Practices From The Zhang
Practices From The Zhang
Practices From The Zhang
as transmitted orally by
Lopon Tenzin Namdak
Thdgal refers to the nature of the state of Rigpa.
The Natural State (rigpa) pervades our entire physical body, but it is especially
concentrated in the hollow cavity inside of our physical heart.
The Kati nerve is a tube like hollow channel. By means of the wisdom winds (ye-shes kyi
rlung), the Natural State (rig-pa) comes up through the channel from the heart.
This represents an important method: the Natural State (rig-pa) comes up out of the heart,
moves along the Kati nerve and goes out through the eyes. This Natural State (rigpa)
shines through the eyes, that is, it comes up through the channels and goes out through
the eyes, although actually the Natural State(rigpa) is immovable. Between our internal
space and external space beyond, we have a window or door.
The Natural State (rigpa) resides in the heart and it comes and goes through the Kati
channel and through the doorways of the eyes. Here we can find the unification of energy
and awareness. Unification of these two exists equally everywhere from the top of the
head down to the feet, but normally this situation is covered over with obscurations, and
we do not see it clearly. But it is clear in the Kati channel and here it is like the sky
without clouds. This is an indestructible gnosis or knowledge.
If we practice consistently, we will realize Ngonshe (mngon-shes) or the clairvoyant
powers. Even if we just practice ordinary amatha, as the Hindus and others do, we will
realize these powers. But this clairvoyance is limited, whereas in Tantra and Dzogchen,
the clairvoyant powers will be very vast.
There exist several methods for keeping in the state continuously. We can go on for
years without distraction.