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May 24, 2015

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Parochial Administrator:

Fr. Daniel Melaba

Deacon James Hubbard
Deacon David Hayden

Gabriel Germann
School Principal
Sr. Cheryl Ann Hillig, DC

Hispanic Coordinator
Sr. Grace Calvisi, DC

Be ye Middlebrooks

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Pentecost Sunday

May 24, 2015

Pastoral AssistantHispanic Ministry

Leslie Miller

Administra ve Assistant/Bookkeeper
Marilyn Robinson


9:00 am4:30 pm
Summer Hours (JuneJuly):
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm


All daily masses in the Convent Chapell
Monday: 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7:00 am
No Mass


All weekend Masses in Church
Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am and 11:15 am
1:30 pm (Spanish)


Saturday: 4:30 pm5:00 pm


A Significant Day

And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it
filled the en re house in which they were (Acts 2:2). The Holy Spirits arrival on
that first Pentecost was signaled by a rush of wind. We all know what its like when
our windows are open just as a summer storm rises up. Curtains fly, papers become
airborne, house plants shudder, dust is sca ered. A rush of wind disrupts the or131 Ward Street, Macon, GA 31204
derliness of our home. The coming of the Holy Spirit, as celebrated each year at
Parish Oce: (478) 743-1454
Pentecost, can also disrupt ways that have become comfortable and orderly. The
Fax: (478) 743-9868
Church always needs Pentecost. We need the breath of Gods Spirit to blow away
any complacency or malaise that has se led into our faith. Jesus breathes on his
stpeterclaver@cbi.mgacoxmail.com disciples and they receive the Holy Spirit. With that recep on comes the power to
Webpage: www.spcccmacon.com share the Good News of salva on. Today, this is no less true for us. Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.

1st & 2nd Tuesdays: 10:00 am

Saturday: 5:00 pm5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am9:00 am

2015 Bishops Annual Appeal - as of 05/15/2015

We e k l y O f f e r i n g
Oertory 05/17/2015


Oertory 05/18/2014




Capital Improvement Fund


Poor Box and Candles


St. Vincent de Paul Fund


St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry






Florine Billue, Willie Byrd, Sr., Shirley James,

Aaron Wimberly, Kevin Dockrell, Annie Burnell,
Jennifer Weaver, Cheryl Weaver, Dolores Konke,
Julianne Kandalec, Emma Pa erson, Marie Chatman,
Alma Johnson, Joanne Dockrell, Rachael Kellam, Marie Pacheco,
Kariem Jones, Kimberly Hamilton, Naomi Hicks, Lea-Ann Fletcher,
Chloe Holt, Eden Lee Thompson, Cle a Wimberly,
Andria Ballard Magallano, Evelyn Nichols, Barbara McColumn,
Charlene Stallings, Alice Denise Williams, Peter Ruschell,
Devin Dayton, Pat Reo , Patrick Nu all, Dennis Pennymon,
Pearlie Watkins, Lindsay Banasz, Johnny Roquemore, Cli on Hadley,
Kris e Marshall, Monsignor John Cuddy, John Earley,
Heriberto Bocanegra, Mary Pioli, Doris McDonald, Mary Cot,
Anne James, Beatrice Jordan, David Maysonet, Cucho Diaz,
Xavier Taylor, Fred Grasso, Tracy Coyle, Michael Craig, Michael Iteogu,
Burton Family, Don Heacock Don Heacock, Sr., Darryl Newman, Judah
White, Hazel McDowell, Quay Wornum, and Anna Grasso.
If you wish to have a name kept on the list or removed please
call the church oce at 743-1454.

Jeff Cooper,

% Donors





Readings for the Week

Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27
Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13;
Mk 10:32-45
Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52
Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b;
Mk 11:11-26
Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33
Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22;
Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20

Elizabeth Ministry
Mary Helen McCoy
Please call the Parish Oce if you are
expecting a child so that we may pray for you!

Saturday, May 23

Brittani Caston,
Russell Hill II,

Tony Cervantes,


basket as you exit the church. Thank you for your generosity.

(478) 743-1454

Chris Gomez,


Second Collection today: Funeral Fund . Please deposit $1.00 or less in the

Todays Readings

Virous Caston,


St. Peter Claver thes 10% of our weekly oertory to the poor
in the name of Jesus! St. Peter Claver donates
$500.00 to FAM (Family Advancement Ministry) and
$250.00 to the St. Maximilian Kolbe Center every month.

First Reading They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and
began to speak in dierent tongues (Acts 2:1-11).
Psalm Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the
earth (Psalm 104).
Second Reading There are dierent kinds of spiritual gi s
but the same Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13) or Gala ans
Gospel As the Father has sent me, so I send you: Receive
the Holy Spirit (John 20:19-23) or John 15:26-27; 16:12-15.

Prayer Line

% of

Angel Gomez,

Mishell Sonntog,

Gary Oate, JC White,

If you have a loved one serving in the U.S. Armed Forces,
assigned overseas, please call Marilyn Robinson at the
Parish Oce to add his or her name to our prayer list and please call us
to let us know he/she has returned safely.

Sunday, May 24
9 :00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
Monday, May 25
Tuesday, May 26
Wednesday, May 27
Thursday, May 28
Friday, May 29
Saturday, May 30

- Antonio Petrusso, + RIP, 1 Year Anniversary of

Death (C. Petrusso)

Isidro Mar nez, Jr., + RIP (S. Phagan)

Adolfo Mar nez, + RIP (S. Phagan)
Missa Pro Populo
In Honor of Divine Mercy in Thanksgiving,
(S. Phagan)
- In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary (S. Phagan)
- Eugene and Virginia McMahon, +RIP
(Estate of V. McMahon)
- In Honor of St. Anthony (S. Phagan)
- None
- Helen Emery, + RIP (J. Emery)

"Fare Thee Well!"

Mass of Celebra on and Recep on

In Honor of Sr. Elizabeth and her

work here in Macon
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 6:00 pm

Georgia Mission of Mercy

Healthy Smiles for Georgia
Reserve these dates: June 18, 19, 20, 2015
Georgia Na onal Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry, GA
Den sts will provide free access to dental care for 2,000
low- and no-income adults while placing a high priority on
pa ents suering from dental infec ons or pain.
Call to Holiness and Voca o Dei
Summer Camps are the
perfect opportunity for rising 7th
graders through 12th Graders. As
they play hard and pray hard, they
will grow in an understanding of
Gods call on their lives and the true meaning of a voca on.
Girls Camp 21 June -24 June.
Boys Camp 24 June -27 June.
For More Informa on & Register Online
www.diosav.org/voca ons
Scholarships available for a ending this camp.

The Center for Ministry Development is excited to bring its 2015
workshop series to Savannah!

Saturday, June 6, 2015: 10:00-4:00, Diocese of Savannah
This workshop will share eec ve ways in which parish
communi es are engaging parents and helping families grow in faith
How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmi ng
the faith! - Pope Francis, July 26, 2014 Angelus
This workshop will provide leaders with:
A be er understanding of todays parents;
Strategies for reaching out to parents and ways to support them
in deepening their own faith;
The Churchs vision for family from Scripture, Church teachings,
the Synod on the Family, Pope Francis;
Strategies to strengthen family faith at home and in the parish;
Ways to involve parents in faith forma on, sacramental preparaon, and youth ministry;
Strategies for engaging families through technology;
Strategies for mo va ng families to do service and outreach together.
The workshop is designed for all parish, diocesan and Catholic school
leaders whose ministries touch the familyincluding pastors, deacons,
pastoral associates, coordinators of youth ministry, leaders in faith
forma on and catechists, sacramental prepara on leaders, family ministers, service/social concerns leaders, Catholic school principals and
teachers. Cost of the workshop is $54, which includes handouts and
lunch. For more informa on or to register, click on the link below and
follow the instruc ons:
Engaging Parents Workshop Diocese of Savannah

Followed by a Recep on in the Social Hall Downstairs

All are invited.
Lets gather to honor her and her work here in Macon before she
leaves for her new assignment as Director of Jericho Way Center for
the Homeless in Li le Rock, Arkansas. If you, or the organiza on
that you represent, plan to give Sister Elizabeth a par ng gi , she
respec ully requests that you consider making a dona on in her
honor to your organiza on, or to DAYBREAK, or to her future work
at Jericho Way. DAYBREAK was begun by support from the
interfaith community here in Macon and it is fi ng that we accept
the invita on to join Sister Elizabeth as she turns to her faith for
strength and comfort in beginning this new posi on in another
city. I hope you will all a end this farewell celebra on.

Dianne Newsome is the winner of the SBS Mink Coat Rae (Sisters
of the Blessed Sacrament AlumniAnnual Fundraiser). Thank you
all for your par cipa on. All proceeds go to the Sisters of the
Blessed Sacrament Re rement Home.

Important dates
May 27th

8th Grade SPC School Gradua on

St . Pet e r C l ave r C h u rc h

9th thru 12th Grade

Come join us every Sunday!
Upstairs-- Pre
Pre--K Building Time:
11:00 am

In Honor of Dick Buttimer

In honor of Dick Bu mer's many hours of service and support to
the St. Peter Claver Food Pantry All members of St. Peter Claver
Church are cordially invited to the dedica on and blessing of the
new food box, The Bu mer Box, a er the 5:30 mass on May 30.
This box is in honor of Dick Bu mer, who was an outstanding and
dedicated volunteer of the St. Peter Claver Food Pantry.
A recep on will be held in the social hall a er the blessing. Please
bring some food items to donate to the pantry and fill up our new
Bu mer Box.

MDS Interna onal Student Program

Are you interested in serving as a host family for a visi ng
MDS student? Suppor ng organiza ons are available to
assist (and pay!) host families. These interna onal
students are fun, smart, conscien ous, and look forward
to living in an American home. If you are interested,
admissions at MDS, to discuss the opportuni es that await
your family. (478) 751-3244; agrin@mountdesales.net.

Music at the Mount Concert Series

Fun! Unique! Live! Get your tickets for Mount de Sales
Academy's Music at the Mount, presented by State Bank.
Enjoy live music and dinner under the stars in the
Academy's amphitheater!
This three-concert series features up-and-coming acts.
Concerts are scheduled for the fourth Fridays in April,
May, and June. For tickets and news, visit
Music at the Mount is open to the community.

Knights of Columbus
Fathers Day Smoked
Boston Butt Sale

It was another successful drive we

collected a total of 22 units of blood
with twenty-fie sign-ins, again thanks.
Our next drive is scheduled for August
24 for those who like to plan in advance.
Dennis Staples

Mount de Sales
Inaugural Golf Tournament
August 3rd, 2015, 1:00 PM
Brickyard Golf Course
The Cavalier Club is hos ng a Golf Tournament with all
proceeds directly benefi ng our Mount de Sales athle c
teams. Interested golfers wishing to enter a team or
interested parishioners wishing to help sponsor the
tournament, please contact Coach Keith Hatcher, at
khatcher@mountdesales.net or register online at
www.mountdesales.net, link Cavalier Club Golf Tourney. We
appreciate your support! Go CAVS!

This event benefits the K of C Charities.

Average weight 8-10 lbs.

$35.00 Each
Tickets available from any Knight of Columbus
Pick-up is Friday June 19, 2015
4:00 to 7:00pm
Tom & Liz McBreartys house, 938 High Street

Recogni on Mass
Class of 2015
High School Graduates
Caroline E. Johnson, Mount de Sales Academy
Michael Vaughn, Mount de Sales Academy
Emily McKowen, Mount de Sales Academy
Laurel Ferrari, Stra ord Academy
Sean Grossnickle, Stra ord Academy
Josh Tong, Mount de Sales Academy
Noah Cole, Stra ord Academy
Samuel Craddock, Jones County High School
Erin Tomey, Howard High School
Tasha Ogoh, Central High School

College Graduates
John McKowen, Georgia Ins tute of Technology
Abby Haynes, Georgia Ins tute of Technology
Reginald Keith Cummings II, Macon State College
Tiany Nicole Watkins, Mercer University Law School

Looking for Summer activities for your children?

Mount de Sales Academy will have numerous
Sports Camps (Basketball, soccer, softball,
wrestling and volleyball) as well as SPLASH Camp
(fun educational classes) going on throughout the
month of June and July. For more information
please contact Iain Jones, sports Information
Director, at 751-3240 x 194 or visit our website at
www.mountdesales.net. ONLINE REGISTRATION
now available!!!

Oficina Hispana

Hermana Grace
478 741-9916
Misa en Espaol
domingos: 1:30pm
Grupo de Oracin
miercoles 7:00pm -9:00pm
en el salon social
Grupo Evangelization
viernes 7:00pm
Reuniones Juan XXIII
lunes de 7:00pm a 9:00pm
Grupo de jvenes
miercoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm
en el primer piso de la biblioteca
Clases Pre-bautismales
Llamar a la oficina para Registracin
Clases de Catecismo
para nios y jvenes de 13 a 15
Horario: 11:30am a 1:00pm
Llamar para mas informacin
y registracin 478 741-9916
RICA para adultos
Clases para adultos que necesitan
preparacin para recibir los sacramentos
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Llamar a la oficina para cita con
el Padre


Espritu Santo,
que enviaste a Cristo Jess
a traer la Buena Nueva a los
pobres, Te pedimos:
Aydanos a con nuar tu
obra sirviendo al pobre,
nuestro hermano y hermana.
copyright 1976, 1981, Lucien Deiss.

Pregunta para la Semana

Podra yo facilitar que

el Espritu me guie hasta
la verdad plena al emprender o continuar mi
propia educacin en la fe
mediante la lectura de las
Escrituras o de algn
comentario bblico, o de
una nueva publicacin
litrgica espritual o de la
doctrina social de la Iglesia durante este verano?

Ministerio Hispano

Hay diferentes dones,

pero el Espritu es el
mismo. -1Corin os 12:4

De repente se oy un gran ruido que vena

del cielo, como cuando sopla un viento
fuerte, que reson por toda la casa donde se encontraban (Hechos 2:2). La
llegada del Espritu Santo en ese primer Pentecosts fue marcada por un viento
fuerte. Todos sabemos lo que se siente cuando abrimos las ventanas en el
momento en que se levanta una tormenta de verano. Las cor nas vuelan, los
papeles se elevan, las plantas emblan y el polvo se revuelve. Un ventarrn que
perturba el orden de nuestro hogar. La venida del Espritu Santo, que celebramos cada ao
durante Pentecosts, tambin puede perturbar hbitos que se han vuelto cmodos y
organizados. La Iglesia siempre necesita de Pentecosts. Necesitamos el soplo del Espritu de
Dios para que disperse nuestras autocomplacencias o cualquier malestar que ha penetrado
nuestra fe. Jess sopla en sus discpulos y reciben el Espritu Santo. Con esa recepcin viene el
poder de compar r la Buena Nueva de la salvacin. Hoy esa realidad no es diferente a lo que se
Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.
espera de nosotros.

El hombre busca la felicidad, pero nada de este mundo puede drsela.

La felicidad es el fruto sobrenatural de la presencia de Dios en el alma.
Es la felicidad de los santos. Ellos la viven en las mas adversas circunstancias y nada ni
nadie se las puede quitar. San Felipe Neri ilustra admirablemente la
felicidad de la santidad. Dispuesto a todo por Cristo, logr maravillas en
su vida y la gloria del cielo.
Naci en Florencia, Italia, en 1515, uno de cuatro hijos del
notario Francesco y Lucretia Neri. Muy pronto perdieron a su madre
pero la segunda esposa de su padre fue para ellos una verdadera madre.
Desde pequeo Felipe era afable, obediente y amante de la
oracin. En su juventud le gustaba visitar a los padres dominicos del
Monasterio de San Marco y segn su propio testimonio estos padres le
inspiraron a la virtud.
Tena gracia y saba hacer las cosas con humor. Enseaba y avisaba sin ofender. Y riendo,
me a las verdades mayores en las almas. De una manera tan sencilla, tan divertida, tan simptica,
orientaba a los jovenes por el camino de la vida para que su ideal fuese cristiano y no vulgar.


Muchos han escuchado que la Hermana Elizabeth se va para servir los pobres
en Little Rock, Arkansas dnde comenzar otro ministerio como Daybreak para
las personas sin hogar. Por muchos aos la Hna. Elizabeth fue nuestra catequista de
la Confirmacin para jvenes hispanos y es una buena amiga de los hispanos en
general. Seguro que ella quiere dar una despedida a ustedes. Por eso, todos estn invitados a la celebracin en su honor.

La celebracin de la Santa Misa ser

en la Iglesia San Jos
FECHA: jueves, 4 de junio a las 6:00pm
Despus de la Misa habr una Recepcin en el
saln debajo de la Iglesia San Jos.
Todos estn invitados!

Pentecosts: milagro del corazn

Las lecturas y su mensaje

Hechos 2:1-11
El relato de Pentecosts est admirablemente construido. Se pueden dis nguir dos relatos: uno ms tradicional y otro ms evolucionado. El an guo ene un carcter carism co. El segundo es prof co y misionero. El don del Espritu se da a la comunidad, si
bien es Pedro quien pronunciar el discurso. La irrupcin del Espritu viene a romper el propsito de restauracin de la An gua
Alianza. El Espritu viene de repente con ruido como de viento impetuoso y en lenguas como de fuego, para reorientar a una
posicin prof ca y misionera. Lucas insiste en que los presentes, que vienen de todo el mundo, en enden el discurso de Pedro,
cada uno en su propia lengua.
1 Corin os 12:3b-7, 12-13
En la triple reiteracin de diversidad aparecen tres trminos dis ntos para los dones: carismas, ministerios, actuaciones. Todos
proceden de una misma fuente que tambin es pluriforme: Espritu, Seor, Dios. Se ejempliica la diversidad dentro de la Iglesia con
cuatro grupos que representan profundos contrastes de raza (judos y griegos) y de estatus econmico y legal (esclavos y libres).
Conver dos por la fuerza del Espritu han sido incorporados todos por igual a este nico cuerpo que es Cristo.
Juan 20:19-23
El escenario es el lugar de reunin de los discpulos. La referencia a las puertas cerradas por miedo a los judos puede estar mo vada para poner de relieve lo extraordinario de la aparicin. Hay un nuevo saludo de paz y envo. La reiteracin muestra la solemnidad del momento. Es el acto de envo. Viene luego la efusin del Espritu y la concesin del poder para perdonar pecados. La denominacin de Espritu Santo indica claramente la fe trinitaria. El don que se concede es el poder de perdonar. Este poder de la
Iglesia se refiere en primer lugar a la remission de pecados mediante el bau smo.

Memorial Day


Alejandra Pedraza
Celina Garca
Alondra Medrano
Eduardo Gmez
Armando Prez, Jr.
Jazmn Musick
Cecilia Fuentes
Sergio Jacobo

es una fecha conmemorativa

de carcter federal que tiene lugar en los ultimos lunes de mayo de cada
ao, con el objeto de recordar a los soldados que murieron en combate.
Inicialmente fue establecido para conmemorar a los soldados caidos de
la Unin americana que participaron en la Guerra Civil estadounidense,
aun tras la primera guerra mundial fue extendido para rendir homenaje a
todos los soldados estadounidenses fallecidos en las guerras en las que
particip ese pas.


Las prximas charlas son programadas:
sbados: junio 6 y 13 de 5:00pm a 7:00pm
Lugar: en la sala de conferencia 2 piso
de la oficina. Llamar 478-741-9916 para la
registracin lunes o martes)


Sir 17:20-24; Sal 32;

Mc 10:17-27
Martes: Sir 35:1-12; Sal 50;
Mc 10:28-31
Mircoles: Sir 36:1, 4-5, 10-17;
Sal 79; Mc 10:32-45
Sir 42:15-25; Sal 33;
Mc 10:46-52
Viernes: Sir 44:1, 9-13; Sal 149;
Mc 11:11-26
Sbado: Sir 51:12cd-20; Sal 19;
Mc 11:27-33
Domingo: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Sal 33;
Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20

Georgia Misin
de Misericordia
Estarn muchos Dentistas
atendiendo gratis a 2,000 pacientes en los terrenos de la
feria en Perry, GA. Tambin necesitan voluntarios:
llamar la Oficina Hispana: 478 741-9916
Reserva la fecha: junio, 18, 19 y 20.

El empo de Pascua termina con el Domingo de Pentecosts y la venida del Espritu
Santo. Pero, qu o quin es el Espritu Santo? En 1897, el papa Len XIII escribi la
primera encclica papal acerca del Espritu Santo. Llamada Divinum illud munus (Aquel
Divino Encargo). En esa encclica, Len XIII explica quin es el Espritu de Dios y cul es su
El Espritu Santo es la bondad, el amor y la caridad del Padre y
del Hijo. Un amor tan fuerte e inmenso que se hace persona y se
derrama sobre nosotros. El Papa insiste que si Cristo es la cabeza de
la Iglesia, el Espritu Santo es su alma. El Espritu de Dios se manifiesta
en la Iglesia, perdonando pecados, repar endo gracia y habitando en
el corazn de los fieles.
Jess declara a sus discpulos: Les conviene que yo me vaya; porque si no me voy, no
vendr a ustedes el Parclito; pero si me voy, se los enviar (Juan 16:7). Por eso conviene
que pidamos el don del Espritu Santo, fuente inexhausta de luz, de consuelo y de gracia.
-Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM,

Upcoming Ministry Schedules for May 30-31, 2015





5:30 pm


9:00 am


11:15 am



Altar Servers
B. Haynes AS
R. HaynesC
T. Vickers AS
Mr. Reo C
B. Anyakudo AS
P. Anyakudo C


Larkin, Larkin


Howard, Pi s


McKowen, Howard

Family Advancement Ministries

Wherever you live, there are poor families within walking

distance of your home. When they ring the rectory bell,
they are in eect ringing all our door bells.

The FAM Book Club will be reading in June, 2015:

St. Peter Claver Food Pantry is in need of the following

dona ons: pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats, macaroni and
cheese, juices, cereals, canned fruit, soups, and rice. Toiletries
such as (food stamps do not cover these items): toothpaste,
toothbrushes, bar soap, and toilet paper.

Elevator Assistance
The following parishioners will be available to assist at the
designated Masses, in the event our Church Elevator
malfunc ons.
5:30 pm Mass
9:00 am Mass
11:15 am Mass
Mike Larkin
Vernon Jordan
Anthony McIntosh
L.T. Hanna
Peter Givens
Fred McLaurin
Jim Whelan
Thomas Mead
John Tong
Aurico Hill

Transporta on Needed
We have several parishioners that need transporta on to
Mass. If you would like to assist, please call the
Parish Oce at (478) 743-1454.

Use of the John Paul II Social Hall

If you request the use of the Social Hall, you are
responsible for ensuring the following at the end of your

Eucharis c Ministers

St. Vincent de Paul Society Mee ng

When you fill your pantry, please dont forget ours.


making sure all lights are turned o

all doors are locked
the kitchen, all appliances, and the restrooms are
le clean
loaner key is returned to the Parish Oce

Flyers in the Church Ves bule

Permission is required from the Parish Oce before
placing any flyers in the Church Ves bule. Please do not
tape any flyers on the glass of the church windows or
doors. The tape damages the protec ve film on the glass.

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner.
We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 1:00 at FAM's
Orange Street site, (538 Orange Street...across from the
Washington Library parking lot). All are welcome!
Contact persons: Rena Waller or Sr. Roberta at 746-9803

*Pro-Life Center* Crisis Pregnancy Assistance *

Natural Family Planning
Visit our website at: kolbecentermacon.org
or call us at: (478) 257-4425

May Wedding Anniversaries

Alfred and Mariette Graham (38)
Simon and Adaku Nwoke (15)
Johnny and Maryanne Roquemore (43)
Edward and Jerita Rainey (41)
Willy and Nicky Byrd (10)
Jack and Delores Ballard (56)
Joseph and Cynthia Moran (30)
Scott and Colleen Giffin (13)
Anthony and Dorothy McIntosh (25)
Mark and Mary Grossnickle (26)
Robert and Joan Schroeder (50)
Alberto and Elena Gongora (23)
Kent and Lisa McKinney (9)
Stephen and Laura Dyer (7)
Aaron and Catherine Griffin (10)

`t Zw V|x Ux|z l4
Name _________________________________________________
Street _________________________________________________
City _______________________________ZIP _______________
Phone ____________________________
Please check:
_____Wish to register
_____ Moving out of Parish
_____Change of Address
_____ Want Tithing Envelopes
_____ Temporarily Away ( I will call Parish Oce upon return)
Drop this completed form in the Sunday Collec on Basket.

Family Advancement


570 High Place, Macon GA 31201

Diocese of Savannah webpage:


Our hours of opera on are Mondays

from 10-12, Tuesdays-Fridays 9-12.
Anyone interested in volunteering
please call 745-7165 and ask to talk to
the oce manager, Chris McKowen.

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops

webpage: www.usccb.org.
Traveling informa on:
www.mass mes.org

Sunday School Registra on

Our Sunday School (CCD) classes
began in September 21st, 2014.
Please call Be ye Middlebrooks, at
the Parish Oce (478) 743-1454) if
you have any ques ons.

RCIA Classes
Classes are held in the Preschool Library, on
Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m. star ng
September 24th, 2014.

The VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children
for Adults" is required for all who provide
either paid or volunteer ministry in our
Diocese who in the course of their
ministry come into contact with minors.
This includes parish ministries such as
Sacristans, Lectors, Ushers, and
Eucharistic Ministers. Space is limited
registration is required by
If you do not have access to a
computer, please call the Parish Office
at (478) 743-1454 and our Parish Staff

Mission Statement
St. Peter Claver Church is a mul cultural
and well-integrated Catholic Parish
graced with the gi of Gods presence.
Together as church we form a faith
community where no one just adds up
to the number but everybody is
important because we cherish the
potency and gi of everyone. It is our
desire to constantly nourish our faith in
the soil of Gods Word and at the table
of the Eucharist, to be a credible
witness of Gods presence in the world
and each others companion on our
journey of faith.

Parish Oce (478) 743-1454

Oce Hours (January-May, AugustDecember)
MondayFriday: 9:00 a.m.4:30 p.m.

Summer Hours (JuneJuly):
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Pastors Announcements

Registra on for Parish and School

REGISTER We are very glad you are here at
St. Peter Claver. If you would like to make St. Peter
Claver your home Parish, please complete a Parish
Census Form (available in the parish oce and
ves bule in back of the church) and either mail or
place in oertory basket at Mass. Persons wishing to
transfer membership from another Catholic parish are
also asked to complete a census form.


school accommodates children from K3 through 8th
grade. If you would like to register your child in our
school, please call (478) 743-3985.



SICK Please contact the parish oce at

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Diocesan regula ons

require that you meet with the priest at least
4 months prior to wedding date. Please contact the
parish oce at 743-1454.

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE 4:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Saturdays or by appointment.
HOLY ORDERS Any man who thinks God might be
calling him to be a priest should contact Father Dan at

Bulle n Deadline:
At 12:00 noon on Monday, for the next
weekend. Submissions should be
emailed to
Marilyn Robinson at:


Please make sure all pagers and cell

are turned o for the
dura on of the Mass.
Mass Inten on requests are to be
sent to the rectory oce in wri ng
and/or envelopes are available in the
back of the church.
Please do not block anyone in the
parking lot or obstruct trac flow.
If you have recently changed your
status, married, moved out of your
parents home or graduated from
college, you need to re-register.
If you move we would appreciate a
call to the church so that our records
will be in order .
1-888-357-5330. Copies of the policy
on sexual abuse of minors is available
online at:
should be the last one in and first one
out of the church.
ILLNESS IN OUR PARISH FAMILY Is someone in your family or our
Parish in the hospital? Please call
743-1454 and let us know.
VISITORS - We welcome you to
St. Peter Claver Church. Thank you
for worshipping with us and please
come again.

Oertory Envelopes - 2015

The Oertory envelopes for St. Peter
Claver Church - 2015, were mailed to your
homes in December. Envelopes were only
issued to Parish members that u lized their
envelopes during 2014. If you are a
member, and would like to start u lizing
Oertory envelopes, or if you are not a
member and would like to join our Parish,
please complete the form included in this
bulle n and drop it in the oertory, or the
mail, addressed to the Parish Oce.

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