Ratios and Rates Lesson Plan
Ratios and Rates Lesson Plan
Ratios and Rates Lesson Plan
Phone: 832-212-4650
School: Stehlik Intermediate
Date: 11/10/2014
Room: 630
Lesson Title:
Email: O.huerta90@gmail.com
Subject(s): Mathematics
Grade: 6
-Pencil-Paper-Dry Erase Board-Dry Erase Marker-Computer-Projector
6.4(C) give examples of ratios as multiplicative comparisons of two quantities describing the same attribute
6.4(A) compare two rules verbally, numerically, graphically, and symbolically in the form of
y = ax or y = x + a in order to differentiate between additive and multiplicative relationships
6.5(A) represent mathematical and real-world problems involving ratios and rates using scale factors, tables,
graphs, and proportions
3. ELPS:
74.4. (c) (2) (D) monitor understanding of spoken language during classroom instruction and interactions and seek
clarification as needed;74.4. (c) (2) (C) learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic
vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions;
Lesson Objective(s):
-Students will set up ratios in three different ways.-Students will use a bar model to convert measurements.Students will differentiate between additive and multiplicative relationships.-Students will solve problems with
proportion either through the use of equivalent ratios or unit rates.
5. Prerequisite Skills:
-Students need to know how to multiply and divide.
-Students need to know how to add and multiply decimal numbers.
-Students need to know how to setup proportions.
Sponge / Focus
1. Sponge (warm-up):
Have students solve 2 of 4 problems given to see which areas students are most and least comfortable with.
2. Focus:
Rationale/ Connections:
Connections:-Tell or ask students where they see the concept in their school (if asking, have answers).
-Question and Answer (Informal)-Homework Questions (Formal)
-Ask questions about the most important parts of the lesson-Have students ask you questions about the lesson to see if
you know the answers
-Reduce number of items-Provide a buddy-Orally given instructions
Additional Information:
Number of students / Groups/Special settings:
Transitional Activities / Plan for students who finish early:
Reflections on lesson: