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Vibration Analysis of A Cracked Beam Using Various Techniques - A Review

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ISSN: 2319-8753

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,

Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2014

Vibration Analysis of a Cracked Beam Using

Various Techniques - A Review
Abhijit Naik1, Pawan Sonawane2
P.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Engineering &Technology, Ambi
Pune, Maharashtra, India1
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dr.D.Y.Patil Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Ambi, Pune, Maharashtra, India2
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to update its readers the various vibration based Crack/damage diagnosis
techniques presented by various researchers for a cracked structures. These methods use "finite element analysis
techniques, together with experimental results, to detect damage in a fibre reinforced composites, laminated composites
and non composite structures for its vibration analysis. Damage in structure alters its dynamic characteristics. It results
in reduction of natural frequencies and changes in mode shapes, stiffness of the beam. An analysis of these changes
makes it possible to determine the position and depth of cracks.
KEYWORDS: Beam, Crack Detection, Vibration analysis.
Beams are widely used as structural element in civil, mechanical, naval, and aeronautical engineering. Damage is one
of the important aspects in structural analysis and engineering. Damage analysis is done to promise the safety as well as
economic growth of the industries. During operation, all structures are subjected to degenerative effects that may cause
initiation of structural defects such as cracks which, as time progresses, lead to the catastrophic failure or breakdown of
the structure. To avoid the unexpected or sudden failure, earlier crack detection is essential. Taking this ideology into
consideration crack detection is one of the most important domains for many researchers. Many researchers to develop
various techniques for early detection of crack location, depth, size and pattern of damage in a structure. Many nondestructive methodologies for crack detection have been in use worldwide. However the vibration based method is fast
and inexpensive for crack/damage identification.
In this paper efforts have been made to present various cost effective reliable analytical numerical and experimental
techniques developed by various researchers for vibration analysis of cracked beams.
In this paper the effect of various parameters like crack size, crack location, of beam on modal parameters subjected to
vibration of a damaged beam also have been reviewed.
Ranjan K. Behera [1] has presented to model an inclined open edge crack in a cantilever beam and analyse the model
using a finite element package, as well as experimental approach. The experiments are carried out using specimens
having inclined edge cracks of different depths, positions and crack inclinations to validate the FEA results achieved.
Aniket S. Kamble [2] has presented crack is modelled as a rotational spring and equation for non-dimensional spring
stiffness is developed. By evaluating first three natural frequencies using vibration measurements, curves of crack
equivalent stiffness are plotted and the intersection of the three curves indicates the crack location and size. The timeamplitude data obtained is further used in the wavelet analysis to obtain time-frequency data.Marco A. Perez [3] has
presented to investigate the feasibility of using vibration-based methods to identify damages sustained by composite
laminates due to low-velocity impacts. Four damage indicators based on modal parameters were assessed by comparing
pristine and damaged states. Its precision in determining the location of damage, its sensitivity regarding damage
extent and pertinent correlations with residual bearing capacity. Missoum Lakhdar [4] has presented the detection of
damage by vibration analysis, whose main objective is to exploit the dynamic response of a structure to detect
Copyright to IJIRSET

DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0312023


ISSN: 2319-8753
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2014

understand the damage. The experimental results are compared with those predicted by numerical models to confirm
the effectiveness of the approach.
P. K. Jena [5] has presented the fault detection of Multi cracked slender Euler Bernoulli beams through the knowledge
of changes in the natural frequencies and their measurements. The spring model of crack is applied to establish the
frequency equation based on the dynamic stiffness of multiple cracked beams. Theoretical expressions for beams by
natural frequencies have been formulated to find out the effect of crack depths on natural frequencies and mode shapes.
Cantilever beam with two cracks analysis show an efficient state of the research on multiple cracks effects and their
identification. Kaushar H. Barad [6] has presented detection of the crack presence on the surface of beam-type
structural element using natural frequency. First two natural frequencies of the cracked beam have been obtained
experimentally and used for finding of crack location and size. Amit Banerjee [7] has presented to obtain information
about the location and depth of transverse open multiple cracks in a rotating cantilever beams. Mode shape of damaged
rotating beam is obtained using finite element simulation. Using fractal dimension of mode shape profile, damage is
Prasad Ramchandra Baviskar [8] have presented the method of multiple cracks detection in moving parts or beams
by monitoring the natural frequency and prediction of crack location and depth using Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN). In experimentation, simply supported beam with single crack and cantilever beam with two cracks are
considered. To investigate the validity of the proposed method, some predictions by ANN are compared with the
results given by FEM. Murat Kisa [9] have presented a novel numerical technique applicable to analyse the free
vibration analysis of uniform and stepped cracked beams with circular cross section.It is revealed that the knowledge of
modal data of cracked beams forms an important aspect in assessing the structural failure. N.V.Narasimha Rao L [10]
has presented vibration analysis of a cracked cantilever beam with transverse crack. A fuzzy logic inference system is
used to analyze the crack in cantilever beam. Saidiabdelkrim [11] has presented to analyse the vibration behaviour of
concrete beams both experimentally and using FEM software ANSYS subjected to the crack under free vibration cases.
FB Sayyad [12] has presented efforts are made to develop suitable methods that can serve as the basis to detection of
crack location and crack size from measured axial vibration data. This method is used to address the inverse problem of
assessing the crack location and crack size in various beam structure.
A. Dixit [13] has presented damage measure which relates the strain energy, to the damage location and magnitude.
The strain energy expression is calculated using modes and natural frequencies of damaged beams that are derived
based on single beam analysis considering both decrease in mass and stiffness. The method is applicable to beams, with
notch like non-propagating cracks, with arbitrary boundary conditions. The analytical expressions derived for mode
shapes, curvature shapes, natural frequencies and improved strain energy based damage measure, are verified using
experiments. The damage measure was shown to be extremely sensitive to the damage as both the discontinuity in
stiffness and also the curvature are contained in the damage measure. A limitation of the damaged measure was that it
depended on accurate measurement of damaged mode shapes. D.K. Agarwalla [14] has presented the effect of an
opencrack on the modal parameters of the cantilever beam subjected to free vibration is analysed and the
resultsobtained from the numerical method i.e. finite element method (FEM) and the experimental method arecompared.
Mode shapes in magnifying views allow the researchers to get an idea of the significant changes at the crack location.
Mousa Rezaee [15] has presented the energy balance method is proposed for free vibration analysis of a cracked
cantilever beam by taking into account both the structural damping and the damping due to the crack. The stiffness
changes at the crack location are considered to be a nonlinear amplitude-dependent function which causes the
frequencies and mode shapes of the beam to vary continuously with time.
Patil Amit V [16] has presented Crack depth and crack location of a beam can be predicted by fuzzy controller is
within nanoseconds. By Comparing the Fuzzy results with the theoretical results can predict the relative crack depth
and relative crack location in a very accurate manner. By Comparing the Fuzzy results with the theoretical results it is
observed that the developed Fuzzy Controller can predict the relative crack depth and relative crack location in a very
accurate manner. S.P.Mogal [17] has presented vibration analysis is carried out on a cantilever beam with two open
cracks to study the response characteristics. In first phase local compliance matrices of different degree of freedom
have been used model transverse cracks in beam on available expression of stress intensity factor and strain energy
Copyright to IJIRSET

DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0312023


ISSN: 2319-8753
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2014

release rate. The results obtained numerically are validated with results obtained from simulation (FEM). Jialai Wang
[18] has presented damage detection technique using irregularity profile of a structural mode shape. The mode-shape of
a cracked beam is first obtained analytically by using a general function. Its irregularity profile is then extracted from
the mode shape by a numerical filter. The location and size of the crack in the beam can be determined by the peak
value appearing on the irregularity profile. The successful detection of the crack in the composite beam demonstrates
that the irregularity-based method is capable of assessing both the location and size of the crack and can be used
efficiently and effectively in damage identification and health monitoring of beam-type structures.
Patil Amit V [19] has presented measurement of natural frequencies is presented for detection of the location and size
of a crack in a cantilever beam. Numerical calculations has been done by solving the Euler equation for un-crack beam
and cracked beam to obtain first three natural frequencies of different modes of vibration considering various crack
positions for the beam. ANSYS software is used for analysis of crack and un-crack cantilever beam. Pankaj Charan
Jena [20] has presented the strain energy density function also applied to examine the few more flexibility produced to
because of the presence of crack. Considering the flexibility an additional stiffness matrix is taken away and
consequently, it is used to find the natural frequency and mode shape of the cracked beam of different end conditions of
beam. The difference of mode shapes of cantilever beam, simply supported beam and Clamped Clamped beam in
between the first three modes of cracked and un-cracked respectively beam with its amplified view at the zone of the
crack locale are studied.
Vibration analysis of Aluminium material is followed by authors by their methods such as theoretical, experimental,
finite element method, Artificial Neural Networks. Vibration analysis of Mild steel material is done by theoretical,
wavelet analysis, finite element analysis, MATLAB methods. Study of Glass/polyester, fibre glass, E-glass fibre epoxy
resin is done by using numerical model analysis, compliance matrix, and numerical, experimental methods.
Earlier, cracked vibrating structures are effectively analysed by various researchers using the different nondestructive evaluation and non-destructive techniques. According to some researcher changes in dynamics
characteristics can be used as an information source for detecting of vibrating beam or structure in presence of crack.
Researchers working on various structures have studied the effect of crack location, crack depth, crack inclination on
natural frequency of a cracked beam subjected to vibration. Transfer matrix method uses the input data of changes in
mode shapes and natural frequencies for determination of crack location and crack depth. The physical dimensions,
boundary conditions and the material properties of the structure play important role for the determination of its
dynamic response. The position, depth ratio, orientation and number of cracks are greatly influence the dynamic
response of the structure. Many researchers have worked on the application of artificial neural network and fuzzy logic
concept for diagnosis of crack in a vibrating beam structure. Some have worked on the application Continuous Wavelet
analysis for detecting of crack in vibrating beam. Concept of fracture mechanics, stress intensity factor and knowledge
of strain energy release rate has been used for analysis of crack detection.
It has been observed that the changes in natural frequencies and mode shapes are two important parameters that
determine crack size and location of the crack respectively. Some researchers have considered composite structures in
their study to analyse the effect of various parameters like crack location, crack size, crack depth, crack inclination on
the dynamic behaviour of structures subjected to vibration. Researchers are presently focusing on using the concept of
Artificial Neural Network (ANN), fuzzy Logic and genetic Algorithm as an effective tool for vibration analysis of
damaged structures. Various models have been developed by researchers using various theories and concepts to study
the dynamic characteristics of damaged vibrating structures having various types of crack like Transverse, Longitudinal,
Slant, Gaping, Surface, Subsurface, breathing, open edge crack and internal cracks.

Copyright to IJIRSET

DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0312023


ISSN: 2319-8753
International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,
Engineering and Technology
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)

Vol. 3, Issue 12, December 2014




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Copyright to IJIRSET

DOI: 10.15680/IJIRSET.2014.0312023


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