Fitting Loss Calculation
Fitting Loss Calculation
Fitting Loss Calculation
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p fitting =C o p velocity
p fitting =Fitting pressure loss in inches water column
Co =Local loss coefficient
pvelocity =Velocity pressure in inches water column, usually ( but not always)
based on entering velocity
Flow rate =
Designer's target design friction rate =
20,000 cfm
0.10 inches w.c. per 100 ft. of duct
Duct height =
24 inches
Duct width =
60 inches
Velocity =
2,000 fpm
Velocity pressure =
0.25 in.w.c.
0.26 in.w.c.
0.03 in.w.c.
0.23 in.w.c.
File name = 271666934.xls, Page 1 of 6 of Sheet High Velocity loss Printed on 05/27/2015 at 15:37:00
Calculations are subject to user assumptions and inputs. PIER, LBNL, and PECI assume no responsibility for their application.
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PNew = POld
PNew =The static pressure at the new flow condition to be evaluated .
POld = The static pressure at the old or original flow condition, usually the design condition.
Q New = The flow at the new flow condition to be evaluated .
Q Old = The flow at the old or original flow condition, usually the design condition.
6, 356 FanStaticMotor
Horsepower=The horsepower saved at the terminals of the motor ( includes motor efficiency losses)
Q= The flow rate which is experiencing the reduction in static pressure in cubic feet per minute (cfm)
PSaved = The static pressure reduction associated with the improvement in inches water column (in . w. c .)
6, 356= A units conversion constant
FanStatic = The fan static efficiency
Motor= The motor efficiency
Savings associated with having the turning vanes =
System flow rate =
Horsepower savings to be used for the energy calculation based on the reduced flow rate
Flow rate =
Static pressure reduction =
Assumed fan efficiency =
Assumed motor efficiency =
20,000 cfm
0.23 in.w.c.
75% (estimated)
89% (from energy efficient motor performance data in file)
1.09 hp.
kW =
0.81 kW
Constant volume system operation
Current system operating hours =
Operating hours after the first year =
Current electrical rate =
kW savings per hour at design flow =
Annual savings at current operating schedule =
Annual savings at future operating schedule =
2,321 kWh
$209 per year
7,108 kWh
$640 per year
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p fitting =C o p velocity
p fitting =Fitting pressure loss in inches water column
Co =Local loss coefficient
pvelocity =Velocity pressure in inches water column, usually ( but not always)
based on entering velocity
Flow rate =
Designer's target design friction rate =
350 cfm
0.10 inches w.c. per 100 ft. of duct
Duct height =
6 inches
Duct width =
12 inches
Velocity =
700 fpm
Velocity pressure =
0.031 in.w.c.
0.031 in.w.c.
0.003 in.w.c.
0.028 in.w.c.
Q New
Q Old
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PNew = POld
PNew =The static pressure at the new flow condition to be evaluated .
POld = The static pressure at the old or original flow condition, usually the design condition.
QNew = The flow at the new flow condition to be evaluated .
QOld = The flow at the old or original flow condition, usually the design condition.
6, 356 FanStatic Motor
Horsepower=The horsepower saved at the terminals of the motor ( includes motor efficiency losses)
Q= The flow rate which is experiencing the reduction in static pressure in cubic feet per minute (cfm)
PSaved = The static pressure reduction associated with the improvement in inches water column (in . w. c .)
6, 356= A units conversion constant
FanStatic = The fan static efficiency
Motor = The motor efficiency
Horsepower savings to be used for the energy calculation based on the reduced flow rate
Flow rate =
Static pressure reduction =
Assumed fan efficiency =
Assumed motor efficiency =
350 cfm
0.028 in.w.c.
75% (estimated)
89% (from energy efficient motor performance data in file)
0.002 hp.
kW =
0.002 kW
Constant volume system operation
Current system operating hours =
Operating hours after the first year =
Current electrical rate =
kW savings per hour at design flow =
Annual savings at current operating schedule =
Annual savings at future operating schedule =
5 kWh
$0.45 per year
15 kWh
$1.37 per year