Research Engaged Schools
Research Engaged Schools
Research Engaged Schools
How your school can (and should) determine for itself what is right
Who should attend?
Administrators; researchers; program leaders; deans of curriculum & instruction, teaching & learning,
professional development, and/or assessment.
Materials shared with registrants via website that outline the use of research in schools by ACS, LAS, Wolfert van
Borselen, and ZIS schools. Materials also will include a needs analysis (for school administrators to determine an
appropriate starting point and scope), log of questions to ask regarding on or more of the research-in-schools
models, guidance for an implementation timeline emphasizing sustainable change, and additional checklists to
prepare for the pre-conference.
Agenda outline:
Individual school plan creation time with an eye toward presenting to other schools
Presentations as participants are comfortable
Wrap-up, next steps.
Follow up by email group with participants who choose to remain in touch, including linking to schools that get
programs up and running.