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Version For Webpage March 22, 2015

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Parochial Administrator:

Fr. Daniel Melaba

Deacon James Hubbard
Deacon David Hayden
Gabriel Germann
School Principal
Sr. Cheryl Ann Hillig, DC
Hispanic Coordinator
Sr. Grace Calvisi, DC
Be ye Middlebrooks
Pastoral AssistantHispanic Ministry
Leslie Miller
Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper
Marilyn Robinson


9:00 am4:30 pm


All daily masses in Convent Chapell
Monday: 6:00 PM
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:00 AM
No Mass


All weekend Masses in Church
Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:15 am
1:30 pm (Spanish)

The New Covenant


Saturday: 4:30 pm5:00 pm
1st & 2nd Tuesdays: 10:00 am
Saturday: 5:00 pm5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am9:00 am
131 Ward Street, Macon, GA 31204
Parish Oce: (478) 743-1454
Fax: (478) 743-9868
Email: stpeterclaver@cbi.mgacoxmail.com

Webpage: www.spcccmacon.com

When the prophet Jeremiah coined the term new covenant he was actually doing
something quite radical. For the Jewish people, there was only one covenant, the one
made between the Lord God and Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to
suggest that God would somehow supersede the covenant with a new one would have
sounded audacious to Jewish ears. But in this way he is a predecessor of Jesus who, in the
Gospel of John, is con nually portrayed as superseding the past, establishing the reign of
God in a new way. And in todays Gospel passage, Jesus the new covenant speaks the
language of his new commandment of love when he tells of the dying grain of wheat,
and of our own need to die to self in order to be raised with Christ. As Lent ends and we
prepare to enter into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat serves as an excellent symbol
of the kind of dying and self sacrifice to which disciples are called, a symbol of that new
Copyright J. S. Paluch
covenant wri en deep within our hearts.

Macon Deanery 2015

Lenten Penance Schedule
Penance Service begins at 7:00 pm
March 26:

St. Joseph Church, Macon

Journeying Together Through Lent

Thursday: March 26
Meal: 5:45 pm with a light supperSoup, bread, salad, drinks and dessert
Presenta on of Topic6:15 - 7:00 pm
Finding comfort in the Wilderness:
Presenter: Deacon James Hubbard
Mark your calendar.
Join us at our John Paul II Social Hall.
Everyone is welcome!

Weekly Oering
Oertory 03/15/2015
Oertory 03/16/2014
Easter Flowers
CCD Dona on
St. Vincent de Paul
Poor Box and Candles
Capital Improvement
Southern Cross
Food Pantry


Bishops Annual Appeal2015

Today is Appeal Sunday. We will be giving those who have not yet
made their pledge to the BAA an opportunity to do so today. If you
are not able to make a pledge, please consider a one- me gi .
Give with a Joyful heart. Each one of us is Christ to all we meet.
Second Collection today: Funeral Fund. Please deposit $1.00 or less
in the basket as you leave the church. Thank you for your Generosity!

St. Peter Claver thes 10% of our weekly oertory to the

poor in the name of Jesus! St. Peter Claver donates
$500.00 to FAM (Family Advancement Ministry) and
$250.00 to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Center every month.

Please submit separate checks for Offertory and

any Special Collections.

Todays Readings
First Reading I will make a new covenant; I will
write my law upon their hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
Psalm Create a clean heart in me, O God
(Psalm 51)
Second Reading Christ learned obedience and
became the source of eternal salva on
(Hebrews 5:7-9)
Gospel If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and
dies, it produces much fruit (John 12:20-33)

Prayer Line

(478) 743-1454

Florine Billue, Willie Byrd, Sr., Shirley James,

Aaron Wimberly, Kevin Dockrell, Annie Burnell,
Jennifer Weaver, Cheryl Weaver, Dolores Konke,
Julianne Kandalec, Emma Pa erson, Marie Chatman,
Alma Johnson, Joanne Dockrell, Rachael Kellam,
Margaret Billingslea, Marie Pacheco, Kariem Jones, John Reo ,
Kimberly Hamilton, Naomi Hicks, Lea-Ann Fletcher, Kieth Holt, Chloe Holt,
Eden Lee Thompson, Cle a Wimberly, Andria Ballard Magallano, Evelyn
Nichols, Barbara McColumn, Charlene Stallings, Alice Denise Williams,
Peter Ruschell, Devin Dayton, Pat Reo , Patrick Nu all, Dennis Pennymon,
Pearlie Watkins, Lindsay Banasz, Johnny Roquemore, Cli on Hadley,
Kris e Marshall, Monsignor John Cuddy, John Earley, Heriberto Bocanegra,
Mary Pioli, Ted Meisner, Jude Rabideau, Doris McDonald, Chris Darley,
Mary Cot, Anne James, Beatrice Jordan, David Maysonet, Cucho Diaz,
Xavier Taylor, and Fred Grasso.
If you wish to have a name kept on the list or removed please
call the church oce at 743-1454.

Virous Caston,

Brittani Caston,

Chris Gomez,

Russell Hill II,

Tony Cervantes,
Jeff Cooper,

Angel Gomez,

Mishell Sonntog,

Gary Oate, JC White

If you have a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces,
assigned overseas, please call Marilyn Robinson at the
Parish Oce to add his or her name to our prayer list and please
call us to let us know he/she has returned safely.

Readings for the Week


Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; Ps 23:1-6;

Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30
Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
Lk 1:26-38
Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession); Is 50:4-7;
Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 15:47 [15:1-39]

Elizabeth Ministry
Mary Helen McCoy
Please call the Parish Oce if you are
expecting a child so that we may pray for you!

Saturday, March 21
Sunday, March 22
9 :00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
Monday, March 23
Tuesday, March 24
Wednesday, March 25
Thursday, March 26
Friday, March 27
Saturday, March 28

- Ramona Dow, +RIP


Guy Anthony, +RIP (B. Middlebrooks)

Missa Pro Populo
In Honor of the Divine Mercy (S. Phagan)
Eugene and Virginia McMahon, +RIP
(Estate of V. McMahon)
- In Honor of St. Anthony in Thanksgiving
(S. Phagan)
- None
- In Honor of the Divine Mercy (S. Phagan)


Family Advancement



(formerly Nazareth Life Ministries

and Mother and Child Ministries)

570 High Place, Macon GA 31202

or PO Box 204, Macon GA 31201.

Diocese of Savannah webpage:


Our hours of opera on are Mondays from

10-12, Tuesdays-Fridays 9-12.
Anyone interested in volunteering please
call 745-7165 and ask to talk to the oce
manager, Chris McKowen.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

webpage: www.usccb.org.
Traveling informa on:
www.mass mes.org

Sunday School Registra on

Our Sunday School (CCD) classes began
in September 21st, 2014. Please call
Be ye Middlebrooks, at the Parish
Oce (478) 743-1454) if you have any
ques ons.

RCIA Classes
Classes are held in the Preschool Library,
on Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m. star ng
September 24th, 2014.

The VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children
for Adults" is required for all who provide
either paid or volunteer ministry in our
Diocese who in the course of their ministry
come into contact with minors. This
includes parish ministries such as
Sacristans, Lectors, Ushers, and
Eucharistic Ministers. Space is limited
and registration is required by registering online at www.virtusonline.org.
If you do not have access to a computer, please call the Parish Office at (478)
743-1454 and our Parish Staff will
assist with your online registration.

Mission Statement
St. Peter Claver Church is a
mul cultural and well-integrated
Catholic Parish graced with the gi
of Gods presence. Together as
church we form a faith community
where no one just adds up to the
number but everybody is important
because we cherish the potency and
gi of everyone. It is our desire to
constantly nourish our faith in the
soil of Gods Word and at the table
of the Eucharist, to be a credible
witness of Gods presence in the
world and each others companion
on our journey of faith.

Parish Oce (478) 743-1454

Oce Hours (January-May, AugustDecember)
MondayFriday: 9:00 a.m.4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours (JuneJuly):
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Pastors Announcements

Registra on for Parish and School

REGISTER We are very glad you are here at
St. Peter Claver. If you would like to make St. Peter
Claver your home Parish, please complete a Parish
Census Form (available in the parish oce and
ves bule in back of the church) and either mail or
place in oertory basket at Mass. Persons wishing
to transfer membership from another Catholic
parish are also asked to complete a census form.


school accommodates children from K3 through
8th grade. If you would like to register your child in
our school, please call (478) 743-3985.



THE SICK Please contact the parish oce at 7431454.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Diocesan regula ons

require that you meet with the priest at least
4 months prior to wedding date. Please contact the
parish oce at 743-1454.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays or by appointment.
HOLY ORDERS Any man who thinks God might be
calling him to be a priest should contact Father Dan
at 743-1454.

Bulle n Deadline:
At 12:00 noon on Monday, for the next
weekend. Submissions should be
emailed to
Marilyn Robinson at:


Please make sure all pagers and cell

phones are turned o for the duraon of the Mass.
Mass Inten on requests are to be
sent to the rectory oce in wri ng
and/or envelopes are available in the
back of the church.
Please do not block anyone in the
parking lot or obstruct trac flow.
If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your
parents home or graduated from
college, you need to re-register. If
you move we would appreciate a call
to the church so that our records will
be in order .
Abuse Hotline Number: 1-888-3575330. Copies of the policy on sexual
abuse of minors is available online at:
childyouthprotec on.
should be the last one in and first one
out of the church.
someone in your family or our Parish
in the hospital? Please call 743-1454
and let us know.
VISITORS - We welcome you to
St. Peter Claver Church. Thank you
for worshipping with us and please
come again.

Oertory Envelopes - 2015

The Oertory envelopes for St. Peter
Claver Church - 2015, were mailed to
your homes in December. Envelopes
were only issued to Parish members
that u lized their envelopes during
2014. If you are a member, and would
like to start u lizing Oertory
envelopes, or if you are not a member
and would like to join our Parish, please
complete the form included in this
bulle n and drop it in the oertory, or
the mail, addressed to the Parish Oce.

St . Pet e r C l ave r C hu rc h

9th thru 12th Grade


Come join us every Sunday!

Upstairs-- Pre
Pre--K Building Time:
11:00 am

St. Peter Claver

Altar Servers

Christle Anyakudo -Maggie McCullough

Every Sunday, we will be

featuring pictures of our
Altar Servers and a few of
their interests.
Thank you for serving our
Parish so faithfully.

Christle Anyakudo


Friday, April 24, 2015
6:00 PM-12:00 AM Midnight
Our parish is forming a team for the RELAY FOR LIFE event.
The event will be held at:
Christ Chapel at Sportstowne (Old Starcadia)
170 Starcadia Circle, Macon, GA
You can join the fight against cancer by
* Signing up to walk
* Dona ng for the team's contribu on
* Purchasing memorial Luminaries or Glow Balloons.
For Info. contact: Sally King at sking0617@yahoo.com or
calling 478-745-5026 (a er 6 pm).

Maggie McCullough

As by a New Pentecost
Seven Teachings to a New Life in the Spirit
A series of seven weekly talks and discussions, presented by the
Salt & Light Charisma c Prayer Group, to encourage an outpouring
of the Holy Spirit, given to all Catholics at Bap sm, and the
resul ng joy and peace which that brings.
Thursday April 9th thru May 21st, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
in the Center at Saint Josephs Catholic Church, Macon GA.
Registra on is not required but would be appreciated.
Contact: Ralph DelGiorno at (478) 365

On Ward Street

The Council of
Catholic Women will
sponsor the "Talent
on Ward Street.
talent show on April
24th in the Mother
Katharine Drexel

Time: 7 p.m.
Admission $5.
Please support this affair to aid with our works of Peace.
Vernetha Bryant, President

Holy Week Passover Seder Meal

Conducted by Rabbi Larry Schlesinger
Tuesday, March 31st, at 6:30 pm, at Vineville United Methodist
Church, 2045 Vineville Avenue, Macon. Adults $35.00, children

(12 & under): $20. Reserva ons call (478) 745-6727 or

email: tbimacon@a .net

St. Peter Claver Lenten Schedule

All Fridays LentHoly Hour at 5:00 pm
Benedic on of the Blessed Sacrament 5:50 pm
Sta ons of the Cross: 6:00 pmEnglish
7:00 pm Spanish

Holy Week:
Tuesday March 31: Chrism Mass at 7:00 pm, St. John the
Bap st Church in Savannah
Holy ThursdayApril 2: 7:00 pm Bilingual Mass of the Lords
Supper, followed by Exposi on of the Blessed
Sacrament. Silent Adora on in the John Paul II Hall.
Good FridayApril 3: Sta ons of the Cross12:00 Noon
The Lords Passion 5:00 pm English
7:00 pm Spanish
Holy SaturdayApril 4: Morning Prayer 9:00 am in church,
followed by Morning Brunch in the John Paul II Hall.
RCIA Catechumens and Candidates Prac ce a er
Brunch in the church. No Confessions, no Rosary,
no 5:30 pm Mass on this day.
Great Easter Vigil Mass: April 4 8:30 pm
Easter Sunday: April 5 Regular Mass Schedule
9:00 am Mass in the Church English
11:15 am Mass in the Church English
1:30 pm Mass in the Church Spanish

Upcoming Ministry Schedules for March 28 and 29, 2015




Altar Servers


Eucharis c Ministers

5:30 p.m.


D. Mixon C
B. Haynes AS
R. Haynes AS


Larkin, Larkin

9:00 a.m.


S. Craddock C
A. Craddock AS


Wornum, Green

11:15 a.m.


M. McCullough AS
C. AnyakudoAS


Hill, McKowen


St. Vincent de Paul Pantry

Family Advancement Ministries

Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injus ce?
Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house? Isaiah 58:6-7. Please join with St.
Vincent De Paul Society during this Lenten season to look beyond
ourselves and give to those in need.

The FAM Book Club will be reading in April, 2015:

When you fill your pantry, please dont forget ours.

St. Peter Claver Food Pantry is in need of the following dona ons:
pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats, macaroni and cheese, juices,
cereals, canned fruit, soups, and rice. Toiletries such as (food
stamps do not cover these items): toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar
soap, and toilet paper.


A.C.T.S. Retreat
An ACTS retreat is a Catholic lay retreat
presented by fellow parishioners.
Talks and ac vi es during the retreat
focus on Adora on, Community,
Theology, and Service.
April 16-19, 2015: Mens Retreat
Jason Bond at 478-319-5931
or email any questions to gaactsrep@gmail.com
Visit ACTS online at: http://www.actsmissions.org

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015 Sll Allice by Lisa Genova

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 at
FAM's Orange Street site, (538 Orange Street...across from the
Washington Library parking lot). All are welcome!
Contact persons: Rena Waller or Sr. Roberta at 746-9803


The CCW of Holy Spirit will be hos ng a Seder Meal on
Sunday March 29th at 4:00 PM in the Holy Spirit Parish Hall. This is
another wonderful way to experience Holy Week. Tickets are
$15.00 per person and must be purchased by March 22nd. NO
ckets will be sold a er this date. Please call Holy Spirit 478-7866386, Monday Thursday 10 AM - 2 PM for ckets. They will also
be sold a er Masses on the weekends of March14th and 21st.
Tickets are limited so please call as soon as possible.

Christ in the Concrete City by Philip Turner

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Presented by Riverside Methodist Church
735 Pierce Avenue, Macon, GA (478) 746-4778
Performed by members of The Backlot Players, The Rose
Theater, Forsyth, GA. This play a empts to portray the
Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ from 3 points of view.
The producon is free to the public.

March Wedding Anniversaries

Support Family Advancement Ministries and beau fy your home
for Easter at the same me. FAM is taking orders for large,
florist quality Boston Ferns available for pick up the weekend of
Palm Sunday.
Ferns are $20 each or 3 for $50.
Orders may be placed by emailing famsrr@bellsouth.net, by
visi ng the FAM website www.faministries.org or by mailing a
completed order form to the FAM office. Phone orders can be
made by calling Susan Joanis at 478 471-6287. Payment is
due when ferns are picked up and cash, checks, or credit
cards are accepted. Please place your order by March 16,
2015. A limited number of ferns will be available for purchase
the weekend of distribution, but...these plants are gorgeous
and you will want at least one, so please pre-order today!

Samuel and Muriel Jackson (15)

Clarence and Sandra S nson (47)
Robert and Carol Cummings (49)
Joseph and Hilda Owoho (26)
Gilbert and Mary Stroupe (38)

`t Zw V|x Ux|z l 4
Name _____________________________________________
Street ____________________________________________
City ___________________________ZIP_______________
Phone ____________________________
Please check:
_____Wish to register
_____ Moving out of Parish
_____Change of Address
_____ Want Tithing Envelopes
_____ Temporarily Away ( I will call Parish Oce upon return)
Drop this completed form in the Sunday Collecon Basket.

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