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11-9-14 Newsletter

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Our new Reception children 2014!

Theyve done so well this week. It can be very tiring but Ive seen lots of smiley, happy children! Well done to all the parents
and carers for getting them looking so smart, and thanks to the staff for doing such a good job settling them in.
Whats been happening in school this week?
Newsletter - 11th September 2014
St Peters
Church of England Primary School
A lovely start to the new
academic year
Its been amazing for me this week
to start at such a fantastic school.
Thanks for all the support.
Check out for yourself some of the
great things that happened this
Tour of Britain mania!!
Not the ideal way to start the term, having to
plan so many cycling activities! However, the
children have represented St Peters so well.
The whole school made a gigantic road
around the playground to welcome the tour
jerseys from Otterton Primary School. Mr Lee
then led our peloton off to Littleham.
Photos and report from our trip to the town
to watch the tour will appear next week!!
Thanks to Mr Lee for the organisation.
Headteacher Awards
A regular feature of this newsletter will be a celebration of the
children who have worked hard and earned a Headteacher
award in school. So....my first winners: Elizabeth, Thalia, Evie and
Beau, for their lovely writing. Gareth, Faith, Scarlet and Leo win
for their great letters to me (very kind!). Next, Maria and Jack for
impressing Mrs Dye with their attitude. Also, Jaykob for his
Mayan work and Brandon for his great efforts. Then Jude, Sam,
Oscar and Luca: they were their cricket league champions!!! And
lastly, Lolafor having the biggest smiles when we did our class
Please keep checking this
section for upcoming dates
and events.
Next Messy Church at
St Peters hall:
Thursday 11th September at
Next Family Service at
St Peters Church:
Sunday 14th September at
Then, Sunday 12th October
for Harvest Festival.
Clubs begin wb/ 15th Sept
Tues 23rd SeptStay and
Play Day FSU
Thurs 25th Sept - SPSA
Committee Meeting
Second Hand Uniform Sale -
On the Stage - Every Last
Friday of the Month Friday
26th Sept 3:20pm - 3:45pm
Coffee Morning - In the
School Hall - Every First
Friday of the Month - 3rd
October 9am-10am
School Hall
Parents Evening 22nd/23rd
Wed 12th NovLetters and
Sounds tea party FSU
21st Nov - non-uniform day
28th NovChristmas Fayre.
Term starts again on
Tuesday 6th January.
Whats going on soon?

Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock
Contact details
Did you know about?
Parent Volunteers
At the last Parent Forum meeting, the school was asked if they needed any more parent
volunteers. We do currently have vacancies for parent volunteers in the school, particularly to
support with hearing readers. If you feel that you might be able to spare some time to support
the school in this way, then please let the School Office know.
Swim time!
Fun swims 1 per person:
Saturdays 10:30am12:00pm
Thursdays 3.30pm-4.30pm
Otter Music Collective
Following the success of last terms Otter Music Collective, we will be resuming rehearsals
again on Wednesday Evenings from the 17th of September. Please note they will now start at
4.30hrs until 5.30hrs initially, to encourage pupils and parents from other Primary and
Secondary Schools to attend. This also allows us to accommodate smaller tutorial groups
before the main rehearsal.
The first session on the 17th will concentrate on organising instruments and deciding who
wants to play which instruments if available. Depending on attendance numbers, there maybe
the opportunity to hire or borrow instruments and whether we should split the hour into two
groups depending on abilities. Ideally it would be useful for pupils to be KS2 and be able to
read a little musical notation. However, the main emphasis is the enjoyment of performing
music together at school, with other ensembles and in the wider community.
We look forward to seeing you on the 17th.
For further details please contact us at school or email
Graham Pearson ARCM NEBSM CT.ABRSM. - g.pearson@live.co.uk
Paul Moger-Taylor HND (Dist) Music
We can also be followed on twitter at @ottermusiccolle
Some important information
Mr Hitchcock is the new Senior Designated Officer for Child Protection at the school. All
concerns about the welfare of children, including suspected abuse, can go through him.
Mrs Lewis, Mrs Cawthera and Mrs Broad are his deputies.
Class letters, outlining the curriculum and learning for the next term, will be coming
home before the end of next week. All important information that you need to know
about the class and what to do will be contained in this letter. If you need to know
something beforehand, please do ask the class teachers.
I will be celebrating all of the children who finished the Devon Libraries
summer reading challenge, The Mythical Maze, in assembly on Friday.
If they would like to bring in their medals to show them off, that would
be great!
Can you all check for any outstanding library books that have not yet
been returnedno late fees, we promise!
Pool break-in
It is very sad for me to report that there was a break-in to the school pool over the summer
holiday. We believe that whoever was responsible wanted a swim, but because the pool had
added chlorine, and was out of use, they chucked everything around to cause a nuisance
Unfortunately, this has meant that the ladder they threw into the pool has ripped the liner
and will cost the school many thousands of pounds to replace, something we can least afford
to do.
If you have any information as to the culprits, please see me or report them to the non-
emergency number on 101. The local station at Exmouth are currently investigating.
If anyone can give a lift to a
parent and one child from
Exmouth to St Peters for a
couple of weeks (with petrol
money) please see Mr H!

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