History of English Literature
History of English Literature
History of English Literature
• Monarchy was restored in England
• Followers of the French writers and their vices
• Showed the real picture of the corrupt society and court
• Concerned with vices rather than virtues
• Coarse and inferior type of literature
• Directness and simplicity of expression
• Counteracted the tendency of exaggeration and
• Emphasize on reasoning rather than romantic fantasy
• Precise way of writing
• Emphasize on royal society
• Classical style
Why The Age of Dryden?
• As in the field of poetry and drama, Dryden was the chief
leader and practitioner of the new age. He presented the
model of new prose which was different from Bacon and
Milton. He wrote plain, simple and exact style free from
exaggeration. His fables and the preface to them are fine
examples of prose style. His writing does not have any
imaginative bent of mind like the other writers of the
previous age had but his style was most suitable having full
capacity and grace.
• Comedy of manners
• The conquest of Granada
• Tyrannic love
• All for Love
Restoration Poetry
• John Dryden (1631-1700)
• Poetry, Drama and Prose
• Satirical, realistic and written in heroic couplet
• Conceit and exaggeration
• Emancipated himself from false taste and artificial style
• Intellectual precision, argumentative and realistic
• Major works
• Absolem and Achitophel
• The Medal
• The Hind and the Panther
Restoration Drama
• The drama in England after 1660 called the restoration drama.
• This age was greatly affected by the spirit of new age which
was deficient in poetic feeling, imagination and emotional
approach to life. Restoration drama didn’t have the
characteristics like Elizabethan age. This age was confined to
the upper class society whose taste was aristocratic, and
among which the prevailing fashions and etiquettes were
foreign and extravagant. This age never gave the picture of a
whole nation but was restricted to only upper class.
• Wild Gallant (Dryden)
• Love for Love (William Congreve)
Restoration Prose
• The Restoration period was deficient in poetry and drama but
prose holds its head much higher. Prose was developed as a
medium of expression, ideas and feelings. Prose involved
intricate subjects and handling practical business. Lamb,
Hazlitt, Ruskin, John Bunyan and Carlyle were important
figures of this age in prose writing who changes the mind set
of the people. Character possess their individual personality
and character. The most important work of this age is “The
Pilgrim’s Progress” in which Bunyan describes the true virtue
of righteousness and showed disgust in corruption and
degradation that prevailed in the society. Thus his work born
of moral earnest and extreme sincerity.
Characteristics of Restoration Age
• Realism & Precision
• Emphasized on moral philosophy; every man becomes his
own philosopher
• Interested in the portrayal of actual life rather them artificial
• Clear, Precise and elegant form of literature
• Development of novel
• Classical rules and ideals regained supremacy
• Made the people able to laugh on their own follies and get
rid of them
• Interested in expressing clearly every human interest and
• Aim was moral as well as educational
Augustan Literature/Eighteen Century Literature/Classical
age/ Age of Reason/Age of Pope/ Age of Johnson