Features: Rain Technology Feature
Features: Rain Technology Feature
Features: Rain Technology Feature
Features of the RAIN system include scalability, dynamic reconfigurability, and high
availability. Through software-implemented fault tolerance, the system tolerates multiple node,
link, and switch failures, with no single point of failure. In addition to reliability, the RAIN
architecture permits efficient use of network resources, such as multiple data paths and redundant
storage, with graceful degradation in the presence of faults. A diagram of the RAIN testbed at
Caltech is shown in Figure 3.1. We have 10 Intel Pentium workstations running the Linux
operating system, each with two network interfaces. These are connected via four eight-way
Myrinet switches. The RAIN technology has been transfered to RAINfinity, a start-up company
focusing on creating clustered solutions for improving the performance and availability of
Internet data centers.
We have identified the following key building blocks for distributed computing systems.
Communication: fault-tolerant interconnect topologies and reliable communication protocols.
We describe network topologies that are resistant to partitioning, and a protocol guaranteeing a
consistent history of link failures. We also describe an implementation of the MPI standard on
the RAIN communication layer.
Fault Management: techniques based on group membership. We describe an efficient tokenbased protocol that tolerates node and link failures.
Storage: distributed data storage schemes based on error-control codes. We describe schemes
that are optimal in terms of storage as well as encoding/decoding complexity.