Finally Vaccine (Uw + MTB) By: Araki
Finally Vaccine (Uw + MTB) By: Araki
Finally Vaccine (Uw + MTB) By: Araki
By : Araki
----------------------------------------All patients undergoing Splenectomy should vaccinated against
encapsulated organisms.
either prior to or immediately following surgery
S.pneumonia - N.meningifidis - H.influenza
Vaccination against meningococcus :asplenia, those living in
dormitories or barracks, people traveling to or living in areas where
meningococcal infection is endemic, and for college-bound
individuals. traveling to some Asian countries and to sub-Saharan
Africa. make the Haj to Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
pneumococcal vaccine be given to all healthy adults once at age 65.
Patients under the age of 65 with chronic medical conditions
(chronic lung disease, chronic cardiovascular diseases, DM, chronic
liver disease, chronic renal disease, asplenia, and
immunosuppression Alcoholism - CSF leak - Cochlear implants )
may be vaccinated once followed by a booster 5 years later
# polyvalent pneumococcal - individuals over age 65
polysaccharides of the 23 most prevalent types of pneumococcus ,
polysaccharides cannot be presented to T-cells. Thus,
polysaccharide vaccines yield a B-cell only, T-cell-independent
T-cell-independent 8-cell response
# heptavalent pneumococcal vaccine - use in children
is conjugated with protein and induces active immunity via a T-celldependent B-cell response
T-cell-dependent 8-cell response
Hepatitis A Vaccination : All children + high risk adults : Chronic
liver D - traveling to endemic areas - sewer workers IV drug users food handlers - homosexual men