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Research and tips to support science education

Examining the Learning Cycle

By Patrick L. Brown and Sandra K. Abell
I use hands-on activities with my fifth graders as often as
possible. But I worry that my students wont learn science
just by doing activities. Is there a way to structure science
lessons to go beyond the hands-on component?

Is hands-on alone enough to learn science?

Jerome Bruner (1960) introduced the idea of discovery
learning, where students interact with their environment
to discover new ideas. However, teachers who have tried to
help students discover science ideas by doing hands-on
activities often are frustrated when students do not learn
what the teacher expected. Why should we expect our
students to discover ideas that took science hundreds
of years to invent? Maybe something is missing from the
discovery approach.
Kathy Roth (1989) compared different approaches
to teaching science concepts like photosynthesis to fifth
graders. She found that students understood the science
concepts better when hands-on activities were followed
by student discussion and writing and when the teacher
introduced ideas that challenged student misconceptions. Magnusson and Palinscar (2005) described a
fourth-grade science class in which students investigated
light and then attempted to explain its properties through
dialogue with the teacher. In each of these cases, handson was necessary but not sufficient to help students learn
science. How can teachers structure science lessons to go
beyond a hands-on activity?

What is the learning cycle?

Roth, Driver, Magnusson, and Palinscar all employed a
learning cycle approach to help students learn science.
First fully described in 1967 by Karplus and Thier for
SCIS, the Science Curriculum Improvement Study, the
learning cycle is based on three phases of instruction:
1) exploration, which provides students with firsthand
experiences to investigate science phenomena; 2) concept introduction, which allows students to build science
ideas through interaction with peers, texts, and teachers;
and (3) concept application, which asks students to use
these science ideas to solve new problems. This teach58

Science and Children

ing and learning cycle alternates between hands-on and

minds-on activities, both of which are necessary for
learning science.

Why is a learning cycle needed?

Cognitive scientists tell us that students need to relate
new ideas to their experience and place new ideas into
a framework for understanding (Bransford, Brown, and
Cocking 2001). Thus exploring phenomena before explaining them is critical for learning. Researchers have
found that students benet when all three phases of
the learning cycle are present (Renner, Abraham, and
Birnie 1988). Abraham and Renner (1986) investigated
whether the three stages of the learning cycle are in their
optimal sequence. Trying various sequences in several
high school science classes, they found that when concept introduction followed exploration, students learned
better. The introduction of terms after investigations
helps students connect new concepts with prior experiences. However, multiple experiences may be required.
In a study of upper elementary students, Nuthall (1999)
found that students needed three to four experiences with
new science ideas before they were able to commit these
ideas to long-term memory.
Since Karplus and Thier introduced the learning cycle,
several variations have been invented. However, each
new version retains the essence of the original learning
cycleexploration before concept introduction. One
popular contemporary learning cycle is the 5-E model
Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate (Bybee
1997). It incorporates the three core learning cycle phases
while adding Engage and Evaluate to facilitate what Roth
(1989) would call conceptual change. The Engage phase
of the 5-E is designed to captivate student attention and
uncover student current knowledge. The Evaluate phase
is a chance for the teacher to assess student progress and
for students to reect on their new understandings.

How does the learning cycle affect students?

Several studies have examined the learning that results
from cyclic approaches to science instruction. Renner,


Abraham, and Birnie (1988) found greater achievement

and retention when concepts were introduced after experiences. Gerber, Cavallo, and Marek (2001) found that
students taught via a learning cycle scored higher on a test
of scientific reasoning. Beeth and Hewson (1999) studied
one teachers science instruction in grades 46. She alternated hands-on activities with goal-directed discussion;
her students improved their science understanding as
well as their engagement in scientific discourse. Thus,
a learning cycle approach helps students make sense of
scientific ideas, improve their scientific reasoning, and
increase their engagement in science class.

What can teachers do to change to learning

cycle instruction?
If your science curriculum is dominated by a textbook, the
rst step in developing a learning cycle approach is to put
the activities rst (exploration). When students read the
chapter (concept introduction) after the activity, they will
have an experience to which to link the chapter ideas. You
can nd many ideas for employing learning cycles to teach
particular science concepts in NSTA journals (for example,
Cavallo 2001; 2005; McNall and Bell 2004). Once you have
mastered designing a few lessons where explanations follow
explorations, you will be ready to invent learning cycles for
all of your science units. Books like Abell and Volkmann
(2006) demonstrate how learning cycles can work across the
elementary grades and across the science curriculum.
Patrick L. Brown is a former high school biology teacher
and current doctoral student in science education at the
University of MissouriColumbia. Sandra K. Abell
(AbellS@missouri.edu) is Curators Professor of Science
Education at the University of MissouriColumbia (MU)
where she directs the MU Science Education Center.

Abell, S.K., and M.J. Volkmann. 2006. Seamless assessment

in science: A guide for elementary and middle school teachers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Abraham, M.R., and J.W. Renner. 1986. The sequence of
learning cycle activities in high school chemistry. Journal
of Research in Science Teaching 23(2): 121143.
Beeth, M.E., and P.W. Hewson. 1999. Learning goals in
exemplary science teachers practice: Cognitive and
social factors in teaching for conceptual change. Science
Education 83(6): 738760.
Bransford, J., A. Brown, and R. Cocking. 2001. How people
learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington,
DC: National Academy Press.
Bruner, J. 1960. The process of education. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Bybee, R.W. 1997. Achieving scientific literacy: From purposes to practices. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Cavallo, A. 2001. Convection connections. Science and
Children 38(8): 2025.
Cavallo, A. 2005. Cycling through plants. Science and
Children 42(7): 2227.
Gerber, B.L., A.M.L. Cavallo, and E.A. Marek. 2001.
Relationship among informal learning environments,
teaching procedures, and scientific reasoning abilities. International Journal of Science Education 23(5):
Karplus, R., and H.D. Thier. 1967. A new look at elementary
school science. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Magnusson, S.J., and A.S. Palinscar. 2005. Teaching to
promote the development of scientific knowledge and
reasoning about light at the elementary school level. In
How students learn: Science in the classroom, eds. M.S.
Donovan and J.D. Bransford, 421474. Washington,
DC: National Academies Press.
McNall, R.L., and R.L. Bell. 2004. Discovering flowers in
a new light. Science and Children 41(4): 3639.
Nuthall, G. 1999. The way students learn: Acquiring knowledge from an integrated science and social studies unit.
The Elementary School Journal 99(4): 303341.
Renner, J.W., M.R. Abraham, and H.H. Birnie. 1988. The
necessity of each phase of the learning cycle in teaching high school physics. Journal of Research in Science
Teaching 25(1): 3958.
Roth, K.J. 1989. Science education: Its not enough to do
or relate. American Educator 13(4): 4648.
January 2007 59

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