Empfehlung VBS Vom 21.12.17 Anonymisiert
Empfehlung VBS Vom 21.12.17 Anonymisiert
Empfehlung VBS Vom 21.12.17 Anonymisiert
It has been a very busy start to the Summer Term and our pupils have all settled in well and are working
We do not teach to the national tests but we have been practising test questions with the children and
trying to reassure them that as long as they do their best, that is all we can ask of them. It is always a
worrying time for them though! Please continue to support your child with this message at home over the
next few days and ensure that they are in school promptly on Wednesday (4 th), Thursday (5th) and Friday
(6th) next week so they can be settled with their class and prepared for the test. It would really be helpful
if all parents could ensure that their child has a good breakfast and a drink in the morning so that their
brains are fuelled ready to show us what they can do! Thank you, in advance, for your help with this.
The results of the tests get sent off to Welsh Government and hopefully we will receive the reports by the
end of this school year.
If you have any query about any aspect of our school or your child’s education, please do not hesitate to
contact me via email (llanmartin.primary@newport.gov.uk) or telephone 01633 412660
Victoria Curtis, Headteacher
Intensive Swimming
Year 4 and Year 5 have been taking part in the intensive swimming lessons since the start of this term. The
children have all arrived in school at 8.30am in order to be registered and get on the bus as early as
possible. We have been very impressed with the children and their punctuality over the past three weeks
so a huge ‘well done’ to them!
Year 3 will start swimming on Monday 23rd May and we hope that they will continue to impress us with
their time-keeping and enthusiasm.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is an internet website that the children are using within school
to access different areas of the curriculum. They are also able to access this
area from home for free. Please take the time to have a look at this with
your child and encourage them to do a little further ‘learning’ at home.
In the next week, your child will come home with their own user name and
password for you to share this experience with them.
School Uniform
I reminded all parents about the school uniform on my last newsletter but unfortunately we are still seeing
a large number of pupils coming to school not in the correct clothes.
The rationale behind introducing a school uniform is so that pupils do not feel that they have to compete
to wear fashionable, and quite often, expensive clothes. This applies to shoes as well as we are seeing a
number of pupils wearing brightly coloured trainers.
Please work with us to ensure that your child arrives in school wearing the correct uniform every day.
Our school uniform is as follows:
Boys Grey trousers – long/short Girls Grey skirts or pinafore dress
White or red polo shirts Grey trousers (NOT leggings)
Red jumpers or sweatshirt White or red polo shirts
Red jumpers or cardigan or sweatshirt
Red checked cotton dresses in the summer
SUMMER TERM DATES (dates in bold are new dates)
rd th
Tuesday 3 May – 10 May National Reading and Numeracy Test week
Monday 16th May Year 4 and Year 5 BBC Ten Piece Concert at Newport Centre
Wednesday 18 May Sports Day (PTFA Refreshments)
Monday 23 May Year 3 swimming leaving school at 8.40am – six consecutive days
Wednesday 25th May Wildlife Wizards Final at Pentwyn Farm Nature Reserve
Thursday 26 May Parent’s Coffee Morning with Mrs Curtis
Friday 27 May Training Day – School closed for all pupils
Monday 30th May – Friday 3rd June – Half Term Holidays
Monday 6th June Training Day – school closed for all pupils
Wednesday 8 June LRB Pupils to Barry Island
Thursday 9th June Year 6 swimming leaving school at 8.40am – six consecutive days
Friday 10 June ‘Royal Street party’ with a red, white and blue theme
Thursday 16 June PTFA Father’s Day Sale
Wednesday 22nd June Dreamshed Theatre group performing Wind in the Willows to pupils
Thursday 23 June Y6 Transition day to Caldicot School (Transport provided)
Monday 4 July Llanwern Cluster Choir (Year3) perform at St. David’s Hall, Cardiff
Tuesday 5th July Y6 Transition day to Llanwern High
Thursday 7 July Y5 Taster session at Caldicot School
Y6 Intake Evening at Caldicot School
Tuesday 12th July Rags to Riches Collection
1.30pm KS2 Summer Performance to parents
Y6 Intake Evening at Llanwern High (time to be confirmed)
Wednesday 13th July 6pm KS2 Summer Performance to parents
Tuesday 19 July PTFA Fun Morning of activities for the whole school
Wednesday 20 July End of term – school finishes at usual time.