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Component I: Classroom Teaching

Task A-2: Lesson Plan

Students will complete the following lesson plan template (A-2) for two lessons. One of the lessons will be
taught and videotaped by the student.
Teacher Candidate: Tonya Mead
Date: June 29, 2015
Content Area: Literacy/Technology
Unit Title: Podcast Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Stone Soup Readers Theater
Lesson Alignment to Unit
Respond to the following items:

Grade Level: 2nd Grade Class

a) Which specific unit objective(s) or target(s) are addressed by this lesson?

During the Podcast assignment on the http://teachinginthe21stcenturyportfolio.wikispaces.com
Students will be able to do the following I can statements:
I can read with fluency by participating in a readers theater.
With the help of my teacher, I can record the readers theater performance using an Ipad or other recording device,
evaluate it, revise it with my group, and rerecord the performance so it can be published on our class website.

b) Connect the objectives to the state curricular documents.

CCSS 2.RL.1, 2.RL.2, 2.RL.3, 2.RL.6, 2.RL.7, 2.RFS.3, 2.RFS.4, & 2.SL.5
KTRS 6 6.2 Uses available technology to implement instruction that facilitates student learning.
6.3 Integrates student use of available technology into instruction.
ISTE Creativity and Innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and processes using technology. Communication and collaboration: Students use digital media
and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning
and contribute to the learning of others.
IRA 2.3 Candidates use a wide range of texts from traditional print, digital, and online resources.
5.1 Candidates design the physical environment to optimize students use of traditional print, digital, and online
resources in reading and writing instruction.

c) Describe students prior knowledge or focus of the previous learning.

My students have had prior experience and practice in a traditional readers theater in which they work on building
fluency with the rate, accuracy, expression, and prosody when they read.
Instruction and Assessment Plan
Students will build their
fluency of reading by
participating in a readers
theater of Stone Soup with a
small group consisting of 5
students, where they will
audio record their
performance as a podcast.

Formative Assessment Items:

Podcast Rubric
Readers Theater Checklist for the students

List in chronological order the sequence of strategies and activities you will use to engage students and accomplish your
objectives. Within this sequence, describe how the differentiated strategies will meet individual student needs and diverse
learners in your plan. (Use this section to outline the who, what, when, and where of the instructional strategies and
activities.) Add more rows as necessary. BE SURE TO INDICATE WHAT YOU ARE DOING THROUGHOUT THE
Time Range
About a
consisting of
5- 30 minute

Students need time to get to know the Stone Soup script. Students spend a few days working with the
script, allowing them to gain confidence in reading their parts.
Give students the title of the script and say something about the story or content. This will help my
students understand the relationship of the characters and the themes of the script. Pass out the books
and direct the students to the script. As my students follow along silently, read the script for the
students, modeling creative use of vocal expression. Ask the students how they liked the story. Discuss
the script and its themes, and go over any challenging vocabulary. Review any challenging vocabulary
words. Divide students into pairs and have them practice the script, taking turns reading every other
part. Walk around, listen to the students readings, offer suggestions, and model lines as needed. Help
the readers work on pace, expression, and intonation for the different parts as they rehearse the

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