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Design and Simulation of Speed Control of DC Motor by Fuzzy Logic Technique With Matlab/Simulink

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014

ISSN 2250-3153

Design and Simulation of Speed Control of DC Motor by

Fuzzy Logic Technique with Matlab/Simulink
Shashi Bhushan Kumar *, Mohammed Hasmat Ali**, Anshu Sinha ***

Asstt. Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg., Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya, India
Asstt. Professor, Department of Electrical Engg., National Institute of Technology, Patna, India
Asstt. Professor, Department of Electrical Engg., National Institute of Technology, Patna, India

Abstract- The design of intelligent control systems has become

an area of intense research interest. A promising direction in the
design of intelligent systems involves the use of Fuzzy logic
controller to discover the abilities of intelligent control systems
in utilizing experience via rule-based knowledge.
The most commonly used controller in the industry field is
the proportional plus- integral-plus- derivative (PID). PID
controller requires a mathematical model of the system while
Fuzzy logic controller (FLC) provides an alternative to PID
controller, especially when data are not available or partly
available for the system.
For comparison purpose, three controllers PI, PID and FLC
have been designed and implemented in the MATLAB/Simulink
model to examine the performance of DC motor with different
loads. The results show that the FLC give better response
compared to PI &PID controller.
Index Terms- PI, PID, Fuzzy logic controller, DC Motor,

linear model of a simple DC motor consists of a mechanical

equation and electrical equation as determined in the following

Jm dt = Km . .Ia b. - Mload
La dt = Va Ra .Ia Kb. .






irect current (DC) motors have variable characteristics and

are used extensively in variable-speed drives. DC motor can
provide a high starting torque and it is also possible to obtain
speed control over wide range. Why do we need a speed motor
controller? For example, if we have a DC motor in a robot and
we just apply a constant power to each motor on a robot, then the
poor robot will never be able to maintain a steady speed. It will
go slower over carpet, faster over smooth flooring, slower up
hill, faster downhill, etc. So, it is important to make a controller
to control the speed of DC motor in desired manner.
DC motor plays a significant role in modern industrial.
These are several types of applications where the load on the DC
motor varies over a speed range. These applications may demand
high-speed control accuracy and good dynamic responses.
DC Motor model
The resistance of the field winding and its inductance of the
motor used in this study are represented by Rf and Lf,
respectively. The resistance of the armature and its inductance
are shown by Ra and La respectively in dynamic model. Armature
reactions effects are ignored in the description of the motor. This
negligence is justifiable to minimize the effects of armature
reaction since the motor used has either interlopes or
compensating winding. The fixed voltage Vf is applied to the
field and the field current settles down to a constant value. A












Fig 1 Simulink model of separately excited dc motor

Speed Response of DC Motor without any controller is

shown below:


Fig 2. Speed Response of DC Motor without any controller

The Peak Overshoot and number of oscillations obtained in
above curve are much more and hence undesirable. These



International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014
ISSN 2250-3153

parameters are controlled by using different controllers discussed



Since most of the process cannot work with an offset, they
must be controlled at their set points and in order to achieve this,
extra intelligence must be added to proportional controller and
this is achieved by providing an integral action to the original
proportional controller. So the controller becomes proportional
integral controller.
Under PI Controller as long as error is present the
controller keeps changing its output and once the error
is zero or it disappears the controller does not change its
Integration is the mode that removes the offset or the
error but sometimes it may make transient response
In PI Controller the output of the controller is changed
proportional to the integral of the error.
The mathematical expression of the PI Controller is:

almost synonymous with the theory of fuzzy sets, a theory which

relates to classes of objects with un-sharp boundaries in which
membership is a matter of degree. In this perspective fuzzy logic
in its more narrow definition, fuzzy logic differs both in concept
and substance from traditional multi-valued logical system.
Fuzzy logic is a convenient way to map input space to an output
space. Mapping input to output is the starting point for
FLC have some advantages compared to other classical
controller such as simplicity of control, low cost and the
possibility to design without knowing the exact mathematical
model of the process. Fuzzy logic incorporates an alternative way
of thinking which allows modeling complex systems using
higher level of abstraction originating from the knowledge and
experience. Fuzzy logic can be described simply as computing
words rather than numbers or control with sentence rather than


There are specific components characteristic of a fuzzy
controller to support a design procedure. Figure 3 shows the
controller between the preprocessing block and post processing

Where, Ki = Integral gain of the PI controller.

PI Controller has the following disadvantages:
The response is sluggish at the high value of the integral
The control loop may oscillate at the small value of
integral time.


PID Controller includes all the three control actions i.e.
proportional, integral and derivative.
A PID controller calculates and outputs a corrective
action, which corrects the error between the process
output and the desired set point that adjusts the process
accordingly and rapidly.
The output of the controller or the manipulated variable is
obtained by adding P, I and D components and their associated
The mathematical expression of the PID Controller is:


Fuzzy logic has two different meanings, in a narrow sense,
fuzzy logic is a logical system, which is an extension of
multivolumes logic, and however, in a wider sense fuzzy logic is

Fig. 3. Structure of fuzzy logic controller

The first block inside the controller is fuzzification which
converts each piece of input data to degrees of membership by a
lookup in one or several membership functions. The fuzzification
block matches the input data with the conditions of the rules to
determine. There is degree of membership for each linguistic
term that applies to the input variable. The first step in designing
a fuzzy controller is to decide which state variables represent the
system dynamic performance must be taken as the input signal to
the controller. Fuzzy logic uses linguistic variables instead of
numerical variables. The process of converting a numerical
variable (real number or crisp variables) into a linguistic variable
(fuzzy number) is called Fuzzification. System variables, which
are usually used as the fuzzy controller inputs includes states
error, state error derivative, state error integral or etc.
The membership function is a graphical representation of the
magnitude of participation of each input. There are different
memberships functions associated with each input and output
response. In this study, we use the trapezoidal membership

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014
ISSN 2250-3153

function for input and output variables. The number of

membership function determines the quality of control which can
be achieved using fuzzy controller. As the number of
membership function increases, the quality of control improves.
As the number of linguistic variables increases, the
computational time and required memory increases. Therefore, a
compromise between the quality of control and computational
time is needed to choose the number of linguistic variables. For
the speed control of DC motor study, five linguistic variables for
each of the input and output variables are used to describe them.
Rule Base
The collection of rules is called a rule base. The rules are in
If Then format and formally the If side is called the conditions
and the Then side is called the conclusion. The computer is able
to execute the rules and compute a control signal depending on
the measured inputs error (e) and change in error (dE). In a rule
based controller the control strategy is stored in a more or less
natural language. A rule base controller is easy to understand and
easy to maintain for a non- specialist end user and an equivalent
controller could be implemented using conventional techniques.

The Figure 4 shows the model of PI controller for DC motor.

The model is simulated with speed vs time of the DC motor with
the fixed load and also with varying load.

Fig 4. Mat Lab/Simulink model for DC motor using PI


Defuzzification is when all the actions that have been
activated are combined and converted into a single non-fuzzy
output signal which is the control signal of the system. The
output levels are depending on the rules that the systems have
and the positions depending on the non-linearities existing to the
systems. To achieve the result, develop the control curve of the
system representing the I/O relation of the systems and based on
the information; define the output degree of the membership
function with the aim to minimize the effect of the non-linearity.
The reverse of Fuzzification is called Defuzzification. The use of
Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) produces required output in a
linguistic variable (fuzzy number). According to real world
requirements, the linguistic variables have to be transformed to
crisp output.
It obtains the center of area occupied by the fuzzy set. It is
given by the expression.
Fig 5. Mat Lab/Simulink model for DC motor using PID
The figure 5 shows the MatLab/Simulink model for 11speed
control of DC motor using PID controller.

Where, X=crisp value;x = support value at which the
membership function reaches the maximum value; (x)=
maximum value of membership function corresponding to the
quantization level.



Post processing
The post processing block often contains an output gain that
can be tuned and also become as an integrator.




International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014
ISSN 2250-3153

From Simulation results it may be concluded as:
FLC have better performance by reducing, ess (Steady
state error), Mp (maximum overshoot), Tr (rise time) and
Ts (settling time).
FLC have more sensitive responses against load
disturbances to classical PI & PID controller.
FLC is better than conventional PI & PID controller.


Figure 6 MatLab/Simulink model for DC motor using Fuzzy

The figure 6 gives the MatLab/Simulink model for control of
speed of DC motor using fuzzy logic controller.


Simulation result of DC motor without using any controller
is shown in fig 1. That fig may be compared with fig 7 for speed
All these controllers are simulated on MATLAB and their
Speed Vs Time characteristic is studied. The Characteristic is
shown below:

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Fig 7. Simulation Result for DC motor using PI, PID and

Fuzzy Logic Controller.

First Author Shashi Bhushan Kumar, Asstt. Professor,

Department of Electronics & Communication Engg., Buddha
Institute of Technology, Gaya, India,
Second Author Mohammed Hasmat Ali, Asstt. Professor,
Department of Electrical Engg., National Institute of Technology
Patna, India, Email:hashmatalig@gmail.com
Third Author Anshu Sinha, Asstt. Professor, Department of
Electrical Engg., National Institute of Technology, Patna, India


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