected water for all the people in the
target area through collective actions of possible
 To increase the income and income earning capacities
of the target people especially poor marginalized
women through imparting skills required for involving
in income generation activities and implementing
income generation projects with the collective efforts of
various stakeholders.
 To eliminate child labor in the in the target area and
providing rehabilitation measures for the overall
development of children to build as the pillar of the
Nation in the future.
 To empower women (Rural Poor, marginalized,
disadvantaged) through various kinds of socio-economic
and cultural interventions, developmental programs,
capacity building actions etc. to play their due role in
the overall development process.


1.Women Development Program 

Under this situation, SPEED has been selected as an

implementing agency of Mahalir Thittam Project in Kurinjipadi
and Bhuvanagiri Blocks in Cuddalore District by Tamil Nadu
Corporation for the Development of Women Ltd. As an
implementing Agency, We have promoted 405 women self
Help Groups (SHG), imparting training on various issues and
problems confronting them and skill training and lobbying with
the government/Banks to provide loan to the Self Help Groups
to initiate income generation activities that have resulted in the
economic empowerment of the women community.

2.Skill Training to Women:

The unskilled women of SPEED SHGs have been trained on

various trades like Paper Pulp Toys making, Areca-nut cup and
Plate making, Food processing, Tailoring etc. the participants
were provided with financial assistance under government
welfare programs for income generation activities. The
beneficiaries have initiated IGP/Self employment program,
earning a regular income which ensures economic
independence and helps them to live in a happy atmosphere.

3.TB Prevention and Control Program

SPEED in collaboration with REACH a non-governmental

organization has initiated the TB control program in the villages
in Kurinjipadi.Blocks in Cuddalore District. The people in the
target villages have been continuously sensitized on the way of
spreading, prevention activities, and treatment measures to be
taken to control and eradicate TB the Infectious diseases.

4. Total Rural Sanitation Program

SPEED is educating on personal hygiene, environmental sanitation, usage of toilets etc. to ensure
the standard of health of every individual. This program has been implemented with the financial
support of District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). Under this program, more than 600
Individual Household Latrines have been constructed.

5. Operating Emergency Ambulance Program:

To provide timely health assistance to the patients under emergency situation, we have been
operating an emergency ambulance in Kurinjipadi Block to transport serious patients from the
villages to the private/government hospitals to avail the timely quality medical assistance. This
program has been implemented with the financial support of Tamil Nadu Health Systems
Project, Government of Tamil Nadu.

6. Residential School

To ensure Universal Elementary Education to all the children, Government of India has been
launching a program in the name of Sarva Siksha Abigyan all over India. Under this program, we
have run a Hostel for School Drop-out children at Kurinjipadi and C.Mutlur in Parangipettai
Block in Cuddalore district. Under this scheme, these children have been provided proper
education and have been enrolled in the formal school to continue their education without any


The trainee has observed & learned the holistic approach of SPEED in developing people of rural &
underprivileged. The different programs like total sanitation, TB control are the essential initiation
of SPEED which the trainee felt it the need of the hour in this infectious society. Disaster
management programs, livelihood has created a great impact among the targeted people of SPEED
in which the trainee felt that SPEED will reach its goal


About Us

      CREED- Centre for Rural Education and Economic Development has been involving in
development and empowerment interventions among the socially, economically poor and
vulnerable sections of the society and also with disabled vulnerable people since from the
inception 1987.   Initially it started its debut in the social action in Cuddalore District and on the
basis of the need it had extended its activities two adjoining Districts Vilupuram and

A society in which all the people:
 Live with pride, prosperous, and empowered to deal favorably with natural disasters 
 Free from poverty, bondage, violence, rights violations, health hazards and health risks,
opportunities leads to various types of victimization 
 And have necessary personal qualities, individual and collective infrastructures.

      Empowering and developing the target communities to build their own life environment,
necessary structures and systems, solve their own problems and issues and restore and rejuvenate
from any natural disaster  to have control over the overall development process and their destiny
through socio economic, rights, relief and rehabilitation and Good Governance interventions and
community based organizations and networks.

 Empowering women socially, economically, politically and in asserting their rights for
achieving equality in various aspects, social status, social leadership, personal autonomy
and liberty through economic, rights, PRI, awareness and advocacy interventions.   
 Reduction of poverty and increasing the standard of life in the lives of rural poor,
marginalized, and disadvantaged mass. 
 Protection of victims of various types of natural calamities/disasters through collective
actions and rehabilitations interventions and capacitating programs

 To reduce the menace of poverty among the rural poor and build appropriate
infrastructure through various rural development strategies.
 To reduce water borne diseases by ensuring the availability of protected water for all the
people in the target area through collective actions of possible stakeholders.
 To facilitate the creation of comprehensive sanitary facilities in the target area for leading
a healthy life through participatory actions.
 To reduce the incidences of HIV/AIDS/STI infections through awareness, prevention
strategies and other means in the target area.
 To reduce the problems in Reproductive and Child Health and RTI infections through
health care, medical care, awareness and education actions.

1. Family counseling centre:

From 2003, CREED, with support from Central Social Welfare Board, has been implementing
the Family Counseling Centre for the people in our operational areas in Cuddalore District.
Through our family counseling centre CREED is able to solve the dispute among between
husband and wife, Parents and Children, Adolescents and College Students. In addition to that
CREED has also conducted Mobile Counseling Campaigns at Rural Areas of operational villages
in collaboration with the All Women Police Station in Chidambaram.

2. Short stay home for women in distress:

From 2004, CREED, with support from Central Social Welfare Board, has been running the
Short Stay Home for Women in Distress in Chidambaram for the women in our operational
areas. Through our Short Stay Home for Women in Distress we provide short term shelter for the
women who are in distress. CREED provides counseling for the distressed women who were
admitted in our short stay home.Food, clothing and safe shelter for short period of time. During
their stay they are motivated for self reliant and make them independent. Thus the women are
rehabilitated through our Short Stay Home and lead a peaceful life and come out from their
painful experiences in their life

Rajiv Gandhi Crèche Program for Children of Working Women

Since 1999, CREED has been implementing the Rajiv Gandhi Creche Program for Children of
Working Women. Initially we have started with two centers and presently we have been running
fourteen Crèches with the support of Tamil Nadu State Social Welfare Board. Every year we are
providing nutritious food for more than 350 children in these Crèches. In addition to that the
Children are encouraged to learn through play way methods. The women in rural areas are now
able to earn money by engaging themselves in local work by through sending their children to
our Crèches. Thus the income level of the family is also increased and the poor are able to have
better standard of living.

Old age home:

 From the year 2008, CREED has been running Old Age Home for the elderly people in
Parangipettai Block. The District Administration has provided the Old Age Home Building to
CREED to run the Old Age Home for the elderly people who are orphan and above 60 years of
age. This home is presently managed by the own fund of our organization without any financial
support from external agencies and Government Departments The inmates are provided with
food, Clothing and shelter in our Old Age Home.

Aids and Appliances for the physically Challenged people

From the year 2000, CREED has been providing Aids and Appliances for the physically
Challenged people through the Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/Fitting of
Aids/Appliances. The Government of India through Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment supporting this program. In ten years period we are able to extend our support to
more than 2000+ physically challenged people in six districts of Tamil nadu covering Cuddalore,
Villupuram, Nagapattinam, Perambalur, Ariyalur and Tanjore.

Mahalir thittam

From 1997, CREED, with support from Tamil Nadu Development Corporation for Women, has
been implementing the Women Development Program in our operational areas. Initially we have
been sanctioned for one block called Kumaratchi of Cuddalore District

Micro finance program:

From 2007, CREED with Technical Support from CARE-South Asian Resource Team has
promoted the Community Based Micro Finance Institution through organizing the Self Help
Groups in our operational villages.        

Insure Lives and Livelihoods Program 

With Support from CARE India, CREED has been implementing Insure Lives and Livelihoods
Program since Jan 2008. For the Past two years we have able to cover 15000 Families under
Micro Insurance Cover and providing social security to the most vulnerable people. By
promoting Micro Insurance Products among our target population CREED is proud to make
them independent and self-reliant. As Entering into Partner - Agent Model with Bajaj Allainz
General and Life Insurance Companies CREED has able to provide Social Security for the needy

Community Health Mutual Program  

From Oct 2008, CREED has been implementing the Community Health Mutual Program with
support from CARE India. This Model is a Community Based Model involving the Women Self
Help Group members of CREED for promotion of Health Insurance in the Rural areas of
Kumaratchi Block. The Federation of Self Help Groups has been registered in the name of
“THILLAI NALAVAZHVU TRUST” and the Health Insurance Program is called as

The trainee has observed and learned different activities of CREED in which the different
development approaches are much highlighted, especially the short stay home for depressed,
crèche for the children of working women are important and very unique program for the social
sector in helping the poor and needed families of this fast life.



Pondicherry Multipurpose Social Service Society [PMSSS] is the registered social service
agency of the Archdiocese of Pondicherry and cuddalore. Headquartered in the heart of
Pondicherry, PMSSS has been shaping the socio economic destiny of numerous people in the
union territories of Pondicherry and Karaikal and the districts of Cuddalore and Villupuram in
the state of Tamil Nadu for the past 32 years.

To establish a loving and peaceful society based on human value of Fraternity, equality, liberty
and justice in the light of Gospel.


To restore the human dignity of the poor, the deprived and the marginalized towards sustainable
development the process of empowerment.


 To animate, educate the poor, deprived and the marginalize especially the unreached and
unorganized people on social, educational, economical, cultural and political realities.
 To train and organize the target people to form themselves into neighborhood
communities towards their empowerment and sustainable development.
 To enable people to realize and assess their potential, needs, problems and resources and
plan for building a self reliant community.
 To promote federal neighbourhood community alliances of villages, panchayat
/commune, taluk and district for networking, advocacy and lobbying for addressing the
social, educational, economical, cultural and political rights and issues which oppress and
suppress the poor and marginalized to bring a just, peaceful, equitable solutions for the
 To undertake relief and rehabilitation measures for the families affected by Natural and
manmade disasters.
 Safeguard the welfare of the orphans, semi-orphans, destitute, widows, widowers, aged,
sick, physically and mentally challenged refugees etc.,


 Letter of Appreciation from Cuddalore District Collector, Thiru Gagandeep Singh Bedi,
I.A.S., for Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation Program.

 Certification of Merit from Bharath Nirman Public Information Campaign.

 Awarded to the Diocesan Social Service Society for Publishing the Best Annual Report
for theyear 2006 by Caritas India, Mumbai.
 Certificate of Appreciation for Tsunami Relief and Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Work by Prof. K. Anbazhagan, Hon'ble Minister for Finance, Tamilnadu.


Wherever there is a disaster, either natural or man-made, PMSSS makes its presence felt in that
area by its swift rescue operations.

Drought and Flood

It is with this conviction that PMSSS has decided to launch watershed programmes in the
coming year in some of the villages in the districts of Cuddalore and Villupuram. Since there has
been no rain for three consecutive years, there has been drought in Tamil Nadu. Under our
initiative, lakes are made deeper and canals desilted to store more water in the catchments areas.
This initiative can also control floods to a considerable extent


Credit Union otherwise known as “Sagothara Vazhvu Sangam” is almost as old as PMSSS.
Rev.Fr.A.S.Antonisamy, who was an assistant parish priest in Eraiyur in the year 1975, did a
survey of the loans the Parishners took from money lenders and the amount of interest they paid
annually.To his great shock he found that a major portion of the earnings of the villagers was
siphoned off by the exorbitant rate of interest on their borrowings.Once he found himself at the
helm of PMSSS as Director, the first thing he did was to introduce credit unions i.e. Sagothara
Vazhvu Sangams in all the nooks and corners of the Archdiocese.People form groups and start
the habit of saving every month. After a year or so, the money accrued by savings is distributed to
a couple of persons who are most in need. The group decides the persons to whom loans are to be


PMSSS lays great hope in People’s Organization as a viable media for people’s development.
People’s organization ensures community participation and steadily empowers the target
community towards their total integral development.


 Build low cost houses for the homeless

 Provide low cost house technology
 Educate people on health and hygiene
 Inculcate the habit of saving in the minds of the rural people
 Enable them to construct their own houses in the long run by their own savings
 Facilitate the poor farmers to get housing loan benefits from the Government and Banks.

So far, PMSSS and THDS have constructed 284 houses for the agricultural labourers. The THDS has
320 members under its fold.


In the year 1990, PMSSS undertook a community development project namely ‘Poorest of the Poor’
program sponsored by Caritas Germany with four components viz., Land for the Landless, Home for
the Homeless, Health For All and Social Assistance. The social assistance program, otherwise called
old age pension, was registered in 1994 as a people’s organization with a new name called

‘Sago Dharma Sabha’


Livilihood support Community development
 Delayed marketing
 Tribal development
 Kolping program
 Vazlnthukattuvom  Srilankan refugees
 Mahalir thittam
 Sureshka
 Livelihood training centre  New trust program

 Skill development  Child care

 Child line 1098
 Waves on Wheels
 Child development project


The trainee has observed different innovative programs and social service activities in PMSSS. The
major learning through this observation is that this organization has updated every activities starting
from its inception till present programs. The information technology is the field where most of the
social organizations have not touched except PMSSS which is need to the hour for the holistic
development of the nation as India.



Our motive is to give FREE education and FREE Food and Accommodation to the Mental
Retardation (MR), Cerebral Palsy (CP) and multiple disability children.
It is our duty to teach them how to improve their daily living skills, such as getting dressed,
using the bathroom, and eating on their own; communication skills, such as understanding what
is said and being able to answer; social skills with peers, family members, adults, and others.
And where possible educate them for an Independent, productive life.

 To undertake a proper assessment and diagnosis of each child.

  To identify the psychological and therapy needs of the child.

  To assess the capacity of each child and thereafter place them in groupings and grades.
(The prescribed standards and instructions of NIMH regarding development of Special
Schools should be kept in view).

  To manage behavioral problems and to impart special skills, self-help skills, and cater to
the therapy needs of the MR children.

  To manage the educational and vocational needs.

  To give special inputs for the improvement of the communication skills of the MR Child.

The following are the services provided to the children through this school with free of cost,
because these children are belongs to very poor family of rural areas, we giving admission for
poor family children only.

  Food &Accommodation
 Special education and training.
 Yoga&Physiotherapy
 Education materials &Uniforms
 Periodical Medical Checkups.
Community Based Rehabilitation and Economic Development Program:

This Community Based Rehabilitation and Economic Development Program is started in the
year 2004 May. Through this program we are offering the following services to the rural
disabled peoples.

 Self Help Group & Awareness Program

 Loans and subsidy from government department.
 Providing Supportive materials to disabled through government and private agencies.
 Self Employment Training
 Leadership Training & Life Education
 House Visit & Parents Meeting

Evaluation:The trainee has observed and learned the challenging work of taking care of
the mentally retarded children and their day today life activities. The different care
activities of the organization help to meet the need of the children and their growth.



Kalvi Kendra was founded in 1982 with the objective of building a human society as a follow-
up of building houses to the Dalits, the victims of a well-known communal clash that took place
in Villupuram town in 1978. A team of altruistic minded youth, under the guidance of Rev.Fr.
Claude D’Souza S.J., and the able Leadership of Mr. S. Chinnappan, joined hands and planned
to render succour to the riot-hit people by initiating a programme called “Villupuram Housing
Project” and restored roof for the victims with their participation.

Kalvi Kendra is a secular, non-profit, non-governmental voluntary organisation. It has

transcended the arena of education and embraced all aspects of empowerment for the
marginalized people in the region of Villupuram. Therefore, Kalvi Kendra has become a
household name among the deprived sections in Tamil Nadu.
Legal status

• Registered in the year 1988 under the Indian Trust Act

• Exempted from Income Tax under Section 12A & 80G
• Registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
Kalvi Kendra envisions an egalitarian and just society where the marginalized take active
participation in the process of development to get their due share with rights perspective.

Mission: Empowering the deprived sections through building a human society.

Our Partnership

Internationally: Cordaid & Habitate for Humanity

Nationally: Hand in Hand, SEEDS, ASK, Social Watch and LIC of India

Organization Strategies

 Building rapport with the Target group & Generating Awareness

 Forming & Strengthening People’s Organizations
 Identification and assessment of Problems and Needs
 Building Capacity of  the Target groups&Lobby and Advocacy
 Facilitating and supporting the development activities of the target population  

Sustainability Strategy:

 Training the target population on self administration (Planning,

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation)
 Creating  apex bodies & Facilitating linkages
 Facilitating  to tap local resources( Private/Govt./Community) for financial self support

 Ensuring peoples’ participation 

 Mobilizing local resources 
 Collaboration with Govt departments 
 Developing Indicators of Sustainability 
 Motivation of Right Perspective
 Cross Cutting Issues of Gender equity & Environmental aspects.

Targeted people:

Kalvi Kendra aims to empower women who are living below the poverty line inclusive of all
caste, special focus is on Dalits, Children, People with disability and Vulnerable to disaster. 
Area of operation:

Kalvi kendra is working in 430 Villages and 3 town panchayats in Tamilnadu State
&Pondicherry Union Territory.

Development approaches:
 Since 1982, true to its name, Kalvi Kendra has been giving utmost importance
to awareness education of its target group. Awareness building, non-formal, formal
and informal
 Human rights education, right-oriented education, development education that drives
a person to evolve and lead a goal-directed, social perspective life that upholds
human dignity in a holistic perspective and strives for the overall human development

Socio-economic empowerment 

 Continuous awareness generation,

 Supporting their aspirations and struggles  
 Supporting social action programs
 Facilitating  grass root advocacy for policy changes

Economic improvement can be achieved by:

 Increasing savings and thriftiness and keeping track records with financial institutions to
prove the creditworthiness.
 Awareness building on entrepreneurship development
 Skill formation for economic activities and improving income-earning capacity
 Linkages with financial institutions and insurance agencies to have continuous access to
credit systems and risk cover respectively
 Imparting managerial training program
Kalvi Kendra imparted trainings

 Training for attitudinal change & Training on rural development,

 Training on SHG & Training on leadership and personality development,
 Training on grass-root planning &Training on team-building,
 Training on micro-credit&Training on campaigning, lobbying and advocacy.
 Training on Gender Equity & Training on Disaster Risk Reduction

Organogram of Kalvikedra

Evaluation:The trainee has observed the organization and learned the importance of education
as a tool for socio economic development among the poor and down trodden community. Further
the trainee has observed the importance of different training to the community people for the
sustainable growth and the need of the collaboration with the government department by
ensuring peoples with participation in socio- economic empowerment

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