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Implementation of Motor Speed Control Using PID Control in Programmable Logic Controller

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Implementation of motor speed control using PID control in programmable logic controller

R. E. Samin, N. A. Azmi, M. A. Ahmad, M. R. Ghazali, and M. A. Zawawi Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1499, 164 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4768981 View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768981 View Table of Contents: http://proceedings.aip.org/dbt/dbt.jsp?KEY=APCPCS&Volume=1499&Issue=1 Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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R.E.Samin, N.A.Azmi, M.A.Ahmad, M.R. Ghazali and M.A. Zawawi
Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang reza@ump.edu.my Abstract: This paper presents the implementation of motor speed control using Proportional Integral Derrivative (PID) controller using Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Proportional Integral Derrivative (PID) controller is the technique used to actively control the speed of the motor. An AC motor is used in the research together with the PLC, encoder and Proface touch screen. The model of the PLC that has been used in this project is OMRON CJIG-CPU42P where this PLC has a build in loop control that can be made the ladder diagram quite simple using function block in CX-process tools. A complete experimental analysis of the technique in terms of system response is presented. Comparative assessment of the impact of Proportional, Integral and Derivative in the controller on the system performance is presented and discussed. Key-words: PLC Omron CJ1G, Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller, Motor speed control, CX- process tools. PACS: 87.19.It

1. Introduction
The purpose of a motor speed controller is to take a signal representing the demanded speed, and to drive a motor at that speed. The controller may or may not actually measure the speed of the motor. If it does, it is called a Feedback Speed Controller or Closed Loop Speed Controller, if not it is called an Open Loop Speed Controller. Feedback speed control is better, but more complicated, and may not be required for a simple robot design. Motors come in a variety of forms, and the speed controller's motor drive output will be different dependent on these forms. Due to its simple structure and reliable operation, AC induction motor has been applied widely in the industry, however it is difficult to control the speed for AC induction motor because of its multi-variables coupling, nonlinearity, time-varying parameters [1]. AC motor system is extensively applied to robot actuator, machining center, computer numerical control machine and precise industrial robot [2]. AC motor system is competing with DC motor system due to their favorable electrical and mechanical properties, good dynamics and high efficiency [3]. There are still some problems to solve for direct torque control, for instance stator current and flux distortion in low speed phase [4, 5]. In developing this project, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) ladder diagram programming will be constructed with PID control implementation and the hardware of motor control. In order to simplify the PLC ladder diagram the PLC Omron CJ1G will be used where the CX-Process software will be implemented in addition with the CX-Programmer for the ladder diagram [5, 6]. This paper presents investigations of PID controller approach in order to control the speed of AC Motor by implementing Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Experimental analysis is developed within the Omron CX-Programmer and CX-Process Tool software for the

evaluation of the control strategies. In this work, various experimental analyses using P, PI and PID are examined in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the PID control strategy. Performance of PID controller under various P, PI and PID value are examined in terms of settling time, rise time and percent overshoot in comparison with system without controller. Finally, a comparative assessment of the impact of various P, PI and PID of the PID controller on the system performance is presented and discussed.

2. Programming with touch screen

The main purposes of using Proface touch screen are to control the PLC push button and to monitor the PID graph. After creating the design by using the software for the touch screen in the computer, it is then transferred to the touch screen via Ethernet communication with the computer. Figures 1 shows the PID monitoring screen in PLC.

Fig 1: PID monitoring screen.

Proceedings of the Sixth Global Conference on Power Control and Optimization AIP Conf. Proc. 1499, 164-168 (2012); doi: 10.1063/1.4768981 2012 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-1113-5/$30.00

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3. Hardware implementation 3.1. Design function block in CX-Process tools

Some function blocks are created in the CXProcess Tool as shown in Figure 2. The controller function block is used to make the ladder diagram simpler.

3.3. Ladder diagram for PID controller using CX-Programmer

The construction of ladder diagram is developed using CX-Programmer version 7.2 in the PLC. Basically this ladder diagram is used to control the direction and speed of the motor. The sample programming for ladder diagram is shown in Figure 4.

4. Results and discussion

Hardware implementation has been completed for motor modeling without controller and with PID Controller. The reason of this implementation is to compare the performance both of them. There are four types of experiment that have been evaluated using PID Controller in this project which are PID (AUTO function), PI (FT function), PID (FT function) and PI (FT function) with disturbance effect.

Fig.2: Function block diagram in CX-Process Tool.

3.2 Hardware integration with PLC

In general the connection of the system is as shown in Figure 3. Basically, this system consists of three major components which are the motor, Proface touch screen, Omron PLC and encoder.

Fig. 3: PLC design methodology.

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Fig. 6: Graph without controller.

Fig. 4: Programming in ladder diagram.

4.1 Hardware implementation without Controller

Figure 5 shows the response of AC servomotor without PID controller. When using a manual mode (MAN), the system acts like an open loop control system or without controller. The value of set point is 700. In the tuning screen shows that the manipulated variable (MV) constants when disturbance applied to the system. Graph in Figure 6 shows the values of the extracted data from the tuning screen. Regarding to the graph, it interpret that when disturbance applied to the motor,

Fig. 7: Open loop control system.

4.2 Hardware implementation with PID Controller (AUTO)

Figure 8 shows a speed response of AC motor with PID controller using AUTO function configuration. It is noted that the speed of the AC motor achieved a zero steady state error with PI and PID controller as compared to P controller. This is proved that the integral gain is important in reducing the steady state error. However, using AUTO function, the speed response is very limited to only percentages of proportional Integral and Derivative. The controlled speed response can be further improved using Fine Tune (FT) function.

Fig. 5: Tuning screen without controller. there is no feedback to overcome the disturbance. This system is similar to open loop control in Figure 7.

Fig. 8: Graph with PID controller (AUTO) (P=50%, I=3s).

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4.3 Hardware implementation with PID Controller (FT-overshoot, response, hunting)

FT function provides the flexibility to the speed control performance. In the FT function, the PI and PID controller in PLC can be further tuned by pre-defined the value of overshoot (OS), response (R) and hunting (H). Figure 9 shows the speed response of PI controller with P = 50% and I = 3 s under various tuning value of OS, R and H. It shows that PI controller with R = 4 and OS = 1 provide the best performance result with very minimal overshoot, settling time and steady state error. However, by using PID controller with P = 50%, I = 3 s and D = 1 s, the speed response tend to oscillate when the value of R is increased in the tuning process as shown in Figure 10. The similar response occurred when a single combination of R, OS and H is imposed to the tuning process. The best performance of speed response is achieved by using PID controller with the value of H = 1 and OS = 4. Nevertheless, this response still provides high value of overshoot and slower settling time as compared to PI controller as shown in Figure 9. Next, the PI controller with the best tuning value of R = 4 and OS = 1 is used to evaluate the performance of speed of AC motor with disturbance effect. By applying a brake in short period of time to the rotational motion as a disturbance effect, the speed of AC motor will drop rapidly. However, by using the PI controller, the disturbance effect can be eliminated successfully as shown in Figure 11. The purpose of the PID controller is to maintain a practically constant speed of the motor as load is changed. This speed control is accomplished by adjusting the voltage. From the experimental it shows that the PI controller fine tuning with combination response=4 and overshoot=1 is better than others. This is because the overshoot of PI controller fine tuning is smaller than the PID controller. These results also show that the PID controller with fine tuning is not stable after disturbance.

Fig. 10: Graph with PID Controller (FT) (P=50%, I=3s, D=1s).

4.4 Comparisons of speed response

By applying PID controller to the control system it help the designer to get better speed response by changing the Proportional, Integral and Derivative value of the output compared to AC servomotor without controller. This condition can be seen by investigating the speed response of the graph. To specify the speed response characteristic of the control system, it is ordinary to specify the following: According to the graphs in this section, it prove that using Proportional-Integral (PI) Controller with fine tuning is the best controller compared to without controller, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Controller, Proportional Controller (P). For comparative assessment, the performance comparisons responses of AC motor are shown in Table 1. The result shows that the PI controller achieved lowest level of overshoot with 1.86% for response=4 and overshoot=1, 9.14% for overshoot=5.This results also generate good performance after disturbance. While for PID controller, the overshoot highest even though have a good response. Therefore, it can be concluded that

Fig. 9: Graph with PI controller (FT) (P=50%, I=3s).

Fig. 11: Graph PI Controller (FT) with disturbance (P=50%, I=3s).

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(i) Overshoot percentage OS% = [C max C final] x 100% C final (ii) Rise time TR = Tb Ta (sec) (iii) Settling time From control start to the system staying within 5% of the steady state overall the PI controller with fine tuning provide better performance in overshoot reduction and response after disturbance as compared to the others.

[1] Wang Tao, Study on Some Methods for Robust Control of Induction Motor Drive, Doctoral Dissertation, Southwest Jiaotong University, 2007. [2] Koki Yamaji, Takeshi Mizuno, Naohiro Ishii, The Motor Driving Control of X-Y-Z Table Utilizing Photoelectric Device and Optical Pattern Recognition, IECON92, Vol.1,1992. [3] Pyoung-Ho Kim, Sa-Hyun Sin, Hyung-Lae Baek, Geum-Bae Cho, Speed Control of AC Servo Motor using Neural Networks, ICEMS 2001, pp 691-694 vol.2, 2001. [4] Behrooz Majidi, Jafar Milimonfared, Kaveh Malekian. Performance Improvement of Direct Torque Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive by Considering Magnetic Saturation. Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2008, pp. 763 768. [5] OMRON Manual w468-e1-01.pdf [6] SYSMAC CJ1W-CT021 High Speed Counter Units W401-E1-0_CJ1W-CT021_Operation_Manual.pdf Table I: Performance comparisons response of ac motor
With Controller (AUTO) Fine Tuning (FT) Controller Settling Time(s) Rise Time (s) PI H=5 R=5 OS=5 R=5 OS=5 H=5 R=5 OS=5 H=5 R=4 H=3 H=4 OS=3 R=3 OS=4 R=1 H=4 H=1 OS=4 R=4 OS=1 25 12 33 28 17 21 12 20 19 11 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 26.64 9.14 23.86 26.71 11.71 20.14 12.85 15.71 10.14 1.86 -fast response & stable -bad fluctuate -fast response and stable -bad fluctuate and unstable -good response and stable -good response and stable -fast response and stable -fast response and stable -fast response and stable -fast response and stable -fast response and stable -fast response and stable Overshoot (%) With braking

5. Conclusion
From the theory, it is stated that the control system which is PID controller can provide better performance to a control system due to the transient response. By using the control scheme it can produce better result due to the performance of the maximum percentage overshoot and can avoid the oscillation before reaching the steady state error. The implementation of the Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller with PLC has been achieved by using ladder diagram in CX-Programmer and function block in CXprocess tools. From this implementation it shows that the system without controller there is no feedback however using the Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller scheme it have a feedback in the system to overhaul the error from the disturbance. The performance of the control speed has been evaluated in terms of without controller, with controller and controller with fine tuning. From this implementation it shows that the system without controller is no feedback but using the PID controller it has a feedback in the system to repair an error from the disturbance. A comparison of the results has been demonstrated and the ProportionalIntegral controller produce better control performance in terms of combination fine tuning which are response=4 and overshoot=1.In addition, this combination has lower overshoot. In terms of single fine tuning control performance, Proportional-Integral controller with overshoot=5 produce good response after disturbance. Proportional-Integral controller have better performance compare to Proportional controller, Proportional-Integral controller, Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller with other fine tuning combination and without controller. Cost can be saved by using ProportionalIntegral controller because this controller is good enough to give better control performance for the system.

With Controller (AUTO) Fine Tuning Controller Settling Time(s) Rise Time (s) PID H=5 R=5 26 2 20.86 -fast response and stable -bad fluctuate -bad fluctuate -bad fluctuate 26 35 19 22 22 19 1 1 2 1 1 1 22.86 24.21 14 18.43 23.07 12.57 -good response and stable -good response and stable -fast response and stable -fast response and stable -bad fluctuate -fast response and stable -fast response and stable -bad fluctuate Overshoot (%) With braking

6. Acknowledgement
This work was supported by Faculty of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, especially Control & Instrumentation (COINS) Research Group.

OS=5 R=5 OS=5 H=5 R=5 OS=5 H=5 R=4 H=3 H=4 OS=3 R=3 OS=4 R=1 H=4 H=1 OS=4 R=4 OS=1

R = response, OS = overshoot, H = hunting

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