WB April 22
WB April 22
WB April 22
Issue 50
Week beginning April 22nd 2009
School Information
We hope everyone had a restful Easter holidays and a chance to enjoy some of
the lovely weather. Please could we remind everyone that school uniform is to be
worn correctly and that we will be monitoring this on a continuous basis.
Parent information
If you have some free time after the Easter holidays, and you are a parent, you
could help other families with pre school children. Local charity Home-Start is
offering a free Preparation Course to train you to be a home-visiting volunteer,
supporting families with difficulties such as post-natal illness, bereavement or
disability. The course runs from 10am-2.30pm every Thursday for 10 weeks from
23 April-2 July. After the course you would visit a family for about 2 hours a week.
For more information, please contact Home-Start on 020 8487 8500, or e-mail
info@homestart-richmond.org.uk or visit www.homestart-richmond.org.uk
Mr Wilson, Miss Medway and Miss Hicklin have started rehearsals. All cast
members need to keep a watchful eye on rehearsal schedules as these involve
drama, music and dance.
Mrs Busby is running a costume project with year 9 and she would be very
grateful of any donations of lengths of material such as ticking or calico for
making aprons, waistcoats and so on.
A group of year 9s went to Ypres on Friday 24th to visit the battlefield and
memorials as part of studying the Great war in History. This is the first time this
trip has gone ahead and it was deemed very worthwhile.
Year news
Year 11
A number of year 11 students attended revision sessions in the holidays. Well
done to them.
Year 11 are expected to be in school until 15th May.
During the week of 11th there will be a number of exams including orals,
Enterprise and employability. Preparation for Working Life.
Year 10
Year 10 are now on Work experience until Friday 1st May. Each employer is called
by a member of staff during the fortnight and the vast majority of students are
also visited by a staff member.
There have been some very positive comments already from employers and one
students has been offered a Saturday job.
Year 9
Many Year 9 students have been interviewed by Mrs Walsh and Ms Bromly in
connection with finalising options for next year.
The PTA have a meeting every half term and the next meeting will be held this
coming Monday the 27th of April at 7pm in the usual venue, the Music Room in
the Music Block.
Everyone is very welcome and wine and light refreshments will be served.
Sports news
Rugby 7s
Year 7 played in a rugby 7s competition and won the plate, beating Greycourt in
the final 36-0
Year 9 were 2nd in their group in the rugby 7s and qualified for the cup competition
but lost in the semi final to Greycourt.
A group of Year 8s went to Lord’s cricket Ground as a reward for winning their
league last season. They struggled with 3 of the matches but eventually came
good and won the last game.
Rugby league
We are looking forward to next Thursday 30th April as the year 7 girls team have
qualified for the regional finals (South and West London).