Fuseless Capacitor Bank Protection2
Fuseless Capacitor Bank Protection2
Fuseless Capacitor Bank Protection2
The use of fuseless capacitor banks requires subtle changes in the protection approach from the more
traditional fused banks. This paper covers the aspects of protecting fuseless capacitor banks of various
voltage classes. Comparison of fused versus fuseless capacitor bank protection is discussed, along with
examples and insights from Minnesota Powers experiences with fuseless capacitor banks.
There are many different VAR and voltage ratings available on power capacitors and many different
physical arrangements of power capacitor banks. However, the installations can be grouped into one of
three applications - internally fused, externally fused or fuseless. The individual power capacitors are
designed uniquely for the application intended and have their own unique failure modes. As a result,
protection systems must also be tailored to the application.
All applications of power capacitors require the same basic protection objectives, including system short
circuits between phases or to ground within the bank, and element overvoltages, caused by power system
overvoltages or by the failure of other elements within the bank. Since the failure modes differ between
capacitor types, the performance of protection schemes will also vary. In particular, fuseless capacitors
present unique protection considerations.
Capacitor Types
There are three main types of power capacitors, internally fused, externally fused and fuseless. Internally
fused capacitors were used extensively in the past when the element technology was all-paper or paperfilm. The individual can is constructed from series groups of parallel capacitor elements, each element
individually fused within the can (refer to Figure 1a). When an individual capacitor element shorts, the
fuse for that element blows, opening the element with minimal overvoltage stress on the remaining
Externally fused capacitors utilize modern all-film element technology. The individual can is constructed
from series groups of parallel capacitor elements which are designed to be operated with a common
external fuse (refer to Figure 1b). The external fuse will generally not blow for failure of an individual
element and the can will continue to operate with a reduced VAR flow and increased voltage stress across
the remaining elements within the can. The increased voltage stress usually results in cascaded failure of
the remaining elements within the can, ultimately blowing the external fuse.
a) Internally Fused
b) Externally Fused
c) Fuseless
Fuseless capacitors, like externally fused capacitors, utilize modern all-film element technology and are
constructed from series groups of parallel capacitor elements. However, they usually contains more
elements than a typical fused capacitor (see Figure 1c). When an individual element shorts, the can
continues to operate with a slightly reduced VAR rating. Due to the larger number of series groups within
the can and the power wiring methods used, the overvoltage stress on the unshorted groups is smaller than
for externally fused capacitors. As a result, cascaded element failures within the same can are not as
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 2
Phase 3
Protection Objectives
The objectives of capacitor bank protection are the same, regardless of the type of capacitors used or the
physical arrangements employed. They include short circuit protection for phase and ground faults,
overvoltage protection resulting from excessively high power system voltages and overvoltage protection
resulting from element failures.
In both fused and fuseless capacitor banks, the voltage differential relay provides alarm and tripping
functions. The alarm should be set to alert maintenance personnel in advance of a trip so that damaged
equipment can be repaired during a scheduled outage. For a fused capacitor bank, this generally means
alarming for one blown fuse. On fuseless capacitor banks, the alarm point is not as obvious. Since there is
no outward indication of which cans have bad elements, alarming for one failed element may not be
useful for maintenance. If the alarm is set for more than one element failed, there is a strong likelihood
that several cans will need to be replaced (there is no logical failure mode to suggest that all of the failed
elements will be in the same can). Generally accepted practice is to alarm for some number of failed
elements that is slightly less (1 or 2) than the trip point.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Tripping from the voltage differential relay should be set to occur at the point where one more failure
(element in the case of fuseless or blown fuse in the case of fused) will result in a voltage stress that
exceeds 110% of rating on the remaining elements. Note that, it is important to use nameplate or
measured capacitance for the protection modules when performing the voltage differential calculations as
a small variable in the protection module impedance results in a significant change in differential voltage.
If the voltage differential relay being used has the ability to automatically calculate the nulling factor, it is
recommended that this feature be used once the bank is known to contain no bad elements.
Neutral overvoltage relaying can also be used to detect failed elements in both fused and fuseless
capacitor banks. In the case of fused capacitor banks, the application is generally limited to ungrounded
banks. For fuseless capacitor banks, neutral overvoltage relaying can be applied on grounded wye banks
by grounding the bank through a single element protection module (see Figure 5). The neutral overvoltage
relay (59N) operates based on the voltage across the protection module. In this application, the voltage
across all three phases changes as elements fail within the series groups.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
The setting criteria for alarm and trip are the same for the 59N application as in the case of the voltage
differential. However, the calculations for neutral voltage as a function of failed elements uses a wyedelta conversion of the phase impedances to calculate individual phase line currents and associated
neutral current/voltage. A disadvantage of the neutral overvoltage application is that it may respond
adversely to primary system voltage unbalances.
Neutral overcurrent relaying can be used to detect failed elements in any grounded capacitor bank (51N
Figure 4). On transmission voltage capacitor banks it is generally applied as back-up to a voltage
differential application. Since the relay operates on relatively small currents (25 - 50 amps primary), it is
generally required to use a low-ratio neutral CT (10:5 or 50:5) with primary protective gaps. The relay
can generally be set to provide the same alarm and tripping points as the voltage differential relay. As in
the case of the neutral overvoltage relay, the neutral overcurrent application may respond adversely to
primary system voltage unbalances.
All of the traditional methods of protecting fused capacitor banks can be applied to fuseless capacitor
banks with the same basic objectives. However, a careful understanding of the failure modes of fuseless
capacitors is required in order to correctly apply and set the protective relays. Since there is no outward
indication of failed elements within fuseless capacitor cans, maintenance and trouble shooting procedures
will be different and the relay settings should be designed taking this into account (especially with regard
to the failed element alarm).