Reading this article is what gave me the inspiration for my research question. As
an attack on anti anti-relativism, I was applying it originally to Jason and Medeas
culture barriers in the Greek myth. It occurred to me reading de Montaignes
each man calls barbarism whatever is not his own practicefor we have no other
criterion of reason than the example of idea of the opinions and customs of the
country we live in
One could argue that performance is barbaric to those who are unfamiliar with
it. From here I began to think of ways you could make art civilized, open it up to
a wider demographic, introduce it into everyday life and make it more accessible.
Response to article:
I think that community art sometimes gets a bad rap because it seems
under-complicated formally, and so-called avant-garde art gets a bad rap
because it is not legible enough to be politically effective. My hope is that
there could be a bit more tolerance and mutual education on all sides.
Discussions on why certain art forms are not accessible and how to make
them accessible.
Cultures are the ultimate authorities on truth and morality. Since they differ, there
are multiple truths and multiple moralities.
Cultural Relativism, for me, makes the world easier to understand, and yet
contrary to it, there are hardly any foundations of beliefs that allow for this
ideology. Most beliefs; Christianity; Islamism; Judaism; all take an ethnocentric
approach that their own way of life is to be preferred to all others.
Muslim, Christian and Jewish societies, for example, are, to the contrary,
convinced that they possess certain knowledge of how the world is and the true
morality handed to them by God.
Generally, cultural relativism is not followed in the belief or religion itself, only in
those who study the multiple different beliefs that exist, for without it they would
be unable to
Lefevbre talks about how we are controlled by our needs and desires, how the
everyday keeps society intact. In particular there is a part where he
personifies money and how it talks to each class of society.
smoking in the theatre creates a unifying ambience between the stage and the
We want to glorify war the only cure for the world militarism, patriotism,
the destructive gesture of the anarchists, the beautiful ideas which kill, and
contempt for woman. Relate this statement back to cultural and historical
relativism. Now, this seems a ridiculous statement to make, but back in 1901
before the knowledge of the mass destruction that war can cause, before the
tragedy of two world wars, this was deemed an acceptable concept, a form of
The trust put into the writers and readers, they themselves are the content of
this performance, everyone and everything else is simply facilitating it.