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09-04-15 Weekly Notes

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W e e k ly N o t e s



Nellie Muir Elementary

An International Baccalaureate School

Nellie Muir Family

Kudos to:
Lizfor getting data
sheet prepared
Karinfor being
such a good part and
for being positive all
the time!
Maria Castillofor
standing our front
each morning to remind cars not to drive
in the bus lane!
Nicfor getting getting technology ready
and out to staff!
Anita, Chavo, Tatiana, Laurafor supporting SLP students
in the absence of Tymona

Vicki - for jumping in

as needed!
Rosa - for covering
for your colleagues!

What an exciting year! This first week

was pretty smooth. What a fantastic
staff that we can help all of our kids feel
comfortable here so quickly! Good work!
On our minds right now are books! We
have hundreds of books coming in. We
are so excited to get great books into
your classroom libraries and into the
bookroom for teachers to share. Getting
great books into the hands of kids is the
best way to get them to be thrilled
about reading. As soon as we get the books stamped and organized, we will be pushing them out to you!
IB Corner

September Themes

IB Profile Attributes

IB Attitudes



They show empathy, compassion and

respect towards the needs and feelings
of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a
positive difference to the lives of others
and to the environment.

Respecting themselves, others and the world around


Next Week
I wanted everyone to remember that there will
be community time on Tuesday Morning. 4th and
5th grade teams will be meeting for morning collaboration.
Teachers - if you have not video recorded your
case study student during your reading assessment - you need to plan to do that today or Tuesday so we have it ready for the Wednesday Late
Start. On Wednesday grade level teams will be
watching your video and scoring your student
with you.

On Wednesday - Classroom teachers please

1) Your video
2) 3 blank copies of the BFA recording sheet
for the student you recorded.

3) You prompting guides (1 and 2) and your

continuum of literacy ( all 3 books are pictured below).

We are super excited that Rosie is

bringing student council to our school!
Teachers in grades 3,4,5 please get
your nominee to Rosie by Sept 18. We
were thinking a good meeting time for
student council will be on Wednesdays
at 10:10? First meeting is Sept 23.

Essential Documents
Teamwe have been sharing lots of
documents with you in our recent PD
please find links to them on the 15-16
NM Essential Documents file in

Hall Way Expectations

Please review hallway expectations with your students. Single
file lines, quiet voices, 3 tiles out!
Give away pride tickets for
strong performers!

Data Sheets
Data Sheets are ready to go for classroom teachers. They can be found in the Nellie Muir Share
folder under NM data. We have moved back to
the old model of having teachers on tabs and 1
sheet per grade level.

PLC planningthe Big cycle

Look at how 3rd grade has put this together! This is looking like a great PLC Big cycle

If you read the notes just click here and tell me so!

PLC planning
the Big cycle
This is 4th grades plan!
Way to go!
Look at thisRoles assigned!

PLC planningthe Big cycle

Heres second grades plan! Nice!

SPOTLIGHT on Tanja Tlusty

Tanja is the famous person of the month as she was cited in Instructor Magazine! I pasted the except below.

Looking Ahead
I have included a copy of
the tentive plan for up and coming dates. MC is for
morning collaboration. The other dated boxes are either
Wednesday late starts or Thursday Staff meetings. These
are teacher meetings

Sacred time
Teachersplease remembers to avoid making appointments Thursday afternoons. I will not approve flex time
on those days since it is our staff meeting time! - Thanks!

Technology update
We should all have 10 devices
and every teacher should have a
desktop or laptop as their teacher device in addition to their
Chromebook. If you dont have
the technology you need talk
with Todd. If your technology is
not working correctly talk with



Monday Sept 7

Monday Sept 14
7:20-8:50- 4/5 Collaboration

Tuesday Sept 8
Todd & Karyn Admin
7:20-8:50- 4/5 Collaboration

Tuesday Sept 15
Todd & Karyn Admin

Wednesday Sept 9
7:20 - 8:50
Late Start: Running Recordcase study
All assistants
All teachers
Specialistsprep for fundraisers and
special events for the year
No Swans (just Vicki)
11:00 - 12:00 - Behavior Care Team
12:50 - 2:00 - SIT

Wednesday Sept 16
7:20 - 8:50
Intervention Planning
All teachers
Specialistsprep for fundraisers and special
events for the year
No Swans (just Vicki)
Assistantswork for teachers
11:00 - 12:00 - Behavior Care Team
12:50 - 2:00 - SIT
2:454:45 Leadership

Thursday Sept 10
7:20 - 8:15 2/3 Collaboration
2:45 - 3:35 Staff Meeting:
All Staff
Migrant homeless presentation
Getting into Dreambox and Myon

Thursday Sept 17
7:20 - 8:15 2/3 Collaboration
2:45 - 3:35 Staff Meeting:
All Staff
Dreambox use planning

Friday Sept 11
7:20 - 8:20 - K/1 Morning Collaboration

Friday Sept 18
7:20 - 8:20 - K/1 Morning Collaboration
Lesson Plans

Please make sure that if you are
outside and responsible for students that you are actively supervising them! This means staff
members should be spread out
to cover the play area helping
to be

One key to our success is effective planning. I want

to continue to see all the great planning you do!
Please submit your lesson plans weekly. Here are
the protocols for lesson plan submission:
1) Email the lesson as an attachment to Liz.

2) Lesson plans should be named using the following convention:

Which stands for: (your last name)LP(for lesson
plans)(the date)
Liz will organize and save these for me to review.
Using this uniform process will help me sort and
manage lesson plans.

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