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QCP e 11 Hipot Test

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This procedure is intended to provide general guidelines for dielectric withstand (Hi-Pot) test of
MV cables and switchgear.
Hi-Pot field test is not considered on sites for MV motors and generators except where
specifically required.
All safety precautions must be observed during the testing. Testing equipment operating
manual shall be used for proper testing.
- Testing Equipment Operating manual
- Relevant industry standards
- Project Safety Manual
- Applicable local safety procedures

Tools and Equipment

- High Potential Testing Equipment
- Insulating grounding stick rated for the full test voltage
- Flexible conductor to connect the resistor to ground

Safety and personnel

Before conducting any test it must be verified the cable or equipment under test is de-energized.
The person conducting the test must be qualified to operate the test equipment and shall be
capable of conducting the test in safe manner with complete knowledge of the hazards involved.
The person conducting the test must be knowledgeable of the recommended industry safety
Personnel safety are of ultimate importance
The person conducting the test must evaluate the test data and make judgement on the
serviceability of the specific equipment.
A safety lead should be identified prior to starting the testing work
A safety briefing shall be conducted prior to starting the testing work

Cables shall be disconnected from equipment to minimize erroneous result in case AC or VLF
Hi-Pot testing is considered or to prevent damage to equipment in case DC Hi-Pot testing is

Adequate clearances are required between the cable ends and other equipment and ground.
Barricade the area where the test will be connected. Also barricade the remote ends in case of
cables and where necessary position a personnel guard (watchman) to prevent unauthorized
access to the cables under test.
Testing equipment shall be verified to be in good working condition and the calibration certificate
shall be valid the time of conducting the test and the calibration label shall be visible on the
testing equipment

Dielectric Withstand Test (Hi-Pot Test)

High Potential test (Hi-Pot) will be carried out to determine the electrical strength of MV cables
and Switchgear with any of the two methods stated hereunder.
1. Direct Current (DC) Dielectric Withstand Voltage Test
2. Power Frequency AC Dielectric Withstand Voltage Test
Site tests are performed by applying a predetermined high voltage to the insulation. The
equipment or cables should not be subjected to excessive high voltages which could result in
premature failure. It is recommended to use 80% of the factory High potential test voltages. In
the absence of factory test voltages, the below tabulated figures shall be considered.
Hi-Pot voltage will be applied gradually in 4 or 5 steps and raised to the voltage level as stated
below. At every step increase, the leakage current must be stabilized. At any time, when the
leakage current does not indicate to stabilize, the Hi-Pot test will be stopped and the equipment
or cable under test will fail.
Hi-Pot test voltages are used to ensure that the cable, cable joint, and terminations are correctly
made and installed. Hi-Pot test will be applied between each core and the earth. Throughout
the test the conductors that are not under test are connected to earth. If the cable withstands
the high voltage applied for the time stated below, the test is considered successful and the
cable will perform safely when subjected continuously the rated voltage.
After Hi-Pot test of each cable, the insulation will retain High Voltage due to self-capacitance
which must be discharged safely to earth. The discharge time will be one to four times the test
duration time. It is recommended to keep the cables connected to ground after the test until it is
placed into service.
Record the leakage currents at every step increase of the voltage. At the maximum test voltage
the leakage current will be recorded at every minute for the duration as stated in the tables
MV Switchgear
Hi-Pot test will be applied on MV switchgear between each busbar and earth with all other
busbars connected to earth. Hi-Pot test shall always be applied after IR test. In case the values
of IR are below minimum acceptance values, Hi-Pot test shall not be carried on.

Record the test results

AC Hi-Pot
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage

MV Switchgear
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage

DC Hi-Pot
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage

MV Switchgear
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage
Medium Voltage

3.6/6 (7.2) KV
6/10 (12) KV
6.35/11 KV
8.7/15 (17.5)
12/20 (24) KV
18/30 (36) KV

12 KV
20 KV
22 KV
30 KV
40 KV
60 KV

3.6/6 (7.2) KV
6/10 (12) KV
6.35/11 KV
8.7/15 (17.5)
12/20 (24) KV
18/30 (36) KV

12 KV
20 KV
22 KV
30 KV
40 KV
60 KV

3.6/6 (7.2) KV
6/10 (12) KV
6.35/11 KV
8.7/15 (17.5)
12/20 (24) KV
18/30 (36) KV

28 KV
20 KV
22 KV
56 KV
40 KV
80 KV

3.6/6 (7.2) KV
6/10 (12) KV
6.35/11 KV
8.7/15 (17.5)
12/20 (24) KV
18/30 (36) KV

12 KV
20 KV
22 KV
30 KV
40 KV
60 KV

15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes

1 minute
1 minute
1 minute
1 minute
1 minute
1 minute

15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes
15 minutes

1 minute
1 minute
1 minute
1 minute
1 minute
1 minute

Acceptance Criteria
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize

Acceptance Criteria
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize

Acceptance Criteria
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize

Acceptance Criteria
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current Stabilize
Leakage Current stabilize

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