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Newsletter 021 2015-16

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Wychnor Fulwood Preston PR2 7EE

Tel: 01772 864135
Fax: 01772 861292

Headteacher: Mrs A Gregory

e-mail: head@harris.lancs.sch.uk

e-mail: bursar@harris.lancs.sch.uk

24th February 2016

Theme of the week


Newsletter 21


Parents Evening

This Week in School


This term Parents Evenings will be

held on Tuesday 8th March from 4pm
to 6.30pm and Thursday 17th March
from 3.30pm to 6.00pm.
Appointment sheets will be available at
the school office from Friday morning.

Y5 Swimming
Y1 Forest School
Brass Lessons
Brass Band
YR Road Safety Training
Y3/4 Mini Skills Competition
Y6 Chess Club
Y1/2 Board Games Club
Woodwind Lessons
Starlight Drama Club
Y3/4 Parents Maths Workshop
Library Club
Y5/6 Parents Maths Workshop
Star Assembly
Rugby Club

- Young Voices at the

Y3/Y4 Maths Workshop for

parents - Reminder
There will be an informal workshop for
parents of children in Years 3 and 4
Today, Wednesday 24th February, at
3.20pm in Y3 classroom. Mrs Garner
will be sharing the calculation
strategies used in class. Year 4
parents please note that this meeting
is a repeat of last years meeting.

World Book Day

World Book Day is on Thursday 3rd March this year. To celebrate the day,
your child may wear their own clothes to school and may dress as their
favourite book character if they wish. World Book Day 2016 tokens have
been sent home with children today. These tokens are for use by under 18s
only and can only be used in participating bookshops or our Scholastic Book
Club and only one token per transaction.

Manchester Arena on Wednesday

2nd March. Final details will be
sent out tomorrow. If you have
ordered a T-shirt for your child,
these will be given out on the

- Blood Donor next session - 3rd

March at OLSE Parish Church,
Marlborough Drive, Fulwood.
(See attached leaflet.)

Y5/6 Maths Workshop for

parents - Reminder
will be on Thursday 25th
February at 3.20pm in Y6

Year 2 Forest School

is on Monday 29th February
please send children dressed

House Points
Last Week









Citizen of the World

This week Socrates is asking Year 4

the following question:

This week we have discussed .

What is love?

the toy boat that has travelled

from South Carolina to Wales!

Sainsburys Active Kids Vouchers

We are taking part in Sainsburys Active Kids 2016. This means that from 27
January 3 May, you can collect vouchers at Sainsburys and donate them to
us by 8 July. We can then exchange them for exciting new sports and cooking
equipment and experiences for our kids. Simply bring your vouchers into
school or drop them in our collection box in the school reception. Thank you.

Friends of Conway Park

Many families living in the local area will know that the
Friends of Conway Park are working with local councillors to
improve the childrens play area, paths and car park on
Conway Park, and also the area near the brook. This has
already resulted in the widening and resurfacing of the
footpath from Belton Hill to Walker Lane. The Councils
landscape architects have now produced a draft plan to show
the ideas for the improvements to the park. These plans will
be taken out for public consultation at the end of February.
From Tuesday 8th to Wednesday 9th March they will be on
display in school. Parents and their children are invited to
come and look at the plans and complete a questionnaire with
their views. Anne Richardson and Kay Jackson from the FoCP
will be in school on the Tuesday from 3pm to 6.30pm to
answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, the plans
can be viewed, and the questionnaire completed, online at

School Disco
A huge thank you to everyone who helped at
the recent disco, it was a great success and
all the children behaved impeccably and
appeared to be enjoying themselves. The
profit was 617. Amazing! Thank you for
supporting PTFA events.

PTFA Meeting
The next meeting will be on Monday 29th
February at 7.30pm at the Guild Merchant.
Hope to see you there. Remember that these
meetings are open to all parents and are very
informal. Please consider coming along to see
how you can support the school. Thank you.

Y4 Mini Skills Competition

Well done to the Y4 pupils who took part.
Pictures will be on the School Blog soon.

Here to help
Remember that your childs welfare is important to us. If you have any concerns please contact your childs class
teacher, our Learning Mentor Mrs Wright or Mrs Gregory. We are usually available at some point during every
day but if its something that needs a proper discussion, please avoid the start of the day if possible, as we are
busy sorting the children out at this time.

Dates for your diary Spring Term

Young Voices
Wednesday 2nd March
Parents Evening
Tuesday 8th March from 4.00-6.30pm
Parents Evening
Thursday 17th March from 3.30-6.00pm
Year 5 Sing Together Concert Thursday 10th March further details to follow
Non-uniform day
Friday 18th March. Bring an egg for Easter Bingo please.
PTFA Easter Bingo
Tuesday 22nd March further details to follow
Easter Weekend
Friday 24th March at 3.30pm to Monday 28th March inclusive
Spring Holiday
Break up 2pm on Friday 8th April and return on Monday 25th April at 8.45am

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