Circular: Prof. N. Sundararajan, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Circular: Prof. N. Sundararajan, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Circular: Prof. N. Sundararajan, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Dt. 28.10.2013
Prof. N. Sundararajan, Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
who is also an Overseas Professor of Anna University is visiting Anna University on
21st November 2013. He is delivering a series of lectures on How to do a good Ph.D.
thesis between 09.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon and 02.00 p.m. to 05.00 p.m. during 23 24
November 2013 at Hall of Guiness68, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, College
of Engineering Guindy campus, Anna University.
Registered Ph.D. students of Anna University and interested faculty members are
requested to participate in the special lectures. A certificate of participation will also be
issued to the registered participants. The registration form is attached. The registration
should be done on or before 15 November 2013. Only limited seats are available and
admission will be provided on first come first served basis. This may please be displayed
on the notice board.
All Deans of campuses (Please display in notice board & electronically)
All Directors and HODs (With a request to display in notice board)
PS to Vice Chancellor
PA to Registrar
Special lecture by Prof. N. Sundararajan,
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore during 23 24 November 2013
Centre for International Affairs, Anna University, Chennai 600 025
Ph.D. Topic
Address of the
Recommendation of
the Ph.D. Supervisor
Recommended/Not Recommended