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Unit 1 Lo1 Brief

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Unit 1: Pre-production LO1

Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards

fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production
From all the pre-production you have carried out over the past year you need to pick one
and complete the following task.
You will need to show an excellent understanding of the requirements for the proposed
production and will be able to explain fully why each element is required.
You will give detailed explanations of how these requirements will be sourced and give full
consideration to codes of practice and regulatory issues.
From the table below you need to explain why each element was important to your chosen
production and detail how you would source them.
For example

Sources of finance


Facility hire



It is important to have finances in place before production starts, as every
producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as Cameras, tripods, green
screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert production for example, a producer
may also need materials such correct costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene
and talent in order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be needed such as
cameraman, soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and runners in order
to produce a professional looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and postproduction equipment
will be needed and these cost a lot of money.
Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production
can be hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and
sound engineer.
Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets
or studio Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London
http://www.tfl.gov.uk, National Rail http://www.nationalrail.co.uk,
hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per

List of all items that need detailing

You can either create your own table or upload this one to Weebly and
complete. Either ay, a table like the one below needs to be used.
Sources of

Facility hire

Equipment in the media industry is really important, as it allows you
to do many creative things such as filming, using camera and media
facilities. It helps you create and expand ideas, it brings someones
Idea to life in a form of article, film, or and social media videos.
The audio visual system has been designed in a unique in order to
convey an audio and video collectively in a more effective way. This
illustration has utilized technology for the enhancement of
organizational as well as individual performance. It also enables the
clients in achieving specific and significant measurable goals.
Hiring out equipment would cost a lot of money, there are many
companies that would lend cameras out such as Pro cams for hire.
These companies lend out camera equipment to the public.
Having some of the most professional cameras ranging from Sony
PMW F55 super 35mm 4k camera recorder to Arri Alexa plus. It is key
that the cameras are at the highest quality they can be, as it Is used
It is important to have finances in place before production starts, as
every producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as Cameras,
tripods, green screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert production
for example, a producer may also need materials such correct
costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene and talent in order to fulfil
the desired effect. Crew will also be needed such as cameraman,
soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and runners in order
to produce a professional looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and
postproduction equipment will be needed and these cost a lot of



Availability of equipment
Availability of personnel (size of
team; roles)

Deadlines have to be met in the media industry as it is important to
either get something aired of published as soon as possible. If
deadlines are not met in the media industry there could be some
major consequences that leads to projects, films etc. being fired or
Another key thing when meeting a deadline Is the availability, such
as actors when there doing different things on different days at
different times, which could slow a schedule down a bit

Sourcing http://www.creativeengland.co.uk/


Production equipment
Post-production equipment
facility houses

The main importance of having facilities is so that you can produce

and create your film or any project.Without the facilities for the
project, you wouldn't have the equipment, the post-production work,
or the location to film. These things are all vitally important to the
project and need to be accounted for separately. Facilities with
location wouldn't be accountable for much of the same purpose as to
There will also have to be post- production facilities for editing the
footage which will come down to places of hire or using your own
software from home. Software from home can cost rather a lot.
Adobe Premire Pro cost eight hundred and ten, this is still
considered amateur editing software and wouldnt be used in high
end Hollywood films


POST-PRODUCTION: Adobe Premire Pro


Original materials,
Archive and library materials
Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,
Script (upload an example)

Original material is important because of its integrity between the
film-maker and the audience. An audience will connect on the point
they're trying to prove and if they're just using recycled material
from other people to get their point across, it may not be powerful.
Saying this, you can take other people's footage and reuse it for
certain ways of film-making that work well, such as documentary
film-making. This would sometimes reuse footage found and most of

this footage would be from an archive or a library.

Footage is now also being found across the internet so people are
using library footage less and less. Sound libraries will be important
because of the wide range of sources they have. The internet can
help will such a wide range of things and could help a film massively.
Audio is important because without it you couldn't hear the
Script is important so you know who is saying what and to follow
along accordingly. Interviews could be important when it comes to
trying to find out relevant information about a certain topic.
Costumes would be very important on set because if you get it
wrong, you could falsely portray the character wrong or create lots of
continuity error.
- No source for original footage
- Internet source from iPhone, smartphone or computer
- Library material can be found in the library with an archive
- Scripts are usually given the cast and crew

Recces (Upload an example)

Limitations and risks:
Distance, access, cost, weather

Location Reeces are a great way of finding out the perfect location
where you want your production to be filmed. It is a good thing
because it gives you a good spot where to film. Location recedes
help you to pick out the best locations where to film.
When picking your location out you have to consider a lot of things
that could affect your productions, one being the hazards, if any
actors could be In danger by being on a certain location.
Another thing to take In is light, lighting effects the colour and mood
of the production. Distance could be annoying for the cast and crew
to see how they would get there and by what cost.
Cost of location and rent hire can vary on location but would also
come under the budget so shouldnt be messed around with to
much. Weather it is vital as some places may have stronger then
weather others and Is vital as when filming, the weather must be on
point to fit the scene or a certain mood the directors going for.
Risks and limitations- http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/

Codes of
practice and

Location permissions
Health and safety

Location permissions-http://weareukfilm.com/
Copyrights- http://www.copyright.com/
The below only requires you to discuss the importance
(Choose the one that relate to your production only)
Press Complaints Commission
(PCC) Advertising Standards
Authority (ASA)
Pan European Game
Information (PEGI)
Entertainment Software Rating
Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film
Classification (BBFC)
OFCOM is basically to make sure everything Is regulated the UK
when It is being played on the television. This helps protect children
from unwanted scenes and mean nobody has any complaints. PCC is
basically just like Ofcom but regulates magazines and newspapers.
This means any explicit imagery will be reported. ASA are another
one like Ofcom, but they regulate scenes before nine o clock before
all adverts. PEGI is a rating system for video games which provide
the certificate that allows what age you play the game, also they
make sure there Is little graphic content. ESRB is an American branch

of PEGI however the age ranges between them. BBFc regulate the
covers of television and film and other television programs they have
been released on DVD. They also tell you what age you have to be to
view the content of the DVD.
Trade unions:

Producers Alliance for Cinema

and Television (PACT),
National Union of Journalists
Broadcasting Entertainment
Cinematograph and Theatre
Union (BECTU)

PACT is the importance of this as it allows a lot of independent film
and TV companies to have a chance to be broadcasted against the
main monopolies, it allows for the independent companies to display
their product. Very useful for someone of a small standard. NUJ
almost acts as a promotion for journalists and is important as instead
of the journalists having fixed things to say, this allows them to have
a freedom of speech and to express it to the country

Entertainment and Leisure

Software Publishers
Association (ELSPA)
British Interactive Media
Association (BIMA)

ELSPA is the importance of games and how they cover all hacks and
Throughout the games development. BIMA fixes all of
the hack and glitches and then send out a new patch for the game.

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