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Newsletter 027

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Wychnor Fulwood Preston PR2 7EE

Tel: 01772 864135
Fax: 01772 861292

Headteacher: Mrs A Gregory

e-mail: head@harris.lancs.sch.uk

e-mail: bursar@harris.lancs.sch.uk

15th April 2015

Theme of the week


Newsletter 27


St Georges Day Lunch

This Week in School

School Blog

This will be on 23rd April 2015 (of

course!). Please return reply slips by
Friday 17th April.

Brass Lessons
Brass Band
Spanish Club
Y5 Swimming Lessons
Guitar Lessons
Netball Club
Sports4All Taster Day
Y4 Encyclopaedia Club
School Council Meeting
Star Assembly

Why not check out our

school blog to find out more
about extra-curricular
activities including sports

Please note change of date from
Thursday 7th May (INSET Day) to
Tuesday 5th May.

Sports Day
Following the success of the last two
years, this will take place on Thursday
11th June at UCLan Sports Arena. The
children will need to be dropped off at
the Arena at 8.45am-8.55am and
picked up at 3.20pm. Further details
to follow nearer the time.

School Photographs
Wednesday 22nd April Please make
sure children involved in sports teams
or band/guitar have PE kits and/or
instruments in school on this date.
Class photographs will be of years
Reception / Y2 / Y6 only.

Return after illness
Please bear in mind that if your child
has had a virus (particularly including a
temperature, sickness and diarrhoea)
they are likely to be infectious to
others and should not return to school
until they have been clear of symptoms
for 48 hours.

I am assembling a choir to take part in a

special concert organised by Lancashire
Music Service on 1st July at the Guild Hall.
The choir is open to all pupils in KS2,
including children in Year 3. There are
only 30 places available and priority will go
to those children who have attended choir
regularly since September. Please see
separate letter sent out today.

Thank you
To parents from Miss Bird
for the Reception shoebox
gardens. They were lovely
and have brightened up our
Library Area beautifully.
The gardens can now be
collected from school.

stands at 97.13% for the
whole school since
September. Fantastic!
Please make sure your child
is in school every day
If your child has a local
appointment during the late
morning, you should still
bring them to school for
their first lesson.

Lost Property

Broughton Tennis Club

Lost property will be displayed outside school

on Friday after school. Any unclaimed items will
be disposed of.

Kids Fun Open Day Saturday 18th April from

2.00pm to 4.30pm. Free coaching, mini-tennis,
activities for all ages & abilities.

Class Newsletters

PTFA Events

Parents often ask us for information about

what their child is learning in school. Please
remember to read your childs Class Newsletter
which will be out this week, it outlines what the
children are learning and suggests ways you can
support your child with their learning.

Thank you to our PTFA committee who have

organised the following events this summer.
Please put these in your diary and consider if
you will be able to help. Thank you.
PTFA Meeting Monday 20th April at 7.30pm at
the Guild Merchant
Childrens Discos - Thursday 21st May KS1
3.30-4.45pm & KS2 5.00-6.15pm

Sports Results
Cross Country on 25th March
Harris came 4th overall in the boys event, with
Josh Green a fantastic 2nd place.
In the girls event, Harris came 2nd overall, with
Ellie Vaughan also taking 2nd place. Well done!

Harris Got Talent Friday 12th June 5.30pm

PTFA Summer Fair Saturday 4th July 12:002pm

Stand up for School Campaign

I believe in the power of education to change lives and enable children to improve their own life
chances as well as influencing the lives of others around them. Ultimately I believe that good
education can make the world a better place. It seems incredible and disappointing to me, therefore,
that there are millions of children around the world who do not have the same advantage as our
pupils. I just signed the petition campaign organised by Stand up for School, a charity which is
working to make the right to a basic education a reality for every child globally. It is supported by
Sarah Brown (wife of Gordon Brown MP). I invite you to visit their website and consider signing the
petition yourself. Thank you, Mrs Gregory.

Team Points last week









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