Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
Classroom Management Plan
EDU 225
class. The six desks in the front are there for students who prefer to sit close
to the front, have trouble seeing from far away, and lastly as a sort of place I
can place students who are particularly talkative or disruptive. The space in
between the back desk row is there to make it easier on me to be in the
center of the room. It also allows me to view students work from a position
that doesnt involve leaning over them. The desk all face the front in order to
be facing the whiteboard and projector. The pick-up desk is near the door so
students can pick up the assignment and homework for that day.
The teachers desk is facing opposite of the door and in the corner. The
first reason for this is the fact that when sitting at the desk I can see the
door, so if someone needs to catch my attention they can. The second
reason is that most likely that is where the control for the projector will be, so
it is bound to have the most electrical outlets for my computer. The
secondary teachers desk, if the room Im provided has one, will be used to
hold any papers or material I need or keep. The counter/cabinet space will be
used to hold the location of the late tray and pick up location for late work or
Classroom Procedure
I want to be consistent with my students in terms of Classroom
Procedures. I always want to have the agenda on the board so they can copy
it down in their notebook everyday as they walk in. The agenda should also
show the date and the academic standard or standards that I will be
achieving for the week. Students should arrive to class before the bell and
should have all the materials they would need ready for my class. When
students walk into the classroom, they should pick up any handouts or
homework that will be on the desk near the door for class that day. I will
always check the attendance to determine which students are present and
absent. When I am actively teaching students should follow the following
First, students should be silent and pay attention because the first
thing I will do every day is make announcements that affect the classroom
such as: due date for papers, reminder of test dates, changing of dates for
assignments or test, and anything else that I would deem as important for
students to be informed. Secondly, after making any announcements I will
inform students of what the subject of today is and then launch into my
lesson plan for that day. Students should follow all instructions when it comes
to whatever activity is being used that day. In the event that I have to leave
the room students are to keep working on their current assignment, work on
their homework that they picked up from the desk near the door, or get out a
book and begin to read silently. Students should also be silent unless I give
them permission to speak and they should be respectful at all times.
In regards to late work and student absences the following procedures
should be followed. First, if a student is absent they have one day to make up
the assignment and homework that was done in class. Second, the
assignment and homework can be picked up on the counter that will be used
to store all assignments and homework for the previous week. Third,
students can only make up any assignments and homework during the week
of the assignment and homework. If absent Friday and there was homework
or an assignment, students will have until the Tuesday of the next week to
turn in the assignment or homework. Finally, if students turns in an
assignment or homework and werent absent, they will lose 10% off of the
assignments final grade.
The last procedure that I believe needs covered is students using the
restroom. When students wish to use the bathroom, I will have a set of
procedures for that event. First, if a student asks to use the bathroom, I will
tell them not right now come back in a few minutes and ask again. This is to
make sure they actually need to use the restroom and arent trying to skip
out on a few minutes of class. Second, if a student comes back, I will allow
them to go use the bathroom. I will only allow one male and one female
student at a time. Third, before a student leaves, he or she will fill out a time
sheet with their name and the time leaving. Finally, when a student gets
back, he or she will need to put the time back from the restroom on the sign
out sheet.
Classroom Rules
The best rule where learning takes place, is if we can respect each
other then we dont need any other "rules." I absolutely believe in keeping a
safe environment where put-downs and name calling is not allowedthis also
falls under respect. If I can have respect for my students as well as having
them respecting each other, I believe this leads to a safe environment where
learning can take place. I am not a stickler for gum chewing or eating and
drinking as long as it does not interfere with learning and doesnt make a
mess and if the school policy allows it. I would like to give my kids the
freedom to eat or drink as long as they are responsible for their trash and
mess. If it gets out of control, I will let them know that the privilege will be
taken away, right from the beginning. In order to strengthen the rules that I
would establish in my classroom I would have the students themselves
develop the rules so that way they may be more inclined to follow them
because they had a hand in the decision making process.
In terms of creating a safe environment for all to learn, I want to create
an environment with positive and numerous student-teacher relationships.
Especially in diverse classrooms where many students are from different
backgrounds, I want to create an environment where students are not and do
not feel that they are being treated unfairly. I do not want to label students or
assume their academic ability on the way they look or act. I do not want the
diverse settings to lead to situations where communication is not happening.
I believe to succeed in having a classroom like this it is necessary to have
great interpersonal skills even more than classroom management skills. I
want to create an environment where I can weave the curriculum into my
students different lives and experiences. I want them to be able to share
these experiences and relate them to the material of which we are working
with. We can celebrate differences and learn from each other (Hensley).
Discipline Plan/Method
meet with me later to make a plan of how to stop the behavior. In class, I will
give a warning the first time for misbehavior as well as specify exactly what
behavior I am targeting. If a student persists, I will separate him or her from
the class by making him or her go into the hallway and stand outside the
door. When this occurs I will have students work on the assignment,
homework, or read while I speak with the student I sent to the hallway. In
regards to disciplining a student the only thing I have to say about that is
that I will always try to make the punishment fair to the misbehavior. In
regards to positive reinforcement I would probably either set up a system of
points or play it on a situation by situation basis. I will still encourage
students to behave properly no matter what, but I just havent determined
how I personally would want to do it. I most likely would ask the students for
some ideas, so they have a hand in getting rewarded for proper behavior.
Work Cited
Cooper, James M., and Kevin Ryan. Those Who Can, Teach. 13th ed. Belmont:
Hensley, Michele, et al. The Well-Managed Classroom. 2nd ed. Boys Town:
Town Press, 2007. Print.
Robinson, Ken. "Changing Education Paradigms." TED. Monterey, California.
2006. Lecture.