The document lists various authors and their descriptions or titles, including Geoffrey Chaucer being referred to as the Father of English Literature and Language, William Shakespeare as the Bard and Father of English Drama, William Wordsworth as the Poet of Nature and Lake Poet, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Lord Byron being described as well. It touches on authors from different time periods and locations, highlighting their contributions to literature.
The document lists various authors and their descriptions or titles, including Geoffrey Chaucer being referred to as the Father of English Literature and Language, William Shakespeare as the Bard and Father of English Drama, William Wordsworth as the Poet of Nature and Lake Poet, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Lord Byron being described as well. It touches on authors from different time periods and locations, highlighting their contributions to literature.
The document lists various authors and their descriptions or titles, including Geoffrey Chaucer being referred to as the Father of English Literature and Language, William Shakespeare as the Bard and Father of English Drama, William Wordsworth as the Poet of Nature and Lake Poet, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Lord Byron being described as well. It touches on authors from different time periods and locations, highlighting their contributions to literature.
The document lists various authors and their descriptions or titles, including Geoffrey Chaucer being referred to as the Father of English Literature and Language, William Shakespeare as the Bard and Father of English Drama, William Wordsworth as the Poet of Nature and Lake Poet, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Lord Byron being described as well. It touches on authors from different time periods and locations, highlighting their contributions to literature.
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Geoffrey Chaucer = The Father of English Literature
2.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Father of English Poetry 3.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Father of English Language 4.Geoffrey Chaucer = The Morning Star of the Renaissance 5.Geoffrey Chaucer = The First National Poet 6.Venerable Bede = The Father of English Learning. 7.Venerable Bede = The Father of English History 8.King Alfred the Great = The Father of English Prose 9.Aeschylus = The Father of Tragedy 10.Nicholas Udall = The First English Comedy Writer 11.Edmund Spenser = The Poets poet (by Charles Lamb) 12.Edmund Spenser = The Child of Renaissance 13.Edmund Spenser = The Bridge between Renaissance and Reformation 14.Gutenberg = The Father of Printing 15.William Caxton = Father of English Press 16.Francis Bacon = The Father of English Essay 17.John Wycliffe = The Morning Star of the Reformation 18.Christopher Marlowe = The Father of English Tragedy 19.William Shakespeare = Bard of Avon 20.William Shakespeare = The Father of English Drama 21.William Shakespeare = Sweet Swan of Avon 22.William Shakespeare = The Bard 23.Robert Burns = The Bard of Ayrshire (Scotland) 24.Robert Burns = The National Poet of Scotland 25.Robert Burns = Rabbie 26.Robert Burns = The Ploughman Poet 27.William Dunber = The Chaucer of Scotland 28.John Dryden = Father of English criticism 29.William of Newbury = Father of Historical Criticism 30.John Donne = Poet of love 31.John Donne = Metaphysical poet 32.John Milton = Epic poet 33.John Milton = The great master of verse 34.John Milton = Lady of the Christ College 35.John Milton = Poet of the Devils Party 36.John Milton = Master of the Grand style 38.John Milton = The Blind Poet of England 39.Alexander Pope = Mock heroic poet 40.William Wordsworth = The Worshipper of Nature 41.William Wordsworth = The High Priest of Nature 42.William Wordsworth = The Poet of Nature 43.William Wordsworth = The Lake Poet 44.William Wordsworth = Poet of Childhood 45.William Wordsworth = Egotistical Sublime
46.Samuel Taylor Coleridge = The Poet of Supernaturalism
47.Samuel Taylor Coleridge = Opium Eater 48.Coleridge & Wordsworth = The Father of Romanticism 49.Wordsworth, Coleridge, Southey = Lake Poets 50.Lord Byron = The Rebel Poet 51.Percy Bysshe Shelley = The Revolutionary Poet 52.Percy Bysshe Shelley = Poet of hope and regeneration 53.John Keats = Poet of Beauty 54.William Blake = The Mystic Poet 55.John Keats = Chameleon Poet 56.Lord Alfred Tennyson = The Representative of the Victorian Era 57.George Bernard Shaw = The greatest modern dramatist 58.George Bernard Shaw = The Iconoclast 59.Jane Austen = Anti-romantic in Romantic age 60.Lindley Murray = Father of English Grammar 61.James Joyce = Father of English Stream of Conscious Novel 62.Edgar Allen Poe = Father of English Mystery play 63.Edgar Allen Poe = The Father of English Short Story 64.Henry Fielding = The Father of English Novel 65.Samuel Johnson = Father of English one Act Play 66.Sigmund Freud = A great Psycho-analyst 67.Robert Frost = The Poet of Terror 68.Francesco Petrarch = The Father of Sonnet (Italian) 69.Francesco Petrarch = The Father of Humanism 70.Sir Thomas Wyatt = The Father of English Sonnet 71.Henry Louis Vivian Derozio = The Father of Indian-Anglican Sonnet 72.William Hazlitt = Critics Critic 73.Charles Lamb = The Essay of Elia 74.Arthur Miller = Mulk Raj Anand of America 75.Addison = The voice of humanist Puritanism 76.Emerson = The Seneca of America 77.Mother Teresa = The Boon of Heaven 78.Thomas Nash = Young Juvenile 79.Thomas Decker = Fore-runner of Humorist 80.Homer = The Father of Epic Poetry 81.Homer = The Blind Poet 82.Henrick Ibsen = Father of Modern theatre 83.Rabindranath Tagore = Indian National Poet 84.Nissim Ezekiel = The Father of Indian English Poetry