Newsletter 029 2015-16
Newsletter 029 2015-16
Newsletter 029 2015-16
Newsletter 29
Y6 Robinwood
There will be a meeting on Wednesday
25th June from 3.20pm to 4.00pm for
the parents of Y6 children who are
going to Robinwood
- Netball Club is now on Mondays
and Wednesdays after school.
- Cricket Club commences on
Friday 13th May.
ParentMail will be out of action
on Wednesday 11th May; the
newsletter will be posted on the
school website on Wednesday and
emailed on Thursday.
Summer uniform
It is lovely to see some of our
children in summer uniform
(dresses, shorts etc). Please
remember that girls should be
wearing white socks and boys
should wear grey socks. Thank
you for supporting our uniform
PTFA Meeting
The next PTFA Meeting will be
on Monday 9th May at 7.30pm at
the Guild Merchant. All welcome.
Sports Day
Our annual Sports Day will be
held on Thursday 9th June at
UCLAN Sports Arena. Parents
will need to drop children off at
the Arena on this day. Further
details to follow soon. The
reserve date if cancelled will be
Wednesday 15th June on the
school field.
House Points
Last Week
Grizedale 2540
Y3 Egyptian Day
Leadership badges
Here to help
Y4 Food Technology at
Broughton High School
Please let Mrs Allonby know if
you are able to help walk the
Y4 children to Broughton
High School on Wednesday
afternoons for 4 weeks from
Remember that your childs welfare is important to us. If you have any
concerns please contact your childs class teacher, our Learning Mentor
Mrs Wright or Mrs Gregory.
We are usually available at some point during every day but if its
something that needs a proper discussion, please avoid the start of the
day if possible, as we are busy sorting the children out at this time.
Sports Results
Year 6 SATs
Rugby -
Please ensure your child gets plenty of sleep over the weekend
to enable them to do their best in next weeks tests.