My Reflection On Educational Technology Course
My Reflection On Educational Technology Course
My Reflection On Educational Technology Course
I had a dream, that someday I would have been able to integrate technology into my lessons
using online interactive games and be able to create websites for educational purposes as well
business development. This dream soon unfolded when I began the course educational
technology in September however being a Digital Immigrant Prensky (2001) I was somewhat
apprehensive about the fact that I had not used my computer in almost four (4) years and did not
have internet access. Nevertheless I was enjoyed the course facilitated by Mrs. Leslie Yearde
as it always provided hands - on technological experiences aimed at developing our skills as
twenty first century educators.
The course delved into the ISTE Standard for both teachers and students, revealing critical
information needed for the development of technology integration in teaching and learning.
Standard two (2) for teachers, Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
assessment, had four parts; design or adapt relevant experiences that incorporate digital tools
and resources to promote student learning and creativity, develop technology enriched learning
environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active
participants in setting their own educational goal, managing their own learning and assessing
their own progress, customize and personalise learning activities to address diverse learning
styles, working strategies and abilities using digital tools and resources as well as provide
students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessment aligned with content and
technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching. I have learnt a lot
from these standards and will aim to uphold these standards for my entire career as an educator.
As I reflect honestly the course was quite challenging however the lack of internet access and
my less than proactive methods of responding to Schoolology tasks created a mountain out of a
mole hill nevertheless I can honestly say that I am not the same teacher I was when I entered
Mrs. Leslie - Yeardes classroom. I am now more resilient as I had to find the strength to shake
of all feelings of discouragement I faced at points in the course. Special thanks to Mrs. Leslie Yeadre who has helped to live that dream I had long ago, although at times it seem like being in
for preparation of rear gold.
I leave this course with the knowledge I gained of how to create my favourite digital tools which
are Voki, Jeopardy, Webquest and Weebly though I struggled to develop these tools, I will use
these in my work as an educator. I would like to use the knowledge I have gained from the
course to empower other teachers who have not yet received this type of training. It is my plan to
use the skills I have learnt to create a website for my school which will attract both new parents
and sponsors to our school.
I have lived my dream and have come to the end. The skills I have learned will make me more
marketable in the work force as I am now able to create brochures, movies, Vokis, websites,
webquest, wikis and podcasts which will allow me to provide greater technology integration in
my classroom to todays students who are Digital Natives according to Prensky (2001).