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Papers On Port Automation

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H.E. Haralambides
Center for Maritime Economics and Logistics (MEL)
Erasmus University Rotterdam

The pricing of infrastructure, such as this of commercially competing ports, is one of the most
controversial aspects of the global economy of the 21st century. The controversy arises from
the need to reconcile the economic development impacts of infrastructure investments with
the, under commercial terms, recovery of investment costs. In developed countries and
regions, the role of public investment is thus re-evaluated, while the concept of competition
on infrastructure is increasingly challenged by the need to establish a level playing field
among competing ports. The paper shows how Marginal Cost Pricing of port infrastructure
can be a powerful pricing discipline towards achieving cost recovery and fair competition
among ports. To succeed in this, the paper advocates for stronger policy intervention in order
to ensure greater transparency of port accounting systems, better and more harmonised port
statistics, a meaningful set of state aid guidelines, and stricter application of Competition
Law in port infrastructure investments.
Keywords: port pricing; port competition; cost recovery; port policy.

In ports, as in many other industries, prices -port dues and cargo-handling charges as they are
often called- can make or break a port. The right prices can lead a port to prosperity and
growth; the wrong ones can guide it to extinction or to the proliferation of subsidies and
inefficiency. High prices would normally deprive a port of part of its patronage (vessels and
cargo owners) and thus reduce demand for port services. Since, once a port is built, it has few
alternative uses if any, i.e. its investments are largely sunk1, excess capacity will ensue as a
result and resources and infrastructure will become underutilised. Even when ports have some
degree of monopoly power over their customers, and thus demand for port services is not
reduced much, high port prices would still hurt the very trade the port is supposed to serve.
Low port prices, on the other hand, may bring clientele to the port but congestion could ensue,
investment costs may not be recovered in the long-run and the ports competitors may grudge
about unfair competition, particularly when low prices are the result of subsidies.
In competitive industries, a producer has no influence on the price he sells his product or
service; he either adjusts his costs to the externally determined price or he vanishes. A port,
however, operates in an oligopolistic industry where pricing refers to strategic pricing, i.e.
the ability of the producer to influence or set prices in order to achieve certain objectives.
Such objectives, many of which simultaneously pursued albeit in conflict, include profit
maximisation; throughput maximisation; generation of employment and economic activity;

regional development; minimisation of ship time in port; and, last but not least, the promotion
of trade.
However, the pricing strategy of a port is dependent on the way the port is financed and,
ultimately, on the ownership status of the port: should, thus, a publicly owned and financed
port be allowed to compete on price, for the same custom, with a privately owned port that
has to charge higher prices in an effort to recover its investments? What if these ports are in
the same, economically interdependent2, geographic area? What if the effects of strategic
pricing of different ports are, at the end of the day, felt by the same consumers or taxpayers?
Should ports primarily engaged in commercial operations, such as container terminals, be
publicly financed or should the port user pay in full for the port services he buys? Do ports
need to recover infrastructure costs through pricing? And what happens if some do and others
dont while all have to compete for the same hinterland? Is there such a thing as efficient port
pricing and is there scope for policy intervention to ensure a level playing field? These are
some of the pertinent questions in port pricing that this paper aims to address with special
emphasis on container ports.


There is no such single thing that could be adequately described by the mere word port and
no two ports are alike. A port could be from a small sheltered patch of sea that protects
fishermen from the roughness of the sea, allowing them to moor their boats and trade their
wares in safety somewhere in the south pacific, to the huge industrial complex of the city-port
of Rotterdam, embracing in its expanse hundreds of companies, roads, railway lines,
distribution centres, refineries and other industrial and manufacturing activity.
Regardless of how it is developed and organised, however, a ports main function is to enable,
hopefully in a safe and cost effective manner, the transfer of goods from sea to shore and vice
versa. As such, a port is an interface between sea and land; a node in a transport chain; a point
where goods change mode of transport. Cargo-handling is thus a ports core business. In order
to do this, a port has to organise a large array of other services, all equally important in the
facilitation of cargo transfers: it has to provide (dredge) sea channels and turning basins of
adequate depth (draft) to enable the approach and manoeuvres of vessels; navigational aids,
breakwaters, pilots, tugs and linesmen to allow vessels to moor and unload safely; equipment
to handle goods in port and move them around; warehouses to store them until they are picked
up by their owners; electricity; water; security; customs; administrative offices and many
The paramount good a port has to provide however in order to facilitate all this is land. A port
is a land-intensive industry. Here is the first issue where port pricing encounters its major
stumbling block: what is the value of land? What is its opportunity cost? Under what terms
should port land be made available to private port operators, stevedoring companies and
In many places in the world, land, particularly land close to the sea, is a scarce good with high
opportunity cost and many potential claimants. Cities can use it for residential and office
space; offshore industries have to be located in its proximity; tourism and recreation industries
would naturally consider it as prime location; fishermen would also value it highly, while

nature lovers would tend to preserve it, and its ecosystem, at all costs. This is why port
management, or the supervision of port activities and expansion, is often entrusted to
municipal authorities who strive to steer a balanced course and reconcile harmoniously the
various interests at stake.
More important than the land itself, however, is how, and by whom, land is developed to
become ready to provide the port service. Often, land has to be reclaimed from the sea, it has
to be paved, reinforced, roads and rail trucks have to be constructed on it, while to extend a
port, even by just a few hundred metres of quayside, would require massive investments. The
way these investments are financed, i.e. publicly or privately, in other words the ownership
status of a port, bears the most upon the way port services are priced. Simply, a publicly
owned port infrastructure does not have to recover through prices- investment costs and thus
its prices could be quite low and competitive vis a vis a privately owned port that has to
recover investment costs and, other things being equal, would thus be at a competitive
disadvantage had it to compete with a public port.

In the past, particularly after WWII, the development and provision of infrastructure was
largely in the hands of the State. Often, infrastructure was considered as a public good,
serving the collective interest of the nation by increasing social cohesion as well as by
expanding markets for inputs and output, i.e. bringing people to work and goods to
consumers. This allowed for mass production, low unit costs and international
competitiveness. With the exception of some developing countries, infrastructure was thus
invariably developed ahead of existing demand -on the part of the industry, agriculture and
commerce- in the hope that the latter activities would expand in the wake of the former
(infrastructure) (Rosenstein-Rodan, 1943). A notable example of this was the case of the North
American railways, particularly those of Canada. Furthermore, large capital indivisibilities in
infrastructure development, coupled with substantial financial requirements and long gestation
periods until demand picked up, had made infrastructure development the prerogative of the
public sector.
With regard to ports in particular, in the past, general cargo traffic was less containerisable,
regional port competition was less of an issue, and ports were comprising a lot of labour
intensive activities, generating considerable value-added and a multitude of direct and indirect
impacts on the national economy, including of course the facilitation of international trade.
They were thus seen by governments as growth-poles of regional and national development
and, as a matter of fact, they were often used as instruments of regional planning. Around the
world, countries have done so by steering public investment, through regional policies,
towards ports, in order to encourage national development. Thus, investment costs did not
have to be recovered, being financed by the taxpayer through the general government budget
or similar local or municipal sources.
Ports were fairly insulated from competitive forces, each serving its own, more or less
captive, hinterland. This was due to trade barriers, national borders and inadequate land
transport infrastructure. No matter how inefficient the port, the ship would still have to go

there. Most ports were badly run, disorganised, bureaucratic, inefficient and expensive; a
shipowners nightmare and worst enemy!
Nowadays, however, the picture is considerably different. Trade liberalisation, helped by the
remarkable developments in transport, logistics and communication technologies, have
drastically weakened the link between manufacturing and the location of factors of production
and have stimulated a most noticeable shift in manufacturing activities towards countries with
a comparative advantage.
Developments in international transport have been instrumental in shaping these processes.
Containerisation and multimodal integrated transport have revolutionised trading arrangements
of value-added goods and have given traders and global managers more control and choice over
their production-transport-distribution chain. Furthermore, transport efficiency is necessitated
by the very same nature of value-added goods whose increasing sophistication requires fast
transit times from origin to destination in order to increase traders turnover and minimise high
inventory costs. Today, these costs have been brought down significantly by the use of logistical
concepts and methods and also by the increased reliability and accuracy of international transport
that allow manufacturing industries to adopt flexible Just-in-Time and Make-to-Order production
technologies. Inter alia, these technologies enable companies to cope with the vagaries and
unpredictability of the seasonal, business and trade cycles and plan business development in a
more cost effective way.
Trade liberalisation, land infrastructure development, and new logistical concepts in the
organisation of international transport of containers have had an equally profound effect on the
port industry. Port hinterlands have ceased to be captive and have extended beyond national
boundaries. Governments are increasingly realising that, from mere interface points between
land and sea, ports have become the most dynamic link in international transport networks and,
as a result, inefficient ports can easily wither gains from trade liberalisation and export
performance. Convinced about this, governments have often taken drastic steps to improve
the performance of their ports: new capacity and labour-saving cargo-handling equipment
have replaced outdated facilities; port workers training intensified; customs procedures
simplified; information technology widely adopted; and management structures
In addition, the port industry is moving noticeably from one in which predominantly public
funds were used to provide common user facilities, to one where capital -public and privateis being used to provide terminals which are designed to serve the logistical requirements of a
more narrowly defined group of users. Indeed, they may be designed to serve the needs of a
few or even one firm (Dedicated Container Terminals).
At the same time, economies of scale in liner shipping and the sophistication and capitalintensity of modern containerships have limited the number of ports of call to only a selected few
transshipment ports or load centres. These very important ports (such as Rotterdam, Hong Kong
and Singapore) have become the foci of international trade and goods are moved by land (road
and rail) and water (barge) from inland centres and feeder ports to these global hubs. The huband-spoke system that has ensued in this way has made transshipment traffic lucrative
business to be had at all costs.
The mobility of the transshipment container, however, together with intertwined land
transport networks and extended hinterlands, have intensified competition among container

ports immensely. Today, it makes little difference if a Hong Kong container destined for Paris
will pass through the port of Rotterdam, Antwerp or Hamburg. This container has little
loyalty to any given port and it switches between ports with relative ease. The price
elasticity of demand for container handling services has thus become rather high3 (Table 1).
Table 1: Price elasticities in selected north European container ports
Bremen Ports
Le Havre
Source: ATENCO
In this way, each ports development, financing and pricing decisions can have marked effects
on its neighbours, nationally and -most importantly- internationally. Often, this raises strong
voices for market driven investments, a more harmonised approach in the financing of port
infrastructure, as well as pricing policies that will have to allow for full cost recovery.
These are most complex and often political issues that, as a result, have not allowed much
progress to be made in terms of port policy formulation in economically interdependent areas.
In all our discussions with port managers (see below), no one would question the importance
of market driven investments and pricing for cost recovery. However, in all such
discussions, there has always been an implicit from now on assumption and no port would
seriously consider that pricing for cost recovery should reflect the costs of past (public)
However, in the past, investments were not always market driven. Massive amounts of public
monies have in the past been funnelled into port development, enabling many ports to
consolidate such a strong market position that makes it rather easy for them, now, to advocate
for the need for market driven investments. This should be kept in mind and the marketdriven investments argument should not become a limit pricing4 policy of incumbent ports,
deterring market entry of smaller and peripheral ports who also aspire to develop and serve
themselves their rapidly growing regions.
Cost recovery and limit pricing
The above point can be brought out more clearly with the following simplified example
(Figure 1). Port A (incumbent) of country X has a dominant market position. This has been
established over many years of public expenditure both in the port itself and its related
infrastructure (roads, maritime access, etc.). As such, the port is able to meet a substantial part
of the trade of country Y through transshipment. Port A is a strong proponent of cost recovery
policies in port development in general but, at the same time, it is allowed to consider
bygones as bygones and thus its prices, current and future, do not have to include the
recovery of its past investments. The demand for its services is given by DD.
Figure 1 here

Port B (entrant) in country Y is much smaller. Although in a favourable geographic position,

the port never developed its own container facilities, as a result of both lack of funds and
because it was adequately served (feedered) by port A. The trade of country Y, however, is
rapidly increasing and port B feels that it is now time to develop its own facilities and claim
back its traffic and all that comes with it- from port A. The government of Y sees the
importance of such an action and it is prepared to fund the required investments.
Once developed, the demand for port B services is expected to be dd; dMR gives its marginal
revenue line. Its average cost (without recovery of infrastructure costs) and marginal cost
curves are given by AC0 and MC, respectively. The port maximises economic surplus (ABCP)
by serving OQ level of throughput at a price of OP. Only QQ of total traffic is now left to
port A.
Naturally, port A is rather unhappy with these plans. Its port policy department mounts a very
strong campaign, together with other ports in the same predicament, lobbying regulatory
authorities on unfair competition from a to-be-subsidised port that, if it materialises, it would
deprive it from much of its traffic. It claims that, by not charging for infrastructure costs, port
B will be producing at prices below costs and thus antidumping and competition laws should
be applicable.
Were port A to succeed in demanding full cost recovery pricing, port Bs average cost curve
would shift upwards to a new position AC1 or even further. At this level, there is no single
price that would enable port B to break-even, let alone realise a positive surplus. In such a
situation, port B wouldnt even consider expanding, leaving the whole market to port A. By
insisting and achieving a policy of full cost recovery, port A has been successful in
maintaining its dominant market position.


As it was mentioned above, strategic pricing can pursue a multitude of objectives and can take
various forms such as marginal cost pricing (MCP), average cost pricing (ACP), Ramsey
Pricing (Ramsey, 1927) and two-way tariffs. Whatever the pricing method, or combination
thereof, it is becoming more and more apparent among competing ports and those who fund
them that prices should be cost-related and, in the long-run, they should allow for cost
recovery, including infrastructure development costs.
There are cases however of ports that face, or pose, little competition. They serve local
industries and are important centres of regional development. Often, the port is the only major
economic activity and employer in the area. Such peripheral ports could still be considered as
public investment, without a need to recover infrastructure development costs. In this case,
the public sector should assess, through social cost-benefit analysis, the relative merits from
regional development impacts vis a vis the costs -and alternative uses- of public resources
required to develop and maintain the port. If the former exceed the latter, prices could be set
below costs in order to promote regional development. Ensuing deficits could then be seen as
the cost of regional development.

In all other cases, particularly in the case of container ports amidst intense regional
competition, the setting of prices below costs, in order to attract traffic from competitors, is
not an advisable strategy.
First, this would lead to a misallocation of resources (and taxpayer money). Intensified interport competition, combined with automated labour-saving cargo handling systems, reduces
the local economic impacts of port investments and the value-added of port activities. In such
a situation, the beneficial impacts of low port prices are not localised but are dissipated from
the country in question to the foreign consignor/consignee. This issue causes considerable
concern to governments contemplating the continuation of their public investment
programmes, as it deprives them of the basic rationale of doing so, namely, that the port
provides a public service to the benefit of the whole nation5. Such concerns have become
noticeably loud nowadays when governments have to reduce in size, cut down on spending
and taxes and allow for more private sector participation in some strategic sectors that, until
recently, were jealously guarded as government prerogative.
Second, in economically interdependent regions, such as for instance the EU, such pricing
would lead to complaints for unfair competition and competition law would in principle be
applicable, particularly as deficits would have to be covered from public funds, often seen as
State Aid.
Cost-relatedness of prices and full cost recovery are things however easier said than done. A
port is a multi-product firm and prices for many of its services are often bundled in port dues.
Cross-subsidisation is also common. For instance, in order to attract transshipment cargo, a
port may cross-subsidise feedering operations by trunk line charges. The joint cost problem in
economics is therefore present here too, together with the difficulty, if not inability, to allocate
such costs to different port services.
The difficulty of this problem is often accentuated by our inability to accurately measure port
costs, especially marginal costs. Reliable and comparable port statistics do not exist, port
accounting systems diverge and, finally, the financial flows between the port and its
institutional owner (municipality, State) are not always known or transparent.
Many of the above difficulties, however, are often exaggerated. What follows is an attempt to
demonstrate how the consistent application of marginal cost pricing (MCP) in ports could
eventually eliminate deficits and the need for public funding, lead to an efficient allocation of
scarce resources and achieve a level playing field among competing ports.
The issue of excess capacity
As a result of substantial excess capacity, container ports are declining cost industries or, in
economic terms, industries with increasing returns to scale (liner shipping is another good
example of such an industry, familiar to the student of maritime economics). In such
industries, short-run marginal cost pricing (SRMC) results in deficits, for marginal costs are
always below average total costs.
Excess capacity in competing container ports has a number of causes. As a matter of fact it
could be shown (Haralambides et al, 2002a) that the higher the competition, the higher the
need for excess capacity.

First, as already mentioned above, ports are often seen as pivots of regional development and,
thus, infrastructure is built far ahead of demand in order to promote economic development.
Second, managerial ego-boosting is often not innocent of its responsibilities for the creation
of excess capacity. However, the real economic culprits of excess capacity ought to be found
in capital indivisibilities (lumpiness of investments), economies of scale in port construction,
and over-optimistic demand forecasts.
In competing container terminals, furthermore, excess capacity is also an operational
necessity, being the only way to provide quick turnaround times to ships and thus maintain or
increase patronage. It can be easily shown through simple single-channel-multiserver queuing
theory (Haralambides et al, 2002a) that once a port reaches 70% capacity utilisation,
congestion ensues in terms of unacceptable waiting times in todays organisation of liner
shipping. With this in mind, operational excess capacity ought to be seen as another
unavoidable cost rather than an indication of inefficiency and wastage of resources. However,
in their appeals to public funding agencies, port managers have not been very convincing in
bringing this point out and, as a result, governments have been reluctant to see excess capacity
in this light.
The problem of operational excess capacity is exacerbated with the increasing deployment
of ever larger containerships. As has been shown earlier (Cariou and Haralambides, 1999;
Cariou, 2000a), in general, the cost per TEU of ship-time in port is an increasing function of
ship size. This has mainly to do with the limited availability of cargo-handling equipment
(cranes) that can be put to work on a ship, and the problem of course intensifies at higher
levels of terminal capacity utilisation. Still, four and sometimes five crane operations are
standard today in many major ports for post-Panamax ships. One cannot envision however
eight or ten cranes working a concurrent sustained operation on a 10,000 TEU vessel in Hong
Kong, Singapore, Rotterdam or Los Angeles any time in the near future. (Haralambides et al,
2002b). Thus, other things being equal, the utilisation of larger vessels requires more excess
capacity in ports.
Finally, creation of excess capacity can also be seen as a form of limit pricing (see above) and
this often explains the reluctance of both governments and regulatory authorities (e.g. the
European Commission) to sanction and finance ambitious port development plans that go
beyond what would normally be regarded as realistic demand forecasts. Here, hub-port
strategies and port investments that encourage the construction of larger and larger
containerships increase the sunk costs of new entrants to the competitive port arena,
consolidating the incumbent ports market power on the one hand, and making new entry
unprofitable on the other.
Competition and excess capacity mix an explosive cocktail. Competition pushes prices
down to marginal costs, not allowing full cost recovery (and often survival). In liner shipping,
this problem has been solved -at least so far- through self-regulation and the organisation of
carriers in conferences and similar forms of cooperation (including shipping alliances).
Short- and Long-run Marginal Costs
Let us try to see the above through the use of a simple graph (Figure 2) that will also be our
vehicle for showing how MCP can have the positive effects mentioned above. In order to do
this, a brief elaboration on the concepts of short- and long-run marginal costs is necessary;
particularly of the latter which is a most crucial, albeit misunderstood, concept in maritime

Figure 2 here
In the short-run, the size of the port is considered as constant. Fixed capital assets, such as
quays, yards and rest of infrastructure, are invariant to output, and variable costs mainly relate
to those of cargo-handling and nautical services (e.g. pilotage). In the short-run, marginal
costs (SRMC) consist of the increment in variable costs required to produce and extra unit of
port service, e.g. the handling of an additional container, when all other costs are kept
In the long-run, all costs are considered variable. The concept of long-run marginal cost
(LRMC) is similar to before with the difference that, now, LRMC is the increment in total
costs required to produce an extra unit of port service. By considering total costs, i.e. by
including infrastructure costs as variable ones, LRMC becomes a planning concept. In
principle, it gives the long-run equilibrium (LRE) port size, able to satisfy a given level of
demand at minimum average total cost, without incurring deficits or realising economic rent
(i.e. supernormal or monopoly profit). In the absence of rapid technological change, we often
assume that LRMC=LRAC=Constant (Figure 2).
Increasing returns to scale
The above could be better grasped by looking at Figure 2. Assume that the size, organisational
structure and operational excess capacity of our port can be adequately described by its
short-run average total cost curve SRAC2. The port faces intense regional competition from
neighbouring ports, its investments are publicly funded and, at present, the level of demand it
has to satisfy is Q1. Increasing returns to scale are thus present.
As a result of competition and the lack of a need to recover (publicly funded) infrastructure
development costs, our port will be tempted -if not forced- to set prices equal to marginal
costs, i.e. P1. (SRMC2 is our ports short-run marginal cost curve). A deficit of the order of
AB is thus created and MCP does not allow the port to recover its costs in full. Apparently,
our port is too large for that level of throughput (Q1).
Unless demand picks up considerably far beyond Q1, such a situation is not sustainable in the
long-run without continuing public support. Taxpayers, however, will become increasingly
sceptical and competitors abundantly vociferous, in whichever way they can, on unfair
competition. In long-run equilibrium (LRE), that level of throughput (Q1)ought really to be
produced by a much smaller port (LRE1 / SRAC1) whereby SRMC pricing would allow the
recovery of full costs. At that size, the port would exhibit constant returns to scale and it
would be able to produce its services at minimum average cost.
Diminishing returns to scale
Let us now see what would happen if our port was faced with a situation where demand for its
services was substantially higher, say Q2. Here, the port exhibits diminishing returns to scale
(diseconomies of scale) and although State coffers cannot complain in terms of revenues,
congestion is a chronic problem and ship waiting times unacceptably long. Port capacity is
over-utilised, accidents in cargo-handling very likely, and carriers impose surcharges on
shippers. Demurrages are claimed. Such a situation, common in many ports during the precontainerisation era, can still be found in some general cargo ports in developing countries.

Here, MCP is not only appropriate but recommended as a pricing strategy that rationalises
demand and allocates scarce port capacity according to carriers willingness to pay.
Apparently, balking (carriers refusing to call at the port) and reneging (existing carriers
leaving the port) are at this point the least of our ports concerns.
Setting price equal to marginal cost in this case means that our port charges a price of P2 for
the last ton of cargo it handles and this price is over and above (line CD) what on average
costs the port to handle a ton of cargo when the total amount of cargo handled in a certain
period of time is Q2 tons. Now, the port realises economic rent, or supernormal profit, i.e. an
economic surplus after all factors of production have been paid for, including
entrepreneurship as well as a normal return on capital. Total economic rent accrued to the port
beyond the minimum cost production level Q0 is thus equal to the area ECD.
Here too, the situation is not sustainable in the long-run. Clearly, the port is too small for that
level of throughput. Eventually it will have to expand to its long-run equilibrium position
LRE3 / SRAC3 where it will only earn normal profit, producing and charging at minimum
average cost. The port will be helped in this by its competitors who will also invest and
expand in an effort to capture part of the economic rent.
Constant returns to scale
However, port development and contraction are dynamic processes and rarely, or by accident,
would a port be found on its LRE position. As said earlier, lumpiness of investments,
economies of scale in port construction and wrong demand forecasts would see to it. This is
why we stressed above that LRMC is a planning, i.e. normative, concept; a snapshot of a
dynamic process. At any point in time, a port could diverge markedly from the idealised
situation of LRE.
Having said that, however, if all competing ports within a certain economically
interdependent geographical region were to be taken together, it would be reasonable to
assume that the industry as a whole demonstrates constant returns to scale and, therefore,
LRMC pricing, if ever achievable, would lead to efficient resource allocation, maximisation
of social welfare and a level playing field among competing ports. This was the spirit and
philosophy of the European Commissions White Paper on fair payment for infrastructure use
which ascertained that the entire infrastructure complex of the EU as a whole may not
exhibit economies of scale. This means that, at least at an aggregate level, it should be
possible to recover total costs.
Cost recovery through MCP
But let us, for the time being, return to our example of Figure 2 and the case where our port
faces the limited demand of Q1. The port management remains optimistic that their plans and
forecasts will eventually materialise and demand will pick up to the level of Q0, if not further.
However, costs have now to be recovered through port charges. If at the level of Q1 the port
charges a price of P1, equal to its long-run average and marginal cost, there would still be a
deficit but now reduced from AB to AF.
In so doing, i.e. by consistently charging at LRMC=LRAC, and as demand picks up, the port
will eventually reach its LRE level of throughput where costs will be fully recovered. In the

range of output Q1 to Q0, public funds are gradually and increasingly recovered until the
deficit is phased out completely at point E.
Such public funding is and should be allowed given its digressiveness (temporary and
declining) and the private sectors frequent reluctance to finance chunky investments of long
gestation periods. The understanding now however is that these funds will have to be
eventually recovered, irrespective of whether they are ploughed back to the public sector or
used for further development by the port itself. In an era of reduced public spending, such an
understanding may also help in enticing private funds to the port sector, as well as in giving
an answer to the important question as to whether the pricing of port expansions should also
reflect the cost of past (public) investments.
Despite the elegance and desirability of MCP, a lot of questions still remain open. Could this
be done in practice? Could a port voluntarily and single-handedly charge prices higher than its
competitors? Is there scope for policy intervention in pricing matters? Can we measure
LRMC? Is MCP economically efficient when applied by some ports only, while the rest of the
infrastructure connected to these ports (e.g. roads and railways) does not follow suit? Let us
take these questions in turn.
Measuring marginal costs
With a given level of technology and organisation, fairly standard aspects in modern ports
today, the measurement of long-run average or marginal costs simply boils down to
forecasting future demand for port services (Figure 2). Once this is established, the LRE size
of the port can be established too and the only cost element required for the measurement of
LRMC is the construction cost of an additional metre of quayside and all that comes with it
(aprons, yards and possibly organisational costs as a result of bigger size). Port engineers have
fairly accurate data on these.
Forecasting port throughput
But can demand for port services be forecasted with any degree of confidence? This is one of
the trickiest and most complex questions in maritime economics and one that can only be
treated rudimentarily in an introductory chapter such as this.
In a closed economy, forecasting port demand is straightforward: observe population,
agglomeration, consumption, personal income and international trade trends and translate
them -mostly through regression analysis- into required port capacity; a popular exercise for
students of maritime economics.
In an open and economically interdependent economy, however, things are very different. As
a result of intertwined and extended hinterlands; abundant land infrastructure and short-sea
feedering networks; continuously evolving liner shipping networks; and the infamous
mobility of the container, demand is very volatile and unpredictable. Port market shares are
unstable; investments in one region or country have an impact on another (e.g. a dedicated
railroad line connecting Rotterdam with the Ruhr area in Germany will impact north sea
German ports; new container capacity in Antwerp will take away traffic from Rotterdam; the
port of Tanjung Pelepas in Malaysia has stolen Maersk from Singapore; Korea invests
tremendously in order to compete, as a hub, with both Japan and China); carriers are diverting
traffic to their own dedicated container terminals.

In such a fluid environment, how could one forecast port demand with any degree of
credibility? Should ports, regions and countries compete or cooperate when it comes to
infrastructure? In principle, cooperation among producers is not to the benefit of the consumer
but, on the other hand, does the latter benefit when he pays taxes to develop competing
infrastructure while knowing that he is due for reprisals in a never-ending vicious circle of
public spending? Shouldnt such public spending be also liable to the same international antidumping laws as other goods and services? In terms of trade policy, is there a difference
between a subsidised shipyard and a subsidised port? If not, why do we shout about the
former but turn a blind eye to the latter?
Answers to such questions belong to the realm of public rather than maritime economics. One
could however start fathoming the answers by looking at the role of public investment; a
concept that, surely, globalisation will redefine before too long. A road that connects a
container terminal to the national motorway system is in principle open to all citizens and as
such the road is a public good. In practice, however, the road is only used by the operator who
exploits the terminal. The access channel to a port is dredged down to 15 metres. In principle,
every floating craft can go through the channel but, surely, the channel wasnt dredged to that
depth with the fisherman in mind! Are such investments public or private? And should their
costs be paid for by the taxpayer or those who directly benefit from them?
The kinked demand for port services
Another question we posed above was whether a port would, voluntarily and single-handedly,
charge a price higher than that of its competitors. The answer here is no, unless it has to, i.e.
unless it has to recover costs. As we have mentioned above, ports operate in an oligopolistic
market and individual upward price moves tend not to be matched by competitors who will
maintain prices in an effort to benefit by capturing a larger market share. A ports demand
curve is thus a kinked demand curve such as dD, depicted in Figure 3.
Figure 3 here
Assume that, originally, the demand for the services of our port is given by DD. The port is at
equilibrium, charging a price of P per ton of cargo for a total throughput of Q. The port,
believing that its competitors will follow suit, plans to raise prices to P1. Knowing its price
elasticity of demand, the port calculates that the increase in revenue as a result of higher
prices (ABPP1) will more than compensate the loss in revenue due to lower (Q1) throughput
(BCQQ1); that is ABPP1 BCQQ1 > 0.
To its bad luck, however, the competitors of our port maintain prices at the same level hoping
to capture a greater market share. This does of course happen and our ports demand curve
flattens to dd. At the higher price of P1, our port is only able to serve a Q1 level of
throughput. It loses revenue much more than what it was expecting (FBQ1Q1 more), while its
extra revenue due to the price increase is only EFPP1, less by ABFE from what it was
originally anticipating. Had our port known, as it should, that its competitors would not follow
suit in raising their prices, it would have no good reason to raise its price single-handedly, as
this would make it worse-off in the end. This is the more so when ports and governments are
aware that LRMC pricing can lead to allocative efficiency only as long as other markets are
also efficient (Pareto optimality). If the latter condition is not satisfied because of institutional
restrictions, then, according to the Theory of Second Best (Lipsey and Lancaster, 1956) it is
in general neither necessary nor sufficient to satisfy the remaining conditions; i.e. to

endorse MCP in ports when roads, railways and the rest of the infrastructure do not do the
In the context of the European Union, a voice is often loudly raised, by both the Commission
and the port industry, arguing that MCP in ports only will make port services unilaterally
more expensive thus penalising the Unions efforts to check road traffic and promote short sea
shipping; a most valid argument indeed. Under this light, efficient port pricing cannot be seen
in isolation but only through a general equilibrium approach where the rest of the port related
infrastructure and its pricing are also being considered simultaneously.
If ports are not, naturally, individually prepared to disadvantage themselves by charging
higher prices, in order to recover costs, is there scope for policy intervention? Could a pricing
discipline be imposed on competing ports in economically interdependent regions that would
alleviate their own misgivings about unfair competition?
In the European Union, this was the objective of the Commissions Green paper on ports and
maritime infrastructure.6 The paper set out the broader context of Community port policy,
with a focus on the issue of state aids and infrastructure charging. The main question was
whether, and how, an efficient pricing system, leading to cost recovery, could be implemented
in practice in the port sector, taking into account a variety of relevant objectives and
constraints including higher market based efficiency; increased cohesion; distributive goals;
the development of short sea shipping; the improvement of safety and environmental
protection, etc.. (Other, more recent policy documents at the European level have also
addressed this issue; cf. Final Report by the high level group on transport infrastructure and
charging concerning options for charging users directly for transport infrastructure operating
The Green Paper attracted growing industry attention on the desirability and scope of a more
harmonised European seaport financing and pricing strategy. A large scale, pan-European
research study for the European Commission (DG Transport and Energy), known under the
acronym ATENCO (Analysis of the main Trans-European Network ports COst structures),
was subsequently carried out7, with the main goal to provide input for an in-depth reflection at
the European level on (a) the design of a strategy to achieve efficient pricing and (b) the
possible impacts of a cost recovery approach on the functioning of ports.
The study came up with a number of conclusions, the most important of which were: (a) The
high sensitivity of demand for port services to changes in prices (Table 1). As an example, the
study calculated that if the port of Hamburg were to recover the dredging costs of river Elbe
from user charges, this would add Euro10 (or roughly 5%) to its terminal handling charges per
TEU. According to Table 1, such a price increase would lead to a 15.3% (roughly half a
million TEU) reduction in container traffic.8 (b) No policy intervention on pricing matters
would ever be acceptable by the industry, who strongly felt that pricing policies are solely for
the firms themselves to decide (the argument here was that even when full cost recovery is
sought as an overall objective, ports apply a variety of pricing principles simultaneously in
order to achieve managerial effectiveness at the micro-level). (c) However, it was
unanimously agreed, by every port management team interviewed, that cost recovery
-regardless of how this was to be achieved by each individual port- should be pursued and, for

that purpose, better port statistics, accounting systems and transparency of port accounts are
Following the ATENCO results, the Commission came up with what has become known as its
port package (European Commission, 2001a and 2001b). In this, the EC, convinced now
about the desirability of cost recovery in ports, takes a fresh look at two most important
issues: (a) the need for greater transparency in the efficient allocation (leases/concessions) of
port land to service providers on an equal opportunity basis and in a way by which leases
reflect better the opportunity cost of port investments; (b) the no longer indiscriminate
treatment of port infrastructure investments as public investment. Particularly with regard to
the latter, although the Commission continues to remain neutral on the public or private
ownership status of a port, and it does not dispute in any way the fact that public investments
are the prerogative of Member States, it nevertheless attempted to have a say in whether a
certain investment, that in theory is open to all users indiscriminately but in practice it is
intended for a few or even one user, could, in the spirit of the Treaty, be considered as public

Cost recovery and the pricing of port services are complex and controversial issues, both
technically and conceptually. This is so because they deal with the development and provision
of infrastructure; economic development; public investment; fiscal policy and the role of the
State in economic activity. Before too long, economic analysis of this type takes one into the
realm of moral philosophy. Indeed, the type of economics we accept as valid reflects nothing
more than our philosophical inclinations as regards the evolution of society, the desirability of
equity, and the importance of production.
The issue of port pricing in maritime economics has not arisen only out of academic interest
but as a response to the need felt in the port industry itself for a self-discipline mechanism
that, if consistently applied, would eventually lead to the recovery of port investments and to
future investments that are largely demand driven. This requirement has been the result of the
recognition that, in the intensified regional port competition of today and the increasingly
tightened fiscal constraints, it is no longer acceptable to indiscriminately and without a
formal economic rationale, spend taxpayer money on port investments, often aimed at
increasing market share at the expense of other ports, particularly within the same
economically interdependent area.
Naturally, pricing for cost recovery looks at the user rather than the taxpayer. This is just
as well, given that ports (at least container terminals) are being transformed from public to
private enterprises. The allocative and income distribution effects of such a switch in direction
are obvious: investments are recovered, and port revenues generated, from the user of a
(private) facility, who will have to somehow pass these costs on to the final consumer. The
latter will in all likelihood have to pay higher prices for the goods he consumes but, at least in
efficient markets, he is compensated by correspondingly paying less taxes (for infrastructure
investments). Obviously, such issues are highly complex and have yet to be researched.
In principle, pricing for cost recovery should mean that depreciation of port infrastructure is
included as a cost in the ports pricing system. Something like this would undoubtedly raise
the level of port prices, but the overall effect of this on consumer prices and traffic diversion
may not be as large as some might at first sight expect. This effect depends on the percentage
of port costs in final consumer prices; the import and export elasticities of traded goods; the
level of competition in transport markets (especially liner shipping) as well as all other
markets along the door-to-door chain (i.e. distribution, wholesaling, etc.). It could well be
argued that higher port prices are not necessarily passed on to consumers but are instead
absorbed by transport operators and other market intermediaries.
But even if higher port prices are, to some extent, passed on to consumers, the overall effect
on society could be ascertained by comparing the loss in consumer surplus, as a result of
higher port prices, to the welfare gains had the public funds in question been invested in other
sectors of the economy or led to lower taxes in general.
This chapter has argued in favour of pricing for cost recovery among competing commercial
ports and it has shown how long-run marginal cost pricing can be a powerful pricing
discipline that can eliminate subsidies and establish a level playing field among ports.
However, a pricing discipline imposed on ports through policy intervention would be
unacceptable. The objectives often pursued by ports are so divergent that any uniform

approach to pricing becomes meaningless and politically unfeasible. Pricing matters on the
other hand, at least in a liberal economic environment, ought to be, ideally, left to the
producers (ports) themselves.
The ATENCO study has demonstrated that, however controversial the issue of port pricing
itself may be, there is general consensus on the importance of cost recovery. And this was an
important development and step forward. Indeed, as long as this objective is respected, the
specific pricing policy of the individual port becomes of secondary importance and only in so
far as crowding out effects and efficient allocation of resources are concerned.
Once cost recovery is generally accepted as a guiding principle in port investment and pricing,
the way forward is much simpler. It involves the compilation of better and more harmonised
statistics on port costs, adoption of standardised port accounting systems, greater transparency
of port accounts and of financial flows between the port and its institutional master and,
perhaps, a common glossary of terms. And these are objectives not so difficult to achieve.
In conclusion, therefore, port policy is reorienting its attention from the idea of adopting
uniform cost based pricing principles, towards: (a) more indirect incentives promoting cost
based thinking in ports (e.g. by defining more clearly what constitutes acceptable public
support in port infrastructure); and (b) rethinking how conventional competition rules
(related, inter alia, to market access; abuse of dominant position; collusive behaviour, etc.)
should be applied to the port sector.

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Often there is some confusion between the concepts of sunk and fixed costs. The former are costs that cannot be
recovered once the firm decides to leave the market; a breakwater could be a good point in case here. Fixed costs, naturally,
are those that do not vary with output. A sunk cost could thus well be variable, e.g. marketing and advertising expenses,
while a fixed cost, such as that of a gantry crane, does not necessarily have to be sunk, as the asset could be sold to another
The concept of an economically interdependent geographic area or region, as employed here, has both a spatial and an
economic dimension. It refers to a spatially delineated geographic area in which binding arrangements (laws) of direct
economic impact are jointly and institutionally put in place such as for instance competition, labour and fiscal laws- with
the aim of maximising collective welfare. Apart from an individual country (with its constituencies, States, etc.) that would
obviously qualify under such a definition, a good example of such an area is the European Union as well as other regional
blocs depending on the strength of their institutional ties over and above trade policy.
Whether the absolute level of the elasticities in Table 1 is correct is a much less important issue than the observation of a
very substantial divergence of the elasticities among the various ports. Hence, variation in prices, as a result of the adoption
of alternative pricing systems, would, at least in the case of containers, lead to fundamentally different impacts on individual
ports, even when engaging in similar price increases.
In industrial economics, limit pricing refers to strategic behaviour by which incumbent firms raise costs, through a
multitude of ways, to a level that makes new entry unprofitable.
This was in broad terms the position of the Dutch government on the issue of Maasvlakte II terminal in Rotterdam.
The author had the privilege of being member of the then EU Transport Commissioner, Neil Kinnocks group of experts
that drafted the Paper. The Commissioner opened the first meeting of the group with a statement that took everyone aback:
if countries want to spend public money to develop their ports, so be it and there is nothing we can do about it. A lot
has changed since then.
The author was involved in this exercise as Chairman of the Academic Group of Experts.
Such estimates have to be viewed with utmost caution and full understanding of the assumptions underlying them. For
instance, this impressive percentage assumes that other ports in the region would be able to absorb smoothly the extra traffic
without difficulty or additional cost. It is also assumed that no changes take place in the pricing of the rest of the
infrastructure (roads, etc.).
Surprisingly, most port authorities expected that the adoption of full cost recovery pricing would have little impact on
pricing levels. It is believed here that, although in private ports such as those of the UK this may well be the case, this is far
from truth in all others, and this conviction of many port managers can only be explained by their inability to grasp in full
the notion and implications of long-run marginal costs.

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