Newsletter 024
Newsletter 024
Newsletter 024
Thank you very much from the PACT Parent Governor Election
meeting We currently have a vacancy for a Parent Governor. We will
Thank you everyone for parking considerately and send out nomination forms in due course but please be
safely in the Wychnor area before and after thinking whether you would like to take on this important
school. At the PACT meeting last night, local role in our school. Please contact Mrs Gregory if you would
residents commented on how much parking has like any information.
improved over the past few years. It was
disappointing to see visitors to the Grasshoppers Easter Lunch
parking on (and damaging ) the grass verges at Please send in your forms by Friday 17th March for this
the weekend during the rugby event and special lunch on Thursday 30th March.
interesting to hear from the police officers that
other schools in the area are affected by parking Sports Results
issues. Y4 Sir Tom Finney Trophy Y4 came 3rd. Well done.
Tickets will be on sale from Monday 13 th March. There will also be a non-uniform day on Tuesday 28th March;
children are asked to bring in a chocolate donation for the Easter Bingo. Please look out for a letter to be sent
home this week.