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Rubric 2

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Name: ____________________________________

PHOTO MONTAGE: Photoshop Composite Image Series / Self-Assessment Rubric

Grade 8 ART: M. Williams/A. Read


5: Master
Highest standards of
excellence in creative
and technical skill,
exceeding all project

4: Journeyman
A very good standard
of skill and creativity
apparent in the work.
Very Good.

3: High Apprentice
A good standard of
skill and creativity
apparent in the work.
Good- high

2: Apprentice
Satisfactory standard
of skill and creativity
with minor
misunderstanding of
key objectives.

1: Novice
Difficulty in applying
project concepts or
Misunderstanding of
objectives. Needs

Not evident or
extreme difficulty.

Criteria 1:
Elements of Design(individual components
making up the composited
image): Color
Adjustments (exposure,
saturation, contrast
Illusion of depth; Scale
(of size) and
composited image.
Exploration and execution
of your visual ideas within
image theme.

Composited image is
expertly edited and
composed of multiple
layers (7 or more) with
impeccable attention to
detail. Highest level of
time and dedication in
developing this
composite with flawless
application of concepts
and skills.
Nothing could be done to
improve the overall
outcome. Excellent.

Composited image is
proficiently edited and
composed of multiple
layers (6 or more) with
strong attention to detail.
Evident time and
dedication in developing
this composite with
proficient application of
concepts and skills.
Minimal could be done
to improve the overall
outcome. Very good.

Composited image is
basically edited and
composed of only a few
layers (3 or less) with
limited attention to
detail. Moderate to
inadequate level of time
and dedication in
developing this
composite. Some
problems in applying
required concepts and
skills. Basic satisfactory.

Composited image is
inadequately edited and
composed of only a few
layers (3 or less) with
little attention to detail.
Inadequate level of time
and dedication in
developing this
composite. Significant
problems in applying
required concepts and
skills. Below

Application of
concepts and
techniques not evident.

Criteria 2:
Principles of Designarrangement of elements
within final image
including Balance,
Emphasis, Direction,
Framing. Applying
surrealistic concepts (e.g.

Image is highly original,

innovative, complex and
sophisticated with
exceptional visual
impact. Image design
reflects highest level of
understanding and
creativity. Carefully and
expertly applies design
concepts. Professional.

Very good imaginative &

visual impact qualities.
Image design reflects
a good understanding of
concepts and are applied
with evident skill. Very
little could be done to
improve the overall

Composited image is
competently edited and
composed of several
layers (4 or more) with
satisfactory attention to
detail. Adequate level of
time and dedication in
developing this
composite with aboveaverage application of
concepts and skills.
Some but limited
improvements could be
done to improve the
overall outcome. Above
Good imaginative &
visual impact qualities.
Image design reflects
a satisfactory
understanding of
concepts and are applied
with an above average
level of skill. A little
could be done to improve
the overall outcome.

Technical skills in
Masking and Scale of
size- Additional
Photoshop work could be
done to improve the
overall visual impact
Applies concepts or
techniques with some
skill difficulties.

Technical skills in
Masking and Scale of
size- Significant
Photoshop work needs to
be done to improve the
overall visual impact
outcome. Applies
concepts or techniques
with some significant
difficulties. Significant
improvements needed.

Application of
concepts and
techniques not evident.

Criteria 3:
Basic Photoshop
Technical Editing Tool
Usage Skills: Selecting
(masking) objects using
Magic Wand, Quick
Select, Lasso, Pen, Eraser,
Cropping, Transforming
to create layers for

Image shows impeccable

and flawlessly precise
editing skills and
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
Nothing could be done to
improve the overall
outcome. Excellent.

Image shows high

standard of precision
editing skills and good
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
Very little could be done
to improve the overall
outcome. Very Good.

Image shows competent

precision editing skills
and understanding in
work quality using the
tools and techniques
listed. A little could be
done to improve the
overall outcome. Good.

Image shows acceptable

basic precision editing
skills and basic
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
More attention to detail
needed to improve the
overall outcome.

Image lacks precision

editing skills and
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
Much attention needed to
improve the overall
outcome. Weak.

Photoshop editing
skills and project
understanding seriously
lacking using the tools
and techniques listed.

Criteria 4:
Advanced Photoshop
Technical Editing Skills:
Working at a pixel level
for detail, smudging or
feathering edges to blend
cloning, control of
transparency, masking,
graphic design with text,
new fill, layer or image
Criteria 5: W & W
Website - Student Weebly
website pages document
the stages of each image

Image shows impeccable

and flawlessly precise
editing skills and
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
Nothing could be done to
improve the overall
outcome. Excellent.

Image shows high

standard of precision
editing skills and good
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
Very little could be done
to improve the overall
outcome. Very Good.

Image shows competent

precision editing skills
and understanding in
work quality using the
tools and techniques
listed. A little could be
done to improve the
overall outcome. Good.

Image shows acceptable

basic precision editing
skills and basic
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
More attention to detail
needed to improve the
overall outcome.

Image lacks precision

editing skills and
understanding in work
quality using the tools
and techniques listed.
Much attention needed to
improve the overall
outcome. Weak.

Photoshop editing
skills and project
understanding seriously
lacking using the tools
and techniques listed.

Website content
Always shows:

Website well
documented content and
evidence of consistent
updating. Nearly Always
shows: Consistency of

Website shows required

content and meets basic
requirements. Usually
shows: Consistency of

Website has basic

required content with
limited development.
Sometimes shows:

Website lacking required

content/ partially
incomplete. Seldom
shows: Consistency of

Website extremely
lacking content/
incomplete. Never
shows: Consistency of

personal dedication to
producing project work of
the highest standards and to
challenging abilities thus
moving learning forward.
Maximises studio work
time with effective focus on
project work with minimal
social distractions. Is
attentive, cooperative and

Consistency of personal
dedication to producing
project work of the highest
standards and to
challenging abilities thus
moving learning forward.
Maximises studio work
time with effective focus on
project work with minimal
social distractions. Is
attentive, cooperative and

personal dedication to
producing project work of
the highest standards and to
challenging abilities thus
moving learning forward.
Maximises studio work
time with effective focus on
project work with minimal
social distractions. Is
attentive, cooperative and

personal dedication to
producing project work of
the highest standards and
to challenging abilities
thus moving learning
forward. Maximises
studio work time with
effective focus on project
work with minimal social
distractions. Is attentive,
cooperative and diligent.

Work Habits-Effective
and productive use of
work time, concentrated
effort, dedicated focus
with the intent to move
your artistic and IT
abilities forward.

Consistency of personal
dedication to producing
project work of the highest
standards and to
challenging abilities thus
moving learning forward.
Maximises studio work
time with effective focus on
project work with minimal
social distractions. Is
attentive, cooperative and

personal dedication to
producing project work of
the highest standards and to
challenging abilities thus
moving learning forward.
Maximises studio work
time with effective focus on
project work with minimal
social distractions. Is
attentive, cooperative and


ADD TOTAL POINTS = ______23_____

A+ = 25
A = 24-22
A- = 21-20

B+ = 19-18
B = 17-15
B- = 14-13

C+ = 12-11
C = 10-9
C- = 8-7

D+ = 6
D =5
D- = 4

LETTER GRADE = ______A_____

Do you think this is a fair grade? YES or NO

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