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Year 4 Autumn 2 Newsletter 2015

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Year 4 Newsletter

Autumn Term (2) 2015

Welcome back!
We hope you had a good half term break and are feeling refreshed. We have a busy and exciting half
term ahead! Listed below are some of the things Y4 will be learning about during the next half term.

Mrs Holt will be broadening the childrens knowledge of Victorian

times begun last half term as we explore Newspapers. We will look at
features of newspaper articles and will write our own entry for a
class newspaper set during the Victorian era.
Mrs Hunt will be starting with working on writing instructions then
moving on to developing plot in narrative stories.
Ways to help

Why not buy a copy of First News and explore some of the features of a
newspaper with your child.
We are aiming to get the children to read five times a week at home. Please
sign in the reading diary when your child has read.

Fractions and decimals - recognize decimal equivalents for tenths and
comparing and rounding decimals to one decimal place.
Measures - mass. Record units for mass using decimals. Estimate and
compare mass.
Multiplication - times tables. Multiplying a two digit number by a one
digit number.
Time - converting between analogue and digital clocks

Ways to help
Practice telling the time. You should be able to tell the time to
the nearest minute.
Learn your tables. See Reminders box below for weekly test.

This half term we are learning about Electricity. We will construct simple
circuits using switches, buzzers, bulbs and motors and learn to represent a
simple circuit using symbols in a diagram. We will link this work with our DT
unit as we make an electronic Christmas decoration.

Ways to help

Have a look around your home and identify common appliances that use

Creative Curriculum
History - Ancient Greeks
Computing Power Points
RE Christianity-Light
Design & Technology Electronic Christmas decorations
PE - Dance and invasion games
French All aboard!
Music Duration
PSHE Being assertive.


Homework is handed out on Tuesday and should be handed in by the following Monday.
Spellings are given out on Friday for a test the following Friday.
Tables tests every Monday. Week 1- 9x, week 2- 3x, week 3- 6x, week 4- 4x, week 5- 8x, week
6- mixed.
PE continues to be on Monday each week and also a Tuesday or Thursday. Please ensure your
child has full PE kit in school, long hair is tied back and any ear-rings are removed.
Reading books should be in school every day. Please record any independent reading done at
Library day is Monday where your child has the opportunity to borrow a book to read and
return the following week.
Dont forget to visit our class blog with your child to have a look at some of the things we have
been up to! This can be found at http://harrisprimaryschool.net/

Thank you for your continued support; please do not hesitate to contact either of us if there is
something you wish to discuss either in person, by phone or via email at
s.holt@harris.lancs.sch.uk or j.hunt@harris.lancs.sch.uk
Kind Regards
Mrs Hunt and Mrs Holt

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