Road Speci
Road Speci
Road Speci
Signature of Bidder
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The specification for various items of work shall be same as specified for such items in the
published in August 2001.
The inclusions and exclusions from quoted rates are specified in the details of each item of
work in the specifications and the Bill of Quantities. In case there is no specific mention of
a particular detail, the mode of specification as prescribed in MORTH SPECIFICATIONS
for such an item shall be followed.
In the event of contradiction between the MORTH specifications referred to above and this
Contract document, the provisions of this Contract document shall prevail.
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All excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of trees, stumps,
etc., shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly so as to make the surface at
these points conform to the surrounding area.
Ant-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and obstruct free
subsoil water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may extend to several metres, shall
be suitably treated.
201.4 Disposal of Materials
All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be the property of
Government and shall be disposed of by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or directed by the
Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots and stacked.
Also boulders, stones and other materials usable in road construction shall be neatly stacked as
directed by the Engineer. Stacking of stumps, boulders, stones etc., shall be done at specified
spots with all lifts and up to a lead of 1000 m.
All products of clearing and grubbing which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used
or auctioned shall be cleared away from the roadside in a manner as directed by the Engineer.
Care shall be taken to see that unsuitable waste materials are disposed of in such a manner that
there is no likelihood of these getting mixed up with the materials meant for embankment,
subgrade and road construction.
201.5. Measurements for Payment
Clearing grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross-drainage structures shall be
measured on area basis in terms of hectares. Clearing and grubbing of borrow areas shall be
deemed to be a part of works preparatory to embankment construction and shall be deemed to
have been included in the rates quoted for the embankment construction item and no separate
payment shall be made for the same. Cutting of trees upto 300 mm in girth including removal of
stumps and roots, and trimming of branches of trees extending above the roadway shall be
considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing operations. Removal of stumps left over after
trees have been cut by any other agency shall also be considered incidental to the clearing and
grubbing operations.
Cutting, including removal of stumps and roots of trees of girth above 300 mm and
backfilling to required compaction shall be measured in terms of number according to the sizes
given below:i) Above
300 mm
600 mm
ii) Above
600 mm
900 mm
iii) Above
900 mm
1800 mm
iv) Above
1800 mm
For this purpose, the girth shall be measured at a height of 1 metre above ground or at the
top of the stump if the height of the stump is less than one metre from the ground.
201.6. Rates
201.6.1. The Contract unit rates for the various items of clearing and grubbing shall be
payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour,
materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. These will also
include removal of stumps of trees less than 300 mm in girth as well as stumps left over after
cutting of trees carried out by another agency, excavation and back-filling to required density,
where necessary, and handling, salvaging, piling and disposing of the cleared materials with all
lifts and up to a lead of 1000 m.
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201.6.2. The Contract unit rate for cutting (including removal of stumps and roots) of trees
of girth above 300 mm shall include excavation and backfilling to required compaction, handling,
salvaging, piling and disposing of the cleared materials with all lifts and upto a lead of 1000 m.
201.6.3. Where a Contract does not include separate items of clearing and grubbing, the same
shall be considered incidental to the earthwork items and the Contract unit prices for the same
shall be considered as including clearing and grubbing operations.
301.1. Scope
This work shall consist of excavation, removal and satisfactory disposal of all materials
necessary for the construction of roadway, side drains and waterways in accordance with
requirements of these Specifications and the lines, grades and cross-sections shown in the
drawings or as indicated by the Engineer. It shall include the hauling and stacking of or hauling to
sites of embankment and subgrade construction, suitable cut materials as required, as also the
disposal of unsuitable cut materials in specified manner, trimming and finishing of the road to
specified dimensions or as directed by the Engineer.
301.2 Classification of Excavated Material
301.2.1. Classification: All materials involved in excavation shall be classified by the Engineer in
the following manner:
This shall comprise topsoil, turf, sand, silt, loam, clay, mud, peat, black cotton soil, soft
shale or loose moorum, a mixture of these and similar material which yields to the ordinary
application of pick, spade and/or shovel, rake or other ordinary digging implement. Removal of
gravel or any other nodular material having dimension in any one direction not exceeding 75 mm
occurring in such strata shall be deemed to be covered under this category.
301.2.2. Authority for classification: The classification of excavation shall be decided by the
Engineer and his decision shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Merely the use of
explosives in excavation will not be considered as a reason for higher classification unless blasting
is clearly necessary in the opinion of the Engineer.
301.3. Construction Operations
301.3.1. Setting out: After the site has been cleared as per Clause 201, the limits of excavation
shall be set out true to lines, curves, slopes, grades and sections as shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide all labour, survey instruments and materials
such as strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones, lime, mortar, concrete, etc., required in connection
with the setting out of works and the establishment of bench marks. The Contractor shall be
responsible for the maintenance of bench marks and other marks and stakes as long as in the
opinion of the Engineer, they are required for the work.
301.3.2. Stripping and storing topsoil: When so directed by the Engineer, the topsoil existing
over the sites of excavation shall be stripped to specified depths constituting Horizon A and
stockpiled at designated locations for re-use in covering embankment slopes, cut slopes, berms
and other disturbed areas where re-vegetation is desired. Prior to stripping the topsoil, all trees,
shrubs etc. shall be removed along with their roots, with approval of the Engineer.
301.3.3 Excavation - General: All excavations shall be carried out in conformity with the
directions laid here-in-under and in a manner approved by the Engineer. The work shall be so
done that the suitable materials available from excavation are satisfactorily utilized as decided
upon beforehand.
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While planning or executing excavations, the Contractor shall take all adequate
precautions against soil erosion, water pollution etc. as per Clause 306, and take appropriate
drainage measures to keep the site free of water in accordance with Clause 311.
The excavations shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown on the
drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall not excavate outside the limits of
excavation. Subject to the permitted tolerances, any excess depth/width excavated beyond the
specified levels/dimensions on the drawings shall be made good at the cost of the Contractor with
suitable material of characteristics similar to that removed and compacted to the requirements of
Clause 305.
All debris and loose material on the slopes of cuttings shall be removed. No backfilling
shall be allowed to obtain required slopes excepting that when boulders or soft materials are
encountered in cut slopes, these shall be excavated to approved depth on instructions of the
Engineer and the resulting cavities filled with suitable material and thoroughly compacted in an
approved manner.
After excavation, the sides of excavated area shall be trimmed and the area contoured to
minimise erosion and ponding, allowing for natural drainage to take place. If trees were removed,
new trees shall be planted, as directed by the Engineer. The cost of planting new trees shall be
deemed to be incidental to the work.
301.3.4. Methods, tools and equipment: Only such methods, tools and equipment as approved
by the Engineer shall be adopted/ used in the work. If so desired by the Engineer, the Contractor
shall demonstrate the efficacy of the type of equipment to be used before the commencement of
301.3.7. Excavation of road shoulders/verge/median for widening of pavement or providing
treated shoulders: In works involving widening of existing pavements or providing treated
shoulders, unless otherwise specified, the shoulder/verge/median shall be removed to their full
width and to levels shown on drawings or as indicated by the Engineer. While doing so, care shall
be taken to see that no portion of the existing pavement designated for retention is loosened or
disturbed. If the existing pavement gets disturbed or loosened, it shall be dismantled and cut to a
regular shape with sides vertical and the disturbed/loosened portion removed completely and relaid as directed by the Engineer, at the cost of the Contractor.
301.3.8. Excavation for surface/sub-surface drains: Where the Contract provides for
construction of surface/sub-surface drains to Clause 309, excavation for these shall be carried out
in proper sequence with other works as approved by the Engineer.
301.3.9 Slides: If slips, slides, over-breaks or subsidence occur in cuttings during the process of
construction, they shall be removed at the cost of Contractor as ordered by the Engineer.
Adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that during construction, the slopes are not
rendered unstable or give rise to recurrent slides after construction. If finished slopes slide into the
roadway subsequently, such slides shall be removed and paid for at the Contract rate for the class
of excavation involved, provided the slides are not due to any negligence on the part of the
Contractor. The classification of the debris material from the slips, slides etc. shall conform to its
condition at the time of removal and payment made accordingly regardless of its condition earlier.
301.3.10. Dewatering: If water is met with in the excavations due to springs, seepage, rain or
other causes, it shall be removed by suitable diversions, pumping or bailing out and the excavation
kept dry whenever so required or directed by the Engineer. Care shall be taken to discharge the
drained water into suitable outlets as not to cause damage to the works, crops or any other
property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such damage is caused, it
shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore to the original condition at his own
cost or compensate for the damage.
301.3.11. Disposal of excavated materials: All the excavated materials shall be the property of
the Employer. The material obtained from the excavation of roadway, shoulders, verges, drains,
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cross-drainage works etc., shall be used for filling up of (i) roadway embankment, (ii) the existing
pits in the right-of way and (iii) for landscaping of the road as directed by the Engineer, including
levelling and spreading with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m and no extra payment shall be made for
the same.
All hard materials, such as hard moorum, rubble, etc., not intended for use as above shall
be stacked neatly on specified land as directed by the Engineer with all lifts and lead upto 1000 m.
Unsuitable and surplus material not intended for use within the lead specified above shall
also, if necessary, be transported with all lifts and lead beyond initial 1000 m, disposed of or used
as directed by the Engineer.
301.3.12 Backfilling: Backfilling of masonry/concrete/hume pipe drain excavation shall be done
with approved material after concrete/masonry/hume pipe is fully set and carried out in such a way
as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure and /or not to cause differential
settlement. All space between the drain walls and the side of the excavation shall be refilled to the
original surface making due allowance for settlement, in layers generally not exceeding 150 mm
compacted thickness to the required density, using suitable compaction equipment such as
mechanical tamper, rammer or plate compactor as directed by the Engineer.
Construction traffic shall not use the cut formation and finished subgrade without the prior
permission of the Engineer. Any damage arising out of such use shall be made good by the
Contractor at his own expense.
301.5 Preservation of Property
The Contractor shall undertake all reasonable precautions for the protection and
preservation of any or all existing roadside trees, drains, sewers or other sub-surface drains, pipes,
conduits and any other structures under or above ground, which may be affected by construction
operations and which, in the opinion of the Engineer, shall be continued in use without any
change. Safety measures taken by the Contractor in this respect, shall be got approved from the
Engineer. However, if any of these objects is damaged by reason of the Contractor=s negligence,
it shall be replaced or restored to the original condition at his expense. If the Contractor fails to do
so, within the required time as directed by the Engineer or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, the
actions initiated by the Contractor to replace/restore the damaged objects are not satisfactory, the
Engineer shall arrange the replacement/restoration directly through any other agency at the risk
and cost of the Contractor after issuing a prior notice to the effect.
301.6. Preparation of Cut Formation
The cut formation, which serves as a subgrade, shall be prepared to receive the subbase/base course as directed by the Engineer.
Where the material in the subgrade (that is within 500 mm from the lowest level of the
pavement) has a density less than specified in Table 300-2, the same shall be loosened to a depth
of 500mm and compacted in layers in accordance with the requirements of Clause 305.
Any unsuitable material encountered in subgrade level shall be removed as directed by the
Engineer and replaced with suitable material compacted in accordance with Clause 305.
301.7. Finishing Operations
Finishing operations shall include the work of properly shaping and dressing all excavated
When completed, no point on the slopes shall vary from the designated slopes by
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more than 150 mm measured at right angles to the slope, except where excavation is in rock (hard
or soft) where no point shall vary more than 300 mm from the designated slope. In no case shall
any portion of the slope encroach on the roadway.
The finished cut formation shall satisfy the surface tolerances described in Clause 902.
Where directed, the topsoil removed earlier and conserved (Clauses 301.3.2. and 305.3.3)
shall be spread over cut slopes, where feasible, berms and other disturbed areas. Slopes may be
roughened and moistened slightly, prior to the application of topsoil, in order to provide satisfactory
bond. The depth of topsoil shall be sufficient to sustain plant growth, the usual thickness being
from 75 mm to 100 mm.
301.8. Measurements for Payment
Excavation for roadway shall be measured by taking cross-sections at suitable intervals in
the original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing the volume in
cu.m. by the method of average end areas for each class of material encountered. Where it is not
feasible to compute volumes by this method because of erratic location of isolated deposits, the
volumes shall be computed by other accepted methods.
At the option of the Engineer, the Contractor shall leave depth indicators during
excavations of such shape and size and in such positions as directed so as to indicate the original
ground level as accurately as possible. The Contractor shall see that these remain intact till the
final measurements are taken.
For rock excavation, the overburden shall be removed first so that necessary crosssections could be taken for measurement. Where cross sectional measurements could not be
taken due to irregular configuration or where the rock is admixed with other classes of materials,
the volumes shall be computed on the basis of stacks of excavated rubble after making 35 per
cent deduction therefrom. When volumes are calculated in this manner for excavated material
other than rock, deduction made will be to the extent of 16 per cent of stacked volumes.
Works involved in the preparation of cut formation shall be measured in units indicated
(v) m. m. m. m.
301.9. Rates
301.9.1. The Contract unit rate for the items of roadway and drain excavation shall be payment in
full for carrying out the operations required for the individual items including full compensation for:
setting out;
transporting the excavated materials and depositing the same on sites of
embankments, spoil banks or stacking as directed within all lifts and lead upto 1000m
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or as otherwise specified;
(iii) trimming bottoms and slopes of excavation;
(iv) dewatering;
(vi) all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures, testing and incidentals
necessary to complete the work to Specifications.
The Contract unit rate for loosening and recompacting the loosened materials at
subgrade shall include full compensation for loosening to the specified depth, including breaking
clods, spreading in layers, watering where necessary and compacting to the requirements.
Clause 301.9.1 and 305.8 shall apply as regards Contract unit rate for item of removal
of unsuitable material and replacement with suitable material respectively.
301.9.5. The Contract unit rate for the items of stripping and storing topsoil and of
reapplication of topsoil shall include full compensation for all the necessary operations including all
lifts, but leads upto 1000 m.
301.9.6..The Contract unit for disposal of surplus earth from roadway and drain excavation
shall be full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary on account of
the additional haul or transportation involved beyond the initial lead of 1000 m.
304.1. Scope
Excavation for structures shall consist of the removal of material for the construction of
foundations for bridges, culverts, retaining walls, head walls, cutoff walls, pipe culverts and other
similar structures, in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and the lines and
dimensions shown on the drawings or as indicated by the Engineer. The work shall include
construction of the necessary cofferdams and cribs and their subsequent removal; all necessary
sheeting, shoring, bracing, draining and pumping; the removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other
deleterious matter and obstructions, necessary for placing the foundations; trimming bottoms of
excavations; backfilling and clearing up the site and the disposal of all surplus material.
304.2. Classification of Excavation
All materials involved in excavation shall be classified in accordance with Clause 301.2.
Construction Operations
304.3.1 Setting out: After the site has been cleared according to Clause 201, the limits of
excavation shall be set out true to lines, curves and slopes to Clause 301.3.1.
304.3.2. Excavation: Excavation shall be taken to the width of the lowest step
of the footing and the sides shall be left plumb where the nature of soil allows it. Where the nature
of soil or the depth of the trench and season of the year do not permit vertical sides, the Contractor
at his own expense shall put up necessary shoring, strutting and planking or cut slopes to a safer
angle or both with due regard to the safety of personnel and works and to the satisfaction of the
The depth to which the excavation is to be carried out shall be as shown on the drawings,
unless the type of material encountered is such as to require changes, in which case the depth
shall be as ordered by the Engineer. Propping shall be undertaken when any foundation or
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stressed zone from an adjoining structure is within a line of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal from the
bottom of the excavation.
304.3.3 Dewatering and protection: Normally, open foundations shall be laid dry. Where water
is met with in excavation due to stream flow, seepage, springs, rain or other reasons, the
Contractor shall take adequate measures such as bailing, pumping, constructing diversion
channels, drainage channels, bunds, depression of water level by well-point system, cofferdams
and other necessary works to keep the foundation trenches dry when so required and to protect
the green concrete/masonry against damage by erosion or sudden rising of water level. The
methods to be adopted in this regard and other details thereof shall be left to the choice of the
Contractor but subject to approval of the Engineer. Approval of the Engineer shall, however, not
relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of dewatering and protection
arrangements and for the quality and safety of the works.
Where cofferdams are required, these shall be carried to adequate depths and heights, be
safely designed and constructed and be made as watertight as is necessary for facilitating
construction to be carried out inside them. The interior dimensions of the cofferdams shall be such
as to give sufficient clearance for the construction and inspection and to permit installation of
pumping equipments etc., inside the enclosed area.
If it is determined beforehand that the foundations cannot be laid dry or the situation is
found that the percolation is too heavy for keeping the foundation dry, the foundation concrete
shall be laid under water by tremie pipe only. In case of flowing water or artesian springs, the flow
shall be stopped or reduced as far as possible at the time of placing the concrete.
Pumping from the interior of any foundation enclosure shall be done in such a manner as
to preclude the possibility of the movement of water through any fresh concrete. No pumping shall
be permitted during the placing of concrete or for any period of at least 24 hours thereafter, unless
it is done from a suitable sump separated from the concrete work by a watertight wall or other
similar means.
At the discretion of the Contractor, cement grouting or other approved methods may be
used to prevent or reduce seepage and to protect the excavation area.
The Contractor shall take all precautions in diverting channels and in discharging the
drained water as not to cause damage to the works, crops or any other property.
Preparation of foundation: The bottom of the foundation shall
be levelled both longitudinally and transversely or stepped as directed by the Engineer. Before
footing is laid, the surface shall be slightly watered and rammed. In the event of excavation having
been made deeper than that shown on the drawings or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer, the
extra depth shall be made up with concrete or masonry of the foundation at the cost of the
Contractor as per Clause 2104.1. Ordinary filling shall not be used for the purpose to bring the
foundation to level.
When rock or other hard strata is encountered, it shall be freed of all soft loose material,
cleaned and cut to a firm surface either level and stepped as directed by the Engineer. All seams
shall be cleaned out and filled with cement mortar or grout to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In
the case of excavation in rock, annular space around footing shall be filled with lean concrete
(1:3:6 nominal mix) upto the top level of rock.
If the depth of fill required is more than 1.5 m above the top of the footing, filling upto 1.5 m
above top of footing shall be done with lean concrete (1:3:6 nominal mix) followed by boulders
grouted with cement.
When foundation piles are used, the excavation of each pit shall be substantially
completed before beginning pile-driving operations therein. After pile driving operations in a given
pit are completed, all loose and displaced materials therein shall be removed to the elevation of
the bottom of the footings.
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304.3.5. Slips and slip-outs: If there are any slips or slip-outs in the excavation, these shall be
removed by the Contractor at his own cost.
304.3.6. Public safety: Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and foundation
pits shall be securely fenced, provided with proper caution signs and marked with red lights at
night to avoid accidents. The Contractor shall take adequate protective measures to see that the
excavation operations do not affect or damage adjoining structures. For safety precautions,
guidance may be taken from IS : 3764.
304.3.7. Backfilling: Backfilling shall be done with approved material after concrete or masonry
is fully set and carried out in such a way as not to cause undue thrust on any part of the structure.
All space between foundation masonry or concrete and the sides of excavation shall be refilled to
the original surface in layers not exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness. The compaction shall
be done with the help of suitable equipment such as mechanical tamper, rammer, plate vibrator
etc., after necessary watering, so as to achieve a density not less than the field density before
304.3.8. Disposal of surplus excavated materials: Clause 301.3.11 shall apply.
304.4. Measurements for Payment
Excavation for structures shall be measured in cu. m. for each class of material
encountered, limited to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer,
Excavation over increased width, cutting of slopes, shoring, shuttering and planking shall be
deemed as convenience for the Contractor in executing the work and shall not be measured and
paid for separately.
Preparation of rock foundation shall be measured in square metres. Foundation sealing,
dewatering, including pumping shall be deemed to be incidental to the work unless separate
provision is made for in the Contract. In the latter case, payment shall be on lumpsum basis as
provided in the Bill of Quantities.
304.5 .1. The Contract unit rate for the items of excavation for structures shall be payment in full
for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for :
setting out;
construction of necessary cofferdams, cribs, sheeting, shoring and bracing and
their subsequent removal;
removal of all logs, stumps, grubs and other deleterious matter and obstructions,
for placing the foundations including trimming of bottoms of excavations;
foundation sealing, dewatering including pumping when no separate provision for
it is made in the Contract;
backfilling, clearing up the site and disposal of all surplus material within all lifts
and leads upto 1000 m or as otherwise specified; and
all labour, materials, tools, equipment, safety measures, diversion of traffic and
incidentals necessary to complete the work to Specification.
304.5.2. The Contract unit rate for preparation of rock foundation shall be full compensation for
cutting, trimming and cleaning the foundation surface and filling/sealing of all seams with cement
grout or mortar including all materials, labour and incidentals required for completing the work.
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304.5.3. The Contract unit rate for transporting material from the excavation for structures shall
be full compensation for all labour, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary on account of the
additional haul or transportation involved beyond the initial lead of 1000 m.
305.1. General
305.1.1. Description:These Specifications shall apply to the construction of embankments
including subgrades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfill with approved material
obtained from roadway and drain excavation, borrow pits or other sources. All embankments,
subgrades, earthen shoulders and miscellaneous backfills shall be constructed in accordance with
the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades, and crosssections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
305.2 Materials and General Requirements
305.2.1. Physical requirements:
The materials used in embankments, subgrades, earthen shoulders and
miscellaneous backfills shall be soil, moorum, gravel, a mixture of these or any other material
approved by the Engineer. Such materials shall be free of logs, stumps, roots, rubbish or any other
ingredient likely to deteriorate or affect the stability of the embankment/subgrade.
The following types of material shall be considered unsuitable for embankment:
a) Materials from swamps, marshes and bogs;
b) Peat, log, stump and perishable material; any soil that classifies as OL, OI,
OH or Pt in accordance with IS : 1498;
c) Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion;
d) Materials in a frozen condition;
e) Clay having liquid limit exceeding 70 and plasticity index exceeding 45; and
305.2.1.2. Expansive clay exhibiting marked swell and shrinkage properties (free swelling index
exceeding 50 per cent when tested as per IS : 2720 Part 40) shall not be used as a fill material.
Where an expansive clay with acceptable free swelling index value is used as a fill material,
subgrade and top 500 mm portion of the embankment just below subgrade shall be non-expansive
in nature.
305.2.1.3 Any fill material with a soluble sulphate content exceeding 1.9 grams of sulphate
(expressed as SO3 ) per litre when tested in accordance with BS : 1377 Test 10, but using a 2:1
water-soil ratio shall not be deposited within 500 mm or other distance described in the Contract,
of concrete, cement bound materials or other cementitious materials forming part of the Permanent
Materials with a total sulphate content (expressed as SO3) exceeding 0.5 percent by
mass, when tested in accordance with BS : 1377 Test 9 shall not be deposited within 500 mm, or
other distances described in the Contract, of metallic items forming part of the Permanent Works.
305.2.1.4. The size of the coarse material in the mixture of earth shall ordinarily not exceed 75 mm
when being placed in the embankment and 50 mm when placed in subgrade. However, the
Engineer may at his discretion permit the use of material coarser than this also if he is satisfied
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that the same will not present any difficulty as regards the placement of fill material and its
compaction to the requirements of these Specifications. The maximum particle size shall not be
more than two-thirds of the compacted layer thickness.
305.2.1.5. Ordinarily, only the materials satisfying the density requirements given in Table 300-1
shall be employed for the construction of the embankment and the subgrade.
S.No Type of Work
Maximum laboratory dry unit weight when tested as per IS
: 2720 (Part 8)
Embankments up to 3 metres
Not less than 15.2 kN/cu. m.
height, not subjected to
extensive flooding.
Embankments exceeding 3
metres height or embankments
of any height subject to long
periods of inundation
(1) This Table is not applicable for lightweight fill material e.g. cinder,
fly ash etc.
(2) The Engineer may relax these requirements at his discretion taking into
account the availability of materials for construction and other relevant
(3) The material to be used in subgrade should also satisfy design CBR at the
dry unit weight applicable as per Table 300-2
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case being limited to 1.5 m. Also, no pit shall be dug within the offset width from the toe of the
embankment required as per the consideration of stability with a minimum width of 10 m.
Haulage of material to embankments or other areas of fill shall proceed only when
sufficient spreading and compaction plant is operating at the place of deposition.
No excavated acceptable material other than surplus to requirements of the Contract shall
be removed from the site. Should the Contractor be permitted to remove acceptable material from
the site to suit his operational procedure, then he shall make good any consequent deficit of
material arising therefrom.
Where the excavation reveals a combination of acceptable and unacceptable materials,
the Contractor shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, carry out the excavation in such a
manner that the acceptable materials are excavated separately for use in the permanent works
without contamination by the unacceptable materials. The acceptable materials shall be stockpiled
The Contractor shall ensure that he does not adversely affect the stability of excavation or
fills by the methods of stockpiling materials, use of plants or siting of temporary buildings or
The Contractor shall obtain representative samples from each of the identified borrow
areas and have these tested at the site laboratory following a testing programme approved by the
Engineer. It shall be ensured that the subgrade material when compacted to the density
requirements as in Table 300-2 shall yield the design CBR value of the subgrade.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Type of work/material
Relative compaction as percentage of max.
laboratory dry density as per IS:2720
Expansive Clays
a) Subgrade and 500 mm portion
just below the subgrade
b) Remaining portion of embankment
The Contractor shall at least 7 working days before commencement of compaction submit
the following to the Engineer for approval:
The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content obtained in accordance
with IS : 2720 (Part 7) or (Part 8), as the case may be, appropriate for each of the fill
materials he intends to use.
A graph of density plotted against moisture content from which each of the values in (i)
above of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were determined.
The Dry density-moisture content - CBR relationships for light, intermediate and heavy
compactive efforts (light corresponding to IS : 2720 (Part 7), heavy corresponding to IS :
2720 (Part 8) and intermediate in-between the two) for each of the fill materials he intends
to use in the subgrade.
Page 15
Once the above information has been approved by the Engineer, it shall form the basis for
305.3. Construction Operations
305.3.1. Setting out: After the site has been cleared to Clause 201, the work shall be set out to
Clause 301.3.1. The limits of embankment/subgrade shall be marked by fixing batter pegs on both
sides at regular intervals as guides before commencing the earthwork. The embankment/subgrade
shall be built sufficiently wider than the design dimension so that surplus material may be trimmed,
ensuring that the remaining material is to the desired density and in position specified and
conforms to the specified side slopes.
305.3.2. Dewatering: If the foundation of the embankment is in an area with stagnant water, and
in the opinion of the Engineer it is feasible to remove it, the same shall be removed by bailing out
or pumping, as directed by the Engineer and the area of the embankment foundation shall be kept
dry. Care shall be taken to discharge the drained water so as to cause damage to the works, crops
or any other property. Due to any negligence on the part of the Contractor, if any such damage is
caused, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to repair/restore it to original condition
or compensate the damage at his own cost.
If the embankment is to be constructed under water, Clause 305.4.6 shall apply.
305.3.3. Stripping and storing topsoil: In localities where most of the available embankment
materials are not conducive to plant growth, or when so directed by the Engineer, the topsoil from
all areas of cutting and from all areas to be covered by embankment foundation shall be stripped
to specified depths not exceeding 150 mm and stored in stockpiles of height not exceeding 2 m for
covering embankment slopes, cut slopes and other disturbed areas where re-vegetation is desired.
Topsoil shall not be unnecessarily trafficked either before stripping or when in a stockpile.
Stockpiles shall not be surcharged or otherwise loaded and multiple handling shall be kept to a
305.3.4. Compacting ground supporting embankment/subgrade: Where necessary, the
original ground shall be levelled to facilitate placement of first layer of embankment, scarified,
mixed with water and then compacted by rolling so as to achieve minimum dry density as given in
Table 300-2.
In case where the difference between the subgrade level (top of the subgrade on which
pavement rests) and ground level is less than 0.5 m and the ground does not have 97 per cent
relative compaction with respect to the dry density as given in Table 300-2, the ground shall be
loosened upto a level 0.5 m below the subgrade level, watered and compacted in layers in
accordance with Clause 305.3.5 and 305.3.6 to not less than 97 per cent of dry density as given in
Table 300-2.
Where so directed by the Engineer, any unsuitable material occurring in the embankment
foundation shall be removed and replaced by approved materials laid in layers to the required
degree of compaction.
Embankment or subgrade work shall not proceed until the foundations for
embankment/subgrade have been inspected by the Engineer for satisfactory condition and
Any foundation treatment specified for embankments especially high embankments,
resting on suspect foundations as revealed by borehole logs shall be carried out in a manner and
to the depth as desired by the Engineer. Where the ground on which an embankment is to be built
has any of the material types (a) to (f) in Clause 305.2.1, at least 500 mm of such material must be
removed and replaced by acceptable fill material before embankment construction commences.
305.3.5 Spreading material in layers and bringing to appropriate moisture content
Page 16
305.3.5.1. The embankment and subgrade material shall be spread in layers of uniform thickness
not exceeding 200 mm compacted thickness over the entire width of embankment by mechanical
means, finished by a motor grader and compacted as per Clause 305.3.6. The motor grader blade
shall have hydraulic control suitable for initial adjustment and maintain the same so as to achieve
the specific slope and grade. Successive layers shall not be placed until the layer under
construction has been thoroughly compacted to the specified requirements as in Table 300-2 and
got approved by the Engineer. Each compacted layer shall be finished parallel to the final crosssection of the embankment.
305.3.5.2 Moisture content of the material shall be checked at the site of placement prior to
commencement of compaction; if found to be out of agreed limits, the same shall be made good.
Where water is required to be added in such constructions, water shall be sprinkled from a water
tanker fitted with sprinkler capable of applying water uniformly with a controllable rate of flow to
variable widths of surface but without any flooding. The water shall be added uniformly and
thoroughly mixed in soil by blading, discing or harrowing until a uniform moisture content is
obtained throughout the depth of the layer.
If the material delivered to the roadbed is too wet, it shall be dried, by aeration and
exposure to the sun, till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. Should circumstances
arise, where owing to wet weather, the moisture content cannot be reduced to the required amount
by the above procedure, compaction work shall be suspended.
Moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked in accordance with IS : 2720 (Part
2), and unless otherwise mentioned, shall be so adjusted, making due allowance for evaporation
losses, that at the time of compaction it is in the range of 1 per cent above to 2 per cent below the
optimum moisture content determined in accordance with IS : 2720 (Part 7) or IS : 2720 (Part 8) as
the case may be. Expansive clays shall, however, be compacted at moisture content
corresponding to the specified dry density, but on the wet side of the optimum moisture content
obtained from the laboratory compaction curve.
After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of
graders, harrows, rotary mixers or as otherwise approved by the Engineer until the layer is
uniformly wet.
Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken to have a maximum size of 75 mm when
being placed in the embankment and a maximum size of 50 mm when being placed in the
305.3.5.3. Embankment and other areas of fill shall, unless otherwise required in the Contract or
permitted by the Engineer, be constructed evenly over their full width and their fullest possible
extent and the Contractor shall control and direct construction plant and other vehicular traffic
uniformly over them. Damage by construction plant and other vehicular traffic shall be made good
by the Contractor with material having the same characteristics and strength as the material had
before it was damaged.
Embankments and other areas of unsupported fills shall not be constructed with steeper
side slopes, or to greater widths than those shown in the Contract, except to permit adequate
compaction at the edges before trimming back, or to obtain the final profile following any
settlement of the fill and the underlying material.
Whenever fill is to be deposited against the face of a natural slope, or sloping earthworks
face including embankments, cuttings, other fills and excavations steeper than 1 vertical on 4
horizontal, such faces shall be benched as per Clause 305.4.1 immediately before placing the
subsequent fill.
All permanent faces of side slopes of embankments and other areas of fill formed shall,
subsequent to any trimming operations, be reworked and sealed to the satisfaction of the Engineer
by tracking a tracked vehicle, considered suitable by the Engineer, on the slope or any other
method approved by the Engineer.
Page 17
305.3.6 Compaction: Only the compaction equipment approved by the Engineer shall be
employed to compact the different material types encountered during construction. Smooth
wheeled, vibratory, pneumatic tyred, sheepsfoot or pad foot rollers, etc. of suitable size and
capacity as approved by the Engineer shall be used for the different types and grades of materials
required to be compacted either individually or in suitable combinations.
The compaction shall be done with the help of vibratory roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight
with plain or pad foot drum or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of adequate capacity capable of
achieving required compaction.
The Contractor shall demonstrate the efficacy of the equipment he intends to use by
carrying out compaction trials. The procedure to be adopted for these site trials shall first be
submitted to the Engineer for approval.
Earthmoving plant shall not be accepted as compaction equipment nor shall the use of a
lighter category of plant to provide any preliminary compaction to assist the use of heavier plant be
taken into account.
Each layer of the material shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in
Table 300-2. Subsequent layers shall be placed only after the finished layer has been tested
according to Clause 903.2.2 and accepted by the Engineer. The Engineer may permit
measurement of field dry density by a nuclear moisture/density gauge used in accordance with
agreed procedure and the gauge is calibrated to provide results identical to that obtained from
tests in accordance with IS : 2720 (Part 28). A record of the same shall be maintained by the
When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankment /subgrade/earthen
shoulders, further compaction shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer. If inspite of that the
specified compaction is not achieved, the material in the soft areas shall be removed and replaced
by approved material, compacted to the density requirements and satisfaction of the Engineer.
305.3.7. Drainage: The surface of the embankment/subgrade at all times during construction
shall be maintained at such a cross fall (not flatter than that required for effective drainage of an
earthen surface) as will shed water and prevent pounding.
305.3.8. Repairing of damages caused by rain/spillage of water: The soil in the affected
portion shall be removed in such areas as directed by the Engineer before next layer is laid and
refilled in layers and compacted using appropriate mechanical means such as small vibratory
roller, plate compactor or power rammer to achieve the required density in accordance with Clause
305.3.6. If the cut is not sufficiently wide for use of required mechanical means for compaction, the
same shall be widened suitably to permit their use for proper compaction. Tests shall be carried
out as directed by the Engineer to ascertain the density requirements of the repaired area. The
work of repairing the damages including widening of the cut, if any, shall be carried out by the
Contractor at his own cost, including the arranging of machinery/equipment for the purpose.
305.3.9. Finishing operations: Finishing operations shall include the work of shaping and
dressing the shoulders/verge/roadbed and side slopes to conform to the alignment, levels, crosssections and dimension shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer subject to the
surface tolerance described in Clause 902. Both the upper and lower ends of the side slopes shall
be rounded off to improve appearance and to merge the embankment with the adjacent terrain.
The topsoil, removed and conserved earlier (Clause 301.3.2 and 305.3.3) shall be spread
over the fill slopes as per directions of the Engineer to facilitate the growth of vegetation. Slopes
shall be roughened and moistened slightly prior to the application of the topsoil in order to provide
satisfactory bond. The depth of the topsoil shall be sufficient to sustain plant growth, the usual
thickness being from 75 mm to 150 mm.
Where directed, the slopes shall be turfed with sods in accordance with Clause 307. If
seeding and mulching of slopes is prescribed, this shall be done to the requirement of Clause 308.
Page 18
When earthwork operations have been substantially completed, the road area shall be
cleared of all debris, and ugly scars in the construction area responsible for objectionable
appearance eliminated.
305.4 Construction of Embankment and Subgrade under Special Conditions
305.4.1. Earthwork for widening existing road embankment: When an existing embankment
and/or subgrade is to be widened and its slopes are steeper than 1 vertical on 4 horizontal,
continuous horizontal benches, each at least 300 mm wide, shall be cut into the old slope for
ensuring adequate bond with the fresh embankment/subgrade material to be added. The material
obtained from cutting of benches could be utilized in the widening of the embankment/subgrade.
However, when the existing slope against which the fresh material is to be placed is flatter than 1
vertical on 4 horizontal, the slope surface may only be ploughed or scarified instead of resorting to
Where the width of the widened portions is insufficient to permit the use of conventional
rollers, compaction shall be carried out with the help of small vibratory rollers/plate
compactors/power rammers or any other appropriate equipment approved by the Engineer. End
dumping of material from trucks for widening operations shall be avoided except in difficult
circumstances when the extra width is too narrow to permit the movement of any other types of
hauling equipment.
Earthwork for embankment and subgrade to be placed against sloping ground:
Where an embankment/subgrade is to be placed against sloping ground, the latter shall be
appropriately benched or ploughed/scarified as required in Clause 305.4.1 before placing the
embankment/subgrade material. Extra earthwork involved in benching or due to
ploughing/scarifying etc. shall be considered incidental to the work.
For wet conditions, benches with slightly inward fall and subsoil drains at the lowest point
shall be provided as per the drawings, before the fill is placed against sloping ground.
Where the Contract requires construction of transverse subsurface drain at the cut-fill
interface, work on the same shall be carried out to Clause 309 in proper sequence with the
embankment and subgrade work as approved by the Engineer.
305.4.3. Earthwork over existing road surface: Where the embankment is to be placed over
an existing road surface, the work shall be carried out as indicated below:
If the existing road surface is of granular or bituminous type and lies within 1m of the
new subgrade level, the same shall be scarified to a depth of 50mm or more if
specified, so as to provide ample bond between the old and new material ensuring
that at least 500 mm portion below the top of new subgrade level is compacted to
the desired density.
If the existing road surface is of cement concrete type and lies within 1 m
new subgrade level the same shall be removed completely.
If the level difference between the existing road surface and the new formation level
is more than 1 m, the existing surface shall be permitted to stay in place without any
305.4.4. Embankment and subgrade around structures: To avoid interference with the
construction of abutments, wing walls or return walls of culvert/bridge structures, the Contractor
shall, at points to be determined by the Engineer suspend work on embankment forming
approaches to such structures, until such time as the construction of the latter is sufficiently
advanced to permit the completion of approaches without the risk of damage to the structure.
Unless directed otherwise, the filling around culverts, bridges and other structures upto a
distance of twice the height of the road from the back of the abutment shall be carried out
Page 19
independent of the work on the main embankment. The fill material shall not be placed against any
abutment or wing wall, unless permission has given by the Engineer but in any case not until the
concrete or masonry has been in position for 14 days. The embankment and subgrade shall be
brought up simultaneously in equal layers on each side of the structure to avoid displacement and
unequal pressure. The sequence of work in this regard shall be got approved from the Engineer.
The material used for backfill shall not be an organic soil or highly plastic clay having
plasticity index and liquid limit more than 20 and 40 respectively when tested according to IS :
2720 (Part 5). Filling behind abutments and wing walls for all structures shall conform to the
general guidelines given in Appendix 6 of IRC : 78 (Standard Specifications and Code of Practice
for Road Bridges-Section VII) in respect of the type of material, the extent of backfill, its laying and
compaction etc. The fill material shall be deposited in horizontal layers in loose thickness and
compacted thoroughly to the requirements of Table 300-2.
Where the provision of any filter medium is specified behind the abutment, the same shall
be laid in layers simultaneously with the laying of fill material. The material used for filter shall
conform to the requirements for filter medium spelt out in Clause 2502/309.3.2 (B) unless
otherwise specified in the Contract.
Where it may be impracticable to use conventional rollers, the compaction shall be carried
out by appropriate mechanical means such as small vibratory roller, plate compactor or power
rammer. Care shall be taken to see that the compaction equipment does not hit or come too close
to any structural member so as to cause any damage to them or excessive pressure against the
305.4.5. Construction of embankment over ground incapable of supporting construction
equipment: Where embankment is to be constructed across ground which will not support the
weight of repeated heavy loads of construction equipment, the first layer of the fill may be
constructed by placing successive loads of material in a uniformly distributed layer of a minimum
thickness required to support the construction equipment as permitted by the Engineer. The
Contractor, if so desired by him, may also use suitable geosynthetic material to increase the
bearing capacity of the foundation. This exception to normal procedure will not be permitted where,
in the opinion of the Engineer, the embankments could be constructed in the approved manner
over such ground by the use of lighter or modified equipment after proper ditching and drainage
have been provided. Where this exception is permitted, the selection of the material and the
construction procedure to obtain an acceptable layer shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The cost of providing suitable traffic conditions for construction equipment over any area of the
Contract will be the responsibility of the Contractor and no extra payment will be made to him. The
remainder of the embankment shall be constructed as specified in Clause 305.3.
305.4.6. Embankment construction under water: Where filling or backfilling is to be placed
under water, only acceptable granular material or rock shall be used unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer. Acceptable granular material shall consist of graded, hard durable particles with
maximum particle size not exceeding 75 mm. The material should be non-plastic having uniformity
coefficient of not less than 10. The material placed in open water shall be deposited by end tipping
without compaction.
305.4.7. Earthwork for high embankment: In the case of high embankments, the Contractor
shall normally use the material from the specified borrow area. In case he desires to use different
material for his own convenience, he shall have to carry out necessary soil investigations and
redesign the high embankment at his own cost. The Contractor shall then furnish the soil test data
and design of high embankment for approval of the Engineer, who reserves the right to accept or
reject it.
If necessary, stage construction of fills and any controlled rates of filling shall be carried
out in accordance with the Contract including installation of instruments and its monitoring.
Where required, the Contractor shall surcharge embankments or other areas of fill with
approved material for the periods specified in the Contract. If settlement of surcharged fill results in
Page 20
any surcharging material, which is unacceptable for use in the fill being surcharged, lying below
formation level, the Contractor shall remove the unacceptable material and dispose it as per
direction of the Engineer. He shall then bring the resultant level up to formation level with
acceptable material.
305.4.8. Settlement period: Where settlement period is specified in the Contract, the
embankment shall remain in place for the required settlement period before excavating for
abutment, wingwall, retaining wall, footings, etc., or driving foundation piles. The duration of the
required settlement period at each location shall be as provided for in the Contract or as directed
by the Engineer.
Plying of traffic:
Construction and other vehicular traffic shall not use the prepared surface of the
embankment and/or subgrade without the prior permission of the Engineer. Any damage arising
out of such use shall, however, be made good by the Contractor at his own expense as directed by
the Engineer.
305.6. Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work
The surface finish of construction of subgrade shall conform to the requirements of Clause
902. Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised in accordance with Clause
Subgrade Strength
305.7.1. It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the borrow area material to be used in
the subgrade satisfies the requirements of design CBR.
305.7.2. Subgrade shall be compacted and finished to the design strength consistent with other
physical requirements. The actual laboratory CBR values of construction subgrade shall be
determined on undisturbed samples cut out from the compacted subgrade in CBR mould fitted with
cutting shoe or on remoulded samples, compacted to the field density at the field moisture content.
305.8. Measurements for Payment
Earth embankment/subgrade construction shall be measured separately by taking cross
sections at intervals in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and
computing the volumes of earthwork in cubic metres by the method of average end areas.
The measurement of fill material from borrow areas shall be the difference between the
net quantities of compacted fill and the net quantities of suitable material brought from roadway
and drainage excavation. For this purpose, it shall be assumed that one cu. m of suitable material
brought to site from road and drainage excavation forms one cu. m. of compacted fill and all
bulking or shrinkage shall be ignored.
Construction of embankment under water shall be measured in cu. m.
Construction of high embankment with specified material and in specified manner shall be
measured in cu. m.
Stripping including storing and reapplication of topsoil shall be measured in cu. m.
Work involving loosening and recompacting of ground supporting embankment/subgrade
shall be measured in cu. m.
Removal of unsuitable material at embankment/subgrade foundation and replacement with
suitable material shall be measured in cu. m.
Page 21
Shaping and dressing top and slopes of the embankment and subgrade including
rounding of corners;
(vii) Excavation in all soils from borrow pits/designated borrow areas including clearing
and grubbing and transporting the material to embankment and subgrade site with all
lifts and leads unless otherwise provided for in the Contract;
All labour, materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the
work to the Specifications;
Page 22
305.9.4 Clause 301.9.2 shall apply as regards Contract unit rate for the item of loosening
and recompacting the embankment/subgrade foundation.
305.9.5. Clause 301.9.1 and 305.8 shall apply as regards Contract rates for items of removal of
unsuitable material and replacement with suitable material respectively.
305.9.6. The Contract unit rate for scarifying existing granular/bituminous road surface shall be
payment in full for carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour,
materials, tools, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. This will also
comprise of handling, salvaging, stacking and disposing of the dismantled materials within all lifts
and upto a lead of 1000 m or as otherwise specified.
305.9.7 Clause 202.7 shall apply as regards Contract unit rate for dismantling and removal of
existing cement concrete pavement.
305.9.8. The Contract unit rate for providing and laying filter material behind abutments shall be
payment in full for carrying out the required operations including all materials, labour, tools,
equipment and incidentals to complete the work to Specifications.
305.9.9. Clause 305.4.6 shall apply as regards Contract unit rate for construction of embankment
under water.
305.9.10 Clause 305.4.7 shall apply as regards Contract unit rate for construction of high
embankment. It shall include cost of instrumentation, its monitoring and settlement period, where
specified in the Contract or directed by the Engineer.
401. 1. Scope
This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on prepared
subgrade in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The material shall be laid in
one or more layers as sub-base or lower sub-base and upper sub-base (termed as sub-base
hereinafter) as necessary according to lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or
as directed by the Engineer.
401.2. Materials
401.2.1. The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, moorum, gravel, crushed
stone, or combination thereof depending upon the grading required.. The material shall be free
from organic or other deleterious constituents and conform to one of the three gradings given in
Table 400-1.
While the gradings in Table 400-1 are in respect of close-graded granular sub-base
materials, one each for maximum particle size of 75 mm, 53 mm and 26.5 mm, the corresponding
gradings for the coarse-graded materials for each of the three maximum particle sizes are given at
Table 400-2. The grading to be adopted for a project shall be as specified in the Contract.
401.2.2. Physical requirements: The material shall have a 10 per cent fines value of 50 kN or
more (for sample in soaked condition) when tested in compliance with BS :812 (Part III) . The
water absorption value of the coarse aggregate shall be determined as per IS : 2386 (Part 3); if
this value is greater than 2 per cent, the soundness test shall be carried out on the material
delivered to site as per IS : 383. For Grading II and III materials, the CBR shall be determined at
the density and moisture content likely to be developed in equilibrium conditions which be taken as
being the density relating to a uniform air voids content of 5 percent.
Page 23
IS Sieve
Grading I
75.0 mm
53.0 mm
26.5 mm
9.50 mm
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
0.425 mm
0.075 mm
Grading II
Grading III
IS Sieve
Grading I
75.0 mm
53.0 mm
26.5 mm
9.50 mm
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
0.425 mm
0.075 mm
CBR Value (Minimum)
Grading II
Grading III
Note : The material passing 425 micron (0.425 mm) sieve for all the three gradings when
tested according to IS : 2720 (Part 5) shall have liquid limit and plasticity index
not more than 25 and 6 percent respectively.
401.3. Strength of sub-base
It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to be used in the subbase
satisfies the requirements of CBR and other physical requirements when compacted and finished.
When directed by the Engineer, this shall be verified by performing CBR tests in the
laboratory as required on specimens remoulded at field dry density and moisture content and any
other tests for the quality of materials, as may be necessary.
401.4. Construction Operations
401.4.1. Preparation of subgrade: Immediately prior to the laying of sub-base, the subgrade
already finished to Clause 301 or 305 as applicable shall be prepared by removing all vegetation
and other extraneous matter, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled with two passes of
80-100 kN smooth wheeled roller.
Page 24
401.4.2. Spreading and compacting: The sub-base material of grading specified in the Contract
shall be spread on the prepared subgrade with the help of a motor grader of adequate capacity, its
blade having hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustment and for maintaining the required slope
and grade during the operation or other means as approved by the Engineer.
When the sub-base material consists of combination of materials mentioned in Clause
401.2.1. mixing shall be done mechanically by the mix-in-place method.
Manual mixing shall be permitted only where the width of laying is not adequate for
mechanical operations, as in small-sized jobs. The equipment used for mix-in-place construction
shall be a rotavator or similar approved equipment capable of mixing the material to the desired
degree. If so desired by the Engineer, trial runs with the equipment shall be carried out to establish
its suitability for the work.
Moisture content of the loose material shall be checked in accordance with IS : 2720 (Part
2) and suitably by sprinkling additional water from a truck mounted or trailer mounted water tank
and suitable for applying water uniformly and at controlled quantities to variable widths of surface
or other means approved by the Engineer so that, at the time of compaction, it is from 1 percent
above to 2 percent below the optimum moisture content corresponding to IS : 2720 (Part 8). While
adding water, due allowance shall be made for evaporation losses. After water has been added,
the material shall be processed by mechanical or other approved means like disc harrows,
rotavators until the layer is uniformly wet.
Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. If the thickness of the compacted layer does not
exceed 100 mm, a smooth wheeled roller of 80 to 100 kN weight may be used. For a compacted
single layer upto 225 mm the compaction shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller of
minimum 80 to 100 kN static weight with plain drum or pad foot-drum or heavy pneumatic tyred
roller of minimum 200 to 300 kN weight having a minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MN/m or
equivalent capacity roller capable of achieving the required compaction. Rolling shall commence at
the lower edge and proceed towards the upper edge longitudinally for portions having
unidirectional crossfall and super elevation and shall commence at the edges and progress
towards the centre for portions having crossfall on both sides.
Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track made in
the preceding pass. During rolling, the grade and crossfall (camber) shall be checked and any high
spots or depressions, which become apparent, corrected by removing or adding fresh material.
The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km per hour.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 percent of the maximum
dry density for the material determined as per IS : 2720 (Part 8). The surface of any layer of
material on completion of compaction shall be well closed, free from movement under compaction
equipment and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose material. All loose, segregated or
otherwise defective areas shall be made good to the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.
401.5. Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902.
Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 900.
401.6. Arrangements for Traffic
During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be maintained in accordance
with Clause 112.
401.7. Measurements for Payment
Page 25
Granular sub-base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres. The
protection of edges of granular sub-base extended over the full formation as shown in the drawing
shall be considered incidental to the work of providing granular sub-base and as such no extra
payment shall be made for the same.
401.8 . Rate
The Contract unit rate for granular sub-base shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for:
(i) making arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 except for initial treatment to verges,
shoulders and construction of diversions;
(ii) furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all royalties, fees, rents
where necessary and all leads and lifts;
(iii)all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the Specifications;:
(iv)carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed; and
(v) carrying out the required tests for quality control.
406.1. Scope
This work shall consist of laying and compacting clean, crushed, graded aggregate and
granular material, premixed with water, to a dense mass on a prepared subgrade/sub-base/base
or existing pavement as the case may be in accordance with the requirements of these
Specifications. The material shall be laid in one or more layers as necessary to lines, grades and
cross-sections shown on the approved drawings or as direction by the Engineer.
The thickness of a single compacted Wet Mix Macadam layer shall not be less than 75
mm. When vibrating or other approved types of compacting equipment are used, the compacted
depth of a single layer of the sub-base course may be increased to 200 mm upon approval of the
406.2.1. Aggregates
406.2.1.1. Physical requirements: Coarse aggregates shall be crushed stone. The aggregates
shall conform to the physical requirements set forth in Table 400-10 below. Sevaliya special
aggregate is only acceptable.
Test Method
IS : 2386 (Part-4)
IS : 2386 (Part-4)
or IS : 5640
Page 26
** To determine this combined proportion, the flaky stone from a representative sample should first
be separated out. Flakiness index is weight of flaky stone metal divided by weight of stone sample.
Only the elongated particles be separated out from the remaining (non-flaky) stone metal.
Elongation index is weight of elongated particles divided by total non-flaky particles. The value of
flakiness index and elongation index so found are added up.
If the water adsorption value of the coarse aggregate is greater than 2 per cent, the
soundness test shall be carried out on the material delivered to site as per IS : 2386 (Part- 5).
406.2.1.2. Grading requirements:
Table 400-11.
TABLE 400-11.
IS Sieve Designation
Materials finer than 425 micron shall have Plasticity Index (PI) not exceeding 6.
The final gradation approved within these limits shall be well graded from coarse to fine
and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve
or vice versa.
406.3. Construction Operations
406.3.1. Preparation of base: Clause 404.3.1. shall apply.
406.3.2. Provision of lateral confinement of aggregates: While constructing wet mix macadam,
arrangement shall be made for the lateral confinement of wet mix. This shall be done by laying
materials in adjoining shoulders along with that of wet mix macadam layer and following the
sequence of operations described in Clause 407.4.1.
406.3.3. Preparation of mix: Wet Mix Macadam shall be prepared in an approved mixing plant of
suitable capacity having provision for controlled addition of water and forced/positive mixing
arrangement like pugmill or pan type mixer of concrete batching plant. For small quantity of wet
mix work, the Engineer may permit the mixing to be done in concrete mixers.
Optimum moisture for mixing shall be determined in accordance with IS : 2720 (Part-8)
after replacing the aggregate fraction retained on 22.4 mm sieve with material of 4.75 mm to 22.4
mm size. While adding water, due allowance should be made for evaporation losses. However, at
the time of compaction, water in the wet mix should not vary from the optimum value by more than
agreed limits. The mixed material should be uniformly wet and no segregation should be
406.3.4. Spreading of mix: Immediately after mixing, the aggregates shall be spread uniformly
and evenly upon the prepared subgrade/sub-base/base in required quantities. In no case should
these be dumped in heaps directly on the area where these are to be laid nor shall their hauling
over a partly completed stretch be permitted.
Page 27
The mix may be spread either by a paver finisher or motor grader. For portions where
mechanical means cannot be used, manual means as approved by the Engineer shall be used.
The motor grader shall be capable of spreading the material uniformly all over the surface. Its
blade shall have hydraulic control suitable for initial adjustments and maintaining the same so as to
achieve the specified slope and grade.
The paver finisher shall be self-propelled, having the following features:
(i) Loading hoppers and suitable distribution mechanism
(ii)The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial
the layer as it is spread without rutting or otherwise marring
the surface profile.
(iii)The paver shall be equipped with necessary control mechanism so as to ensure
the finished surface is free from surface blemishes.
The surface of the aggregate shall be carefully checked with templates and all high or low
sports remedied by removing or adding aggregate as may be required. The layer may be tested by
depth blocks during construction. No segregation of layer and fine particles should be allowed. The
aggregates as spread should be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine materials.
406.3.5 Compaction: After the mix has been laid to the required thickness, grade and
crossfall/camber the same shall be uniformly compacted, to the full depth with suitable roller. If the
thickness of single compacted layer does not exceed 100 mm, smooth wheel roller of 80 to 100 kN
weight may be used. For a compacted single layer upto 200 mm, the compaction shall be done
with the help of vibratory roller of minimum static weight of 80 to 100 kN or equivalent capacity
roller. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km/h.
In portions having unidirectional cross fall/superelevation, rolling shall commence from the
lower edge and progress gradually towards the upper edge. Thereafter, roller should progress
parallel to the centre line of the road, uniformly over-lapping each preceding track by at least one
third width until the entire surface has been rolled. Alternate trips of the roller shall be terminated in
stops at least 1 m away from any preceding stop.
In portions in camber, rolling should begin at the edge with the roller running forward and
backward until the edges have been firmly compacted. The roller shall then progress gradually
towards the centre parallel to the centre line of the road uniformly overlapping each of the
preceding track by at least one-third width until the entire surface has been rolled.
Any displacement occurring as a result of reversing of the direction of a roller or from any
other cause shall be corrected at once as specified and/or removed and made good.
Along forms, kerbs, walls or other places not accessible to the roller, the mixture shall be
thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers or a plate compactor. Skin patching of an area
without scarifying the surface to permit proper bonding of the added material shall not be
Rolling should not be done when the subgrade is soft or yielding or when it causes a
wave-like motion in the sub-base/base course or subgrade. If irregularities develop during rolling
which exceed 12 mm when tested with a 3 metre straight edge, the surface should be loosened
and premixed material added or removed as required before rolling again so as to achieve a
uniform surface conforming to the desired grade and crossfall. In no case should the use of
unmixed material be permitted to make up the depressions.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent of the maximum
dry density for the material as determined by the method outlined in IS : 2720 (Part-8).
After completion, the surface of any finished layer shall be well-closed, free from
movement under compaction equipment or any compaction planes, ridges, cracks and loose
Page 28
material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be made good to the full
thickness of the layer and recompacted.
406.3.6. Setting and drying: After final compaction of wet mix macadam course, the road shall be
allowed to dry for 24 hours.
406.4.Opening to Traffic
Preferably no vehicular traffic of any kind should be allowed on the finished wet mix
macadam surface till it has dried and the wearing course laid.
406.5. Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work
406.5.1. Surface evenness: The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements
of Clause 902.
406.5.2. Quality control: Control on the quality of materials and works shall exercised by the
Engineer in accordance with Section 900.
406.6. Rectification of Surface Irregularity
Where the surface irregularity of the wet mix macadam course exceeds the permissible
tolerances or where the course is otherwise defective due to subgrade soil getting mixed with the
aggregates, the full thickness of the layer shall be scarified over the affected area, reshaped with
added premixed material or removed and replaced with fresh premixed material as applicable and
recompacted in accordance with Clause 406.3. The area treated in the aforesaid manner shall not
be less than 5 m long and 2 m wide. In no case shall depressions be filled up with unmixed and
ungraded material or fines.
406.7. Arrangement for Traffic
During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be done as per Clause 112.
406.8. Measurements for Payment
Wet mix macadam shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres.
406.9. Rates
The Contract unit rate for wet mix macadam shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 401.8.
Type of Construction
Page 29
These shall be cast-in-situ construction with suitable kerb casting machine in all situations
except at locations where continuous casting with equipment is not practicable. In those situations,
precast concrete blocks shall be used.
408.4. Equipment
A continuous kerb casting equipment of adequate capacity and controls, capable of laying
the kerbs in required cross-sections and producing a well-compacted mass of concrete free of
voids and honeycombs, shall be used.
408.5. Construction Operations
408.5.1. Kerb shall be laid on firm foundation of minimum 150 mm thickness of cement concrete
of M10 grade cast-in-situ or on extended width of pavement. The foundation shall have a
projection 50 mm beyond the kerb stone. Before laying the foundation of lean concrete, the base
shall be levelled and slightly watered to make it dump.
408.5.2. In the median portions in the straight reaches, the kerb shall be cast in continuous
lengths. In the portions where footpath is provided and/or the slope of the carriage is towards
median (as in case of superelevated portions), there shall be sufficient gap/recess left in the kerb
to facilitate drainage openings.
408.5.3. After laying the kerbs and just prior to hardening of the concrete, saw cut grooves shall
be provided at 5 m intervals or as specified by the Engineer.
408.5.4. Kerbs on the drainage ends such as along the footpath or the median in superelevated
portions, shall be cast with monolithic concrete channels as indicated in drawings. The slope of the
channel towards drainage pipes shall be ensured for efficient drainage of the road surface.
408.5.5. Vertical and horizontal tolerances with respect to true line and level shall be 6 mm.
408.6. Measurements for Payment
Cement concrete kerb/kerb with channel shall be measured in linear metre for the
complete item of work.
Foundation of kerb, where separately provided shall be measured in linear metre for
complete item of work.
408.7. Rates
The Contract unit rates for cement concrete kerb/kerb with channel and foundation for
kerb shall be payment in full compensation for furnishing all materials, labour, tools, equipment for
construction and other incidental cost necessary to complete the work.
This work shall consist of application of single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
material to an absorbent granular surface preparatory to any superimposed bituminous treatment
or construction.
502.2.1. Materials
502.2.1. The choice of a bituminous primer shall depend upon the porosity characteristics of the
surface to be primed as classified in IRC : 16. These are:
Surfaces of low porosity; such as wet mix macadam and water bound macadam,,
Page 30
502.2.2. The different ranges of viscosity requirements for the primers to be used for the different
types of surfaces to be primed as classified in 502.2.1, are given in Table 500-1.
Type of surface
Kinematic Viscosity of
Primer at 60 C
Quantity per
10 sq. m
Low porosity
6 to 9
Medium porosity
9 to 12
High porosity
12 to 15
502.2.3. The bituminous primer shall be Medium Curing Cutback (MC) produced by fluxing, in an
approved manner, bitumen of 80/100 penetration grade with kerosene. The cutback shall be free
from water and shall not show any signs of separation prior to use. Slow setting Cationic emulsion
as per IS : 8887 may also be used, but the particular grade to be used for the work shall be got
approved by the Engineer.
Sampling and testing of bituminous primer shall be as per IS : 217; IS : 454 and IS : 8887.
502.3. Weather and Seasonal Limitations
The bituminous primer shall not be applied on a wet surface or during dust storm or when
the weather is foggy, rainy or windy. The prime coat for surface treatment should not be applied
when the temperature in the shade is less than 10 C.
502.4. Construction
502.4.1. Equipment: The primer distributor shall be pneumatic tyred self-propelled pressure
distributor equipped for spraying the material uniformly at the specified rates and temperatures.
Spraying by manual methods may be allowed for small areas at the discretion of the Engineer.
Power broom and/or blowers may be supplemented by hand brooms as directed by the Engineer.
502.4.2. Preparation of road surface: The surface to be primed shall be swept clean, free from
dust and shall be dry . It shall be shaped to the specified grades and section. It shall also be free
from ruts, any other irregularities and segregated materials. Minor depressions and potholes may
be ignored until the surface is primed, after which they shall be patched with a suitable premix
material prior to the surface treatment.
502.4.3. Application of bituminous primer: The bituminous primer shall be sprayed/distributed
uniformly over the dry surface, prepared as per Clause 502.4.2 using self-propelled sprayer
equipped with self-heating arrangement, suitable pump, adequate capacity compressor and
spraying bar with nozzles having constant volume or pressure system capable of supplying primer
at specified rates and temperatures so as to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of primer. If the
surface to be primed is so dry or dusty as to cause freckling of bituminous material, it shall be
lightly and uniformly sprinkled with water immediately prior to priming; however, the bituminous
material shall not be applied till such time as no surface water is visible. The primer shall be
applied at the rate as specified in Table 500-1.
Page 31
Temperature of application of a primer need only be high enough to permit the primer to
be effectively sprayed through the jets of the spray bar and to cover the granular base surface
uniformly in the desired quantity.
The desirable range of temperatures at the time application of MC-30, MC-70 and MC-250
grades shall be 30 to 55 C; 50 to 80 C and 75 to 100 C respectively. For a bituminous
emulsion primer , the range of spraying temperature may be 20 to 60 C.
Following the application of bituminous material, the surface shall be allowed to cure for at
least 24 hours or for any other period so as to allow penetration into the base course and aeration
of volatiles from the primer material. If it is not absorbed within 24 hours after application, sand
shall be spread over the surface to blot the excess primer. Care shall be taken to prevent overpriming; any pools of excess primer left on any part of the surface shall be swept out over the
adjacent surface before spreading sand.
The primer coat shall be applied only on the topmost water bound macadam or any
granular layer, over which the bituminous base course/wearing course is to be laid.
502.4.4. Curing of primer and opening to traffic: It shall always be ensured that while opening
to any kind of traffic, the primed surface is fully cured and is not sticky to avoid being picked up by
traffic. Normally, the primed surface shall be allowed to cure for not less than 24 hours and during
this period no traffic of any kind shall be permitted.
502.4.5. Laying of bituminous course over primed surface: Bituminous base course or
wearing course shall be laid over the primed water bound macadam, wet mix macadam or any
other granular base course, in the usual manner as per relevant Specification for the same
including the requirement of tack coat as per Clause 503.
502.5. Quality Control of Work
Control on the quality of materials and work shall be exercised by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 900.
502.6. Arrangement for Traffic
During the construction operations, arrangement of traffic shall be done as per Clause
502.7. Measurements for Payment
Prime coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres.
502.8. Rate
The contract unit rate for prime coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 401.8 (i) to (v) and as
applicable to the work specified in these Specifications.
503.1. Scope
This work shall consist of application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous
material to an existing road surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it.
503.2. Materials
Binder: The binder used for tack coat shall be a bituminous emulsion or cutback as
specified in the Contract.
Page 32
Quantity of liquid
Bituminous material in kg per 10 sq. m. area
2.0 to 2.5
2.5 to 3.0
2.5 to 3.0
3.5 to 4.0
3.0 to 3.5
Note : There is no need to apply a tack coat on a freshly laid bituminous course if the subsequent
bituminous course is overlaid the same day without opening it to traffic .
503.4. Quality Control of Work
Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 900.
503.5. Arrangements for Traffic
During the period of construction, the arrangement of traffic shall be done to Clause 112.
503.6. Measurement for Payment
Tack coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres.
503.7. Rate
The contract unit rate for tack coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 401.8 (i) to (v) as
applicable to the work specified in these Specifications.
Page 33
504.1. Scope
The work shall consist of construction, in a single course, of compacted crushed
aggregates premixed with a bituminous binder, to serve as base/binder course, laid immediately
after mixing, on a base prepared previously in accordance with the requirement of these
Specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawing or
as directed by the Engineer.
504.2. Materials
504.2.1. Bitumen: The bitumen shall be paving bitumen of suitable penetration grade (30/40 to
80/100) as per IS : 73. The actual grade of bitumen to be used shall be decided by the Engineer
appropriate to the region, traffic, rainfall and other environmental conditions. Guidelines on
selection of the grade of bitumen are given in Appendix-4.
504.2.2. Aggregates
504.2.2.1. The aggregates shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel/shingle or other stones.
They shall be clean, strong, durable, of fairly cubical shape and free from disintegrated pieces,
organic or other deleterious matter and adherent coating. If crushed shingle/gravel is used, not
less than 90 per cent by weight of the gravel/shingle pieces retained on 4.75 mm sieve shall have
at least two fractured faces. The aggregates shall preferably be hydrophobic and of low porosity. If
hydrophilic aggregates are to be used, the bitumen shall preferably be treated with anti-stripping
agents of approved quality in suitable dose as Appendix-5. The aggregates shall satisfy the
physical requirements set forth in Table 500-3.
Test Method
IS : 2386 (Part-4)
IS : 2386 (Part-4)
Indices (Total) **
IS : 2386 (Part-1)
Loss with Sodium
IS : 2386
5 cycles
Loss with Magnesium
Sulphate 5 cycles
Water absorption
IS : 2386 (Part-3)
Page 34
504.2.2.2. The aggregate for bituminous macadam shall conform to one of the two gradings in
Table 500-4, depending on the compacted thickness; the actual grading shall be as specified in
the Contract.
504.2.3. Proportioning of materials: The bitumen content for premixing shall be 3 to 3.5 per
cent by weight of the total mix except when otherwise directed by the Engineer.
IS Sieve Designation
Grading 2
45.0 mm
26.5 mm
22.4 mm
11.2 mm
5.6 mm
2.8 mm
90.0 micron
Page 35
The plant shall have coordinated set of essential units capable of producing uniform mix
as per the job mix formula.
Cold aggregate feed system with minimum 4 bins having belt conveyor arrangement for
initial proportioning of aggregates from each bin in the required quantities. In order to have
free flow of fines from the bin, it is advisable to have vibrator fitted on bin to intermittently
shake it.
Belt conveyers below each bin should have variable speed drive motors. There should be
electronic load sensor on the main conveyer for measuring the flow of aggregates.
Dryer unit with burner capable of heating the aggregate to the required temperature
without any visible unburnt fuel or carbon residue on the aggregate and reducing the
moisture content of the aggregate to the specified minimum.
The plant shall be fitted with suitable type of thermometric instruments at appropriate
places so as to indicate or record/register the temperature of heated aggregate, bitumen
and mix.
A filler system suitable to receive bagged or bulk supply of filler material and its
incorporation to the mix in the correct quantity wherever required.
A suitable built-in dust control system for the dryer to contain/recycle permissible fines into
the mix. It should be capable of preventing the exhaust of fine dust into atmosphere for
environmental control wherever so specified by the Engineer.
Every hot mix plant should be equipped with siren or horn so that the operator may use
the same before starting the plant every time in the interest of safety of staff.
Proper arrangement for accurate weighing of each size of hot aggregate from the control
panel before mixing.
Paddle mixer unit shall be capable of producing a homogeneous mix with uniform coating
of all particles of the mineral aggregate with binder.
The temperature of binder at the time of mixing shall be in the range of 150 C to 163 C
and that of the aggregate in the range of 155 C-163 C. provided that the difference in temperature
between the binder and aggregate at no time exceeds 14 C.
Mixing shall be thorough to ensure that a homogeneous mixture is obtained in which all
particles of the aggregates are coated uniformly, and the discharge temperature of mix shall be
between 130 C to 160 C.
Page 36
The mixture shall be transported from the mixing plant to the point of use in suitable tipper
vehicles. The vehicles employed for transport shall be clean and be covered in transit if so directed
by the Engineer. Any tipper causing excessive segregation of materials by its spring suspension or
other contributing factors or that which shows undue delay shall be removed from the work unit
such conditions are corrected.
504.3.5. Spreading: The mix transferred from the tipper at site to the paver shall be spread
immediately by means of self-propelled mechanical paver with suitable screeds capable of
spreading, tamping, and finishing the mix true to the specified lines, grades and cross-sections.
The paver finisher shall have the following essential features:
The machine shall have a hydraulically extendable screed for appropriate width
The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial compaction to
the layer as it is spread without rutting of otherwise marring the surface. It shall
have adjustable amplitude and variable frequency.
The paver shall be fitted with an electronic sensing device for automatic levelling
and profile control within the specified tolerances.
The paver shall be capable of laying either 2.5 to 4.0 m width or 4.0 to 7.0 m width
as stipulated in the Contract.
However, in restricted locations and in narrow widths where the available plant cannot be
operated in the opinion of the Engineer, he may permit manual laying of the mix.
The temperature of the mix at the time of laying shall be in the range of 120 C to 160 C.
In multi-layer construction, the longitudinal joint in one layer shall offset that in the layer below by
about 150 mm. However, the joint in the top-most layer shall be at the lane line of the pavement.
Longitudinal joints and edges shall be constructed true to the delineating line parallel to the
centre line of the road . All joints shall be cut vertical to the full thickness of the previously laid mix
and the surface painted with hot bitumen before placing fresh material. Longitudinal and
transverse joints shall be offset by at least 250 mm from those in the lower courses and the joint
on the top-most layer shall not be allowed to fall within the wheel path. All transverse joints shall be
cut vertically to the full thickness of the previously laid mix with asphalt cutter/pavement breaker
and surface painted with hot bitumen before placing fresh material. Longitudinal joints shall be
preferably hot joints. Cold longitudinal joints shall be properly heated with joint heater to attain a
suitable temperature of about 80 C before laying of adjacent material.
504.3.6. Compaction: After the spreading of mix, rolling shall be done by 80 to 100 kN rollers or
other approved equipment. Rolling shall start as soon as possible after the material has been
spread deploying a set of rollers as the rolling is to be completed in limited time frame.
The roller shall move at a speed not more than 5 km/h. Rolling shall be done with care to
avoid unduly roughening of the pavement surface.
Page 37
Rolling of the longitudinal joints shall be done immediately behind the paving operation.
After this, the rolling shall commence at the edges and progress towards the centre longitudinally
except that on superelevated and uni-directional cambered portions, it shall progress from the
lower to the upper edge parallel to the centre line of the pavement.
The initial or break-down rolling shall be done with 80-100 kn static weight smooth wheel
roller (3 wheels or tandem), as soon as it is possible to roll the mix without cracking the surface or
having the mix pick up on the roller wheels. The second or intermediate rolling shall follow the
break-down rolling with vibratory roller of 80 to 100 kN static weight or pneumatic tyred roller of
150 to 250 kN weight, with minimum 7 wheels and minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MPa as closely
as possible to the paver and be done while the paving mix is still at a temperature that will result in
maximum density. The final rolling shall be done while material is still workable enough for removal
of roller marks, with 6080 kN tandem roller. During the final rolling, vibratory system shall be
switched off. The joints and edges shall be rolled with a 80 to 100 kN static roller.
When the roller has passed over the whole area once, any high spots or depressions
which become apparent shall be corrected by removing or adding mix material. The rolling shall
then be continued till the entire surface has been rolled to 95 per cent of the average laboratory
density (obtained from Marshall specimens compacted as defined in Table 500-10), there is no
crushing of aggregates and all roller marks have been eliminated. Each pass of the roller shall
uniformly overlap not less than one-third of the track made in the preceding pass. The roller wheel
shall be kept damp if necessary to avoid bituminous material from sticking to the wheels and being
picked up. In no case shall fuel, lubricating oil be used for this purpose, nor excessive water
poured on the wheels.
Rolling operations shall be completed in every respect before the temperature of the mix
falls below 100 C.
Roller(s) shall not stand on newly laid material while there is a risk that surface will be
deformed thereby. The edges along and transverse of the bituminous macadam laid and
compacted earlier shall be cut to their full depth so as to expose fresh surface which shall be
painted with a thin surface coat of appropriate binder before the new mix is placed against it.
504.4 Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902. Control
on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with
Section 900.
504.5. The bituminous macadam shall be covered with either the next pavement course or wearing
course, as the case may be, without any delay. If there is to be any delay, the course shall be
covered by a seal coat to the requirement of Clause 513 before allowing any traffic over it. The
seal coat in such cases shall be considered incidental to the work and shall not be paid for
504.6. Arrangements of Traffic
During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be done to Clause 112.
504.7. Measurements for Payment
The work shall be measured as finished work in cubic metres or by weight in metric tonnes
as provided in the Contract.
504.8. Rate
The contract unit rate for the work shall be payment in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for:
Page 38
Making arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 except for initial treatment to verge,
shoulders and construction of diversions;
Preparation of base except for laying of profile corrective course but including
filling of potholes;
All labour, tools, equipment, plant including installation of hot mix plant, power
supply units and all machineries, incidental to complete the work to the
Carrying out the work in part widths of the road where directed;
The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen at 3.25 per cent of weight of total
mix, with the provision that the variation of quantity of bitumen will be assessed
and the payment adjusted as per the rate of bitumen quoted.
Test Method
IS : 2386 (Part-4)
IS : 2386 (Part-4)
IS : 2386 (Part-1)
Page 39
507.2.3. Fine aggregates: Fine aggregates shall be the fraction passing 2.36 mm sieve and
retained on 75 micron sieve, consisting of crusher-run screening , gravel , sand or a mixture of
both. These shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated, dry and free from any injurious, soft or flaky
pieces and organic or other deleterious substances.
507.2.4. Filler: Filler shall consist of finely divided mineral matter such as rock dust, cement as
approved by the Engineer.
The filler shall be graded within the following limits:
IS Sieve
600 Micron
300 Micron
75 Micron
The filler shall be free from organic impurities and have a Plasticity Index not
greater than 4. The Plasticity Index requirement shall not apply if filter is cement or lime. When the
coarse aggregate is gravel, 2 per cent by mass of total aggregate of portland cement or hydrated
lime shall be added and the percentage of fine aggregate reduced accordingly. Cement or
hydrated lime is not required when the gravel is limestone.
507.2.5. Aggregate gradation: The combined coarse and fine aggregates and filler (when used)
shall produce a mixture to conform to the grading set forth in Table 500-9.
Table 500-9.
Sieve Designation
The aggregate mix, as used in work, shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit
on the adjacent sieve but shall be well graded.
507.3. Mix Design
507.3.1. Requirement of mix: Apart from conformity with grading and quality requirements of
individual ingredients, the mix shall meet the requirements set out in Table 50010.
Page 40
S. No.
507.3.2. Binder content: The binder content shall be so fixed as to achieve the requirements of
the mix set out in Table 500-10. Marshall method for arriving at the binder content shall be
adopted, replacing the aggregates retained on 26.5 mm sieve by the aggregates passing 26.5 mm
sieve and retained on 22.4 mm sieve.
507.3.3. Job mix formula: The Contractor shall intimate to the Engineer in writing, atleast 20 days
before the start of the work, the job mix formula proposed to be used by him for the work and shall
give the following details:
i) Source and location of all materials;
ii) Proportions of all materials expressed as follows where each is applicable;
(a) Binder, as percentage by weight of total mix;
(b) Coarse aggregate/Fine aggregate/Mineral filler as percentage by weight of
total aggregate including mineral filler;
iii) A single definite percentage passing each sieve for the mixed aggregate;
iv) The results of tests enumerated in Table 500-10 as obtained by the Contractor;
v) Test results of physical characteristics of aggregates to be used;
vi) Mixing temperature and compacting temperature.
While working out the job mix formula, the Contractor shall ensure that it is based on a
correct and truly representative sample of the materials that will actually be used in the work and
that the mix and its different ingredients satisfy the physical and strength requirements of these
Approval of the job mix formula shall be based on independent testing by the Engineer for
which samples of all ingredients of the mix shall be furnished by the Contractor as required by the
The approved job mix formula shall remain effective unless and until modified by the
Engineer. Should a change in the source of materials be proposed, a new job mix formula shall be
established and got approved from the Engineer before actually using the materials.
507.3.4. Permissible variation from job mix formula: It shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor to produce a uniform mix conforming to the approved job mix formula subject to the
permissible variations of the individual percentages of the various ingredients in the actual mix
from the job mix formula to be used within the limits as specified in Table 500-11. These variations
are intended to apply to individual specimens taken for quality control tests vide Section 900.
Page 41
S. No.
Description of Ingredients
Permissible variation
by weight of total
mix-in per cent
+ 0.3
+ 10 C
507.4.5. Spreading:
The mix transported from the hot mix plant to the site shall be spread by
means of a self-propelled paver with suitable screeds capable of spreading, tamping and finishing
the mix to specified grade, lines and cross-section. Paver Finisher shall have the essential features
as spelt out in Clause 504.3.5. However, in restricted locations and in narrow widths where the
available equipment cannot be operated in the opinion of the Engineer, he may permit manual
laying of the mix. Similarly for smaller jobs, mechanical paver may be used with the approval of the
The temperature of mix at the time of laying shall be in the range of 120 -160 C.
Mixes with a temperature of less than 120 C shall not be put into paver spreader.
Longitudinal joints and edges shall be constructed true to the delineating lines parallel to the centre
line of the road. Longitudinal and transverse joints shall be offset by at least 250 mm from those in
the lower courses and the joint on the top most layer shall not be allowed to fall within the wheel
path. All transverse joints shall be cut vertically to the full thickness of the previously laid mix with
asphalt cutter and the surface painted with hot bitumen before placing fresh material. Longitudinal
joints shall be preferably hot joints. Cold longitudinal joints shall be properly heated with joint
heater to attain a suitable temperature of about 80 C laying of adjacent material.
507.4.6. Rolling: After spreading the mix by paver, it shall be thoroughly compacted by rolling with
a set of rollers moving at a speed not more than 5 km/h, immediately following close to the paver.
Generally the initial or breakdown rolling shall be done with 80-100 kN static weight smoothwheeled roller. The intermediate rolling shall be done with 80-100 kN static weight vibratory roller
or with a pneumatic tyred roller of 150-250 kN weight having a tyre pressure of at least 0.7 MPa.
The finish rolling shall be done with 60-80 kN weight smooth wheeled tandem roller. All the
Page 42
compaction operations, i.e., breakdown rolling and intermediate rolling can be accomplished by
using vibratory tandem roller of 80-100 kN static weight. During initial breakdown rolling and finish
rolling, no vibratory compaction shall be resorted to. The exact pattern of rolling shall be
established after trial compaction as approved by the Engineer. Any displacement occurring as a
result of reversing of the direction of a roller or from any other cause shall be corrected at once as
specified and/or removed and made good. The rollers shall not be permitted to stand on pavement
which has not been fully compacted and where temperature is still more than 70 C. Necessary
precautions shall be taken to prevent dropping of oil, grease, petrol or other foreign matter on the
pavement either when the rollers are operating or standing.
The wheels of roller shall be kept moist to prevent the mix from adhering to them. But in no
case shall fuel/lubricating oil be used for this purpose nor excessive water poured on the wheels.
Rolling shall commence longitudinally from edges and proceed towards the centre, except that on
superelevated and unidirectional cambered portions, it shall progress from the lower to upper edge
parallel to the centre line of the pavement. The roller shall proceed on the fresh material with rear
or fixed wheel leading so as to minimise the pushing of the mix and each pass of the roller shall
overlap the preceding one by half the width of the rear wheel.
Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent of that of
laboratory Marshall specimen (compacted as defined in Table 500-10) and all roller marks are
eliminated. Skin patching of an area that has been rolled will not be permitted. Rolling operations
shall be completed in all respects before the temperature of the mix falls below 100 C.
507.5. Opening to Traffic
Traffic may be allowed after completion of the final rolling when the mix has cooled down
to the surrounding temperature. The Dense Bituminous Macadam shall be provided with an
appropriate wearing course as early as possible prior to regular opening to normal traffic and/or
impending rain.
507.6. Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902.
Control on the quality of materials and work shall be exercised by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 900.
507.7. Arrangements for Traffic
During the period of construction, arrangements for the traffic shall be done to Clause 112.
507.8. Measurements for Payment
Dense Bituminous Macadam shall be measured as finished work in cubic metres or
tonnes as directed by the Engineer.
507.9. Rate
The contract unit rate for Dense Bituminous Macadam shall be payment in full for carrying
out the required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 504.8 (i)
to (vi). The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen in the mix at 4.5 per cent of the weight of the
total mix, with the provision that the variation of quantity of bitumen will be assessed and the
payment adjusted as per the rate of bitumen quoted.
512.1. Scope
Page 43
This work shall consist of construction in a single layer, bituminous concrete (asphaltic
concrete) of thickness 25-100 mm on previously prepared bituminous course to the requirements
of these Specifications.
512.2. Materials
512.2.1. Bitumen: Clause 507.2.1. shall apply.
512.2.2. Coarse aggregates: Clause 507.2.2. shall apply. The Stone Polishing Value as
measured by BS : 812 (Part 114) shall not be less than 55. The aggregates shall satisfy the
physical requirements as given in Table 500-8 except that the maximum value for the water
absorption should be 1 per cent.
512.2.3. Fine aggregates: Clause 507.2.3. shall apply.
512.2.4. Filler: Clause 507.2.4 shall apply.
512.2.5. Aggregates gradation: The mineral aggregates, including mineral filler shall be so
graded or combined as to conform to the grading set forth in Table 500-23.
IS Sieve Designation
Page 44
immersion in water at 60 C
1.5 per cent Max
512.3.2. Binder content: The binder content shall be so fixed as to achieve the requirements of
the mix set forth in Table 500-24. Marshall method for arriving at the binder content shall be
512.3.3. Job mix formula:
Clause 507.3.3. shall apply except that the requirement of
Bituminous Concrete mix shall be as per Table 500-24.
512.3.4. Permissible variations from the job mix formula: The Contractor shall have the
responsibility of ensuring proper proportioning of materials in accordance with the approved job
mix formula and producing a uniform mix. The permissible variations of individual percentages of
various ingredients in the actual mix from the job mix formula may be within the limits as specified
in Table 500-11. These variations are intended to apply to individual specimens taken for quality
control tests vide Section 900.
512.4. Construction Operations
512.4.1. Weather and seasonal limitations: Clause 504.3.1. shall apply.
512.4.2. Preparation of base: The base on which bituminous concrete is to be laid shall be
prepared, shaped and conditioned to the specified levels, grade and crossfall (camber) in
accordance with Clause 501 or as directed by the Engineer.
The surface shall be thoroughly swept clean free from dust and foreign matter using
mechanical broom and dust removed by mechanical means or blown off by compressed air. In
portions where mechanical means cannot reach, other approved method shall be used.
512.4.3.Tack coat: A tack coat complying with Clause 503 shall be applied over the base.
512.4.4. Preparation of mix: Clause 507.4.4. shall apply.
512.4.5 Spreading: Clause 507.4.5. shall apply.
512.4.6. Rolling: Clause 507.4.6. shall apply.
512.5. Opening to Traffic
Traffic may be allowed immediately after completion of the final rolling when the mix has
cooled down to the surrounding temperature.
512.6 . Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work
The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902.
Control on the quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in
accordance with Section 900.
512.7. Arrangements for Traffic
During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be done to Clause 112.
512.8. Measurements for Payment
Bituminous concrete shall be measured as finished work in cubic metres or tonnes as
provided in the Contract.
Page 45
512.9. Rate
The contract unit rate for bituminous concrete shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 504.8. (i) to (vi).
The rate shall cover the provision of bitumen in the mix at 5.0 per cent of the weight of the total mix
with the provision that variation of the quantity of bitumen will be assessed and the payment
adjusted as per the rate of bitumen quoted.
This work shall consist of furnishing and placing coated or uncoated mild steel or high
strength deformed reinforcement bars (untensioned) of the shape and dimensions shown on the
drawings and conforming to these Specifications or as approved by the Engineer.
Steel for reinforcement shall meet with the requirements of Section 1000.
Reinforcements may be either mild steel/medium tensile steel or high strength deformed
bars. They may be uncoated or coated with epoxy or with approved protective coatings.
Bar bending schedule shall be furnished by the Contractor and got approved by the
Engineer before start of work.
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the dimensions and shapes given in the approved Bar
Bending Schedules.
Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shape and dimensions or as directed by the
Engineer using a proper bar bender, operated by hand or power to obtain the correct radii of bends
and shape.
Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will damage the parent material or
the coating.
Bars bent during transport or handling shall be straightened before being used on work
and shall not be heated to facilitate straightening.
Page 46
The reinforcement cage should generally be fabricated in the yard at ground level and
then shifted and placed in position. The reinforcement shall be placed strictly in
accordance with the drawings and shall be assembled in position only when the structure
is otherwise ready for placing of concrete. Prolonged time gap between assembling of
reinforcements and casting of concrete, which may result in rust formation on the surface,
shall not be permitted.
Reinforcement bars shall be placed accurately in position as shown on the drawings. The
bars, crossing one another shall be tied together at every intersection with binding wire
(annealed), conforming to IS : 280 to make the skeleton of the reinforcement rigid such
that the reinforcement does not get displaced during placing of concrete, or any other
operation. The diameter of binding wire shall not be less than 1mm.
In case of beam and slab construction, industrially produced polymer cover blocks
of thickness equal to the specified cover shall be placed between the bars and
formwork subject to satisfactory evidence that the polymer composition is not
harmful to concrete and reinforcement. Cover blocks made of concrete may be
permitted by the Engineer, provided they have the same strength and specification
as those of the member.
In case of dowels for columns and walls, the vertical reinforcement shall be kept
in position by means of timber templates with slots cut in them accurately, or with
cover blocks tied to the reinforcement. Timber templates shall be removed after
the concreting has progressed upto a level just below their location.
Use of pebbles, broken stone, metal pipe, brick, mortar or wooden blocks
etc., as devices for positioning reinforcement shall not be permitted.
Bars coated with epoxy or any other approved protective coating shall be placed on
supports that do not damage the coating. Supports shall be installed in a manner such that
planes of weakness are not created in hardened concrete. The coated reinforcing steel
shall be held in place by use of plastic or plastic coated binding wires especially
manufactured for the purpose. Reference shall be made to Section 1000 for other
Page 47
All reinforcement shall be furnished in full lengths as indicated on the drawing. No splicing
of bars, except where shown on the drawing, will be permitted without approval of the Engineer.
The lengths of the splice shall be as indicated on drawing or as approved by the Engineer. Where
practicable, overlapping bars shall not touch each other, and shall be kept apart by 25 mm or 1
times the maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is greater. If this is not feasible,
overlapping bars shall be bound with annealed steel binding wire, not less than 1 mm diameter
and twisted tight in such a manner as to maintain minimum clear cover to the reinforcement from
the concrete surface. Lapped splices shall be staggered or located at points, along the span where
stresses are low.
Page 48
Bars may be jointed with approved patented mechanical devices as indicated on the
drawing or as approved by the Engineer e.g. by special grade steel sleeves swagged on to bars in
end to end contact or by screwed couplers. In case such devices are permitted by the Engineer,
they shall develop at least 125 per cent of the characteristic strength of the reinforcement bar.
The material shall be tested in accordance with relevant IS specifications and necessary
test certificates shall be furnished. Additional tests, if required, will be got carried out by the
Contractor at his own cost.
The fabrication, furnishing and placing of reinforcement shall be in accordance with these
specifications and shall be checked and accepted by the Engineer.
Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for different
diameters as actually used in work, excluding overlaps. From the length so measured, the weight
of reinforcement shall be calculated in tonnes on the basis of IS : 1732. Wastage, overlaps,
couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays, hangers and annealed steel wire or other
methods for binding and placing shall not be measured and cost of these items shall be deemed to
be included in the rates for reinforcement.
The contract unit rate for coated/uncoated reinforcement shall cover the cost of material,
fabricating, transporting, storing, bending, placing, binding and fixing in position as shown on the
drawings as per these specifications and as directed by the Engineer, including all labour,
equipment, supplies, incidentals, sampling, testing and supervision.
The unit rate for coated reinforcement shall be deemed to also include cost of all material,
labour, tools and plant, royalty, transportation and expertise required to carry out the work. The
rate shall also cover sampling, testing and supervision required for the work.
The work shall consist of furnishing and placing structural concrete and incidental
construction in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the lines, grades and
dimensions, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
All materials shall conform to Section 1000 of these Specifications.
Page 49
1703.1. The grades of concrete shall be designated by the characteristic strength as given in Table
1700-1, where the characteristic strength is defined as the strength of concrete below which not
more than 5 per cent of the test results are expected to fall.
TABLE 1700-1.
Grade Designation
M 15
M 20
M 25
M 30
M 35
M 40
M 45
M 50
M 55
1703.2. The lowest grades of concrete in bridges and corresponding minimum cement contents
and water-cement ratios shall be maintained as indicated in Tables 1700-2 and 1700-3.
a) PCC members
b) RCC members
c) PSC members
Conditions of Exposure
M 30
a) PCC members
b) RCC members
c) PSC members
M 25
M 35
M 35
M 40
M 40
Page 50
Exposure conditions
Exposure conditions
a) PCC members
b) RCC members
Conditions of Exposure
a) PCC members
b) RCC members
M 15
M 20
M 20
M 25
For underwater concreting, the cement content shall be increased by 10 per cent.
Severe conditions of exposure shall mean alternate wetting and drying due to sea
spray, alternate wetting and drying combined with freezing and buried in soil
having corrosive effect.
Moderate conditions of exposure shall mean other that those mentioned in (iii)
The cement content shall be low as possible but not less than the quantities specified
above. In no case shall it exceed 540 kg/cu.m. of concrete.
1703.3. Concrete used in any component or structure shall be specified by designation along with
prescribed method of design of mix i.e. Design Mix or Nominal Mix. For all items of concrete,
only Design Mix shall be used, except where Nominal Mix concrete is permitted as per drawing
or by the Engineer. Nominal Mix may be permitted only for minor bridges and culverts or other
incidental construction where strength requirements are upto M 20 only. Nominal Mix may also
be permitted for non-structural concrete or for screed below open foundations.
1703.4. If the Contractor so elects, the Engineer may permit the use of higher grade concrete than
that specified on the drawing, in which event the higher grade concrete shall meet the
specifications applicable thereto without additional compensation.
Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall design the mix in case of Design Mix
Concrete or propose nominal mix in case of Nominal Mix Concrete, and submit to the Engineer
for approval, the proportions of materials, including admixtures to be used. Water-reducing
admixtures (including plasticisers or super-plasticsers) may be used at the Contractors option,
subject to the approval of the Engineer. Other types of admixtures shall be prohibited, unless
specifically permitted by the Engineer.
1704.1. Requirements of Consistency
The mix shall have the consistency which will allow proper placement and consolidation in
the required position. Every attempt shall be made to obtain uniform consistency.
Page 51
The optimum consistency for various types of structure shall be as indicated in Table
1700-4, or as directed by the Engineer. The slump of concrete shall be checked as per IS : 516.
TABLE 1700-4.
40 50
50 75
75 125
100 200
The target mean strength of specimen shall exceed the specified characteristic
compressive strength by at least the current margin.
The current margin for a concrete mix shall be determined by the Contractor and
shall be taken as 1.64 times the standard deviation of samples test results taken
from at least 40 separate batches of concrete of nominally similar proportions
produced at site by the same plant under similar supervision, over a period
exceeding 5 days, but not exceeding 6 months.
Where there is insufficient data to satisfy the above, the current margin for the
initial design mix shall be taken as given in Table 1700-5:
TABLE 17005.
Concrete Grade
M 15
M 20
M 25
M 30
M 35
M 40
M 45
Current Margin
Page 52
M 50
M 55
The initial current margin given in the Table 1700-5 shall be used till sufficient data is
available to determine the current margin as per sub-clause (i) above.
Trial mixes
The Contractor shall give notice to enable the Engineer to be present at the making of trial
mixes and preliminary testing of the cubes. The Contractor shall prepare trial mixes, using samples
of approved materials typical of those he proposes to use in the works, for all grades to the
Engineers satisfaction prior to commencement of concreting. The initial trial mixes shall generally
be carried out in an established laboratory approved by the Engineer. In exceptional cases, the
Engineer may permit the initial trial mixes to be prepared at the site laboratory of the Contractor, if
a full fledged concrete laboratory has been established well before the start of construction, to his
entire satisfaction. In all cases complete testing of materials forming the constituents of proposed
Design Mix shall have been carried out prior to making trial mixes.
Sampling and testing procedures shall be in accordance with these specifications.
When the site laboratory is utilised for preparing initial mix design, the concrete plant and
means of transport employed to make the trial mixes shall be similar to that proposed to be used in
the works.
Test cubes shall be taken from trial mixes as follows. Fir each mix, set of six cubes shall
be made from each of three consecutive batches. Three cubes from each set of six shall be tested
at an age of 28 days and three at an earlier age approved by the Engineer. The cubes shall be
made, cured, stored, transported and tested in accordance with these specifications. The average
strength of the nine cubes at 28 days shall exceed the specified characteristic strength by the
current margin minus 3.5 MPa.
Adjustments to mix proportions arrived at in the trial mixes shall be made subject to the
Engineers approval, in order to minimise the variability of strength and to maintain the target mean
strength. Such adjustments shall not be taken to imply any change in the current margin.
When required by the Engineer, the Contractor shall recalculate the current margin in
accordance with Clause 1704.2.1. The recalculated value shall be adopted as directed by the
Engineer, and it shall become the current margin for concrete produced subsequently.
During production, the Contractor shall carry out trial mixes and tests, if required by the
Engineer, before substantial changes are made in the material or in the proportions of the
materials to be used, except when adjustments to the mix proportions are carried out in
accordance with sub-clause (a) above.
1704.3. Requirements of Nominal Mix Concrete
Requirements for nominal mix concrete unless otherwise specified, shall be as detailed in
Table 1700-6.
Page 53
M 15
M 20
of 1:1.25
Generally 1:2, subject to upper
limit 1:1.5 and lower limit of
Additional Requirements
Concrete shall meet with any other requirements as specified on the drawing or as
directed by the Engineer. Additional requirements shall also consist of the following overall limits of
deleterious substances in concrete:
Prestressed Concrete
0.3 percent
Statement giving the proposed mix proportions for nominal mix concrete.
Any change in the source of material or in the mix proportions shall be subject to the
Engineers prior approval.
Use of admixtures such as superplasticisers for concrete may be made with the approval
of the Engineer.
Page 54
As the selection of an appropriate concrete admixture is an integral part of the mix design,
the manufacturers shall recommend the use of any one of his products only after obtaining
complete knowledge of all the actual constituents of concrete as well as methodologies of
manufacture, transportation and compaction of concrete proposed to be used in the project.
The size (maximum nominal) of coarse aggregates for concrete to be used in various
components shall be given as Table 1700-7.
TABLE 1700-7.
i) RCC well curb
ii) RCC/PCC well steining
iii) Well cap or Pile Cap Solid type piers and
RCC work in girders, slabs, wearing coat,
kerb, approach slab, hollow piers and
abutments, pier/abutment caps, piles
v) PSC work
vi) Any other item
As specified by Engineer
Maximum nominal size of aggregates shall also be restricted to the smaller of the following
10 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance between main reinforcements
The proportions of the various individual size of aggregates shall be so adjusted that the
grading produces densest mix and the grading curve corresponds to the maximum nominal size
adopted for the concrete mix.
For overall bridge length of less than 200 metres - batch type concrete mixer
diesel or electric operated, with a minimum size of 200 litres, automatic water
measuring system and internal weigher (hydraulic/pneumatic type)
For overall bridge length of 200 metres or more - concrete batching and
mixing plant fully automatic with minimum capacity of 15 cu. m. per hour.
All measuring devices of the equipment shall be maintained in a clean and serviceable
condition. Its accuracy shall be checked over the range in use, when set up at each site and
thereafter periodically as directed by the Engineer.
The accuracy of the measuring devices shall fall within the following limits:
Page 55
Measurement of Cement
Measurement of Water
Measurement of Aggregate
Concrete dumpers
Powered hoists
Buckets handled by cranes
Transit truck mixer
Concrete pump
Concrete distributor booms
Belt conveyor
Cranes with skips
size 25 mm to 70 mm
minimum 500 watts
full width of carriageway
(upto two lanes)
Concrete shall be mixed either in a concrete mixer or in a batching and mixing plant, as
per these specifications. Hand mixing shall not be permitted. The mixer or the plant shall be at an
approved location considering the properties of the mixes and the transportation arrangements
available with the Contractor. The mixer or the plant shall be approved by the Engineer.
Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and a uniform colour of the
entire mass is obtained, and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate shows complete
coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case shall mixing be done
for less than 2 minutes.
Mixes which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned
before putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer, the first batch of
concrete from the mixer shall contain only two thirds of the normal quantity of coarse aggregate.
Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of cement to another.
The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer.
Concrete shall be transported and placed as near as practicable to its final position, so that no
contamination, segregation or loss of its constituent materials takes place. Concrete shall not be
freely dropped into placed from a height exceeding 1.5 metres.
When concrete is conveyed by chute, the plant shall be of such size and design as to
ensure practically continuous flow. Slope of the chute shall be so adjusted that the concrete flows
without the use of excessive quantity of water and without any segregation of its ingredients. The
delivery end of the chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit. The chute shall be
Page 56
thoroughly flushed with water before and after each working period and the water used for this
purpose shall be discharged outside the formwork.
All formwork and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned and made free from
standing water, dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of concrete.
No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the Engineer
has been obtained.
If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be
obtained again from the Engineer. Concreting then shall proceed continuously over the area
between the construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has
been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction joint is formed.
Except where otherwise agreed to by the Engineer, concrete shall be deposited in
horizontal layers to a compacted depth of not more than 450 mm when internal vibrators are used
and not exceeding 300 mm in all other cases.
Concrete when deposited shall have a temperature of not less than 5 degrees Celsius,
and not more than 40 degrees Celsius. It shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes
of its discharge from the mixer, unless carried in properly designed agitators, operating
continuously, when this time shall be within 1 hour of the addition of cement to the mix and within
30 minutes of its discharge from the agitator. It may be necessary to add retarding admixtures to
concrete if trials show that the periods indicated above are unacceptable. In all such matters, the
Engineers decision shall be final.
Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration or other means during placing and
worked around the reinforcement, tendons or duct formers, embedded fixtures and into corners of
the formwork to produce a dense homogeneous void-free mass having the required surface finish.
When vibrators are used, vibration shall be done continuously during the placing of each batch of
concrete until the expulsion of air has practically ceased and in a manner that does not promote
segregation. Over vibration shall be avoided to minimise the risk of forming a weak surface layer.
When external vibrators are used, the design of formwork and disposition of vibrator shall be such
as to ensure efficient compaction and to avoid surface blemishes. Vibrations shall not be applied
through reinforcement and where vibrators of immersion type are used, contact with reinforcement
and all inserts like ducts etc., shall be avoided. The internal vibrators shall be inserted in an orderly
manner and the distance between insertions should be about one and a half times the radius of
the area visibly affected by vibration. Additional vibrators in serviceable condition shall be kept at
site so that they can be used in the event of breakdowns.
Mechanical vibrators used comply with IS : 2502, IS : 2506, IS : 2514 and IS : 4656.
Construction joints shall be avoided as far as possible and in no case the locations of such
joints shall be changed or increased from those shown on the drawings, except with express
approval of the Engineer. The joint shall be provided in a direction perpendicular to the member
Location, preparation of surface and concreting of construction joints shall conform to the
additional specifications given in Appendix 1700/1.
When it is necessary to deposit concrete under water, the methods, equipment, materials
and proportions of mix to be used shall be got approved from the Engineer before any work is
started. Concrete shall contain 10 per cent more cement than that required for the same mix
placed in the dry.
Page 57
Concrete shall not be placed in water having a temperature below 5 degrees Celsius. The
temperature of the concrete, when deposited, shall not be less than 16 degrees Celsius, nor more
than 40 degrees Celsius.
Coffer dams or forms shall be sufficiently tight to ensure still water conditions, if
practicable, and in any case to reduce the flow of water to less than 3 metres per minute through
the space into which concrete is to be deposited. Coffer dams or forms in still water shall be
sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar through the joints in the walls. Pumping shall not be done
while concrete is being placed, or until 24 hours thereafter. To minimise the formation of laitance,
great care shall be exercised not to disturb the concrete as far as possible while it is being
All under water concreting shall be carried out by tremie method only, using tremie of
appropriate diameter. The number and spacing of the tremies should be worked out to ensure
proper concreting. The tremie concreting when started should continue without interruption for the
full height of the member being concreted. The concrete production and placement equipment
should be sufficient to enable the underwater concrete to be completed uninterrupted within the
stipulated time. Necessary stand-by equipment should be available for emergency situation.
The top section of the tremie shall have a hopper large enough to hold one full batch of the
mix or the entire contents of the transporting bucket as the case may be. The tremie pipe shall not
be less than 200 mm in diameter and shall be large enough to allow a free flow of concrete and
strong enough to withstand the external pressure of the water in which it is suspended, even if a
partial vacuum develops inside the pipe. Preferably, flanged steel pipe of adequate strength for the
job shall be used. A separate lifting device shall be provided for each tremie pipe with its hopper at
the upper end. Unless the lower end of the pipe is equipped with an approved automatic check
value, the upper end of the pipe shall be plugged with a wadding of gunny sacking or other
approved material before delivering the concrete to the tremie pipe through the hopper, so that
when the concrete is forced down from the hopper to the pipe, it will force the plug (and along with
it any water in the pipe) down the pipe and out of the bottom end, thus establishing a continuous
stream of concrete. It will be necessary to raise slowly the tremie in order to allow a uniform flow of
concrete, but it shall not be emptied so that water is not allowed to enter above the concrete in the
pipe. At all times after placing of concrete is started and until all the required quantity has been
placed, the lower end of the tremie pipe shall be kept below the surface of the plastic concrete.
This will cause the concrete to build up from instead of flowing out over the surface and thus avoid
formation of layers of laitance. If the charge in the tremie is lost while depositing, the tremie shall
be raised above the concrete surface and unless sealed by a check valve, it shall be replugged at
the top end, as at the beginning, before refilling for depositing further concrete.
Page 58
When depositing concrete in very hot weather, precautions shall be taken so that the
temperature of wet concrete does not exceed 40 degrees Celsius while placing. This shall be
achieved by stacking aggregate under the shade and keeping them moist, using cold water,
reducing the time between mixing and placing to the minimum, cooling formwork by sprinkling
water, starting curing before concrete dries out and restricting concreting as far as possible to early
mornings and late evenings. When ice is used to cool mixing water, it will be considered a part of
the water in design mix. Under no circumstances shall the mixing operation be considered
complete until all ice in the mixing drum has melted.
The Contractor will be required to state his methodology for the Engineers approval when
temperatures of concrete are likely to exceed 40 degrees Celsius during the work.
Concreting operations shall not commence until adequate arrangements for concrete
curing have been made by the Contractor.
Curing and protection of concrete shall start immediately after compaction of the concrete
to protect it from:
Vibration and impact which may disrupt the concrete and interfere with its bond to
the reinforcement
Where members are of considerable size and length, with high cement content,
accelerated curing methods may be applied, as approved by the Engineer.
1713.1. Water Curing
Water for curing shall be as specified in Section 1000.
Sea water shall not be used for curing. Sea water shall not come into contact with
concrete members unless it has attained adequate strength.
Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be kept continuously in a damp or wet condition by
ponding or by covering with a layer of sacks, canvas, Hessian or similar materials and shall be
kept constantly wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placing of concrete.
1713.2. Steam Curing
Where steam curing is adopted, it shall be ensured that it is done in a suitable enclosure to
contain the live stream in order to minimise moisture and heat losses. The initial application of the
steam shall be after about four hours of placement of concrete to allow the initial set of the
concrete to take place.
Where retarders are used, the waiting period before application of the steam shall be
increased to about six hours.
The steam shall be at 100 per cent relative humidity to prevent loss of moisture and to
provide excess moisture for proper hydration of the cement. The application of steam shall not be
Page 59
directly on the concrete and the ambient air temperature shall increase at a rate not exceeding 5
degrees Celsius per hour until a maximum temperature of 60 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees
Celsius is reached. The maximum temperature shall be maintained until the concrete has reached
the desired strength.
When steam curing is discontinued, the ambient air temperature shall not drop at a rate
exceeding 5 degrees Celsius per hour until a temperature of about 10 degrees Celsius above the
temperature of the air to which the concrete will be exposed, has been reached.
The concrete shall not be exposed to temperatures below freezing for at least six days
after curing.
1713.3. Curing Compounds
Curing compounds shall only be permitted in special circumstances and will require
specific approval of the Engineer. Curing compounds shall not be used on any surface which
requires further finishing to be applied. All construction joints shall be moist, cured and no curing
compound will be permitted in locations where concrete surface are required to be bonded
Curing compounds shall be continuously agitated during use. All concrete cured by this
method shall receive two applications of the curing compound. The first coat shall be applied
immediately after acceptance of concrete finish. If the surface is dry, the concrete shall be
saturated with water and curing compound applied as soon as the surface film of water
disappears. The second application shall be made after the first application has set. Placement in
more than two coats may be required to prevent streaking.
Immediately after the removal of forms, exposed bars or bolts, if any, shall be cut inside
the concrete member to a depth of at least 50 mm below the surface of the concrete and the
resulting holes filled with cement mortar. All fins caused by form joints, all cavities produced by the
removal of form ties other holes and depressions, honeycomb sports, broken edges or corners,
and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water, and carefully pointed and
rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the grade
of concrete that is being finished and of as dry a consistency as is possible to use. Considerable
pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all voids. Surfaces
which have been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of twenty four hours. Special prepackaged proprietary mortars shall be used where appropriate or where specified in the drawing.
All construction and expansion joints in the completed work shall be left carefully tooled
and free from any mortar and concrete. Expansion joint filler shall be left exposed for its full length
with clean and true edges.
Immediately on removal of forms, the concrete work shall be examined by the Engineer
before any defects are made good.
Page 60
1716.1. Concrete shall conform to the surface finish and tolerance as prescribed in these
specifications for respective components.
1716.2. Random sampling and lot by lot of acceptance inspection shall be made for the 28 days
cube strength of concrete.
1716.2.1. Concrete under acceptance shall be notionally divided into lots for the purpose of
sampling, before commencement of work. The delimitation of lots shall be determined by the
(i) No individual lot shall more than 30 cu.m. in volume
(ii) At least one cube forming an item of the sampling representing the lot shall be
taken from concrete of the same grade and mix proportions cast on any day.
(iii) Different grades of mixes of concrete shall be divided into separate lots
(iv) Concrete of a lot shall be used in the same identifiable component of the
1716.2.2. Sampling and testing
1. Concrete for making 3 test cubes shall be taken from a batch of concrete at point of
delivery into construction, according to procedure laid down in IS : 1199.
2. A random sampling procedure to ensure that each of the concrete batches forming the
lot under acceptance inspection has equal chance of being chosen for taking cubes
shall be adopted.
3. 150 mm cubes shall be made, cured and tested at the age of 28 days for compressive
strength in accordance with IS : 516. The 28-day test strength result for each cube shall
form an item of the sample.
1716.2.3. Test specimen and sample strength: Three test specimens shall be made from each
sample for testing at 28 days. Additional cubes may be required for various purposes such as to
determine the strength of concrete at 7 days or for any other purpose.
The test strength of the sample shall be the average of the strength of 3 cubes. The
individual variation should not be more that + 15 per cent of the average.
1716.2.4. Frequency: The minimum frequency of sampling of concrete of each grade shall be in
accordance with Table 1700-8.
TABLE 1700-8.
Quality of concrete in work, m
No. of samples
6 15
16 30
31 50
51 and above
4 plus one additional sample
for each additional 50 m or
part thereof
At least one sample shall be taken from each shift of work.
1716.2.5. Acceptance criteria
Page 61
Compressive Strength
When both the following conditions are met, the concrete complies with the specified
compressive strength:
a) The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive samples should
exceed the specified characteristic compressive strength.
b) Strength of any sample is not less than the specified characteristic compressive
strength minus 3 MPa.
The quantity of concrete represented by the test results include the batches from which
the first and last samples were taken, together with all intervening batches.
At first a pressure of one bar is applied for 48 hours, followed by 3 bars for 24
hours and 7 bars for next 24 hours.
After the passage of the above period, the specimen is taken out and split in the
middle by compression applied on two round bars on opposite sides above and
The water penetration in the broken core is to be measured with a scale and the
depth of penetration assessed in mm (max. permissible limit 25 mm).
Page 62
1716.6. If the concrete is not able to meet any of the standards of acceptance as prescribed, the
effect of such deficiency on the structure shall be investigated by the Contractor as directed by the
Engineer. The Engineer may accept the concrete as sub-standard work. Any additional work
required by the Engineer for such acceptance shall be carried out by the Contractor at his cost. In
case the concrete is not found to be acceptable after investigation, the Contractor shall remove the
rejected concrete forthwith.
Structural concrete shall be measured in cubic metres. In reinforced or prestressed
concrete, the volume occupied by reinforcement or prestressing cables and sheathing shall not be
deducted. The slab shall be measured as running continuously through and the beam as the
portion below the slab.
1718. RATE
The contract unit rate for structural concrete shall cover costs of all materials, labour, tools,
plant and equipment required for mixing, transporting and placing in position, vibrating and
compaction, finishing and curing as per this section or as directed by the Engineer, including all
incidental expenses, sampling and testing, quality assurance and supervision. Unless mentioned
separately as an item in the Contract, the contract unit rate for concrete shall also include the cost
of providing, fixing and removing formwork required for concrete work as per Section 1500.
Where concrete is found to be acceptable as sub-standard work, the Contractor shall pay
a discount over contract unit rate, as decided by the Engineer. For deficiency in compressive
strength of concrete when accepted by the Engineer, the reduction in rate may be applied as
Design Strength Observed Strength
Per cent reduction = ----------------------------------------------------------- X 100
Design Strength
Clause A-1.0
Clause A-1.1
The paving blocks shall be made with cement concrete having a minimum
compressive strength of 40 Mpa. The quantity of cement in the mix shall not in
less than 350 kg/cum. The coarse aggregate shall have a size of 5-12 mm. The
blocks shall be manufactured in a plant capable of producing the blocks of
required quality, strength, finish and dimensional tolerance. The thickness of the
blocks shall be 85 mm for the parking pavement. The following dimensional
tolerances shall be observed :
Plan dimension
2 mm
3 mm
The block shall be laid over 50 mm thick sand bedding. The gradation of the
bedding sand shall be as under:
Sieves Size (mm)
9.50 mm
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
1.18 mm
600 micron
300 micron
150 micron
75 micron
Clause A-2.0
Page 63
The block pavement shall be laid over a prepared base. Suitable edge restraints in
plain cement concrete M-40 grade shall be provided to confine the bedding sand
and to provide support against the horizontal thrust that can develop between
blocks while under traffic.
The bedding sand shall be spread manually to a uniform thickness of 200 mm.
The sand shall have moisture content of 6-8 percent. The sand shall then be
screed by a mechanical screed and compacted.
The pre-cast blocks shall be laid manually or by suitable machines. Block laying
shall start at or near an edge restraint and proceed continuously to terminate at
another edge restraint. The blocks shall be laid to any standard pattern such as
herringbond, structure bond or basket weave. The joint shall be 2-4 mm.
The blocks shall be compacted with vibratory plate compactors. The joints shall be
filled with sand by spreading a thin layer of sand working it into the joints.
Following this, one or two further passes by a plate compactor shall be made. If
necessary, sand can be washed by sprinkling water. The pavement shall be
opened to traffic after the joints are fully filled in. the finished pavement shall
confirm to the following:
Plan deviation
From any 3 m line
From any 10 m line
10 mm (max)
20 mm (max)
Vertical deviation
The contact unit rate for interlocking pre-cast block shall include the cost of all
materials, labour, tools and plants and all over incidental works and expenses all
complete as per specifications.
2901. SCOPE
This work shall consist of furnishing and installing reinforced cement concrete pipes, of the
type, diameter and length required at the locations shown on the drawings or as ordered by the
Engineer and in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications.
All materials used in the construction of pipe culverts shall conform to the requirements of
Section 1000.
Each consignment of cement concrete pipes shall be inspected, tested, if necessary, and
approved by the Engineer either at the place of manufacture or at the site before their
incorporation in the works.
Page 64
First Class bedding: Under first class bedding, the pipe shall be evenly bedded
on a continuous layer of well compacted approved granular material, shaped
concentrically to fit the lower part of the pipe exterior for atleast ten per cent of its
overall height or as otherwise shown on the drawings. The bedding material shall
be well graded sand or another granular material passing 5.6 mm sieve suitably
compacted/rammed. The compacted thickness of the bedding layer shall be as
shown on the drawings and in no case shall it be less than 75 mm.
Page 65
The arrangement for lifting, loading and unloading concrete pipes from factory/yard and at
site shall be such that the pipes do not suffer any undue structural strain, any damage due to fall or
impact. The arrangement may be got approved by the Engineer.
Similarly, the arrangement for lowering the pipe in the bed shall be got approved by the
Engineer. It may be with tripod-pulley arrangement or simply by manual labour in a manner that
the pipe is placed in the proper position without damage.
The laying of pipes on the prepared foundation shall start from the outlet and proceed
towards the inlet and be completed to the specified lines and grades. In case of use of pipes with
bell-mouth, the belled end shall face upstream. The pipes shall be fitted and matched so that
when laid in work, they form a culvert with a smooth uniform invert.
Any pipe found defective or damaged during laying shall be removed at the cost of the
The pipes shall be jointed either by collar joint or by flush joint. In the former case, the
collars shall be of RCC 150 to 200 mm wide and having the same strength as the pipes to be
jointed. Caulking space shall be between 13 and 20 mm according to the diameter of the pipe.
Caulking material shall be slightly wet mix of cement and sand in the ration of 1:2 rammed with
caulking irons. Before caulking, the collar shall be so placed that its centre coincides with the joint
and an even annular space is left between the collar and the pipe.
Flush joint may be internal flush joint or external flush joint. In either case, the ends of the
pipes shall be specially shaped to form a self centering joint with a jointing space 13 mm wide.
The jointing space shall be filled with cement mortar, 1 cement to 2 sand, mixed sufficiently dry to
remain in position when forced with a trowel or rammer. Care shall be taken to fill all voids and
excess mortar shall be removed.
For jointing pipe lines under light hydraulic pressure, the recess at the end of the pipe shall
be filled with jute braiding dipped in hot bitumen or other suitable approved compound. Pipes shall
be so jointed that the bitumen ring of one pipe shall set into the recess of the next pipe. The ring
shall be thoroughly compressed by jacking or by any other suitable method.
All joints shall be made with care so that their interior surface is smooth and consistent
with the interior surface of the pipes. After finishing, the joint shall be kept covered and damp for
at least four days.
Trenches shall be backfilled immediately after the pipes have been laid and the jointing
material has hardened. The backfill soil shall be clean, free from boulders, large roots, excessive
amounts of sods or other vegetable matter, and lumps and shall be approved by the Engineer.
Backfilling up to 300 mm above the top of the pipe shall be carefully done and the soil thoroughly
rammed, tamped or vibrated in layers not exceeding 150 mm, particular care being taken to
thoroughly consolidate the materials under the haunches of the pipe. Approved pneumatic or light
mechanical tamping equipment can be used.
Filling of the trench shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides of the pipe in such a
manner that unequal pressures do not occur.
In case of high embankment, after filling the trench up to the top of the pipe in the above
said manner, a loose fill of a depth equal to external diameter of the pipe shall be placed over the
pipe before further layers are added and compacted.
Page 66
Headwalls, wing walls, aprons and other ancillary works shall be constructed in
accordance with the details shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Masonry for
the walls shall conform to Section 1300, 1400 or 1700 as applicable. Aprons shall conform to
Section 2500.
No traffic shall be permitted to cross the pipe line unless height of filling above the top of
the pipe line is at least 600 mm.
R.C.C. pipe culverts shall be measured along their centre between the inlet and outlet
ends in linear metres.
Selected granular material and cement concrete for pipe bedding shall be measured as
laid in cubic metres. Ancillary works like headwalls, etc., shall be measured as provided for under
the respective Sections.
2911. RATE
The Contract unit rate for the pipes shall include the cost of pipes including loading,
unloading, hauling, handling, storing, laying in position and jointing complete and all incidental
costs to complete the work as per these Specifications.
Ancillary works such as excavation including backfilling, concrete and masonry shall be
paid for separately, as provided under the respective Clauses.
601.1. Scope
601.1.1. The work shall consist of construction of dry lean concrete subbase for cement
concrete pavement in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity
with the lines, grades and cross-sections shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
The work shall include furnishing of all plant and equipment, materials and labour and performing
all operations, in connection with the work, as approved by the Engineer.
601.1.2. The design parameters of dry lean concrete sub-base, viz., width, thickness,
grade of concrete, details of joints, if any, etc. shall be as stipulated in the Contract drawings.
601.2. Materials
601.2.1. Source of materials: The Contractor shall indicate to the Engineer the source of
all materials with relevant test data to be used in the lean concrete work sufficiently in advance and
the approval of the Engineer for the same shall be obtained at least 45 days before the scheduled
commencement of the work. If the Contractor later proposes to obtain the materials from a
different source, he shall notify the Engineer for his approval at least 45 days before such
materials are to be used.
601.2.2. Cement: Any of the following types of cement may be used with prior approval of
the Engineer;
IS : 269
IS : 455
IS :1489
If the subgrade is found to consist of soluble sulphates in a concentration more than 0.5
per cent, cement used shall be sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS : 6909.
Page 67
In separate nominal sizes of coarse and fine aggregates and mixed together
intimately before use.
The material after blending shall conform to the grading as indicated in Table 600-1.
Sieve designation
26.50 mm
19.00 mm
9.50 mm
4.75 mm
600.00 micron
75.00 micron
601.2.4. Water: Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from
injurious amounts of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished
concrete. It shall meet the requirements stipulated in IS : 456.
601.2.5. Storage of materials: All materials shall be stored in accordance with the
provisions of Clause 1014 of these Specifications and other relevant IS Specifications. All efforts
must be made to store the materials in proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or
contamination by foreign matter and to ensure their satisfactory quality and fitness for use in the
work. The storage place must also permit easy inspection, removal and storage of materials. All
such materials even though stored in approved godowns must be subjected to acceptance test
immediately prior to their use. The requirement of storage yard specified in Clause 602.2.9. shall
also be applicable.
Page 68
Page 69
physically either by weighing in the large weighing machine or in a weigh bridge. The accuracy of
weighing scales of the batching plant shall be within 2 per cent in the case of aggregates and
+1 per cent in the case of cement and water.
The design features of Batching Plant should be such that the shifting operations of the
plant will not take very long time when they are to be shifted from place to place with the progress
of the work.
601.5.3. Transporting: Plant mix lean concrete shall be discharged immediately from the
mixer, transported directly to the point where it is to be laid and protected from the weather by
covering the tippers/dumpers with tarpaulin during transit. The concrete shall be transported by
tipping trucks, sufficient in number to ensure a continuous supply of material to feed the laying
equipment to work at a uniform speed and in an uninterrupted manner. The lead of the batching
plant to paving site shall be such that the travel time available from mixing to paving as specified in
Clause 601.5.5.2 will be adhered to.
601.5.4. Placing: Lean concrete shall be laid/placed by a paver with electronic sensor.
The equipment shall be capable of laying the material in one layer in an even manner without
segregation, so that after compaction the total thickness is as specified. The paving machine shall
have high amplitude tamping bars to give good initial compaction to the sub-base.
The laying of the two-lane road subbase done either in full width or lane by lane.
Preferably the lean concrete shall be placed and compacted across the full width of the road, by
constructing it in one go or in two lanes running forward simultaneously. Transverse and
longitudinal construction joints shall be staggered by 500-1000 mm and 200-400 mm respectively
from the corresponding joints in the overlaying concrete slabs.
601.5.5. Compaction
601.5.5.1. The compaction shall be carried out immediately after the material is laid and
levelled. In order to ensure thorough compaction which is essential, rolling shall be continued on
the full width till there is no further visible movement under the roller and the surface is closed. The
minimum dry density obtained shall be 97 per cent of that achieved during the trial length
construction vide Clause 601.7. The densities achieved at the edges i.e 0.5 m from the edge shall
not be less than 95 percent of that achieved during the trial construction vide Clause 601.7.
601.5.5.2. The spreading, compacting and finishing of the lean concrete shall be carried
out as rapidly as possibly and the operation shall be so arranged as to ensure that the time
between the mixing of the first batch of concrete in any transverse section of the layer and the final
finishing of the same shall not exceed 90 minutes when the concrete temperature is above 25 and
below 30 degree Celsius and 120 minutes if less than 25 degree Celsius. This period may be
reviewed by the Engineer in the light of the results of the trial run but in no case shall it exceed 2
hours. Work shall not proceed when the temperature of the concrete exceeds 30 degree Celsius. If
necessary, chilled water or addition of ice may be resorted to for bringing down the temperature. It
is desirable to stop concreting when the ambient temperature is above 35 C. After compaction has
been completed, roller shall not stand on the compacted surface for the duration of the curing
period except during commencement of next days work near the location where work was
terminated the previous day.
601.5.5.3. Double drum smooth-wheeled vibratory rollers of minimum 80 to 100 kN static
weight are considered to be suitable for rolling dry lean concrete. In case any other roller is
proposed, the same shall be got approved from the Engineer, after demonstrating its performance.
The number of passes required to obtain maximum compaction depends on the thickness of the
lean concrete, the compatibility of the mix, and the weight and type of the roller etc., and the same
as well as the total requirement of rollers for the job shall be determined during trial run by
measuring the in-situ density and the scale of the work to be undertaken.
Page 70
601.5.5.4. In addition to the number of passes required for compaction there shall be a
preliminary pass without vibration to bed the lean concrete down and again a final pass without
vibration to remove roller marks and to smoothen the surface.
Special care and attention shall be exercised during compaction near joints, kerbs,
channels, side forms and around gullies and manholes. In case adequate compaction is not
achieved by the roller at these points, use of plate vibrator shall be made, if so directed by the
601.5.5.5. The final lean concrete surface on completion of compaction and immediately
before overlaying, shall be well closed, free from movement under roller and free from ridges, low
spots, cracks, loose material, pot holes, ruts or other defects. The final surface shall be inspected
immediately on completion and all loose, segregated or defective areas shall be corrected by using
fresh lean concrete material laid and compacted as per Specification. For repairing honeycombed
surface, concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below shall be spread and compacted. It is
necessary to check the level of the rolled surface for compliance. Any level/thickness deficiency
should be corrected after applying concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below after
roughening the surface. Similarly the surface regularity also should be checked with 3 m straight
edge. The deficiency should be made up with concrete with aggregates of size 10 mm and below.
601.5.5.6. Segregation of concrete in the dumpers shall be controlled by premixing each
fraction of the aggregates before loading in the bin of the batching plant, by moving the dumper
back and forth while discharging the mix on it and other means. Even paving operation shall be
such that the mix does not segregate.
601.5.6. Joints: Contraction and longitudinal joints shall be provided as per the drawing.
At longitudinal or transverse construction joints, unless vertical forms are used, the edge of
compacted material shall be cut back to a vertical face where the correct thickness of the properly
compacted material has been obtained.
601.5.7. Curing: As soon as the lean concrete surface is compacted, curing shall
commence. One of the following two methods shall be adopted:
The initial curing shall be done by spraying with liquid curing compound. The
curing compound shall be white pigmented or transparent type with water
retention index of 90 per cent when tested in accordance with BS 7542. Curing
compound shall be sprayed immediately after rolling is complete. As soon as the
curing compound has lost its tackiness, the surface shall be covered with wet
hessian for three days.
Curing shall be done by covering the surface by gunny bags/hessian, which shall
be kept continuously moist for 7 days by sprinkling water.
Page 71
content to achieve a satisfactory mix. The cube specimens prepared with the changed moisture
content should satisfy the strength requirement. Before production of the mix, natural moisture
content of the aggregate should be determined on a day-to-day basis so that the moisture content
could be adjusted. The mix finally designed should neither stick to the rollers nor become too dry
resulting in ravelling of surface.
601.7. Trial Length
601.7.1. The trial length shall be constructed at least 14 days in advance of the proposed
date of commencement of work. At least 30 days prior to the construction of the trial length, the
Contractor shall submit for the Engineers approval a Method Statement giving detailed
description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment, mix proportion, and procedure for
batching, mixing, laying, compaction and other construction procedures. The Engineer shall also
approve the location and length of trial construction which shall be a minimum of 60 m length and
for full width of the pavement. The trial length shall contain the construction of at least one
transverse construction joint involving hardened concrete and freshly laid sub-base. The
construction of trial length will be repeated till the Contractor proves his ability to satisfactorily
construct the subbase.
601.7.2. In order to determine and demonstrate the optimum moisture content which
results in the maximum dry density of the mix compacted by the rolling equipment and the
minimum cement content that is necessary to achieve the strength stipulated in the drawing, trial
mixes shall be prepared as per Clause 601.6.
601.7.3. After the construction of the trial length, the in-situ density of the freshly laid
material shall be determined by sand replacement method with 20 cm dia density cone. Three
density holes shall be made at locations equally spaced along a diagonal that bisects the trial
length; average of these densities shall be determined. These main density holes shall not be
made in the strip 50 cm from the edges. The average density obtained from the three samples
collected shall be the reference density and is considered as 100 per cent. The field density of
regular work will be compared with this reference density in accordance with Clauses 601.5.5.1
and 903.5.1.2. A few cores may be cut as per the instructions of the Engineer to check segregation
or any other deficiency.
601.7.4. The hardened concrete shall be cut over 3 m width and reversed to inspect the
bottom surface for any segregation taking place. The trial length shall be constructed after making
necessary changes in the gradation of the mix to eliminate segregation of the mix. The lower
surface shall not have honey-combing and the aggregates shall not be held loosely at the edges.
601.7.5. The trial length shall be outside the main works. The main work shall not start
until the trial length has been approved by the Engineer. After approval has been given the
materials, mix proportions, moisture content, mixing, laying, compaction plant and construction
procedures shall not be changed without the approval of the Engineer.
601.8. Tolerances for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness, Density and Strength
The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness, density and strength shall conform
to the requirements given in Clause 903.5. Control of quality of materials and works shall be
exercised by the Engineer in accordance with section 900.
601.9. Traffic
No heavy commercial vehicles like trucks and buses shall be permitted on the lean
concrete sub-base after its construction. Light vehicles if unavoidable may, however, be allowed
after 7 days of its construction with prior approval of the Engineer.
601.10. Measurements for Payment
Page 72
The unit of measurement for dry lean concrete pavement shall be the cubic metre of
concrete placed, based on the net plan areas for the specified thickness shown on the drawings or
as directed by the Engineer.
601.11 Rate
The Contract unit rate payable for dry lean concrete sub-base shall be payment in full for
carrying out the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials and
equipment, mixing, transport, placing, compacting, finishing, curing, testing and incidentals to
complete the work as per Specifications, all royalties, fees, storage and rents where necessary
and all leads and lifts.
602.1. Scope
602.1.1 The work shall consist of construction of unreinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement
concrete pavement in accordance with the requirements of these Specifications and in conformity
with the lines, grades and cross sections shown on the drawings. The work shall include furnishing
of all plant and equipment, materials and labour and performing all operations in connection with
the work, as approved by the Engineer.
602.1.2. The design parameters, viz., thickness of pavement slab, grade of concrete, joint details
etc. shall be as stipulated in the drawings.
602.2. Materials
602.2.1. Source of materials: The Contractor shall indicate to the Engineer the source of all
materials to be used in the concrete work with relevant test data sufficiently in advance, and the
approval of the Engineer for the same shall be obtained at least 45 days before the scheduled
commencement of the work. If the Contractor later proposes to obtain materials from a different
source, he shall notify the Engineer for his approval, at least 45 days before such materials are to
be used with relevant test data.
602.2.2. Cement: Any of the following types of cement capable of achieving the design strength
may be used with prior approval of the Engineer, but the preference should be to use at least the
43 Grade or higher.
i) Ordinary Portland Cement, 33 Grade IS : 269.
ii) Ordinary Portland Cement, 43 Grade IS : 8112.
iii) Ordinary Portland Cement, 53 Grade IS : 12269.
If the soil around has soluble salts like sulphate in excess of 0.5 per cent, the cement used
shall be sulphate resistant and shall conform to IS : 12330.
Guidance may be taken from IS: SP: 23, Handbook for Concrete Mixes for ascertaining
the minimum 7 days strength of cement required to match with the design concrete strength.
Cement to be used may preferably be obtained in bulk form. If cement in paper bags are proposed
to be used, there shall be bag-splitters with the facility to separate pieces of paper bags and
dispose them of suitably. No paper pieces shall enter the concrete mix. Bulk cement shall be
stored in accordance with Clause 1014. The cement shall be subjected to acceptance test just
prior to its use.
602.2.3. Admixtures: Admixtures conforming to IS : 6925 and IS : 9103 shall be permitted to
improve workability of the concrete or extension of setting time, on satisfactory evidence that they
will not have any adverse effect on the properties of concrete with respect to strength, volume
change, durability and have no deleterious effect on steel bars. The particulars of the admixture
Page 73
and the quantity to be used, must be furnished to the Engineer in advance to obtain his approval
before use. Satisfactory performance of the admixtures should be proved both on the laboratory
concrete trial mixes and in trial paving works. If air entraining admixture is used, the total quantity
of air in air-entrained concrete as a percentage of the volume of the mix shall be 5 1.5 per cent
for 25 mm nominal size aggregate.
602.2.4. Aggregates
602.2.4.1. Aggregates for pavement concrete shall be natural material complying with IS : 383 but
with a Los Angeles Abrasion Test result not more than 35 per cent. The limits of deleterious
materials shall not exceed the requirements set out in IS : 383.
The aggregates shall be free from chert, flint, chalcedony or other silica in a form that can
react with the alkalies in the cement. In addition, the total chlorides content expressed as chloride
ion content shall not exceed 0.06 per cent by weight and the total sulphate content expressed as
sulphuric anhydride (SO3) shall not exceed 0.25 per cent by weight.
602.2.4.2. Coarse aggregate: Coarse aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong, dense, nonporous and durable pieces of crushed stone or crushed gravel and shall be devoid of pieces of
disintegrated stone, soft, flaky, elongated, very angular or splintery pieces. The maximum size of
coarse aggregate shall not exceed 25 mm for pavement concrete. Continuously graded or gap
graded aggregates may be used, depending on the grading of the fine aggregate. No aggregate
which has water absorption more than 2 per cent shall be used in the concrete mix. The
aggregates shall be tested for soundness in accordance with IS : 2386 (Part-5). After 5 cycles of
testing the loss shall not be more than 12 per cent if sodium sulphate solution is used or 18
percent if magnesium sulphate solution is used.
Dumping and stacking of aggregates shall be done in an approved manner. In case the
Engineer considers that the aggregates are not free from dirt, the same may be washed and
drained for at least 72 hrs before batching as directed by the Engineer.
602.2.4.3. Fine aggregate: The fine aggregate shall consist of clean natural sand or crushed
stone sand or a combination of the two and shall conform to IS : 383. Fine aggregate shall be free
from soft particles, clay, shale, loam, cemented particles, mica and organic and other foreign
matter. The fine aggregate shall not contain deleterious substances more than the following:
Clay lumps
Coal and lignite
Material passing IS Sieve No. 75 micron
4.0 percent
1.0 percent
4.0 percent
602.2.5. Water: Water used for mixing and curing of concrete shall be clean and free from
injurious amount of oil, salt, acid, vegetable matter or other substances harmful to the finished
concrete. It shall meet the requirements stipulated in IS : 456.
602.2.6. Mild steel bars for dowels and tie bars: These shall conform to the requirements of IS :
432, IS : 1139 and IS : 1786 as relevant. The dowel bars shall conform to Grade S 240 and tie
bars to Grade S 415 of I.S.
602.2.7. Premoulded joint filler: Joint filler board for expansion joints which are proposed for use
only at some abutting structures like bridges and culverts shall be of 20-25 mm thickness within a
tolerance of 1.5 mm and of a firm compressible material and complying with the requirements of
IS :1838, or BS Specification Clause No. 2630 or Specification for Highway Works, Vol .I Clause
1015. It shall be 25 mm less in depth than the thickness of the slab within a tolerance of 3 mm
and provided to the full width between the side forms. It shall be in suitable lengths which shall not
be less than one lane width. Holes to accommodate dowel bars shall be accurately bored or
punched out to give a sliding fit in the dowel bars.
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602.2.8. Joint sealing compound: The joint sealing compound shall be of hot poured,
elastomeric type or cold polysulphide type having flexibility, resistance to age hardening and
durability. If the sealant is of hot poured type it shall conform to AASHTO M282 and cold applied
sealant shall be in accordance with BS 5212 (Part 2).
602.2.9. Storage of materials: All materials shall be stored in accordance with the provisions of
Clause 1014 of the Specifications and other relevant IS Specifications. All effort must be made to
store the materials in proper places so as to prevent their deterioration or contamination by foreign
matter and to ensure their satisfactory quality and fitness for the work. The platform where
aggregates are stock piled shall be levelled with 15 cm of watered, mixed and compacted granular
sub-base material. The area shall have slope and drain to drain off rain water. The storage space
must also permit easy inspection, removal and storage of the materials. Aggregates of different
sizes shall be stored in partitioned stack-yards. All such materials even though stored in approved
godowns must be subjected to acceptance test as per Clause 903 of these Specifications
immediately prior to their use.
602.3. Proportion of Concrete
602.3.1. After approval by the Engineer of all the materials to be used in the concrete, the
Contractor shall submit the mix design based on weighed proportions of all ingredients for the
approval of the Engineer. The mix design shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the paving of
trial length and the design shall be based on laboratory trial mixes using the approved materials
and methods as per IS : 10262 (Recommended Guidelines for Mix Design) or on the basis of any
other rational method agreed to by the Engineer. Guidance in this regard can also be obtained
from IS : SP : 23 Handbook on Concrete Mixes. The target mean strength for the design mix shall
be determined as indicated in Clause 903.5.2. The mix design shall be based on the flexural
strength of concrete.
602.3.2. Cement content: The cement content shall not be less than 350 kg per cu.m. of
concrete. If this minimum cement content is not sufficient to produce in the field, concrete of the
strength specified in the drawings/design, it shall be increased as necessary without additional
compensation under the Contract. The cement content shall, however, not exceed 425 kg per
cu.m. of concrete.
Concrete strength
602.3.3.1. While designing the mix in the laboratory, correlation between flexural and compressive
strengths of concrete shall be established on the basis of at least thirty tests on samples. However,
quality control in the field shall be exercised on the basis of flexural strength. It may, however, be
ensured that the materials and mix proportions remain substantially unaltered during the daily
concrete production. The water content shall be the minimum required to provide the agreed
workability for full compaction of the concrete to the required density as determined by the trial
mixes or other means approved by the Engineer and the maximum free water cement ratio shall
be 0.50.
602.3.3.2. The ratio between the 7 and 28 day strengths shall be established for mix to be used in
the slab in advance, by testing pairs of beams and cubes at each stage on at least six batches of
trial mix. The average strength of the 7 day cured specimens shall be divided by the average
strength of the 28 day specimens for each batch, and the ratio R shall be determined. The ratio
R shall be expressed to three decimal places.
If during the construction of the trial length or during normal working, the average value of
any four consecutive 7 day test results falls below the required 7 day strength as derived from the
value of R, then the cement content of the concrete shall, without extra payment, be increased by
5 per cent by weight or by an amount agreed by the Engineer. The increased cement content shall
be maintained at least until the four corresponding 28 day strengths have been assessed for its
conformity with the requirements as per Clause 602.3.1. Whenever the cement content is
increased, the concrete mix shall be adjusted to maintain the required workability.
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602.3.4. Workability
602.3.4.1. The workability of the concrete at the point of placing shall be adequate for the
concrete to be fully compacted and finished without undue flow. The optimum workability for the
mix to suit the paving plant being used shall be determined by the Contractor and approved by the
Engineer. The control of workability in the field shall be exercised by the slump test as per IS :
602.3.4.2. The workability requirement at the Batching Plant and paving site shall be established
slump tests carried during trial paving. These requirements shall be established from season to
season and also when the lead from Batching plant site to the paving site changes. The workability
shall be established for the type of paving equipment available. A slump value in the range of 30
15 mm is reasonable for paving works but this may be modified depending upon the site
requirement and got approved by the Engineer. These tests shall be carried out on every
truck/dumper at Plant site and paving site initially when the work commences but subsequently the
frequency can be reduced to alternate trucks or as per the instructions of the Engineer.
602.3.5. Design mix
602.3.5.1. The Contractor shall carry out laboratory trials of design mixes with the materials from
the approved sources to be used. Trial mixes shall be made in presence of the Engineer or his
representative and the design mix shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. They shall be
repeated if necessary until the proportions that will produce a concrete which complies in all
respects with this Specification, and conforms to the design/drawings have been determined.
602.3.5.2. The proportions determined as a result of the laboratory trial mixes may be adjusted if
necessary during the construction of the trial length. Thereafter, neither the materials nor the mix
proportions shall be varied in any way except with the written approval of the Engineer.
602.3.5.3. Any change in the source of materials or mix proportions proposed by the Contractor
during the course of work shall be assessed by making laboratory trial mixes and the construction
of a further trial length unless approval is given by the Engineer for minor adjustments like
compensation for moisture content in aggregates or minor fluctuations in the grading of aggregate.
602.4. Sub-base
The cement concrete pavement shall be laid over the sub-base constructed in accordance
with the relevant drawings and Specifications contained in Clause 601. If the sub-base is found
damaged at some places or it has cracks wider than 10mm, it shall be repaired with fine cement
concrete or bituminous concrete laying separation layer. Prior to laying of concrete it shall be
ensured that the separation membrane as per Clause 602.5 is placed in position and the same is
clean of dirt or other extraneous materials and free from any damage.
602.5. Separation Membrane
A separation membrane shall be used between the concrete slab and the subbase.
Separation membrane shall be impermeable plastic sheeting 125 microns thick laid flat without
creases. Before placing the separation membrane, the sub-base shall be swept clean of all the
extraneous materials using air compressor. Wherever overlap of plastic sheets is necessary, the
same shall be at least 300 mm and any damaged sheeting shall be replaced at the Contractors
expense. The separation membrane may be nailed to the lower layer with concrete nails.
602.6. Joints
602.6.1. The location and type of joints shall be as shown in the drawing. Joint shall be
constructed depending upon their functional requirement as detailed in the following paragraphs.
The location of the joints should be transferred accurately at the sire and mechanical saw cutting
of joints done as per stipulated dimensions. It should be ensured that the full required depth of cut
is made from edge to edge of the pavement. Transverse and longitudinal joints in the pavement
Page 76
and sub-base shall be staggered so that they are not coincident vertically and are at least 1 m and
0.3 m apart respectively. Sawing of joints shall be carried out with diamond studded blades soon
after the concrete has hardened to take the load of the sawing machine and personnel without
damaging the texture of the pavement. Sawing operation could start as early as 6-8 hours
depending upon the season.
602.6.2. Transverse joints
602.6.2.1. Transverse joints shall be contraction and expansion joints constructed at the spacing
described in the Drawings. Transverse joints shall be straight within the following tolerances along
the intended line of joints which is the straight line transverse to the longitudinal axis of the
carriageway at the position proposed by the Contractor and agreed to by the Engineer, except at
road junctions or roundabouts where the position shall be as described in the drawings:
Deviations of the filler board in the case of expansion joints from the intended line
of the joint shall not be greater than 10 mm.
The best fit straight line through the joint grooves as constructed shall be not more
than 25 mm from the intended line of the joint.
Deviations of the joint groove from the best fit straight line of the joint shall not be
greater than 10 mm.
Transverse joints on each side of the longitudinal joint shall be in line with each
other and of the same type and width. Transverse joints shall have a sealing
groove which shall be sealed in compliance with Clause 602.11.
602.6.2.2. Contraction joints: Contraction joints shall consist of a mechanical sawn joint groove,
3 to 5 mm wide and 1/4 to 1/3 depth of the slab 5 mm or as stipulated in the drawings and
dowel bars complying with Clause 602.6.5 and as detailed in the drawings.
The contraction joints shall be cut as soon as the concrete has undergone initial hardening
and is hard enough to take the load of joint sawing machine without causing damage to the slab.
602.6.2.3. Expansion joints: The expansion joints shall consist of a joint filler board complying
with Clause 602.2.7 and dowel bars complying with Clause 602.6.5 and as detailed in the
drawings. The filler board shall be positioned vertically with the prefabricated joint assemblies
along the line of the joint within the tolerances given in Clause 602.6.2.1 and at such depth below
the surface as will not impede the passage of the finishing straight edges or oscillating beams of
the paving machines. The adjacent slabs shall be completely separated from each other by
providing joint filler board. Space around the dowel bars, between the sub-base and the filler board
shall be packed with a suitable compressible material to block the flow of cement slurry.
602.6.3. Transverse construction joint: Transverse construction joints shall be placed
whenever concreting is completed after a days work or is suspended for more than 30 minutes.
These joints shall be provided at the regular location of contraction joints using dowel bars. The
joint shall be made butt type. At all construction joints, steel bulk heads shall be used to retain the
concrete while the surface is finished. The surface of the concrete laid subsequently shall conform
to the grade and cross sections of the previously laid pavement. When positioning of bulk
head/stop-end is not possible, concreting to an additional 1 or 2 m length may be carried out to
enable the movement of joint cutting machine so that joint grooves may be formed and the extra 1
or 2 m length is cut out and removed subsequently after concrete has hardened.
602.6.4. Longitudinal joint
602.6.4.1. The longitudinal joints shall be saw cut as per details of the joints shown in the drawing.
The groove may be cut after the final set of the concrete. Joints should be sawn to at least 1/3 the
depth of the slab 5 mm as indicated in the drawing.
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602.6.4.2. Tie bars shall be provided at the longitudinal joints as per dimensions and spacing
shown in the drawing and in accordance with Clause 602.6.6.
602.6.5. Dowel bars
602.6.5.1. Dowel bars shall be mild steel rounds in accordance with Clause 602.2.6 with
details/dimensions as indicated in the drawing and free from oil, dirt, loose rust or scale. They shall
be straight, free of irregularities and burring restricting slippage in the concrete. The sliding ends
shall be sawn or cropped cleanly with no protrusions outside the normal diameter of the bar. The
dowel bar shall be supported on cradles/dowel chairs in pre-fabricated joint assemblies positioned
prior to the construction of the slabs or mechanically inserted with vibration into the plastic
concrete by a method which ensures correct placement of the bars besides full re-compaction of
the concrete around the dowel bars.
602.6.5.2. Unless shown otherwise on the drawings, dowel bars shall be positioned at mid depth of
the slab within a tolerance of 20 mm, and centered equally about intended lines of the joint
within a tolerance of 25 mm. They shall be aligned parallel to the finished surface of the slab
and to the centre line of the carriageway and to each other within tolerances given hereunder, the
compliance of which shall be checked as per Clause 602.10.7.
2/3rd of the bars shall be within 2mm per 300 mm length of bar
Cradles supporting dowel bar shall not extend across the line of joint i.e.
no steel bar of the cradle assembly shall be continuous across the joint.
602.6.5.3 Dowel bars, supported on cradles in assemblies, when subject to a load of 110 N
applied at either end and in either the vertical or horizontal direction (upwards and downwards and
both directions horizontally) shall conform to be within the following limits:
Two-thirds of the number of bars of any assembly tested shall not deflect more
than 2 mm per 300 mm length of bar
The remainder of the bars in that assembly shall not deflect more than 3 mm per
300 mm length of bar.
602.6.5.4.The assembly of dowel bars and supporting cradles, including the joint filler board in the
case of expansion joints, shall have the following degree of rigidity when fixed in position:(i)
For expansion joints, the deflection of the top edge of the filler board shall be not
greater than 13 mm, when a load of 1.3 kN is applied perpendicular to the vertical
face of the joint filler board and distributed over a length of 600 mm by means of a
bar or timber packing, at mid depth and midway between individual fixings, or 300
mm from either end of any length of filler board, if a continuous fixing, is used. The
residual deflection after removal of the load shall be not more than 3 mm.
The joint assembly fixings to sub-base shall not fail under the 1.3 kN load applied
for testing the rigidity of the assembly but shall fail before the load reaches 2.6 kN.
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The fixings for contraction joint shall not fail under 1.3 kN load and shall fail before
the load reaches 2.6 kN when applied over a length of 600 mm by means of a bar
or timber packing placed as near to the level of the line of fixings as practicable.
602.6.5.5 Dowel bars shall be covered by a thin plastic sheath for at least two-thirds of the length
from one end for dowel bars in contraction joints or half the length plus 50 mm for expansion joints.
The sheath shall be tough, durable and of an average thickness not greater than 1.25 mm. The
sheathed bar shall comply with the following pull-out tests:
i.Four bars shall be taken at random from stock and without any special preparation shall
be covered by sheaths as required in this Clause. The ends of the dowel bars which have been
sheathed shall be cast centrally into concrete specimens 150 x 150 x 600 mm, made of the same
mix proportions to be used in the pavement, but with a maximum nominal aggregate size of 20 mm
and cured in accordance with IS:516. At 7 days a tensile load shall be applied to achieve a
movement of the bar of at least 0.25 mm. The average bond stress to achieve this movement shall
not be greater than 0.14 MPa.
602.6.5.6. For expansion joints, a closely fitting cap 100 mm long consisting of waterproofed card
board or an approved synthetic material like PVC or GI pipe shall be placed over the sheathed
end of each dowel bar. An expansion space at least equal in length to the thickness of the joint
filler board shall be formed between the end of the cap and the end of the dowel bar by using
compressible sponge. To block the entry of cement slurry between dowel and cap it may be taped.
602.6.6. Tie bars
602.6.6.1. Tie bars in longitudinal joints shall be deformed steel bars of strength 415 MPa
complying with IS:1786 and in accordance with the requirements given below. The bars shall be
free from oil, dirt, loose rust and scale.
602.6.6.2. Tie bars projecting across the longitudinal joint shall be protected from corrosion for 75
mm on each side of the joint by a protective coating of bituminous paint with the approval of the
Engineer. The coating shall be dry when the tie bars are used.
602.6.6.3. Tie bars in longitudinal joints shall be made up into rigid assemblies with adequate
supports and fixings to remain firmly in position during the construction of the slab. Alternatively, tie
bars at longitudinal joint may be mechanically or manually inserted into the plastic concrete from
above by vibration using a method which ensures correct placement of the bars and recompaction
of the concrete around the tie bars.
602.6.6.4 Tie bars shall be positioned to remain within the middle third of the slab depth as
indicated in the drawings and approximately parallel to the surface and approximately
perpendicular to the line of the joint, with the centre of each bar on the intended line of the joints
within a tolerance of 50 mm, and with a minimum cover of 30 mm below the joint groove.
602.7. Weather and Seasonal Limitations
602.7.1. Concrete during monsoon months: When concrete is being placed during monsoon
months and when it may be expected to rain, sufficient supply of tarpaulin or other water proof
cloth shall be provided along the line of the work. Any time when it rains, all freshly laid concrete
which had not been covered for curing purposes shall be adequately protected. Any concrete
damaged by rain shall be removed and replaced. If the damage is limited to texture, it shall be
retextured in accordance with the directives of the Engineer.
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602.7.2. Concreting in hot weather: No concreting shall be done when the concrete temperature
is above 30 degree Centigrade. Besides, in adverse conditions like high temperature, low relative
humidity, excessive wind velocity, imminence of rains etc., if so desired by the Engineer, tents on
mobile trusses may be provided over the freshly laid concrete for a minimum period of 3 hours as
directed by the Engineer. The temperature of the concrete mix on reaching the paving site shall
not be more than 30 C. To bring down the temperature, if necessary, chilled water or ice flakes
should be made use of.
No concreting shall be done when the concrete temperature is below 5 degree Centigrade
and the temperature is descending.
602.8. Side Forms, Rails and Guidewires
602.8.1 Side forms and rails: All side forms shall be of mild steel of depth equal to the thickness
of pavement or slightly less to accommodate the surface regularity of the sub-base. The forms can
be placed on series of steel packing plates or shims to take care of irregularity of sub-base. They
shall be sufficiently robust and rigid to support the weight and pressure caused by a paving
equipment. Sideforms for use with wheeled paving machines shall incorporate metal rails firmly
fixed at a constant height below the top of the forms. The forms and rail shall be firmly secured in
position by not less than 3 stakes/pins for each 3m length so as to prevent movement in any
direction. Forms and rails shall be straight within a tolerance of 3 mm in 3m and when in place
shall not settle excess of 1.5 mm in 3 m while paving is being done. Forms shall be cleaned and
oiled immediately before each use. The forms shall be bedded on a continuous bed of low
moisture content lean cement mortar or concrete and set to the line and levels shown on the
drawings within tolerances 10 mm and 3 mm respectively. The bedding shall not extend
under the slab and there shall be no vertical step between adjacent forms of more than 3 mm. The
forms shall be got inspected from the Engineer for his approval before 12 hours on the day before
the construction of the slab and shall not be removed until at least 12 hours afterwards.
602.8.2. At all times sufficient forms shall be used and set to the required alignment for at least
200 m length of pavement immediately in advance of the paving operations, or anticipated length
of pavement to be laid within the next 24 hrs whichever is more.
602.8.3. Use of guidewires
602.8.3.1. Where slip form paving is proposed, a guidewire shall be provided along both sides of
the slab. Each guidewire shall be at a constant height above and parallel to the required edges of
the slab as described in the contract/drawing within a vertical tolerance of 3 mm. Additionally,
one of the wires shall be kept at a constant horizontal distance from the required edge of the
pavement as indicated in the contract/drawing within a lateral tolerance of 10 mm.
602.8.3.2. The guidewires shall be supported on stakes not more than 8 m apart by connectors
capable of fine horizontal and vertical adjustment. The guidewire shall be tensioned on the stakes
so that a 500 gram weight shall produce a deflection of not more than 20 mm when suspended at
the mid point between any pair of stakes. The ends of the guidewires shall be anchored to fixing
point or winch and not on the stacks.
602.8.3.3. The stack shall be positioned and the connectors maintained at their correct height and
alignment from 12 hours on the day before concreting takes place until 12 hours after finishing of
the concrete. The guidewire shall be erected and tensioned the connectors at any section for at
least 2 hours before concreting that section.
602.8.4. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval of line and level, the stakes
and connectors which are ready for use in the length of road to be constructed by 12 hours on the
working day before the day of construction of slab. Any deficiencies noted by the Engineer shall
be rectified by the Contractor who shall then re-apply for approval of the affected stakes. Work
shall not proceed until the Engineer has given his approval. It shall be ensured that the stakes and
guidewires are not affected by the construction equipment when concreting is in progress.
Page 80
Page 81
The mixers shall be cleared at suitable intervals. The pickup and throw-over blades in the
drum or drums shall be repaired or replaced when they are worn down 20 mm or more.
The Contractor shall (1) have available at the job site a copy of the manufacturers design,
showing dimensions and arrangements of blades in reference to original height and depth,
or (2) provide permanent marks on blade to show points of 20 mm wear from new
conditions. Drilled holes of 5 mm diameter near each end and at mid point of each blade
are recommended. Batching Plant shall be calibrated in the beginning and thereafter at
suitable interval not exceeding 1 month.
(5) Control cabin- An air-conditioned centralised control cabin shall be provided for
automatic operation of the equipment.
602.9.3.3. Paving equipment: The concrete shall be placed with an approved fixed form or slip
paver with independent units designed to (i) spread, (ii) consolidate, screed and float-finish, (iii)
texture and cure the freshly placed concrete in one complete pass of the machine in such a
manner that a minimum of hand finishing will be necessary and so as to provide a dense and
homogeneous pavement in conformity with the plans and Specifications. The paver shall be
equipped with electronic controls to control/sensor line and grade from either or both sides of the
Vibrators shall operate at a frequency of 8300 to 9600 impulses per minute under load at a
maximum spacing of 60 cm. The variable vibration setting shall be provided in the machine.
602.9.3.4. Concrete saw: The Contractor shall provide adequate number of concrete saws with
sufficient number of diamond-edge saw blades. The saw machine shall be either electric or
petrol/diesel driven type. A water tank with flexible hoses and pump shall be made available in this
activity on priority basis. The Contractor shall have at least one standby saw in good working
condition. The concreting work shall not commence if the saws are not in working condition.
602.9.4. Hauling and placing of concrete
602.9.4.1. Freshly mixed concrete from the central batching and mixing plant shall be transported
to the paver site by means of trucks/tippers of sufficient capacity and approved design in sufficient
numbers to ensure a constant supply of concrete. Covers shall be used for protection of concrete
against the weather. The trucks/tippers shall be capable of maintaining the mixed concrete in a
homogeneous state and discharging the same without segregation and loss of cement slurry. The
feeding to the paver is to be regulated in such a way that the paving is done in an uninterrupted
manner with a uniform speed throughout the days work.
602.9.4.2. Placing of concrete
Concrete mixed in central mixing plant shall be transported to the site without delay and
the concrete which, in the opinion of the Engineer, has been mixed too long before laying will be
rejected and shall be removed from the site. The total time taken from the addition of the water to
the mix, until the completion of the surface finishing and texturing shall not exceed 120 minutes
when concrete temperature is less than 25 C and 90 minutes when the concrete temperature is
between 25 C to 30 C. Trucks/tippers delivering concrete shall not run on plastic sheeting nor shall
they run on completed slabs until after 28 days of placing the concrete. The Paver shall be capable
of paving the carriageway as shown in the drawings, in a single pass and lift.
602.9.4.3. Where fixed form pavers are to be used, forms shall be fixed in advance as per Clause
602.8 of the Specifications. Before any paving is done, the site shall be shown to the Engineer, in
order to verify the arrangement for paving besides placing of dowels, tie-bars etc., as per the
relevant Clauses of this Specification. The mixing and placing of concrete shall progress only at
such a rate as to permit proper finishing, protecting and curing of the pavement.
Page 82
602.9.4.4. In all cases, the temperature of the concrete shall be measured at the point of
discharge from the delivery vehicle.
602.9.4.5. The addition of water to the surface of the concrete to facilitate the finishing operations
will not be permitted except with the approval of the Engineer when it shall be applied as a mist by
means of approved equipment.
602.9.4.6. If considered necessary by the Engineer, the paving machines shall be provided with
approved covers to protected the surface of the slab under construction from direct sunlight and
rain or hot wind.
602.9.4.7. While the concrete is still plastic, its surface shall be brush textured in compliance with
Clause 602.9.8 and the surface and edges of the slab cured by the application of a sprayed liquid
curing membrane in compliance with Clause 602.9.9. After the surface texturing, but before the
curing compound is applied, the concrete slab shall be marked with the chainage at every 100 m
602.9.4.8. As soon as the side forms are removed, edges of the slabs shall be corrected wherever
irregularities have occurred by using fine concrete composed of one part of cement to 3 parts of
fine chips and fine aggregate under the supervision of the Engineer.
602.9.4.9. If the requirement of Clause 902.4. for surface regularity fails to be achieved on two
consecutive working days, then normal working shall cease until the cause of the excessive
irregularity has been identified and remedied.
602.9.5. Construction by fixed form paver
602.9.5.1. The fixed form paving train shall consist of separate powered machines which spread,
compact and finish the concrete in a continuous operation.
602.9.5.2. The concrete shall be discharged without segregation into a hopper spreader which is
equipped with means for controlling its rate of deposition on to the subbase. The spreader shall be
operated to strike off concrete upto a level requiring a small amount of cutting down by the
distributor of the spreader. The distributor of spreader shall strike off the concrete to the surcharge
adequate to ensure that the vibratory compactor thoroughly compacts the layer. If necessary,
poker vibrators shall be used adjacent to the side forms and edges of the previously constructed
slab. The vibratory compactor shall be set to strike off the surface slightly high so that it is cut
down to the required level by the oscillating beam. The machine shall be capable of being rapidly
adjusted for changes in average and differential surcharge necessitated by changes in slab
thickness or cross fall. The final finisher shall be able to finish the surface to the required level and
smoothness as specified, care being taken to avoid bringing up of excessive mortar to the surface
by overworking.
602.9.6. Construction by slip form paver
602.9.6.1. The slip form paving train shall consist of power machine which spreads, compacts and
finishes the concrete in a continuous operation. The slip form paving machine shall compact the
concrete by internal vibration and shape it between the side forms with either a conforming plate or
by vibrating and oscillating finishing beams. The concrete shall be deposited without segregation in
front of slip form paver across the whole width and to a height which at all times is in excess of the
required surcharge. The deposited concrete shall be struck off to the necessary average and
differential surcharge by means of the strike off plate or a screw auger device extending across the
whole width of the slab. The equipment for striking-off the concrete shall be capable of being
rapidly adjusted for changes of the average and differential surcharge necessitated by change in
slab thickness or crossfall.
602.9.6.2. The level of the conforming plate and finishing beams shall be controlled automatically
from the guide wires installed as per Clause 602.8 by sensors attached at the four corners of the
slip form paving machine. The alignment of the paver shall be controlled automatically from the
Page 83
guide wire by at least one set of sensors attached to the paver. The alignment and level of
ancillary machines for finishing, texturing and curing of the concrete shall be automatically
controlled relative to the guide wire or to the surface and edge of the slab.
602.9.6.3. Slip-form paving machines shall have vibrators of variable output, with a maximum
energy output of not less than 2.5 KW per metre width of slab per 300 mm depth of slab for a
laying speed upto 1.5 m per minute or pro-rata for higher speeds. The machines shall be of
sufficient mass to provide adequate reaction during spreading and paving operations on the
traction units to maintain forward movements during the placing of concrete in all situations.
602.9.6.4. If the edges of the slip formed slab slump to the extent that the surface of the top edge
of the slab does not comply with the requirements of Clause 602.14, then special measures
approved by the Engineer shall be taken to support the edges to the required levels and work shall
be stopped until such time as the Contractor can demonstrate his ability to slip form the edges to
the required levels.
602.9.7. Construction by hand-guided method: Areas in which hand-guided methods of
construction become indispensable shall be got approved by the Engineer in writing in advance.
Such work may be permitted only in restricted areas in small lengths. Work shall be carried out by
skilled personnel as per methods approved by the Engineer. The acceptance criteria regarding
level, thickness, surface regularity, texture, finish, strength of concrete and all other quality control
measures shall be the same as in the case of machine laid work.
602.9.8. Surface texture
602.9.8.1. After the final regulation of the slab and before the application of the curing membrane,
the surface of concrete slab shall be brush-textured in a direction at right angles to the longitudinal
axis of the carriageway.
602.9.8.2. The brushed surface texture shall be applied evenly across the slab in one direction by
the use of a wire brush not less than 450 mm wide but longer brushes are preferred. The brush
shall be made of 32 gauge tape wires grouped together in tufts spaced at 10 mm centres. The tufts
shall contain an average of 14 wires and initially be 100 mm long. The brush shall have two rows
of tufts. The rows shall be 20 mm apart and the tufts in one row shall be opposite the centre of the
gap between tufts in the other row. The brush shall be replaced when the shortest tuft wears down
to 90 mm long.
602.9.8.3. The texture depth shall be determined by the Sand Patch Test as described in Clause
602.12. This test shall be performed at least once for each days paving and wherever the
Engineer considers it necessary at times after construction as under:
Five individual measurements of the texture depth shall be taken at least 2 m apart
anywhere along a diagonal line across a lane width between points 50 m apart along the
pavement. No measurement shall be taken within 300 mm of the longitudinal edges of a concrete
slab constructed in one pass.
602.9.8.4. Texture depths shall not be less than the minimum required when measurements are
taken as given in Table 600-2 nor greater than a maximum average 1.25 mm.
TABLE : 600-2 Texture Depth
Time of Test
Number of
An average of 5
Page 84
An average of 5
602.9.8.5. After the application of the brushed texture, the surface of the slab shall have a uniform
602.9.8.6. Where the texture depth requirements are found to be deficient, the Contractor shall
make good the texture across the full lane width over length directed by the Engineer, by
retexturing the hardened concrete surface in an approved manner.
602.9.9. Curing
602.9.9.1. Immediately after the surface texturing, the surface and sides of the slab shall be cured
by the application of approved resin-based aluminised reflective curing compound which hardens
into an impervious film or membrane with the help of a mechanical sprayer.
Curing compounds shall contain sufficient flake aluminium in finely divided dispersion to
produce a complete coverage of the sprayed surface with a metallic finish. The compound shall
become stable and impervious to evaporation of water from the surface of the concrete within 60
minutes of application and shall be of approved type. The curing compounds shall have a water
retention efficiency index of 90 per cent in accordance with BS Specification No. 7542.
602.9.9.2. The curing compound shall not react chemically with the concrete and the film or
membrane shall not crack, peel or disintegrate within three weeks after application. Immediately
prior to use, the curing compound shall be thoroughly agitated in its containers. The rate of spread
shall be in accordance with the manufacturers instructions checked during the construction of the
trial length and subsequently whenever required by the Engineer. The mechanical sprayer shall
incorporate an efficient mechanical device for continuous agitation and mixing of the compound
during spraying.
602.9.9.3. In addition to spraying of curing compound, the fresh concrete surface shall be
protected for at least 3 hours by covering the finished concrete pavement with tents as described
in Clause 602.7.2, during adverse weather conditions as directed by the Engineer. After three
hours, the pavement shall be covered by moist hessian and the same shall then be kept damp for
a minimum period of 14 days after which time the hessian may be removed. The hessian shall be
kept continuously moist. All damaged/torn hessian shall be removed and replaced by new hessian
on a regular basis.
602.9.9.4. The Contractor shall be liable at his expense to replace any concrete damaged as a
result of incomplete curing or cracked on a line other than that of a joint.
602.10. Trial Length
602.10.1. The trial length shall be constructed at least one month in advance of the proposed start
of concrete paving work. At least one month prior to the construction of the trial length, the
Contractor shall submit for the Engineer=s approval a detailed method statement giving
description of the proposed materials, plant, equipment and construction methods. All the major
equipments like paving train, batching plant, tippers etc., proposed in the construction are to be
approved by the Engineer before their procurement. No trials of new materials, plant, equipment or
construction methods, nor any development of them shall be permitted either during the
construction of trial length or in any subsequent paving work, unless they form part of further,
approved trials. These trial lengths shall be constructed away from the carriageway but with at
least a subbase layer below it.
Page 85
602.10.2. The Contractor shall demonstrate the materials, plant, equipment and methods of
construction that are proposed for concrete paving, by first constructing a trial length of slab, at
least 60 m but not more than 300 m long for mechanised construction and at least 30 m long for
hand guided methods. If the first trial is unsatisfactory, the Contractor shall have to demonstrate
his capability to satisfactorily construct the pavement in subsequent trials.
602.10.3. The trial length shall be constructed in two parts over a period comprising at least part
of two separate working days, with a minimum of 30 m constructed each day for mechanised
construction and a minimum of 15 m on each day for hand guided construction. The trial length
shall be constructed at a similar rate (speed, around 1m/hr) to that which is proposed for the main
602.10.4. Transverse joints and longitudinal joints of each type that are proposed for dowel-jointed
unreinforced concrete slabs in the main work shall be constructed and assessed in the trial length.
If in the trial length the construction of expansion joint and longitudinal joint is not demonstrated,
the first 2 expansion joints and at least the first 150 m of longitudinal construction joint for
mechanised paving in the main work, shall be considered as the trial length for these joints.
602.10.5. The trial length shall comply shall the Specification in all respects, with the following
additions and exceptions:
602.10.5.1. Surface levels and regularity
(i)In checking for compliance with Clause 903.5 the levels shall be taken at intervals
at the locations specified in this Clause along any line or lines parallel to the
longitudinal centre line of the trial length.
602.10.5.2. Joints
If there are deficiencies in the first expansion joint that is constructed as a trial, the
next expansion joint shall be a trial joint. Should this also be deficient, further trial
expansion joints shall be made as part of the trial length which shall not form part of
the permanent works, unless agreed by the Engineer.
602.10.5.3. Density
Compliance with Clause 602.6.6 for the position and alignment of tie bars shall be
checked by drilling additional cores from the slab unless they can be determined
from cores taken for density.
Page 86
Page 87
602.11.2.1. Joint grooves usually are not constructed to provide the minimum width specified in
the drawings when saw cut joints are adopted. They shall be widened subsequently by sawing
before sealing. Depth/width gauges shall be used to control the dimension of the groove.
602.11.2.2. If rough arises develop when grooves are made, they shall be ground to provide a
chamfer approximately 5 mm wide. If the groove is at an angle upto 10 degree from the
perpendicular to the surface, the overhanging edge of the sealing groove shall be sawn or ground
perpendicular. If spalling occurs or the angle of the former is greater than 10 degrees, the joint
sealing groove shall be sawn wider and perpendicular to the surface to encompass the defects
upto a maximum width, including any chamfer, of 35 mm for transverse joints and 20 mm for
longitudinal joints. If the spalling cannot be so eliminated then the arises shall be repaired by an
approved thin bonded arris repair using cementitious materials.
602.11.2.3. All grooves shall be cleaned of any dirt or loose material by air blasting with filtered,
oil-free compressed air. If need arises the Engineer may instruct cleaning by pressurised water
jets. Depending upon the requirement of the sealant manufacture, the sides of the grooves may
have to be sand blasted to increase the bondage between sealant and concrete.
602.11.2.4 The groove shall be cleaned and dried at the time of priming and sealing.
602.11.2.5. Before sealing the temporary seal provided for blocking the ingress of dirt, soil etc.,
shall be removed. A highly compressible heat resistant paper-backed debonding strip as per
drawing shall be inserted in the groove to serve the purpose of breaking the bond between sealant
and the bottom of the groove and to plug the joint groove so that the sealant may not leak through
the cracks. The width of debonding strip shall be more than the joint groove width so that it is held
tightly in the groove. In the case of longitudinal joints, heat resistant tapes may be inserted to block
the leakage through bottom of the joint.
602.11.3. Sealing with sealants
602.11.3.1. When sealants are applied, an appropriate primer shall also be used if recommended
by the manufacturer and it shall be applied in accordance with their recommendation. The sealant
shall be applied within the minimum and maximum drying times of the primer recommended by the
manufacturer. Priming and sealing with applied sealants shall not be carried out when the
naturally occurring temperature in the joint groove to be sealed is below 7 C.
602.11.3.2. If hot applied sealant is used it shall be heated and applied from a thermostatically
controlled, indirectly heated preferably with oil jacketed melter and pourer having recirculating
pump and extruder. For large road projects, sealant shall be applied with extruder having flexible
hose and nozzle. The sealant shall not be heated to a temperature higher than the safe heating
temperature and not for a period longer than the safe heating period, as specified by the
manufacturer. The dispenser shall be cleaned out at the end of each day in accordance with the
manufacturer=s recommendations and reheated material shall not be used.
602.11.3.3 Cold applied sealants with chemical formulation like polysulphide may be used. These
shall be mixed and applied within the time limit specified by the manufacturer. If primers are
recommended they shall be applied neatly with an appropriate brush. The Movement
Accommodation Factor (MAF) shall be more than 10 per cent
602.11.3.4. The sealants applied at contraction phase of the slabs would result in bulging of the
sealant over and above the slab. Therefore, the Contractor in consultation with the Engineer, shall
establish the right temperature and time for applying the sealant. Thermometer shall be hung on a
pole in the site for facilitating control during the sealing operation.
602.11.3.5. Sealant shall be applied, slightly to a lower level than the slab with a tolerance of 5 2
Page 88
602.11.3.6. During sealing operation, it shall be seen that no air bubbles are introduced in the
sealant either by vapors or by the sealing process.
602.11.4. Testing of applied sealants: Manufacturers certificate shall be produced by the
Contractor for establishing that the sealant is not more than six months old and stating that the
sealant complies with the relevant standard as in Clause 602.2.8. The samples shall meet the
requirement of AASHTO M 282 for hot applied sealant or BS 5212 : (Part- 2) for cold applied
602.12. Measurement of Texture Depth - Sand Patch Method
602.12.1. The following apparatus shall be used:
A flat wooden disc 64 mm diameter with a hard rubber disc, 1.5 mm thick, stuck to
one face, the reverse face being provided with a handle.
Dry natural sand with a rounded particle shape passing a 300 micron IS sieve and
retained on a 150 micron IS sieve.
602.12.2. Method: The surface to be measured shall be dried, any extraneous mortar and loose
material removed and the surface swept clean using a wire brush both at right angles and parallel
to the carriageway. The cylindrical container shall be filled with the sand, tapping the base 3 times
on the surface to ensure compaction, and striking off the sand level with the top of the cylinder.
The sand shall be poured into a heap on the surface to be treated. The sand shall be spread over
the surface, working the disc with its face kept flat in a circular motion so that the sand is spread
into a circular patch with the surface depressions filled with sand to the level of peaks.
602.12.3. The diameter of the patch shall be measured to the nearest 5 mm. The texture depth of
concrete surface shall be calculated from 31000/(DxD) mm where D is the diameter of the patch in
602.13. Opening to Traffic
No vehicular traffic shall be allowed to run on the finished surface of a concrete pavement
within a period of 28 days of its construction and until the joints are permanently sealed. The road
may be opened to regular traffic after completion of the curing period of 28 days and after sealing
of joints is completed including the construction of shoulder, with the written permission of the
602.14. Tolerance for Surface Regularity, Level, Thickness and Strength
The tolerances for surface regularity, level, thickness and strength shall conform to the
requirements given in Clause 903.5. Control of quality of materials and works shall be exercised by
the Engineer in accordance with Section 900.
602.15.1. Measurements for Payment
602.15.1 Cement Concrete pavement shall be measured as a finished work in square metres with
specified thickness. The volume to be paid for will be calculated on the basis of thickness and
plans shown on the project drawings and adjusted for the deficiency in thickness. No additional
payment shall be made for extra thickness of the slab. The full payment will be made to this item
after 28 days strength of the concrete is found to be satisfactory.
The unit for measurement for concrete pavement shall be the cubic metre of concrete
placed, based on the net plan areas for the specified thickness shown on the Drawings or directed
by the Engineer. The rate shall include all provisions of this Specification and shall include the
provision of all materials including polythene film, concrete, stock piling, mixing, transport, placing,
Page 89
compacting, finishing, curing together with all formwork, and including testing and submission of
test certificates and records. No deduction shall be made in measurement for openings provided
that the area of each is less than 0.5 sq.m. The unit rate as entered in the Bill of Quantities shall
also include the full costs of contraction, expansion, construction, and longitudinal joints. It shall
also include joint filler, keys, caulking rod, debonding strip, sealant primer, joint sealant, dowel bar
and tie rod.
602.15.2. Pavement thickness
All precautions and care shall be taken to construct pavement having uniform thickness as
called for on the plans.
Thickness of the cement concrete pavement shall be calculated on the basis of level data
of the cement concrete pavement and the underlying sub-base taken on a grid of 5 m x 3.5 m or
6.25 m x 3.5 m, the former measurement being in longitudinal direction.
A day=s work is considered as a lot for calculating the average thickness of the slab. In
calculating the average thickness, individual measurements which are in excess of the specified
thickness by more than 10 mm shall be considered as the specified as thickness plus 10 mm.
Individual areas deficient by more than 25 mm shall be verified by the Engineer by
ordering core cutting and if in his opinion the deficient areas warrant removal, they shall be
removed and replaced with concrete of the thickness shown on the plans.
When the average thickness for the lot is deficient by the extent shown in Table 600-3, the
Contract unit price will be adjust as per this Table.
Deficiency in the average thickness of
day=s work
Up to 5mm
6 10 mm
11-15 mm
16 20 mm
21 25 mm
In the stretch where deficiency of average thickness is more than 25 mm, the section
whose thickness is deficient by 26 mm or more is identified with the help of cores. Such slabs
shall be removed and reconstructed at the cost of the Contractor. During such rectification work,
care shall be taken to replace full slab and to the full depth.
602.16. Rate
The Contract unit rate for the construction of the cement concrete shall be payment in full
for carrying out the operations required for the different items of the work as per these
Specifications including full compensation for all labour, tools, plant, equipments, testing and
incidentals to complete the work as per Specifications, providing all materials to be incorporated in
the work including all royalties, fees, storage, rents where necessary and all leads and lifts.
801.1. General
Page 90
801.1.1. The colour, configuration, size and location of all traffic signs for highways other than
Expressways shall be in accordance with the Code of Practice for Road Signs, IRC : 67 or as
shown on the drawings. For Expressways, the size of the signs, letters and their placement shall
be as specified in the Contract drawings and relevant Specifications. In the absence of any details
or for any missing details, the signs shall be provided as directed by the Engineer.
801.1.2. The signs shall be either reflectorised or non-reflectorised as shown on the drawings or
as directed by the Engineer. When they are of reflectorised type, they shall be of retro-reflectorised
type and made of encapsulated lens type reflective sheeting vide Clause 801.3, fixed over
aluminium sheeting as per these Specifications.
801.1.3. In general, cautionary and mandatory signs shall be fabricated through process of screen
printing. In regard to informatory signs with inscriptions, either the message could be printed over
the reflective sheeting, or cut letters of non-reflective black sheeting used for the purpose which
must be bonded well on the base sheeting as directed by the Engineer.
801.2. Materials
The various materials and fabrication of the traffic signs shall conform to the following
801.2.1 Concrete: Concrete shall be of the grade shown on the Contract drawings or otherwise as
directed by the Engineer.
801.2.2. Reinforcing steel:
Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirement of IS : 1786
unless otherwise shown on the drawing.
801.2.3. Bolts, nuts, washers: High strength bolts shall conform to IS : 1367 whereas precision
bolts, nuts, etc., shall conform to IS : 1364.
801.2.4. Plates and supports: Plates and support sections for the sign posts shall conform to IS :
226 and IS : 2062 or any other relevant IS Specifications.
801.2.5. Aluminium: Aluminium sheets used for sign boards shall be of smooth, hard and
corrosion resistant aluminium alloy conforming to IS : 736 - Material designation 24345 or 1900.
801.2.6. Signs with a maximum side dimension not exceeding 600 mm shall not be less than 1.5
mm thick. All others shall be at least 2 mm thick. The thickness of the sheet shall be related to the
size of the sign and its support and shall be such that it does not bend or deform under the
prevailing wind and other loads.
801.2.7. In respect of sign sizes not covered by IRC : 67, the structural details (thickness, etc.)
shall be as per the approved drawings.
801.3. Traffic Signs Having Retro-reflective Sheeting
801.3.1. General requirements: The retro-reflective sheeting used on the sign shall consist of the
white or colored sheeting having a smooth outer surface which has the property of retro-reflection
over its entire surface. It shall be weather-resistant and show colour fastness. It shall be new and
unused and shall show no evidence of cracking, scaling, pitting, blistering, edge lifting or curling
and shall have negligible shrinkage or expansion. A certificate of having tested the sheeting for
these properties in an unprotected outdoor exposure facing the sun for two years and its having
passed these tests shall be obtained from a reputed laboratory, by the manufacturer of the
sheeting. The reflective sheeting shall be either of Engineering Grade material with enclosed lens
or of High Intensity Grade with encapsulated lens. The type of the sheeting to be used would
depend upon the type, functional hierarchy and importance of the road.
801.3.2. High intensity grade sheeting: This sheeting shall be of encapsulated lens type
consisting of spherical glass lens, elements adhered to a synthetic resin and encapsulated by a
Page 91
flexible, transparent water-proof plastic having a smooth surface. The retro-reflective surface after
cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the minimum co-efficient of retroreflection (determined in accordance with ASTM Standard E : 810) as indicated in Table 800-1.
angle (in degrees)
Entrance Angle
(in degrees)
When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 90 per cent of the values of retroreflectance indicated in Table 800-1. At the end of 7 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 75 per
cent of its original retro-reflectance.
801.3.3. Engineering grade sheeting: This sheeting shall be of enclosed lens type consisting of
microscopic lens elements embedded beneath the surface of a smooth, flexible, transparent,
water-proof plastic, resulting in a non-exposed lens optical reflecting system. The retro-reflective
surface after cleaning with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the minimum coefficient
of retro-reflection (determined in accordance with ASTM Standard : E- 810) as indicated in Table
angle in
Angle in
When totally wet, the sheeting shall not show less than 90 per cent of the values, of retroreflection indicated in Table 800-2. At the end of 5 years, the sheeting shall retain at least 50 per
cent of its original retro-reflectance.
801.3.4. Messages/borders: The messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders shall
either be screen-printed or of cut-outs. Screen printing shall be processed and finished with
materials and in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. Cut-outs shall be of materials
as specified by the sheeting manufacturer and shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner
specified by the manufacturer.
Page 92
801.3.5. For screen-printed transparent coloured areas on white sheeting, the co-efficient of retroreflection shall not be less than 50 per cent of the values of corresponding colour in Table 800-1
and 800-2, as applicable.
801.3.6. Cut-out messages and borders, wherever used, shall be made out of retro-reflective
sheeting (as per Clause 801.3.2. or 801.3.3 as applicable), except those in black which shall be of
non-reflective sheeting.
801.3.7. Colour: Unless otherwise specified, the general colour scheme shall be as stipulated in
IS : 5 Colour for Ready Mixed Paints, viz.
The Colours shall be durable and uniform in acceptable hue when viewed in day light or
under normal headlights at night.
Adhesives: The sheeting shall either have a pressure-sensitive adhesive of the
aggressive-tack type requiring no heat, solvent or other preparation for adhesion to a smooth clean
surface, or a tack free adhesive activated by heat, applied in a heat-vacuum applicator, in a
manner recommended by the sheeting manufacturer. The adhesive shall be protected by an easily
removable liner (removable by peeling without soaking in water or other solvent) and shall be
suitable for the type of material of the base plate used for the sign. The adhesive shall form a
durable bond to smooth, corrosion and weather resistant surface of the base plate such that it shall
not be possible to remove the sheeting from the sign base in one piece by use of sharp instrument.
In case of pressure-sensitive adhesive sheeting, the sheeting shall be applied in accordance with
the manufacturers Specifications. Sheeting with adhesives requiring use of solvents or other
preparation for adhesive shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturers
801.3.9. Refurbishment: Where existing signs are specified for refurbishment, the sheeting shall
have a semi-rigid aluminium backing pre-coated with aggressive-tack type pressure sensitive
adhesive. The adhesive shall be suitable for the type of material used for the sign and should
thoroughly bond with that material.
801.3.10. Fabrication:
801.3.10.1. Surface to be reflectorised shall be effectively prepared to receive the retro-reflective
sheeting. The aluminium sheeting shall be de-greased either by acid or hot alkaline etching and all
scale/dust removed to obtain a smooth plain surface before the application of retro-reflective
sheeting. If the surface is rough, approved surface primer may be used. After cleaning, metal shall
not be handled, except by suitable device or clean canvas gloves, between all cleaning and
preparation operation and application of reflective sheeting/primer. There shall be no opportunity
for metal to come in contract with grease, oil or other contaminants prior to the application of retroreflective sheeting.
801.3.10.2. Complete sheets of the material shall be used on the signs except where it is
unavoidable: at splices, sheeting with pressure sensitive adhesives shall be overlapped not less
than 5 mm. Sheeting with heat-activated adhesives may be spliced with an overlap not less than 5
mm or butted with a gap not exceeding 0.75 mm. Where screen printing with transparent colours is
proposed, only butt jointing shall be used. The material shall cover the sign surface evenly and
shall be free from twists, cracks and folds. Cut-outs to produce legends and borders shall be
bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer.
Page 93
801.3.11. Warranty and durability: The Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer a sevenyear warranty for satisfactory field performance including stipulated retro-reflectance of the retroreflective sheeting of high intensity grade and a five year warranty for the adhesive sheeting of
engineering grade and submit the same to the Engineer. In addition, a seven year and a five year
warranty for satisfactory in-field performance of the finished sign with retro-reflective sheeting of
high intensity grade and engineering grade respectively, inclusive of the screen printed or cut our
letters/legends and their bonding to the retro-reflective sheeting shall be obtained from the
Contractor/supplier and passed on to the Engineer. The Contractor/supplier shall also furnish a
certification that the signs and materials supplied against the assigned work meets all the
stipulated requirements and carry the stipulated warranty.
Processed and applied in accordance with recommended procedures, the reflective
material shall be weather resistant and, following cleaning, shall show no appreciable
discoloration, cracking, blistering or dimensional change and shall not have less than 50 per cent
of the specified minimum reflective intensity values (Tables 800-1 and 800-2) when subjected to
accelerated weathering for 1000 hours, using type E or EH Weatherometer (AASHTO Designation
M 268).
801.4. Installation
801.4.1. Sign posts, their foundations and sign mountings shall be so constructed so as to hold
these in a proper and permanent position against the normal storm wind loads or displacement by
vandalism. Normally, signs with an area upto 0.9 sq.m. shall be mounted on a single post, and for
greater area two or more support shall be provided. Sign supports may be of mild steel, reinforced
concrete or galvanised iron (G.I). Post-end(s) shall be firmly fixed to the ground by means of
properly designed foundation. The work of foundation shall conform to relevant Specifications as
801.4.2 All components of signs and supports, other than the reflective portion and G.I. posts shall
be thoroughly descaled, cleaned, primed and painted with two coats of epoxy paint. Any part of
mild steel (M.S.) post below ground shall be painted with three coats of red lead paint.
801.4.3. The signs shall be fixed to the posts by welding in the case of steel posts and by bolts and
washers of suitable size in the case of reinforced concrete or G.I. posts. After the nuts have been
tightened, the tail of the bolts shall be furred over with a hammer to prevent removal.
801.5. Measurements for Payment
The measurement of standard cautionary, mandatory and information signs shall be in
numbers of different types of signs supplied and fixed, while for direction and place identification
signs, these shall be measured by area in square metres.
801.6. Rate
The Contract unit rate shall be payment in full for the cost of making the road sign,
including all materials, installing it at the site and incidentals to complete the work in accordance
with the Specifications.
803.1. General
The colour, width and layout of road marking shall be in accordance with the Code of
Practice for Road Markings with paints, IRC : 35, and as specified in the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer.
Page 94
Road markings shall be of ordinary road marking paint, hot applied thermoplastic
compound, or reflectorised paint as specified in the item and the material shall meet the
requirements as specified below.
803.3.1. Ordinary paint used for road marking shall conform to Grade I as per IS : 164.
803.3.2. The road marking shall preferably be laid with appropriate road marking
803.3.3. Laying thickness of road marking paint shall be as specified by the Engineer.
803.4. Hot Applied Thermoplastic Road Marking
(i) The work under this section consists of marking traffic stripes using a thermoplastic
compound meeting the requirements specified herein.
The colour of the compound shall be white or yellow (IS colour No. 356) as
specified in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
803.4.2.2 Requirements:
Page 95
18.0 min.
18.0 min.
Glass Beads
Titanium Dioxide
10.0 min.
Inert Fillers
42.0 max.
Yellow Pigments
Amount of yellow pigment, calcium carbonate and inert fillers shall be at the option of the
manufacturer, provided all other requirements of this Specification are met.
Flow resistance: Not more than 25 per cent as per AASHTO M 249.
Yellowness index (for white thermoplastic paint): not more than 0.12 as per
Storage life: The material shall meet the requirements of these Specifications for
a period of one year. The thermoplastic material must also melt uniformly with no
evidence of skins or unmelted particles for the one year storage period. Any
material not meeting the above requirements shall be replaced by the
Marking: Each container of the thermoplastic material shall be clearly and indelibly
marked with the following information:
Page 96
Date of manufacture
Colour (white or yellow)
Maximum application temperature and maximum safe heating temperature.
Sampling and testing: The thermoplastic material shall be sampled and tested in
accordance with the appropriate ASTM /BS method. The Contractor shall furnish to the
Employer a copy of certified test reports from the manufacturers of the thermoplastic
material showing results of all tests specified herein and shall certify that the material
meets all requirements of this Specification.
Gradation: The glass beads shall meet the gradation requirements for the two
types as given in Table 8004.
Type 2
0 to 5
5 to 20
30 to 75
10 to 30
0 to 15
B. Roundness: The glass beads shall have a minimum of 70 per cent true spheres.
C. Refractive index: The glass beads shall have a minimum refractive index of 1.50.
D. Free flowing properties: The glass beads shall be free of hard lumps and clusters and
shall dispense readily under any conditions suitable for paint striping. They shall pass the free
803.4.3.4 Test methods: The specific requirements shall be tested with the following methods:
Free-flow test: Spread 100 grams of beads evenly in a 100 mm diameter glass dish. Place
the dish in a 250 mm inside diameter desiccator which is filled within 25 mm of the top
of a desiccator plate with sulphuric acid water solution (specific gravity 1.10). Cover the
desiccator and let it stand for 4 hours at 20 to 29 degree C. Remove sample from
desiccator, transfer beads to a pan and inspect for lumps or clusters. Then pour beads into
a clean, dry glass funnel having a 100 mm stem and 6 mm orifice. If necessary, initiate
Page 97
flow by lightly tapping the funnel. The glass spheres shall be essentially free of lumps
and clusters and shall flow freely through the funnel.
The requirements of gradation, roundness and refractive index of glass beads and the
amount of glass beads in the compound shall be tested as per BS 6088 and BS 3262
(Part I).
iii) The Contractor shall furnish to the Employer a copy of certified test reports from the
manufacturer of glass beads obtained from a reputed laboratory showing results of all
specified herein and shall certify that the material meets all requirements of this
Specification. However, if so required, these tests may be carried out as directed by the
803.4.4. Application properties of thermoplastic material
803.4.4.1. The thermoplastic material shall readily get screeded/extruded at temperatures
specified by the manufacturers for respective method of application to produce a line of specified
thickness which shall be continuous and uniform in shape having clear and sharp edges.
803.4.4.2. The material upon heating to application temperatures, shall not exude fumes, which
are toxic, obnoxious or injurious to persons or property.
803.4.5. Preparation:
(i) The material shall be melted in accordance with the manufacturers instructions in a
heater fitted with a mechanical stirrer to give a smooth consistency to the
thermoplastic material to avoid local overheating. The temperature of the mass
shall be within the range specified by the manufacturer, and shall on no account
be allowed to exceed the maximum temperature stated by the manufacturer. The
molten material should be used as expeditiously as possible and for thermoplastic
material which has natural binders or is otherwise sensitive to prolonged heating,
the material shall not be maintained in a molten condition for more than 4 hours.
After transfer to the laying equipment, the material shall be maintained within the
temperature range specified by the manufacturer for achieving the desired
consistency for laying.
The marking shall not lift from the pavement in freezing weather.
After application and proper drying, the stripe shall show no appreciable
deformation or discolouration under traffic and under road temperatures upto
60 C.
The marking shall not deteriorate by contact with sodium chloride, calcium
chloride or oil drippings from traffic.
The stripe or marking shall maintain its original dimensions and position. Cold
ductility of the material shall be such as to permit normal movement with the road
surface without chopping or cracking.
The colour of yellow marking shall conform to IS Colour No. 356 as given in IS :
Page 98
803.6.3. The pavement temperature shall not be less than 10 C during application. All surfaces to
be marked shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust, dirt, grease, oil and all other foreign matter
before application of the paint.
The material, when formed into traffic stripes, must be readily renewable by placing
an overlay of new material directly over an old line of compatible material. Such new
material shall so bond itself to the old line that no splitting or separation takes place.
Thermoplastic paint shall be applied in intermittent or continuous lines of uniform thickness
of at least 2.5 mm unless specified otherwise. Where arrows or letters are to be provided,
thermoplastic compound may be hand-sprayed. In addition to the beads included in the material, a
further quantity of glass beads of Type 2, conforming to the above noted Specification shall be
sprayed uniformly into a mono-layer on to the hot paint line in quick succession of the paint
spraying operation. The glass beads shall be applied at the rate of 250 grams per square metre
803.6.4. The minimum thickness specified is exclusive of surface applied glass beads. The method
of thickness measurement shall be in accordance with Appendices B and C of BS -3262 (Part 3).
803.6.5. The finished lines shall be free from ruggedness on sides and ends and be parallel to the
general alignment of the carriageway. The upper surface of the lines shall be level, uniform and
free from streaks.
803.7. Measurements for Payment
803.7.1. The painted markings shall be measured in sq. metres of actual area marked (excluding
the gaps, if any).
In respect of markings like directional arrows and lettering, etc., the measurement shall be by
803.8. Rate The Contract unit rate for road markings shall be payment in full compensation for
furnishing all labour, materials, tools, equipment, including all incidental costs necessary for
carrying out the work at the site conforming to these Specifications complete as per the approved
drawing(s) or as directed by the Engineer and all other incidental costs necessary to complete the
work to these Specifications.
Page 99
Providing and fixing Joint Filler desired thickness SILFLEX pre moulded
compressible filler board of approved make (Supreme industries or equivalent)
confirming to MORTH specification (Clause 1015), having minimum density of 95
kg/Cu. M , Non staining with less than 1 % water absorption & compression recovery
of 93% minimum as per the specifications.
Polyurethane Foam Filler shall conform to M-19.
The joint filler shall be SILFLEX type premoulded compressible filler board of 25 mm
thickness (Supreme Industries make or equivalent) confirming to MORTH specifications
having minimum density of 95 kg/Cum , non staining with less than 1% water absorption
and compression recovery of 93% minimum as per specifications. Sealing compounds
shall be employed above expansion joint fillers. Suitable primers may be first applied to
the vertical faces of concrete joint before the pouring of sealing compounds in order to
improve the adhesive equalities of the latter sealing compounds are confirmed to IS:18341984.
Mode of Measurement and Payment
The item will be measured and paid in Rmt as per the actual work done. Wastage will not be
paid for.
The contract unit rate shall include the cost of materials, labour, equipment and other
incidental charges for fixing the joint filler in position.
providing and sealing the gap with polysulphide sealent of approved make and
quality in retaining wall expansion joint as per specification and drawings.
Polysulphide sealant shall confirm to BS 4254 (1983) and BS 6920-1998-/~ (Gun
Grade Grey). Ploysulphide sealant shall be of FOSROC make (Thioflex 600) or
approved equivalent. This is a two part joint sealant based on a liquid polysulphide
polymer. It comes as a product of base component and curing agent, when mixed
together cures to form tough rubber like material. It exhibits excellent adhesion to all
The joint surfaces must be thoroughly dry, clean, and all the dirt, laitance, oil or
grease, rust, scale and protective lacquers from metal surfaces should be cleaned
before positioning a bond breaker or back up tape.
Supply and Handling
Joint filler must be checked for tight packing so that no gaps or voids exist at the base
of the sealing slot.
A thin coat of primer should be applied on the concrete surfaces and allowed to dry
"tack free" before sealing. The mixed polysulphide sealant must be applied after the
evaporation of the solvent but before the primer film has completely reacted. After 3
hours the surface should be re primed before the application of sealant. The sealant
should be thoroughly mixed with a paddle stirrer for a full five numbers (at 300 -
Page 100
500spm). The mix should be applied by a Gun to the joint and should be tooled to a
smooth finish. These joints should be flush and unpainted.
Measurement for Payment
The rate is already included in the complete item of joint filler.
The contract unit rate shall include the cost of materials, labour, equipment and other
incidental charges for fixing the sealant in position.