Math 4-16 8 5
Math 4-16 8 5
Math 4-16 8 5
Students with autism
or other special needs
Academic Language related to the lesson: gallon, quarts, pints, and cups
Prior Learning/Prior Thinking: The students have had two days of working with the customary unit
conversions. Today the students will be working with liquid units, it will be the first day of understanding
the units however they should be able to convert easily once knowing the amounts.
1. Anticipatory Set (Review/Preview): The students have a discussion about what are different
types of customary units and what are examples.
2. Purpose Statement: Today students we will be converting liquid units today liquids in the
United States.
3. Before starting the liquid conversions the students will convert lengths again (Review Sheet).
Give students about 10 minutes to complete. Then go over answers students will star if correct
and fix if wrong. This will be graded for effort and used for the teacher to assess how students are
doing with conversions.
4. We will start the day off by looking at the conversions for customary liquid units. The students
will open to page 247 in their activity workbook. The Smart Board will also have that page
projected on the screen. The teacher will point out the fractions use on the chart.
5. Together the class will go 247. The teacher will need to really explain the fractions part to the
students. This will be the first time the students have worked with conversions and fractions.
6. The students and teacher will also complete 248 together. The students will go up to the board ad
show how the work was done.
7. For homework the students will need to complete pages 165 and 166. They will have the
After teaching the lesson I realized the students need more work with converting customary
units. I thought since we had spent a great deal of time working with converting customary
lengths the students would grasp it is the same concept only different numbers. I also notice
many students had a hard time with the word problems and finding the important information to
use. I will be teaching a day two of this same concept we will be focusing tomorrow on the idea
that when you start at a smaller unit and go to a larger unit you divide and when you start large
and go small you multiple. Students will also start underlining the important words and circling
the important numbers in word problems to help slow the students down and think about the
question being asked.