Dot Net Practical File
Dot Net Practical File
Dot Net Practical File
The first screen in Visual Studio 2008 Setup is the below setup dialog screen.
Click the "Install Visual Studio 2008" link in order to start VS2008 on Windows 7 installation process.
Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 Setup wizard begins with the confirmation if you want to help improve setup of Visual Studio 2008.
If you agree to submit anonymous information about your Visual Studio setup experiences to Microsoft, mark the checkbox "Yes, send information about my setup experiences to Microsoft Corporation."
The next screen in the VS 2008 setup wizard requests you to confirm that you have read and accept the license terms. You should also supply the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 product key.
This step is which you select the Visual Studio 2008 features to setup. You have two quick options first the default installation and the full installation. Default installation will install common and recommended VS2008 features on the other hand full installation will install all the features of MS Visual Studio 2008.
You can configure VS2008 installation in more detail by selecting the third option, Custom installation. The VS 2008 installation path is default "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Visual Studio 9.0\" and cannot be altered. You can see the required disk space for each install option on the right bottom part of the setup wizard.
The Microsoft VSTS 2008 installation process starts as seen in the below screenshot.
And the installation finished within one screenshot as you see here.
After the VS 2008 installation is completed successfully on Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate operating system, it is time for an update or installing the product documentation like help documents, tutorials and samples, etc.
I will install MSDN documentation for VS2008 after installing service pack for VS2008 installation. I want to show you the below screenshot that I have installed the Visual Studio 2008 on my Windows 7 computer with its all features selected without any problem.
And here is the start page of the Microsoft Visual Studio Team System 2008 IDE with general development settings is selected running successfully on Windows 7.
An easy-to-use custom authentication mechanism Solid integration with ADO.NET (the .NET database story) Excellent support for Web Services Zero reliance on the Component Object Model An extensible pipeline with many places in which a request can be intercepted ASP.NET 1.0 set the stage for many developers both moving into Web development and moving to the Microsoft Platform.
ASP.NET 2.0 builds upon ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1 by providing a number of new features in addition to what already existed with ASP.NET 1.0. These features include Master Pages and Skins Declarative data-binding Provider pattern model New cache features Membership controls Personalization controls Support for Web Parts Programmable configuration Administration tools New compilation model All the features of ASP.NET 1.0/1.1 are still there. However, these new features make ASP.NET an even more compelling platform for creating Web sites.
A Word About the .NET Runtime ASP.NET 2.0 is built upon Microsoft's Common Language Runtime. In its earliest days, programming Windows involved interacting with the operating system at a very intimate level. For example, getting a Window to show up on a screen took many lines of C code. In addition, Windows included a rudimentary component technologyraw Dynamic Link Libraries. Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) represent a necessary technology to enable composing systems dynamicallythat is, to assemble applications from several disparate binary components.
However, DLLs by themselves are not sufficient for composing systems reliablyprimarily because it's very difficult to manage multiple versions of a component (a DLL). During the mid-90's, the Component Object Model (COM) emerged as a way to help manage multiple versions of a component. By stipulating strict rules about how clients and components may interact, COM represented a technology sufficient for composing applications from different binary components. However, COM faced a few dead ends which became apparent as developers began building larger systems. First, COM relied on humans following rules to get things to interoperate. For example, COM stipulates a rule that once a programmatic interface is published, it must never change. Changing a published COM interface after clients begin coding against it will almost certainly bring a system to its knees. In addition, COM relied on sometimes obtuse rules as far as managing resources. However, the coup de grace for COM was probably the disparate type systems involved. That is, COM represented many data types differently for three separate classes of developers: C++ developers, Visual Basic developers, and scripting developers. The different data type systems made it extremely inconvenient to build systems built from different languages. It could be done, but developers had to be very wary when making calls across such component boundaries. .NET and the Common Language Runtime (the CLR) were developed to solve the dead ends appearing in COM near the end of the last century. When you choose to buy into the .NET runtime, it's like putting your code in a nice hotel room when it runs. For example, the .NET runtime loads and manages your code as it runs. Pure memory leaks are a thing of the past because the runtime collects garbage when necessary. The problem of overrunning array boundaries disappears because the .NET runtime keeps careful watch over memory and knows when anything is out of place. In addition, the .NET runtime includes a new security model making it more difficult to hack into .NET-based software. Finally, the .NET runtime introduces a new packaging and deployment model, .NET Assemblies, which helps enforce versioning components.
The top layer represents user and program interfaces, and includes Windows Forms, Web Forms, Web Services, and Application Services. Windows Forms provide a Win32/64-based user interface. Web Forms provide a Web-based user interface. Web Services are the most revolutionary program interfaces because they allow programs to communicate over the Internet. The Internet-based program interfaces, which include Web Forms and Web Services, are implemented by ASP.NET, which is a built-in component of the .NET Framework. The middle layer represents the .NET Framework classes, which are universally available across multiple languages. The usage of these classes is consistent across all languages included in the .NET Framework. The base layer represents the common execution platform called the Common Language Runtime (CLR). This is the most important component of the .NET Framework. The CLR provides support for multiple languages and allows cross-language inheritance. For example, you can inherit a class written in Visual Basic from a class written in Visual C++. Thus, with .NET, the choice of a programming language simply depends on the user's choice. With .NET, it is possible to create applications by using multiple languages. The multiple-language support is possible because the CLR provides a common system of data types. In addition, the CLR performs the memory management and monitors the complete life cycle of objects, while it tracks objects and handles garbage collection. Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET) is the first release of the products based on the .NET Framework. It includes Visual Basic, Visual C++, and C#. VS.NET provides a common Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for all languages. Therefore, developers always work in a consistent environment irrespective of the language they use.
Toolbox contains all the controls of the form. Just drag and drop the control from the toolbox to the form. Page Layout gives the design of the form appears at the run time. Property window, list the basic attributes of the control. Solution Explorer, it gives the directory structure of the project.
Assemblies An assembly is either a .DLL or .EXE that forms a part of an application. It contains MSIL code that is executed by CLR. The following are other important points related to an assembly: 1. It is the unit on which permissions are granted. 2. Every assembly contains a version 3. Assemblies contain interfaces and classes. They may also contain other resources such as bitmaps, file etc. 4. Every assembly contains assembly metadata, which contains information about assembly. CLR uses this information at the time of executing assembly. 5. Assemblies may be either private, which are used only by the application to which they belong or Global assemblies, which are used by any application in the system. 6. Two assemblies of the same name but with different versions can run side-by-side allowing applications that depend on a specific version to use assembly of that version. The four parts of an assembly are: Assembly Manifest - Contains name, version, culture, and information about referenced assemblies. Type metadata - Contains information about types defined in the assembly. MSIL - MSIL code. Resources - Files such as BMP or JPG file or any other files required by application..
Cross-language Interoperability
.NET provides support for language interoperability. However, it doesn't mean every program written in a language can be used by another language. To enable a program to be used with other languages, it must be created by following a set of rules called Cross Language Specifications (CLS). Cross-language inheritance is the ability to create a class in C# from a class created in VB.NET. When an exception is raised by a program written in C#, the exception can be handled by VB.NET. This kind of exception handling is called cross-language exception handling. .NET has brought a set of new features which are to be understood by every programmer developing applications for Windows. There is no way any Windows programmer can ignore.NET unless he is desperate to be outdated. Microsoft will provide.NET as part of its operating systems in future releases. It is the platform for programmers. It is not new OS from Microsoft or a new language. It is the environment for which you develop applications. It is rich in terms of features.
AIM 5: Design a calculator with button and textbox (with window forms)
using using using using using using using using System; System.Collections.Generic; System.ComponentModel; System.Data; System.Drawing; System.Linq; System.Text; System.Windows.Forms;
namespace cal { publicpartialclassForm1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } string st = ""; string op = ""; float result; privatevoid button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "1"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "2"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "3"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "4"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button5_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "5"; textBox1.Text = st;
} privatevoid button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "6"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "7"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "8"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button9_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "9"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "0"; textBox1.Text = st; } privatevoid button11_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { op = "+"; result = Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); st = ""; button16.Enabled = true; textBox1.Clear(); } privatevoid button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { op = "-"; result = Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); st = ""; button16.Enabled = true; textBox1.Clear(); } privatevoid button13_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { op = "*"; result = Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); st = ""; button16.Enabled = true;
textBox1.Clear(); } privatevoid button14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { op = "/"; result = Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); st = ""; button16.Enabled = true; textBox1.Clear(); } privatevoid button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (op == "+") { result = result + Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); } elseif (op == "-") { result = result - Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); } elseif (op == "*") { result = result * Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); } elseif (op == "/") { if (Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text) == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cannot Divide By 0"); } else { result = result / Convert.ToSingle(textBox1.Text); } } textBox1.Text = result.ToString(); st = ""; } privatevoid button16_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { st += "."; textBox1.Text = st; button16.Enabled = false; } } }
namespace button { publicpartialclassForm1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } privatevoid button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("U just clicked"); } } }
Displays text entered at design time that can be edited by user at run time or changed programmatically.
Combo Box:
Displays a drop down list of items. It is used to store multiple items but allows only single selection.
2. RemoveAt: This method is used to remove items index wise i.e. from location.
privatevoid button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (radioButton1.Checked == true) { MessageBox.Show(radioButton1.Text); } elseif(radioButton2.Checked == true) { MessageBox.Show(radioButton2.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a value"); } }
Display the scrollable list of items, each accompanied by a check box. Check boxes are used for multiple selections.
selected Items:
privatevoid button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string st=""; for (Int32 i = 0; i < checkedListBox1.CheckedItems.Count; i++) { st += checkedListBox1.CheckedItems[i].ToString() + " "; } MessageBox.Show(st); }
Displays a list of items and allow single as well as multiple selection. For multiple selection, change the property "Selection Mode" of List box to "MultiSimple".
When you create a Web Application project, the Application Wizard creates the necessary project files along with the page file and code behind class file as described: Default.aspx: This page file consists of the user interface for the visual representation of the Web Forms page. The file has two views, Design and HTML. The default view is Design view. Design view: This view represents the user interface for the Web Forms page. You can place controls directly from the toolbox to the Web Forms page in Design view. By default, the page layout of the Web Forms page is Grid Layout. This layout enables you to accurately position controls on the page by using the absolute coordinates (X,Y) of the page. In addition to Grid Layout, ASP.NET provides another page layout, which is called Flow Layout. In Flow Layout, you can add text to the page directly in Design mode. You can change the page layout from the default Grid Layout to Flow Layout. To do so, right-click the page in Design view and select Properties from the context menu. Next, in the DOCUMENT Property Pages dialog box, from the Page Layout list box, select Flow Layout. HTML view: This view represents the ASP.NET code for the Web Forms page. To open HTML view, click the HTML tab in the designer. When the Web Application project is a Visual Basic project or a C# project, the scripting language used in the HTML page is Visual Basic or C#, respectively.
Default.aspx.cs or Default.aspx.vb: This file consists of the code to implement programming logic in the Web Forms page. You can view the code file by using the Show All Files icon in the Solution Explorer window. If the Web Application project is a Visual Basic project, you use Visual Basic .NET to implement the programming logic and the code file is called the Default.aspx.vb file. Conversely, if the Web Application project is a C# project, you use C# to implement the programming logic and the code file is called the Default.aspx.cs file. The code file (Default.aspx.cs) appears within the WebForm1.aspx node as shown in figure.
Contains All of the attributes that are written into the compiled assembly, including version, company name, GUID, and so on. The global events that occur in your Web application, such as when the application starts or ends. You can have only one Global.asax file per project, and it exists in the root folder of the project. The code used in Global.asax. This file is not shown in Solution Explorer. The style definitions to use for the HTML generated by your project. This file appears only in Visual Basic .NET projects. For Visual C# projects, you can add it manually. The settings your Web server uses when processing this project. These settings specify how errors are reported, what type of user authentication to use, and so on. Descriptions of the Web Services that this project provides. This file is used for dynamic discovery of Web services (.asmx files) included in a Web application. This file is not shown in Solution Explorer. The visual description of a Web form. The code that responds to events on the Web form. By default, this file is not shown in Solution Explorer. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) resources used by the Web form. This file is not shown in Solution Explorer. The project files listing the files and settings used at design time. This file is not shown in Solution Explorer. This file tracks the root virtual folder for the Web application. This file is not shown in Solution Explorer.
The primary types of files that youll add to a Web application project are: File extension Project item Description Each Web form constitutes an ASP.NET Web page in your application. Applications can have one or many Web forms. Web forms have code files associated with them with the file extension .aspx.vb. Visual C# forms have associated .aspx.cs files. Web pages that dont have server code can appear as HTML pages in your project. Code that defines objects in your application is stored in classes. User controls that are built from other Web forms and server controls in Visual Studio .NET. Web services that expose classes for remote execution over a network, such as the Internet. Data files that store information used by your application. Schema files that describe the format and constraints to apply to stored data. Formatting rules to apply when displaying XML data.
Web form
HTML page
.vb or .cs
Class or module
Web service
XML file
.xsd .xslt
AIM 10: To make familiar with the validation control in the Web form.
Working with ASP.NET validation server controls is no different from working with any other ASP.NET server controls. Each of these controls allows you to drag and drop it onto a design surface or to work with it directly from the code of your ASP.NET page. These controls can also be modified so that they appear exactly as you wishensuring the visual uniqueness that your applications might require. The following table describes the functionality of each of the available validation server controls. Validation Server Control RequiredFieldValidator Description Ensures that the user does not skip a form entry field. Allows for comparisons between the userss input and another item using a comparison operator (equals, greater than, less than, and so on). Checks the users input based upon a lowerand upper-level range of numbers or characters. Checks that the users entry matches a pattern defined by a regular expression. This is a good control to use to check e-mail addresses and phone numbers. Checks the users entry using custom-coded validation logic. Displays all the error messages from the validators in one specific spot on the page.
Validation Causes:
Validation doesnt just happen; it occurs in response to an event. In most cases, it is a button click event.The Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton server controls all have the capability to cause a pages formvalidation to initiate. This is the default behavior. Dragging and dropping a Button server control ontoyour form will give you the following initial result:
<asp:Button ID=Button1 Runat=server Text=Button /> If you have multiple buttons on an ASP.NET page, and you dont want each and every button to initiatethe form validation, you can set the CausesValidation property to False for all the buttons you wantto ignore the validation process (for example, a forms Cancel button): <asp:Button ID=Button1 Runat=server Text=Cancel CausesValidation=False /> 1. The RequiredFieldValidator Server Control: The RequiredFieldValidator control simply checks to see if something was entered into the HTML form element. It is a simple validation control, but it is one of the most frequently used. You must have a RequiredFieldValidator control for each form element on which you wish to enforce a value-required rule. 2. The CompareValidator Server Control: The CompareValidator control allows you to make comparisons between two form elements as well as to compare values contained within form elements to constants that you specify. For instance, you can specify that a form elements value must be an integer and greater than a specified number. You can also state that values must be strings, dates, or other data types that are at your disposal. 3. The RangeValidator Server Control: The RangeValidator control is quite similar to that of the CompareValidator control, but it makes sure that the end user value or selection provided is between a specified range as opposed to being just greater than or less than a specified constant. For an example of this, go back to the text-box element that asks for the age of the end user and performs a validation on the value provided. 4. The RegularExpressionValidator Server Control: One exciting control that developers like to use is the RegularExpressionValidator control. This control offers a lot of flexibility when you apply validation rules to your Web forms. Using the RegularExpressionValidator control, you can check a users input based on a pattern that you define using a regular expression. 5. The ValidationSummary Server Control: The ValidationSummary control is not a control that performs validations on the content input into your Web forms. Instead, this control is the reporting control, which is used by the other validation controls on a page. You can use this validation control to consolidate error reporting for all the validation errors that occur on a page instead of leaving this up to each and every individual validation control. At Design time: Step 1: Place the text boxes and a button on the web form to implement the validation on them.
Step 2: Now drag the validation control on the web form Validation category from the toolbox. Step 3: Set the properties of validation control as follows: Control Name
RequiredFieldValidator CompareValidator RangeValidator RegularExpressionValidator ValidationSummary
At Run time: Debug the Web Form, Now when you press the button the validation will check the data inputted is valid or not. If any violation of validation is there then it shows the error.
representation of almost any relational model. The DataSet holds a collection of tables that can have optional DataRelations, Constraints, or even ForeignKeyConstraints. Example: At Design time: Place Gridview and access DataSource on the web form. Click on the top right corner of the DataSource, and click on configure data source. Follow the wizard and chose the relevant data from the table. Now click on the top right corner on the Gridview and click on Choose data source and select the data source configured in the second step.
bind(); } } private void bind() { SqlDataAdapter adp = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from products", ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["cn"].ConnectionString); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); adp.Fill(ds); DetailsView1.DataSource=ds; DetailsView1.DataBind(); }