Year 2 Newsletter Spring 2 2015
Year 2 Newsletter Spring 2 2015
Year 2 Newsletter Spring 2 2015
February 2015
Welcome back! I am pleased to inform you that we have successfully set up a link
with a school in Qatar Al Maha Academy for Boys. Each child in Year 2 now has a
pen pal in Qatar and they are really excited about writing to them.
This half term we will be exploring different materials and their uses. We will be
designing our own moving vehicles and testing them to see how they move on
different materials. We will also be preparing for the KS1 SATs which will take place
in May. The children will be given practice questions for homework each week.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me. I
will be available before and after school every day or you can email me. My email
address is
This half-term we will begin by writing our own stories based on Mondays visit
from George the Dinosaur. We will also be writing explanation texts about how
vehicles work. In the lead up to Easter we will look at the Easter Story and will
write our own accounts of what happened.
Thank you again to parents who read with their children at home. It really helps and
those children who have read more at home have made more progress than those who
havent. As usual, the children will have their books changed weekly by myself or Mrs
Thompson. If your child would like their book changed more frequently, I am more
than happy to do this.
TThhee W
Whhoollee S
Scchhooooll tthheem
mee ffoorr tthhiiss hhaallff tteerrm
m iiss......
Maatteerriiaall W
In computing, we will be learning about algorithms and how to debug simple
programs. We will be using Purple Mash - Coding. I have sent the childrens
passwords home so that they can practice this.
Our PE lessons will take place every Tuesday and Thursday, please ensure
that you child brings their PE kit to school on both of these days and that
earrings are taken out. Please also ensure that your childs PE kit is clearly
labelled with their name. This half term we will be doing outdoor games and
Heres to a fantastic half term! If there is anything that you wish to discuss with me,
let me know.
Mrs Nicholson