Aathmanadam Jan 2011
Aathmanadam Jan 2011
Aathmanadam Jan 2011
{]XnjvTm s]cp-m
ew 10
2002 kp{]ow tImSXn \nco-I Pokv afo-a-Tns kmn-[yn ]cp-a-e-bn \S Atkm-kntb-j XmXzn-Ia- mbn tbmPn ae-c
k`- b psS A[n- ] - \ mbn ]uckv X y
ImtXm-enm ]. amXypkv ZznXo-bs\
hopw sXc- s - S pp \Sn
nco-I-cn-p. adp-`mKw Atkm-kntb-j _ln-jvI-cn-Xp aqew ^en tbmPn-p-m-bn-.
h-t-cn am Znh-m-tkymkv
]cn- i p- Fp kn\Uv
\nbw Ct-l-amWv {]Jym-]n--Xv.
2005 HIvtSm-_ 30\v m\-XymKw
2006 P\p-hcn 26\v tZh-temIw
Ac-a-\-bn hv Imew sNbvXp.
Atlw acW ]{X-n \nt-in- X n {]Imcw P\p- h cn 27\v
imkvXmw-tIm Nm-en I_-d-S-n.
KohKokv am
Hcp Xm]-k-Ncy
HmXd Iobv sI. sF.
tPmn-sbpw A tPmnsbpw aI. P\\w 1940 \hw-_
14-\v. sImw ^mnam amXm tImtfPn \nv `uXn-Ii
- m-kv{X-n _ncpZw. HmIvkvt^mUnse am^oUv
tImtf-Pn \npw kpdn-bm\n `mjbnepw ssZh-imkv{X-nepw _ncp-Zm\-c _ncp-Z-. thZ-]p-kvXI
`mj-I-fmb lo{_q, {Kov, Ac-amb
Fn-h-bn {]mKev`yw t\Sn. 1971
apX tImbw ]gb skan-\m-cn-bn
Aym-]-I. 1972 am Iqdn-temkv
sa{Xm-tm-eom (]. _ten-tbmkv
amtmm amXyqkv ZznXo- b
ImtXm-enm _mhm) bn \npw
]q sim- i - ] - hpw 1973
Ioim m\hpw kzoI-cn-p. 1979
P\p-hcn 2011
{Inkvakpw s]cp-mfpw Ignv
]pXp-h--c-n-tev IS-n-cn-p
\mw ]pXnb Xocp-am-\-fpw ey-fp- a mbn ]pXp- h js {]bmWw
Bcw-`np Ign-n-cn-p-p. ]g-bXns\ adv ]pXp-tam-Sn-tbmsS \om
BWv ]ecpw \s hjm-cw-`-n
DXvt_m-Zn-n-m-dv. Fm \psS
]gb Ime- nse t]mcm- b v a - I sf
Ipdnv Nnn- t - - X p- v . Fhn- s SbmWp \app sXp-]-n-bXv? Fs\-bmWp sXp-]-n-bXv ? Cu tNmZyv IrXy-ambn Dcw e`n-m
am{Xta sXp-Xn-cpn hnX hocytmsS apt-dm kmn-p. sXpI Xncp- m- \ p- - X mWv hp
- . CXmWp hnP-bh
- oYn-I shn-Xp-dv apt-dnb \psS
]qn-I-m-cpsS cl-kyw.
Pohn-X-n aptmv t]mb Hp
am{Xta ]ntmv hcm- - X m- b p- p,
kabw. CXns\ X-n hn\n-tbmKn-m Pohn-X
- n hnP-bn-pw. AXn{]-ikvX _lp-cmjv{S I-\n-bpsS
apJy `c- W m- [ n- I mcn tIhew 30
skUn sNbvsXmcp {]kwKw
{]kn--am-Wv. Ap ]p-I hmbphn Am-\a- m-Sp Ifn-bmWv PohnXw
Fp kn- p- I . tPmen,
IpSpw_w, Btcm-Kyw, kplr-p-,
Bthiw Fn- h - b mWp ]p- I .
hmbp- h n
tPmen d ]p t]mse- b msWp \n thKw a\-n-em-pw.
AXp Xmsg-bn-m AXn-thKw IpXnp-bp hcpw. ]t ap \mep ]pI kv^SnI \nn-X-am-Wv. Xmsg-bnm Hcn-epw Xncn-p-In-m-\m-Im-hn[w s]mn--Ip Xcn--W-am-Ipw.
AsXm-cn-epw ]g-bXp t]mse-bmIn. IpSpw-_w, Btcm-Kyw, kplr-p, Bthiw Fn-h-bp-sS-sbmw
Imcyw A-c-n-em-sWv HmpI.
Hm^okv ka-bv Imcy--a-ambn
tPmen sNp- I . ka- b p tPmen
ep \np aS-p-I. IpSpw-_n\pw kplr- p- pw th
kabw \Ip- I . th{X hn{i- a npI. aqey-n\p hne thW-sa-n
AXns aqeys Afp t\m-Ww.
{]kwKw C{X-am-{Xw. ]t km[mcW \mw hnp- t ]m- I m- d p ]eXpw
CXn AS-n-bn-nt? tPmen-q-Sp-X
ImcWw hop-Im-cy-sampw t\mm-\mIp-n-s Hgn-hp-I-gnhp ]d-bp
]epw a\p hm t\cw Ism-\-hpw. As\ t\cw hI-bn-cpm Xmev]-cy-an-m--h tPmen-`mcs apS- \ymb-ambn {]tbm-Knm-dp-ap-v. \mw Hcn-te Pohn-ppp F sNmv a\-n-ep-s-n
Btcm-Ky-I-c-ambn Pohn-mw. A\y-tcmSp ]cn-K-W-\-bmWv {]kw-K-kmcw.
{_nojv {][m-\-a-{nbpw Fgp-p-Imc-\p-amb _-an Un. {_mtben ""DNnX-amb s]cp-am coXn-Ifpw A\y-tcmSp ]cn-KW
- \
- b
- p-amWv Ipeo-\s apJe-W- acym-Z-tSp ]cm-P-b-nte-s--t]mse ]cn-K-W\ hnP-b-ntep \s \bnpw.
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow
is a mystery, today is a gift - that's
why they call it the present."
Ah-Im-i-sf Xncn--dn-bp-I;
ssIh-i-am-p-I; D]-tbm-Kn-pI
temIv Ctm-f-ap-m-bn-p
ka-c-fpw {]Xn-tj-[-fpw AhIm-i- t\Sn-sb-Sp-p--Xn\pw
Al-X-s--sXm-sbpw kz-amp-hm\pw thn-bp--Xm-bn-cp-p.
Fm tbip {InkvXp-hns\ A\pK-an-p {InkvXym-\n-I Fp
"Ah-Im-i-'s-Sp \ \psS
Ah- I m- i - sfn t_m[- h m- mcmtWm? kzbw ]cn-tim-[n-m \ncmim-P-\-I-amb D-c-amhpw Hmtcm-cppw e`n-p-I.
Fs\ \apv Ah- I m- i sf Xncn- - d n- b m km[npw?
Fs\ Ahsb D]-tbm-Kn-m
km[npw? Cu tNmZy-p
Dcw Is- p- I - b mWv BZyw
sNt-Xv. IjvS-X-Ifpw {]bm-kfpw \S-am-Sp Cu temI-n
Ah-sbmw XcWw sNbvXv Xs
\ma-n\v kvXpXn-]mSn Pohn-p-hm
ssZhw \app Xn-p Bbp-[amWv hn. kXy-th-Z]
- p-kvXI
- w. \psS
Fm tNmZy-p-ap Dcw
AXn \np Is- p- h m
ssZhw \apv Xn- c n- p
Ah-Im-i--fn NneXv Ch-bmWv:
1) Poh Bo-I-ambn acn-n-cp
\apv Ah Poh \ev I n.
AXmWv \psS BZys AhImiw. "" AXn-{I-a--fmepw ]m]-fmepw acn--h-cm-bn-cp \n-sfbpw
Ah Dbnn- p (Fs^. 2:1).
""ssZhw \apv \nXy-Po-h Xp.
B Poh- \ n Ahs ]p{X\n
Dv Fv DXp Xs. ]p{X-\p-h\v Poh-\p-v. ssZh-]p-{X-\n-m-h\v Poh-\n-'' (1 tbml. 5: 11,12).
\nXy-Po-h\pw kar-n-bmb Poh\pw
ssZhw \apv \evIn-bn-cn-p-p.
hnizm-k-n Zn\w-tXmdpw \ap-Xv
2) kam-[m\w ssZhw \apv Xn-
tImbw sNdn-b]
- n
tPmkvtam, tImbw
kam-[m-\-ns sshcp-ym--IX
kt-kvIq kl-]m-Tya-
- c hnP-bn-I
k_v PqWn-b {]kwKw
PqWn-b kaq-lK
- m\w
ko\n-b kaq-lK
- m\w
Ist Prize
Ist Prize
1. saen B tPm
2. t\Jm kqk sNdn-bm
3. ankp adnbw hn
IInd Prize
IInd Prize
PqWn-b {]kwKw
ko\n-b {]kwKw
The tradition of the
Orthodox Churches teaches
us to remember the life of
Christ in everything that we
do in our lives. Our
remembrance of His life
(often referred to as His
economy) is never ending.
One of the most basic forms
of this remembrance is the
trisagion prayer (Holy are
You, O God. Holy are You,
Almighty. Holy are you, O
Immortal. Crucified for us,
have mercy on us) in which
during its recitation we
remember His earthly
manifestation, crucifixion
and resurrection. Prostration,
which is traditionally
practiced while chanting this
prayer, is also an act of
remembrance. When we
make the sign of the Cross
remember His death and
when we rise up, we
remember His resurrection.
In the life of the Church,
this remembrance is visible
in our canonical, daily,
weekly, monthly and yearly
prayers and festivals. When
we are participating in our
significant feast days
(Christmas, Epiphany, Psalm
Sunday, Good Friday,
Easter etc..) there are two
concepts that we must always
be on our mind. First, is the
importance of that particular
prayer or feast day.
Secondly, we must be aware
of how that particular prayer
or feast day fits in with the
grand Economy of Christ.
We have to clearly look at
the smaller picture and then
realize how the smaller
picture is part of a bigger
Being the season of the
Nativity of Jesus Christ
(Christmas), I will use this
important feast day in the
calendar of the church to
elaborate my point. The feast
of the Nativity is the
celebration of the birth of
Jesus Christ. We give glory
to the eternal Child, Who for
our salvation, was incarnate
of the Virgin full of grace,
Ggns {]m[m\yw
Thekkum Gopuram
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Kottayam - 686001
Phone: 04812565628
Mob: 9447567532
(lm-P km\w)
s^_m adnbw at\mPv
Pnbm kmP
IInd - slhn adnbw A{Uqkv
IInd - Aeo\m
mv 1
mv 5
(lm-P km-\w)
mv 6
Ist- dpanXm lm ^nenv
IInd - sIhn kmP
taJm B tPmk^v
lmP AJnem B Ipcp-hnf
mv 2
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(lmP km-\w)
lmP Ae B tSmw
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amadnbw kamPw
amma- d nbw h\nXm kam- P ns hmjnI kt- f \w
29.01.2011 Iqtcm- S sk v
tPmkv ]n-bn \S-p.
\psS bqWn-nse tagvkn tXmakn\v hmjn-I-]-co--bn tImbw
`{Zm- k - \ - n Hmw m\hpw
hmIyw Fgpv a- c - n
timm tXma-kn\v 105 hmIy-sa-gpXn
Hmw m\hpw {Kq]v tkmn
Hmw m\hpw e`n-p.
Feb 5\v ]pXp-n bqWn-ns
{Kqv aonv skv tPmPv hen-b]-n-bn \Spw
Iznkv acw
Unkw-_ 19-mw XobXn n. n.
Nmtm satm-dn-b Fh-tdm-fnwKv
t{Sm^npw Iymjv AhmUn\pw
thn-bp Iznkv acw \S-sp.
skv tPmkv Iqtcm--S, Pdpktew skv tacokv hmI-m-\w,
Printed and Published by Chief Editor MANNA Publications on behalf of Pariyaram Mar Aprem Orthodox Youth Movement
Printed at Viswamatha Press, Kurisummoodu. Ph: 2724521