Itws Manual
Itws Manual
Itws Manual
Introduction to the Computer and Identify the peripherals of a computer, components in a CPU and
its functions. Draw the block diagram of the CPU along with the configuration of each peripheral and
submit to your instructor
AIM: To identify the peripherals of a computer.
Hardware Requirements: Cabinet, Hard Disk, CD/DVD Drive, Floppy Drive, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard,
Mother Board, Socket 478, Processor, Heat Sink Fan, RAM Slots, PCI Slot, AGP Slots, CMOS Battery,
BIOS, North Bridge, South Bridge, IDE Slots, SMPS, ATX power Connector.
Software Requirements: Not Required
A computer is a programmable machine or computer is an electronic device which takes the input
information from the input device, process or executes the input in Processor or CPU and generates the
output information through output devices. Computer enables arithmetic computations, data processing,
information management (storage) and knowledge reasoning in an efficient manner.
Basically the computer system has three major components. These are
1. Central Processing Unit (Processor)
2. Input and Output Unit.
3. Memory Unit (Main Memory and Auxiliary storage).
The Central Processing Unit takes the input data from the input devices and processes it according to
the set of instructions. After that generate the output and sends the output to the output devices. The CPU is
composed three parts. These are
a) ALU:
Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU) is used to do the arithmetic operations on data by adding, subtracting,
dividing, multiplying and incrementing and decrementing.
It is also used for Logical operations like AND, OR, NOT and X-OR.
b) CU:
Control unit is mainly used for generating the electronic control & timing signals for program
execution. It controls all the operations of the computer.
c) Registers:
CPU also possesses the memory to hold the data temporarily during the execution of an instruction.
These are small memory locations in CPU.
Input devices accept the data and instructions from the user.
Ex: Mouse, Scanner, Keyboard, joysticks, digital cameras, microphones, etc
Output devices return the processed data back to the user.
Ex: Monitor, Printer, etc
Memory is like an electronic scratch pad inside the computer. It is a storage unit to hold the data.
In the computer the data will be stored and retrieved in the form of bits and bytes. The byte will store
a single character such as a letter of the alphabet or a numeral.
a) 8 BITS = 1 BYTE
1024 BYTES = 1 KB
1024 KB = 1 MB
d) 1024 MB = 1 GB
e) 1024 GB = 1 TB.
The memory can be classified into two categories. These are
It is used to install all hardware devices like (Mother Board, SMPS, HDD, CD ROM, and FDD). It
has Start, Restart Button, Leds, Audio and USB Connecters are available at front side.
Mother Board
b) CPU or Processor
CPU The central processing unit contains the heart of any computer, the
processor. The processor is fitted on to a Mother Board. The Mother Board
contains various components, which support the functioning of a PC. Clock
Speed measures how fast a processor completes operations, usually
measured in megahertz and gigahertz. A 1.8GHz processor runs at
1,800,000,000 cycles per second. List of CPU Manufacturers are: AMD,
Manufactures of RAMs are Transcend, Kingston, Micron, Hynix, etc.
d) North Bridge:
It is also called as controller. It converts electronic signals to binary values and
binary values to electronic signal
e) South Bridge:
It is controls major components of mother board and it is a back bone of the input out devices. It
is communicates PCI slots, IDE-1, IDE-2, floppy connecter, BIOS chip.
f) CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) Battery
Computer is using a coin shape battery. It generates the clock signal and it
manages system time continuously.
g) Primary & Secondary(IDE-1 & IDE-2) :
Mainly there are three IDE slots and cables i.e. IDE-1 (Primary) to connect Hard Disk Drive
having 40 pin slot and 80 wire cable, IDE-2 (Secondary) to connect CD/DVD Drive having 40
pin slot and 40 wire cable, IDE-3 (Tertiary) to connect Floppy Drive having 35 pin slot 3.5inch
wire with a cut in middle. But present mother boards does not have IDE-3 slot.
h) Input & Output ports :
LAN Card
Sound Card
TV Tuner Card
k) BIOS Chip :
BIOS (Basic Input Output System) controls how the operating
system and hardware wok together and manages all the hardware
devices installed in mother board.
l) ATX Power connecter Slot:
ATX (Advanced Technology Extended) power connector slot
used to place the ATX power connector from SMPS to supply the
power to motherboard.
3. SMPS (Switched mode Power Supply)
To supply the power to all the components inside the cabinet and it is a case
that holds a transformer, voltage control and fan.
4. HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
HDD is a device for storing and retrieving digital information, primarily computer data. It consists of
rotating discs (often referred to as platters), coated with magnetic material and with magnetic
heads arranged to write data to the surfaces and read it from them.
List of Manufacturers of HDD Devices are: Hitachi, Samsung, Toshiba, Seagate Technology
Every student should disassemble and assemble the PC back to working condition. Lab instructors
should verify the work and follow it up with a Viva. Also students need to go through the video which
shows the process of assembling a PC. A video would be given as part of the course content.
AIM: TO assemble and disassemble the system
Hardware Requirements: Cabinet, Hard Disk, CD/DVD Drive, Floppy Drive, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard,
Mother Board, Processor, Heat Sink Fan, RAM Cards, PCI Cards, AGP Card, CMOS Battery, IDE cables,
SMPS, ATX power Connector.
Software Requirements: Not Required
Safety Precautions:
1. Beware of electrostatic discharge (ESO)
2. Build computer on a hard surface, away from concepts.
3. Wear shoes and the short sleeved cotton wear.
4. Use Phillips, head screw driver.
5. Keep the components away from moisture.
Avoid using pressure while installing.
6. Setting the cabinet ready.
1. Steps for Assembling:
2. Preparing to fit the components.
3. Fitting the mother board.
4. Fitting the RAM, processor and cooler.
5. Installing PCI cards.
6. Fitting the hard disk and floppy drive.
7. Installing the CD ROM drives.
8. Connecting the ribbon cables.
9. Powering the drives and mother board.
10. Connecting the cables for the case front panel.
11. Final check.
Getting the Cabinet ready:1. Check how to open the cabinet and determine where to fix
the components.
BUS cables.
Hard disk.
CD-ROM Drive.
Mother board.
10. Screws.
Fitting the Mother board:
1. Line up the patch on the motherboard with the appropriate
holes in the block panel I/O shield of the case.
2. Check the points where you and to install
3. Install them and make the mother board sit on them and fix
screws if required.
Fitting the processor:
1. Raise the small lever at the side of the socket.
2. Notice that there is a pin missing at one corner, determine the direction to fit in the processor.
3. You should not force the CPU. When inserting it. All pins should slide smoothly into the socket.
4. Lock the lever back down.
5. Install the heat sink over it (Different type for each processor). Heat sink / CPU fan.
Connecting the BUS Cables, power connectors:1. Attach the long end of the cable to the IDEU connector on the motherboard first.
2. The red stripe on the IDE cable should be facing the CD Power.
Final Check:1. Mother board jumper configurations are the settings for
the processor operator.
2. Drive jumper settings, master/ slave correct?
3. Is the processor, RAM modules and plug in cards finally
seated in their sockets?
4. Did you plug all the cables in? Do they all fit really?
5. Have you frightened all the screws in plug- in cards or
fitted the clips?
6. Are the drive secure?
7. Have u connected the power cables to all driver?
Result: Assembling and disassembling procedure is successfully completed.
Viva Questions:
1) What is the use of heat sink fan?
Ans: Heat Sink fan keeps the Processor cool.
2) HDD Stands for?
Ans: Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
3) IDE Stands for?
Ans: Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE)
4) LED Stands for?
Ans: Light Emitting Diode (LED)
5) What is the use of Network Adapter?
Ans: A Network Adapter Provides the interface between a computer and network.
Every student should individually install MS windows on the personal computer. Lab instructor
should verify the installation and follow it up with a Viv
Step 2 You will get Windows Setup Screen. At this stage the system starts loading the drivers required to
install the operating system.
Step 3 - You will then get a Windows XP Professional Setup screen. You have the following options:
To set up Windows XP now, press Enter
To repair a Windows Xp Installation, press R
To quit set up without installing windows XP, press F3.
Step 4 - You will be presented with the End User Licensing Agreement. Press F8 to accept and continue
Step 5 You will get Windows XP Professional Setup screen and having the following options:
To set up windows XP on selected item, press Enter
To create a partition in the unpartitioned space, press C
To delete the selected item , press D
When you are doing new partition in hard disk press C to create partition in unpartitioned space
and give required size for the drive and press Enter.
Step 6 After completion of creating partitions Select Partition 1 (C: Drive) to install operating system on C
Drive and press Enter.
Step 7 - Choose format of the partition using NTFS/FAT file system. NTFS is the recommended file system
with Quick option. If the hard drive has been formatted before then you can choose quick NTFS format. We
chose NTFS because it offers many security features, supports larger drive size, and bigger size files.
New/Network Technology File System
It supports larger drive size, bigger size files
It is more faster to allocate the memory, accessing the data
Step 8 - Windows will now start formatting drive C: and start copying setup files from CD to C Drive.
Step 9 - After the setup has completed copying the files the computer will restart. Leave the XP CD in the
drive but this time DO NOT press any key when the message "Press any key to boot from CD" is displayed.
In few seconds setup will continue. Windows XP Setup wizard will guide you through the setup process of
gathering information about your computer.
Step 12: Enter your product key. XP Product Key has 25 Characters.
Step 13 - Name the computer, and enter an Administrator password. Don't forget to write down your
Administrator password.
Step 14 - Enter the correct date, time and choose your time zone.
Step 15 - For the network setting choose typical and press next.
Step 16 - Choose workgroup or domain name. If you are not a member of a domain then leave the default
settings and press next. Windows will restart again and adjust the display.
Step 17 - Finally Windows will start and present you with a Welcome screen. Click next to continue.
Step 18 - Choose 'help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now' and press next.
Step 19 - Will this computer connect to the internet directly, or through a network? If you are connected to a
router or LAN then choose: 'Yes, this computer will connect through a local area network or home network'.
If you have dial up modem choose: 'No, this computer will connect directly to the internet'. Then click Next.
Step 20 - Add users that will sign on to this computer and click next.
Step 21 - You will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete. Click finish.
Every student should install Linux on the computer .This computer should have windows installed.
The system should be configured as dual boot with both windows and Linux. Lab instructor should
verify the installation and follow it up with a viva.
AIM: To install Linux in system
Software Requirement: Linux compact discs (3)
Hardware Requirement: Personal Computer
THEORY: Linux is a Unix-like operating system that was designed to provide personal computer users a
free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and usually more expensive Unix systems.
Linux has a reputation as a very efficient and fast-performing system. Linux's kernel (the central part of the
operating system) was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To complete
the operating system, Torvalds and other team members made use of system components developed by
members of the Free Software Foundation for the GNU Project.
1. Language Selection
Using your mouse select the language you would prefer to use for the installation
Using your mouse select the correct layout type for the keyboard you would prefer to use for the
installation and as the system default.
3. Mouse Configuration:
If you have a PS/2, USB or Bus mouse you do not need to pick a port and device. If you have a serial
mouse, you should choose the correct port and device that your serial mouse is on.
The Emulate 3 buttons checkbox allows you to use a two-button mouse as if it had three buttons. If
you select this check box you can emulate a third middle button by pressing both mouse buttons
4. Installation Type:
Your options are Personal desktop, Workstation, Server, Custom and upgrade
You can chose automatic partitioning or manual partitioning using Disk Druid of fdisk.
Automatic partitioning allows you to perform an installation without having to partition your drives
Automatic partitioning allows you to have some control concerning what data is removed from your
If you chose automatic partitioning and did not select Review skip ahead
If you choose automatic partitioning and selected review you can either accept the current
partition settings (click next) or modify the setup using Disk Druid, the manual partition
At this point you must tell the installation program where to install Linux. This is done by
defining mount points for one or more disk partitions in which Linux will be installed.
6. Adding Partitions:
Boot loader is the first software program that runs when a computer starts.
The installation program provides two boot loaders GRUB ( GR and Unified Boot Loader) which
is the default and LILO
If you do not want GRUB as your boot loader click Change Boot Loader.
You can then choose to install LILO or choose not to install boot loader at all by clicking Do not
install boot loader on the change boot loader button.
Network devices are automatically detected and displayed in Network Devices list,
Here you can configure IP address and net mask of the device.
8. Firewall configuration:
A properly configured firewall can greatly increase the security of the system.
Root count is similar to the administrator password that you set up in Win NT.
LINUX Commands:
1. ls
3.exit to end a current session as well current terminal logging
4.touch to create a new empty file
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$touch to change the working/present directory
$cd /home/mango
where '/home/mango' is the desired directory to be change from '/root' to view the contents of a file and it is also used for creating a new file with some contents
$cat <file name>
enter,then you can write something in the file and then to save the file contents press
$mkdir newdirname
you can also create a directory at your desired path without changing your present working directory
$mkdir /home/mango/newdirname
$rm filename
$rmdir directoryname
[-i/-r/-f] to remove a directory with its subdirectories as well as its files that is to remove a directory
$cp sourcepath destinationpath
example: $cp /home/mango/webmin.rpm /root/abcd
in this example the webmin.rpm file will be copied in /root/abcd directory
$man commandname
$mkdir info
$commandname help
by this command you can see the user name and their ip addresses who have loged in on your
Standard directory structure
/ - the topmost
/dev - all the devices are accessible as files
/var - variable data such as mails, log files, databases
/usr - almost all the packages installed
/etc - configuration files
/home - home directories for all the users
/root - home directory of the privileged user root
/mnt - used to mount other directories/partitions
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Students have to be given a PC which does not boot due to improper assembly or defective
peripherals. They should identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to working
condition. The work done should be verified by the instructor and followed up with a Viva
AIM: Hardware troubleshooting
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System
If your PC hangs up or freezes it may be due to the hardware/software conflicts, faulty processor fan,
inadequate RAM and a virus/spyware attack. To deal with the security related threats such as viruses,
hacking attacks, spyware, adware, Trojan horses, browser hijacks and other, you need to install up-to-dated
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antivirus, anti spyware software and properly configured firewall software or hardware. This article will
provide you help in troubleshooting the most common problems with your PC.
Hard Disk Problems
If you hard disk does not spin up then you need to do the following.
Check the power connectors are properly connected.
Check if the IDE ribbon cable is properly connected with the motherboard and hard disk.
If the problem still not resolved then there may be bad sectors or other physical defects in your hard disk.
Use a hard disk diagnostic utility, it will diagnose the health status of your hard disk and will help you to
troubleshoot the common problems.
Printer Problems
If your printer does not print, then you need to do the following.
Check the cables.
Restart the printer.
Update the driver.
Check the alignment of the printer.
If the problem is still not resolved then you need to reinstall the printer.
Memory Problems
Sometimes bad or low memory leads to system crash, slow response time and the system freeze. To
troubleshoot the memory related problems in your system you need to do the following.
Check the memory sticks.
Replace the memory modules.
Increase the amount of memory in your system. It will fix a number of system errors that are caused due to
the low memory.
Motherboard Problems
A PC motherboard consists of an I/O ports, expansion slots, input device ports, RAM memory and CPU
socket. A misconfigured motherboard may results in the system errors or no display at all. To troubleshoot
the errors with your systems motherboard you need to do the following.
Double check the motherboards jumper settings
Upgrade the drivers of the newly installed motherboard and set the BIOS according to the manufacturers
Remove all the optional devices and see if the problem is solved or not.
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Students have to be given a malfunctioning CPU due to system software problems. They should
identify the problem and fix it to get the computer back to working condition. The work done should
be verified by the instructor and followed up by the viva.
AIM: Software troubleshooting
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System
Error messages encountered during boot before Windows loads
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Ensure that your computer BIOS settings are correctly configured to the hardware that is installed in
your computer
encountering run the system restore option to restore the computer to an earlier date
Other error messages that occur while windows is loading or after windows is loaded
1. If error occurs but windows still loads, verify no issues or conflict exits in device manager
2. Ensure that if programs are loading automatically that these errors are not associated with these programs
3. Make sure Windows XP is up to date by checking Microsoft windows update page
4. If your computer has virus protection installed make sure that it is up to date and that no virus are being
5. If your computer has worked fine in the past but recently
encountering run the system restore option to restore the computer to an earlier date
REINSTALL: When a particular program is not working, reinstalling the failing application may be the fix
you need. Save any settings and data used by the program, and then use the original install disks to recopy
the program components to your hard drive.
ELIMINATE TROUBLESOME PROGRAMS: If you notice that consistent problems began when you
installed an unnecessary program, then uninstall that program from your system (click on START ->
REINSTALL/UPDATE DRIVERS: Many hardware associated problems are caused by driver conflicts,
corrupt driver components, and drivers which need to be updated for use with new program releases. When a
piece of hardware stops working or continually produces errors, try reinstalling the driver disk that came with
DEFRAG THE HARD DRIVE: After a computer has been used for a while, data and software components
tend to get scattered around the surface of the hard drive. This can lead to cross linked files, problems with
software, and reduced system performance. Running a defrag takes each of these scattered bits of
information and lines them up neatly in concentric circles on the hard drive. Your system will perform faster
after defragmentation, and certain types of software problems will be eliminated. To run the built in
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Windows defrag program, click on START -> PROGRAMS -> ACCESSORIES - SYSTEM TOOLS ->
REINSTALL THE OS: Reinstalling your Windows operating system is one of the best cures to an
enormous number of common computer problems.
Test Data: No Test Data for this Experiment
Errors: No Errors for this for this Experiment
Result: Software Troubleshooting is completed on system software
Viva Questions:
1) What is Software Trouble Shooting?
Ans: Is referred to removal of the problems arising due to system software or application software.
2) What is the Defragmentation?
Ans: Defragmenting a computer is a process for cleaning out fragmented files and folders on a hard drive.
3) Define Virus?
Ans: A computer virus is a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your
knowledge and runs against your wishes.
4) Define Device Driver?
Ans: Device Driver is a computer program allowing higher-level computer programs to interact with a
hardware device.
5) What is the minimum free space required for better performance of a computer?
Ans: Make sure your computer has at least 50 MB of free hard disk space.
Orientation & Connectivity Boot Camp: Students should get connected to their Local Area Network and
access the Internet. In the process they configure the TCP/IP setting. Finally students should demonstrate, to
the instructor, how to access the websites and email. If there is no internet connectivity preparations need to
be made by the instructors to simulate the WWW on the LAN
AIM: To learn Local Area Network and access the Internet. In the process they configure the TCP/IP setting.
Finally students should demonstrate, to the instructor, how to access the websites and email
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer, LAN Card, LAN cables
Software Requirements: Operating System
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Subnet Mask
TCP/IP protocol
Client Software
ISP Account
telephone Modem
Open Network Connections.
Click the connection you want to configure, and then, under Network Tasks, click Change settings of this
Do one of the following:
If the connection is a local area connection, on the General tab, under This connection uses the following
items, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
If this is a dial-up, VPN, or incoming connection, click the Networking tab. In This connection uses the
following items, click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
Do one of the following:
If you want IP settings to be assigned automatically, click Obtain an IP address automatically, and then
click OK.
If you want to specify an IP address or a DNS server address, do the following:
Click Use the following IP address, and in IP address, type the IP address.
Click Use the following DNS server addresses, and in Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server,
type the addresses of the primary and secondary DNS servers.
To configure DNS, WINS, and IP Settings, click Advanced.
To make a Local Area Connection
If you have a network adapter installed, and have set up a home or small office network, you are connected to
a local area network (LAN). You are also connected to a LAN if your Windows XP Professional computer is
part of a corporate network. When you start your computer, your network adapter is detected and the local
area connection automatically starts. Unlike other types of connections, the local area connection is created
automatically, and you do not have to click the local area connection in order to start it.
Result: LAN Connectivity Task is completed.
Viva Questions:
1) Define internet?
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Ans: The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the
standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide.
2) What do you mean by network?
Ans: Network is a collection of hardware components and computers interconnected by communication
3) Define a web browser
Ans: A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information
resources on the World Wide Web.
4) What are the different types of web browsers?
Ans: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, Arora, BOLT Browser,etc.
5) What is IP Address?
Ans: Internet Protocol Address (or IP Address) is an unique address that computing devices use to
identify itself and communicate with other devices in the Internet
Web Browsers, Surfing the Web: Students customize their web browsers with the LAN proxy settings,
bookmarks, search toolbars and pop up blockers. Also, plug-ins like Macromedia Flash and JRE for applets
should be configured
PURPOSE: To learn to surf the web
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, Web Browser, Plug-ins
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Web browser provides the means to the searching and also helps to download the web content.
Web browsers support most of the famous Internet Protocols like HTTP, FTP.
Well known browsers natively support a variety of other formats in addition to HTML such as
JPEG,PNG,GIF image formats
Each web browser is built-in with the support of Internet Bookmarks which serve as a named anchor
primarily to URLs. The primary purpose of this book mark is to easily catalog and access web pages that the
web browser user has visited or plans to visit, without having to navigate the web to get there.
Pop-up Blockers:
Pop-ups are a form of online advertising on the WWW intended to attract the attention of the users. These
pop ups are hosted on the web sites which are frequently visited by the netizens. These pop ups are activated
when these web sites open a new web browser window and there by displaying the advertisements.
A plug-in is a software component program that interacts with a main application to provide a better
integration of the media. The basic difference between application programs and plug-ins is that multimedia
files are launched in a separate window where as in plug-ins multimedia play in the browser window.
Few famous plug-ins are:
Macromedia flash
Adobe Shockwave
LAN Proxy Settings:
Select Connections
LAN setting
The selection at this step is dependent on the kind of connection you are trying to configure.
They are:
LAN connection
Viva Questions:
1) Define surfing?
Ans: Surfing is an analogy to describe ease with which an expert can use the waves of
information flowing around the Internet to get where he wants.
2) Abbreviate HTML,WWW?
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Ans: HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language), WWW (World Wide Web)
3) What is a bookmark?
Ans: A bookmark is a saved link to a Web page that has been added to a list of saved links.
4) Define a plug-in?
Ans: Plug-in is a set of software components that adds specific abilities to a larger software
5) What are pop-up ads?
Ans: Pop-ups ads are used extensively in advertising on the Web, though advertising is not the
only application for pop-up windows.
6) What are pop-up blockers?
Ans: A pop-up blocker (sometimes called a pop-up killer) is a program that prevents pop-ups
from displaying in a user's Web browser.
Search Engines & Netiquette: Students should know what search engines are and how to use the search
engines. A few topics would be given to the students for which they need to search on Google. This should be
demonstrated to the instructors
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AIM: To know what search engines are and how to use the search engines.
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, Web Browser
Search engine:
A search engine can be defined as a web site with tools which help you to find information on the internet
Function of a search engine:
Search Engine can the search any data based on keywords, searches on web and finding the locations
various web sites databases with the related information and gives the different list of results to the Web
Search engines visit web sites only several weeks. Search engines cannot see information in other data bases
later on.
On the internet a search engine is a coordinated set of programs that includes: A spider (crawler or bot) that
goes to every page or representative pages on every web site that wants to be searchable and reads it, using
hypertext links on each page to discover and read sites other pages.
You can use the same search terms with multiple search engines
Its fast
You will normally receive too many links often making it difficult to identify the most
relevant sites.
The vast majority of links may be only marginally relevant or altogether irrelevant
EX: Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, Google, Lycos, Yahoo, Bing, Etc...
Meta Search Engines:
Meta search engines or metacrawlers dont crawl the web themselves. Instead they search the resources of
multiple search engines by sending a search to several search engines at once aggregating the result.
You only need to use one search tool which is time- efficient
You only need to learn how to use one search engine reducing learning curve
You benefit from the difference among several search tools at once
Meta search services may not be able to leverage each individual search engines full range of
You can not personally select the search engines queried by Meta search services.
TASK 10:
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Cyber Hygiene: Students would be exposed to the various threats on the internet and would be asked to
configure their computer to be safe on the internet. They need to first install an antivirus software, configure
their personal firewall and windows update on their computer. Then they need to customize their browsers to
block pop ups, block active x downloads to avoid viruses and/or worms
AIM: To learn various threats on the internet and configure the computer to be safe on the internet.
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, Antivirus Software
Antivirus software is a program that either comes installed on your computer or that you purchase and install
yourself. It protects your computer against most viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other unwanted invaders
that can make your computer sick.
A firewall is a special software or hardware designed to protect a private computer network from
unauthorized access. A firewall is a set of related programs located at a network gateway server which
protects the resources of the private network from users from other networks.
Types of Internet Threats
Network Worms
Spyware / Adware
Other Malware
Other Threats
More than 100 000 known viruses exists in the world today
Network Worms
Either include tiny e-mail server or search for unprotected shared network drives to unload.
Trojan Programs
Programs that installs themselves stealthily via Internet & provide access for malicious use
Threats enabled by (/through) Trojans
Data stealing
Spyware / Adware
Other Threats
Confidential information stealing by fraud emails & web sites (author falsified)
Installing Symantec antivirus for Windows:
License agreement will open. Click I accept the terms of the license agreement and then
click next.
Windows Firewall:
If you dont want any exceptions check on Dont allow exceptions box
Result: Identification of various threats, attacks, worms from Internet and Installation of Antivirus Software
is completed.
Viva Questions:
1) What is antivirus software?
Ans: Anti Virus Software is a program that installed on your computer, it helps to protect your computer
against most viruses, worms, Trojan Horses, etc.
2) Define virus
Ans: Virus is a program which performs malicious acts, such as deleting files, accessing personal data, or
using your computer to attack other computers.
3) Define worm?
Ans: Worms are self replicating viruses that reside in the active memory of computer.
4) What are the advantages of antivirus software?
Ans: By using Anti Virus Software you can keep your computer healthy and protects from malicious
5) What are the types of antivirus softwares available?
Ans: Avast, Antivira, Kaspersky, QuickHeal, Symantec, AVG, Etc.
TASK 11: Develop your home page using HTML consisting of your photo, name, address and
education details as a table and your skill set as a list.
AIM: To create home page using HTML
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, Web Browser, Notepad
HTML is a language for describing web pages. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A
markup language is a set of markup tags. The tags describe document content. HTML documents
contain HTML tags and plain text. HTML documents are also called web pages.
HTML tags are keywords (tag names) surrounded by angle brackets like <html>.HTML tags
normally come in pairs like <b> and </b> i.e. Start Tag (<>) and End Tag (</>).
HTML Page Structure
<title>Title of the Document </title>
The text between <html> and </html> describes the web page
The text between <body> and </body> is the visible page content
The text between <head> and </head> is the description about the document.
The text between <title> and </title> shows the title of the document
HTML Versions
HTML 2.0
HTML 3.2
HTML 4.01
Defines a comment
Defines a hyperlink
<a href="">Google</a>
Defines an abbreviation
<source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
<dt>Coffee</dt> <dd>Black hot drink</dd>
<foter>Page No:1</footer>
<frameset cols="25%,*,25%">
<frame src="frame_a.htm">
<frame src="frame_b.htm">
<frame src="frame_c.htm">
<h1> to
<title>Title of the document</title>
<html> </html>
Defines an image
Defines a paragraph
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
Defines a table
<table border="1">
<title>HTML Reference</title>
<p>This is a <u>paragraph</u>.</p>
<marquee direction="right">Welcome to
<b><u>Skill Set:</b></u>
<li>Cricket Player</li>
<li>Won 1st Prize in School Quiz competiotion</li>
Result: Creating a Sample Web Page for student personal profile is completed by using HTML Tags.
Viva Questions:
1) What is HTML?
Ans: HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language used to design the Web Pages
2) What are the extensions to a HTML page while saving in a Notepad?
Ans: .html, .htm
3) How can you include comments in HTML?
Ans: An HTML comment begins with "<!--", ends with "-->
Ex: <!-- This is a comment. -->
4) What is <title> tag?
Ans: It shows the title of the HTML page
5) What is <br> tag? Is there any end tag for this like </br>?
Ans: It is used to separate the lines or to start with a new line. End tag </br> is required for this tag.
TASK 12:
To create project certificate, Features to be covered:-Formatting Fonts in word, Drop Cap in word,
Applying Text effects, Using Character Spacing, Borders and Colors, Inserting Header and Footer,
Using Date and Time option in Word.
AIM: To create a document applying the above mentioned techniques.
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Word Application)
MS- WORD 2007:
The HOME Tab includes commands related to the Clipboard, font selections, paragraph settings, and
styles and editing.
The INSERT tab includes what you need to add pages, tables, illustrations, links, headers and
footers, text objects, and symbols in your document.
The PAGE LAYOUT tab contains the commands for working with themes page backgrounds, and
paragraph spacing in your document.
The REFERENCES tab includes special elements you will use when you create longer or more
complete documents.
The MAILINGS tab is a new addition in the Office Word 2007 interface. Here you can find
everything you need to creating, previewing, and producing a mail merge project.
Status Bar
Drop cap: To create a large dropped initial capital letter
On the format menu, click borders and shadings.
To specify that the border appears on a particular side of a page, such as only at the top, click custom
under setting.
To specify a particular page or section for the borders to appear, click the option you want to apply.
To specify the exact position of the border on the page.
Finally, click OK.
72 | P a g e
Select the text you want to make a different color.
To apply the color most recently applied to text, click font color.
To apply different colors, click the arrow on the right of the font color button, select the color you
want and then click the button.
Result: Creation of project Certificate using MS Word completed successfully by applying different
Viva Questions:
1) What is the function of Menu Bar?
Ans: Menu Bar displays the menu; we use the menus to give the instructions to the software.
2) What is a Status Bar?
Ans: Status Bar provides information as current page, current section, total no of pages, inches from the
top of the page, current line number and column number.
3) Point out different types of Scroll Bars?
Ans: Different Scroll Bars are Horizontal Scroll Bar and Vertical Scroll Bar.
4) What is the extension of Microsoft Word file?
Ans: The extension of word 2003 file is .doc and for word 2007 .docx
5) How can you justify the text in MS- Word?
Ans: To justify the text you can click on Justify option in Styles and Formatting Tool Bar or Press Ctrl+J.
73 | P a g e
TASK 13:
Formatting Styles, Inserting table, Bullets and Numbering, Changing Text Direction, Cell alignment,
Footnote, Hyperlink, Symbols, Spell Check and Track Changes.
AIM: To create a document applying the above mentioned techniques.
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Word Application)
A table consists of rows and columns.
Cell Alignment:
Aligns a contents written in a table in the top left corner
or top right corner or in the center etc..
Foot Note:
74 | P a g e
Foot notes are used to comments on, or provide references for text in a document.
Hyperlink: It is a colored and underlined text or a graphic that you click to
go to a file, a location in a file, an HTML page on the World Wide Web, or
an HTML page in an intranet.
Symbols: You may not be able to enter certain symbols into your word
document, as there si a limitation on the keys on the key board. Creating these
new symbols especially when working with mathematical terms it becomes
very difficult .For example we can insert symbols such as ,,, ..
Spell check: It automatically checks for spelling and grammatical errors
Formatting Styles:
A style is a set of rules to be followed for the effective document. Style
can be applied to text, paragraph, table or a list.
1. Click where you want to create a table.
2. On the Insert menu, Click on Table.
3. Under Table size, select the number of columns and rows.
4. Under AutoFit behavior, choose options to adjust table size.
5. To use a built-in table format, click AutoFormat.
75 | P a g e
In References Menu, click where you want to insert the note reference mark and then click Footnote.
Click Footnotes or Endnotes.
In the Number format box, click the format you want.
Click Insert.
Word inserts the note number and places the insertion point next to the note number.
3. Either type the e-mail address you want in the E-mail address box, or select an e-mail address in the
recently used e-mail addresses box.
4. In the Subject box, type the subject of the e-mail message
A specific location in another document
1. Insert a bookmark in the destination file or Web page.
2. Open the file that you want to link from, and select the text or object you want to display as the
3. On the Standard toolbar, click Insert Hyperlink
4. Under Link to, click Existing File or Web Page.
5. In the Look in box, click the down arrow, and navigate to and select the file that you want to link to.
6. Click Bookmark, select the bookmark you want, and then click OK.
1. Click where you want to insert the symbol.
2. On the Insert menu, click Symbol, and then click the Symbols tab.
3. In the Font box, click the font that you want.
4. Double-click the symbol that you want to insert.
5. Click Close
Spell check:
1. On the Review Menu, click Spelling and Grammar
2. When Word finds a possible spelling or grammatical problem, make your changes in the Spelling and
Grammar dialog box.
Bullets and Numbering:
1. Type 1. to start a numbered list or * (asterisk) to start a bulleted list, and then press SPACEBAR or
2. Type any text you want.
3. Press ENTER to add the next list item.
Word automatically inserts the next number or bullet.
4. To finish the list, press ENTER twice, or press BACKSPACE to delete the last bullet or number in the
Formatting Styles:
1. Select the words, paragraph, list, or table you want to change.
2. If the Styles and Formatting task pane is not open, click Styles and Formatting on the Formatting
3. Click the style you want in the Styles and Formatting task pane.
If the style you want is not listed, click All Styles in the Show box
Track Changes:
77 | P a g e
Viva questions:
1) What is the function of spell check?
Ans: Spell check checks the spelling and grammar as you type.
2) How can you insert a table?
Ans: Go to Table option in menu bar then select Insert-> Table-> give the table sizes.
3) Define header, footer?
Ans: Header is text appears at the top of every page. Footer is text that appears at the bottom of every
4)How can you create a hyper link?
Ans: Hyperlink is a colored and underlined text or a graphic to click to go to a file, a location of a file. To
create a hyperlink first selects the text or picture you want to display as the hyperlink and then click
Insert-> Hyperlink.
TASK 15:
Create a Newsletter. Features to be covered:-Table of content. Newspaper columns, Images from files
and clipart, Drawing toolbar and Word Art, Formatting Images, Textboxes and Paragraphs and Mail
Merge in Word.
AIM: To create a news Letter and Mail Merge
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Word Application)
Table of contents:
Table of contents displays a list of headings in a created document. It basically provides an
outline of the entire document created
Newspaper columns:
One can create a newspaper columns document by specifying the number of new letter-style
column required and then adjust their width, and add vertical lines between columns.
Images from files and clipart:
Inserting a picture (graphic) from a file and clipart
may be required for a document. This picture could be a scanned
photograph or any other digitally produced one. This picture can
be modified, resized, cropped and enhanced.
Drawing toolbar and Word Art:
One can create his/her own drawings in Microsoft word. Ms
Word provides a full fledged drawing tool bar.
Word Art in Microsoft word enables you to create special and decorative text.
2. Click the WordArt effect you want, and then click OK.
3. In the Edit WordArt Text dialog box, type the text you want.
4. Do any of the following:
Formatting Images:
1. Formatting of the images can be achieved by selecting the image and double click on the picture,
format picture dialog box appears.
2. The same can be achieved by selecting the tools menu > customize>tool bars tab>picture and click
Basic formatting features of an image
Resize a drawing
1. Select the drawing canvas
2. On the Drawing Canvas toolbar, do one of the following:
To make the drawing canvas boundary larger without changing the size of the objects on the
canvas, click Expand
To make the drawing canvas boundary fit tightly around the drawing objects or pictures, click
To scale the drawing and make the objects and canvas proportionately smaller or larger, click
Scale Drawing, and then drag the edges of the canvas.
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Crop a picture
1. Select the picture you want to crop.
2. On the Picture toolbar, click Crop
3. Position the cropping tool over a cropping handle and then do one of the following:
o To crop one side, drag the center handle on that side inward.
o To crop equally on two sides at once, hold down CTRL as you drag the center handle on either
side inward.
o To crop equally on all four sides at once, hold down CTRL as you drag a corner handle
4. On the Picture toolbar, click Crop to turn off the Crop command.
Text Box:
1. On the Drawing toolbar, click Text Box
2. Click or drag in your document where you want to insert the text box
3. You can use the options on the Drawing toolbar to enhance a text box for example, to change the
fill color just as you can with any other drawing object
Change line spacing
Select the text you want to change.
1. On the Formatting toolbar, point to Line Spacing, and then do one of the following:
To apply a new setting, click the arrow, and then select the number that you want.
To apply the most recently used setting, click the button.
To set more precise measurements, click the arrow, click More, and then select the options
you want under Line Spacing.
1. Open a document and type the complete body of the letter and format it as required.
2. Create a data source and choose mail merge from tool bar a window is displayed.
3. Click on create button and choose from letter options. Then a window is displayed.
4. Click active window choose currently active document. Click on data and create data source
5. A window for customizing the data base structure appears and this file contains the names address
details with contact number etc. we can add or remove fields from this file.
6. Once the list of fields is finalized a window of same is displayed and types the required file names
and click on save button.
7. A window is displayed. Type the details of 10 candidates. After typing details of one person, click
on add menu.
8. Click on the o.k. to finish entering the records mail merge tool bar is displayed.
9. Place the curser at the place where you wish to insert names and click on insert mail merge button.
A drop list is displayed all fields created would be shown.
10. By highlighting to desired file and click on it we can insert the field into the main document and
go to begin the mail merge click on mail merge.
11. A window is displayed click once on the merge button to generate letters for all records in your
data source file.
Result: Creating a Mail Merge using MS Word is completed
Viva questions:
1) What is the main purpose of a drop cap?
Ans: Drop Cap is used to create a large dropped initial capital letter. Select Format-> Drop Cap.
2) What is the purpose of Bullets?
Ans: Bullets are used to create Bulleted or numbered list of items.
3) How can you print a document?
Ans: Go to File-> Print or press Ctrl+P.
4) What is the functionality of Print Layout?
Ans: In Print layout View we can see the rulers, status bar of the document and displays the fixed page
length of your document.
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TASK 15:
Creating a Scheduler:-Features to be covered: - Gridlines, Format Cells, Summation, auto fill,
Formatting Text
AIM: To maintain a shift schedule with specifications
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Excel Application)
Microsoft Excel is a proprietary commercial spreadsheet application written and distributed by Microsoft for
Microsoft Windows. It features calculation, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language
called Visual Basic for Applications.
Tool Bars:
Grid lines:
1. Click the worksheet.
2. On the file menu, click page Layout and the go to sheet options.
3. Click gridlines.
Format Cell:
1. Change the font and font size.
2. Change the text color.
3. Make selected text or numbers bold, italic or
4. Create a new style.
Auto fit:
1. Combine cells horizontally or vertically to make one large cell.
2. Add borders to cells.
3. Shade cells with colors.
4. Change the column width and row height
5. Change the font, font size or colors of text.
6. Align text vertically at the top, center and bottom of cell.
Formatting the text:
1. Select the text you want to format.
2. On the format menu click cells and then click number tab.
3. In the catalog box click text.
4. Enter the numbers in the formatted cells.
5. Click ok.
6. Then press enter and reenter the data.
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First click start button of the screen on status bar. Click on programs and then Microsoft excel. To get
a new blank work sheet go to programs and then click on excel sheet. On the file menu click page setup and
then click sheet tab click gridlines. In this way do the required changes using format cell, make the required
changes using formatting text also make the required changes. Enter the data in the data in the worksheet
consisting of week name person name and timings 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Make all the above changes to the text.
Result: Creating a MS- Excel sheet is completed by inserting grid lines, formatting text options.
Viva Questions:
1) What do you mean by a spread sheet?
Ans: It allows organizing information in rows and columns.
2) What is the Auto Fill?
Ans: It allows to quickly filling cells with repetitive or sequential data such as date or numbers or text.
3) What is a grid line?
Ans: Grid lines are the border lines of the cells within a spread sheet.
TASK 16:
Calculating GPA-Features to be covered-Cell Referencing, Formulae in excel average, std. deviation,
Charts, Renaming and Inserting worksheets, Hyper linking, Count Function, HLOOKUP/VLOOKUP,
sorting, & Conditional formatting
AIM: To maintain a control chart for printing books with given data.
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Excel Application)
Formulae in Excel:
Go to Formulae Menu and click on Insert Function
Hyper Linking:
1. Create a worksheet: On the file menu, click new, and then click blank workbook task pane.
2. Insert a worksheet: C lick worksheet on the insert menu. Right click on sheet tab and then click
insert double click the template for the type of sheet you want.
3. Hyperlink: Using hyperlink we can insert one more sheet in the present sheet
4. Count function: Create a blank worksheet press control +c. In the worksheet select cell A and press
control +c. On the tools menu point to formula auditing and then click formula auditing menu.
1. In the file menu go to menu then a new worksheet is created.
2 To add a single worksheet, click worksheet on the Insert menu. To add multiple worksheets
hold down shift and then click the number of worksheet tasks to add in a open workbook
1. Click a cell in the list you want to sort.
2. On the Data menu click sort.
Result: Creating a MS- Excel Sheet is completed by calculating various formulas for the database.
Viva Questions:
89 | P a g e
The MS Office Button is located in the top left corner of the Word 2007 Window
Click on New Slide button. It adds a new slide in the default layout
"Title and Content.
Click on the arrow at the bottom corner of the New Slide button. You
can select the slide layout from the Default Design pallet.
Click Layout button. You can select and change the slide layout.
Click Delete button to delete the current slides.
Move the cursor over the theme buttons to preview different themes on your current slide.
Click on any theme button to choose the theme, which will be applied to all the slides in
your presentation.
Colors -- Changes the color scheme of the current theme
Fonts -- Changes the font of the current theme
Effects -- Changes the effects of the current theme
TASK 18:
Hyperlinks, Inserting Images, Clip Art, Audio, Video, Objects, Tables and Charts
Create a power point presentation consisting of hyperlinks, inserting images, clip art, audio,
video objects of 4 slides with the following information.
Slide 1:- Name of your college in bold letters.
Slide 2:- Address of your college in bold letters.
Slide 3:- List of all available courses.
Slide 4:- Extra co-curricular activities.
And apply the transaction effects and set the time three seconds for each slide and view it in
slide show.
AIM: To maintain a PowerPoint presentation using some specifications
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Power Point Application)
1. Select the text or object that you want to represent the hyperlink.
2. Under insert menu click on Hyperlink.
3. Under link to, click place in this document.
93 | P a g e
1) Adding Images from File
Insert Tab >> Illustrations >> Picture
Find the picture file you want to insert in the browser window.
Search for ClipArt and other media in the right-hand search panel.
Check in "Everywhere" box under "Search in" for more extensive results
On the insert menu, point to structure and then click clipart.
1. In the clipart task pane, in the search for box, type a word or phrase
that describes the clip, you want to type in all or some of the file
menus of the clip.
2. In the results box, click the clip to insert it.
1. On the insert menu, go to Media Clips option and select Movie for Video Objects and Sound for
Audio Objects.
2. You can select a movie from a file and you can record sound or select a sound or audio from a
1. On the Insert menu, click Table.
2. Select the size of the Table or you can draw the Table.
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1. Click the slide where you want to place the embedded object.
2. On the insert menu, click chart.
3. Click a cell on the data sheet and then type the information you want.
To return to the slide, click outside the chart.
Result: Creating MS Power Point presentation by applying hyperlinks, images is completed.
Viva Questions:
1) Define hyper link?
Ans: Hyperlinks are created with an "href" tag (hyperlink reference). In it's simplest form the tag looks
like this:
Ex::<a href="page1.html">Go To Page 1</a
2) Define slide show?
Ans: Slide shows have come a long way since those shown on the slide projectors of old. Many digital
presentations, such as those created in PowerPoint or Open Office Impress are composed of
several slides.
The slide show can be enhanced using transitions and animations. Music, sounds or narration can be
added to these slide shows and they can run unattended by using custom timings. The slide show is most
often projected on a screen using a digital projector.
3) Define slide transition?
Ans: A slide transition is the visual motion when one slide changes to the next during a presentation. By
default, one slide simply replaces the previous one on screen, much the same way that a slide show of
photographs would change from one to the next.
4) What is animation?
Ans: Animations in Microsoft PowerPoint refer to the way that items, such as text boxes, bullet points or
images move onto a slide during a slide show. There are two types of animations available in PowerPoint
- Preset Animation Schemes, that affect all of the content on a slide, and Custom Animations, that allow
you to apply a variety of animation effects to individual items on a slide.
TASK 19:
Master Layouts (slide, template, and notes), Types of views (basic, presentation, slide slotted, notes
etc), Inserting Background, textures, Design Templates, Hidden slides.
Create a power Point presentation on business by using master layouts and see the presentation
in different views.
AIM: To maintain a power point presentation with some specifications
Hardware Requirements: Personal Computer
Software Requirements: Operating System, MS Office Package (MS- Power Point Application)
Edit Master
Master Layout
Edit Theme
Page Setup
1. On the slides tab in the normal view, select the slides you want to set the things for.
2. On the Animations menu, click side transition.
3. Under advance slide, select the automatically after checkbox, and then number of seconds you
want the slide to appear on the screen.
4. And then click on Slide Show option from view menu or press F5 Key from keyboard.
First click on start button. Then click programs, and then power point presentation. Then select file
menu and click on new. Then you get a new blank presentation. Then in the first slide, enter the title as
business and give product name as sub title. Then insert the second slide. Then enter the title as about the
product and give description as sub title. Then insert the third slide and enter the title as sales about product
and enter something about it sales. In this way, complete the three slides. Then click on view and then master
and then enter date in the space provided for footer. Then you find these two in all slides and then again go to
view and click on slide show.
Result: Creating Master Layouts using MS Power Point is completed.
Viva Questions:
Ans: The term clip art comes from the books of graphic images (such as those from Dover Arts) once used
as a graphics source. Users would cut out or clip the desired artwork from the book to place into layouts.
Later, it was common to scan the images from the books. Today, clip art comes on CD-ROM or can be
downloaded from the Web.
97 | P a g e
Ans: Grouping lets you flip, rotate, move, or resize all shapes or objects at the same time as though they
were a single shape or object. You can also change the attributes of all of the shapes in a group at one
time, by changing the fill color or adding a shadow
Ans: Custom Animation is a feature in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. It contains a list of effects that you can
apply to objects to have them animate during the slide show. This article talks about what Custom
Animation is and shows you a list of all the effects available. If you have no glue on what Custom
Animation is, this is the article to read.
1. Introduction to Information Technology, ITL Education Solutions limited, Pearson Education.
2. LaTeX Companion Lesile Lamport, PHI/ Pearson.
3. Introduction to Computers, Peter Norton, 6/e Mc Graw Hill.
4. Upgrading and Repairing, PCs 18th e, Scott Muller QUE, Pearson Education.
5. Comdex Information Technology course tool kit Vikas Gupta, WILEY Dreamtech.
6. IT Essentials PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide Third Edition by David Anfinson
and Ken Quamme. CISCO Press, Pearson Education.
7. PC Hardware and A+Handbook Kate J. Chase PHI (Microsoft).