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D Speci

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Item No.1 :- Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass brushes,
shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300mm removal of stumps of trees cut
earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials (A) By mechanical means in area
of light jungle.


This work shall consist of cutting, removing and disposing of all materials such as trees, bushes,
shrubs, stumps, roots, grass, weeds, top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, rubbish etc., which
in the opinion of the Engineer arc unsuitable for incorporation in the works, from, the area of road land
containing road embankment, drains, cross-drainage structures and such other areas as may-be specified on
the drawings or by the Engineer. It shall include necessary excavation, backfilling of pits resulting from
uprooting of trees and stumps to required compaction, handling, salvaging, and disposal of cleared materials.
Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of earthwork operations and in accordance with the
requirements of these Specifications.

201.2.Preservation of Property/Amenities

Roadside trees, shrubs, any other plants, pole lines, fences, signs, monuments, buildings, pipelines,
sewers and all highway facilities within or adjacent to the highway which are not to be disturbed shall be
protected from injury or damage. The Contractor shall, provide and install at his own expense, suitable
safeguards approved by the Engineer for this purpose.

During clearing and grubbing, the Contractor shall take all adequate precautions against soil
erosion, water pollution, etc., and where required, undertake additional works to that effect vide Clause
306. Before start of operations, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, his work plan
including the procedure to be followed for disposal of waste materials, etc., and the schedules for
carrying out temporary and permanent erosion control works as stipulated in Clause 306.3.

201-3. Methods, Tools and Equipments

Only such methods, tools and equipment as are approved by the Engineer and which will not
affect the property to be preserved shall be adopted for the Work. If the area has thick
vegetation/roots/trees, a crawler or pneumatic tyred dozer of adequate capacity may be used for

clearance purposes. The dozer shall have ripper attachments for removal of tree stumps. All trees,
stumps, etc., falling within excavation and fill lines shall be cut to such depth below ground level that in
no case foil within 500 mm of the subgrade. Also, all vegetation such as roots, under-growth, grass and
other deleterious matter unsuitable for incorporation in the embankment/subgrade shall be removed
between fill lines to the satisfaction of the Engineer. On areas beyond these limits, trees and stumps
required to be removed as directed by the Engineer shall be cut down to 1 m below ground level so that
these do not present an unsightly appearance.

All branches of trees extending above the trimmed as directed by the Engineer.

All excavations below the general ground level arising out of the removal of trees, stumps, etc.,
shall be filled with suitable material and compacted thoroughly so as to make the surface at these points
conform to the surrounding area.

Ant-hills both above and below the ground, as are liable to collapse and obstruct free subsoil
water flow shall be removed and their workings, which may extend to several metres, shall be suitably

201.4. Disposal of Materials

All materials arising from clearing and grubbing operations shall be the property of Government
and shall be disposed of by the Contractor as hereinafter provided or directed by the Engineer.

Trunks, branches and stumps of trees shall be cleaned of limbs and roots and stacked. Also
boulders, stones and other materials usable in road construction shall be neatly stacked as directed by
the Engineer. Stacking of stumps, boulders, stones etc., shall be done at specified spots with all lead and

All products of clearing and grubbing which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be used or
auctioned shall be cleared away from the roadside in a manner as directed by the Engineer. Care shall be
taken to see that unsuitable waste materials are disposed of in such a manner that there is no likelihood
of these getting mixed up with the materials meant for embankment, subgrade and road construction.

201.5. Measurements for Payment

Clearing and grubbing for road embankment, drains and cross-drainage structures shall be
measured on area basis in terms of hectares. Clearing and grubbing of borrow areas shall be deemed to
be a part of works preparatory to embankment construction and shall be deemed to have been included
in the rates quoted for the embankment construction item and no separate payment shall be made for
the same. Cutting of trees up to 900 mm in girth including removal of stumps and roots, and trimming of

branches of trees extending above the roadway shall be considered incidental to the cleaning and
grubbing operations. Removal of stumps left over after trees have been cut by any other agency shall
also be considered incidental to the clearing and grubbing operations.

201.6. Rates

201.6.1. The Contract unit rates for the various items of clearing and grubbing shall be payment in full-
for carrying out, the required operations including full compensation for all labour, materials, tools,
equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the work. These will also include removal of stumps of
trees less than 900 mm in girth as well as stumps left over after cutting of trees carried out by another
agency, excavation and back-filling to required density, where necessary, and handling, salvaging, piling
and disposing of the cleared materials with all lead and lifts.

Item No. 2 :-Earthwork for embankment including breaking clods, dressing with all lead
and lift from borrow area with 0.5 lead and lift

1. The land width on which the earth work is to be done shall be cleared of all trees having a
girth of 30 cm and less, looss, stnes, vegetation, bushes, stumps and all other objectionable
materials. All the mterials cleared will be the property of Government, Useful material
shall be arranged in convenient stacks along the road boundary or as directged at places
within 50 meters lead , and handed over to the department in convenient section,Unsuitable
material shall be
burnt or otherwise disposed of by the contractor at his own cost without causing any
nulsance, inconvenlence or damage to the works, property or people in the neighborhood.
In all cases the material shall be disposed off in a neatmanner.

2. After clearing the site, the allignment of the road shall be properly set out ture to line,
curves, slopes grades and sections as shown on the plan on directed by the Engineer- In -
Charge. The contractor shall provide all labours and materials such as lime , strings , pags,
nalls, bamboos , stone, mortar concrete etc. required for seetting out establiishing . Bench
Marks and giving profiles . The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the B.Ms.
profile allgnments and other marks as long as they are required for the work in the opinion
of the Engineer - in - Charge, if the contractor defauts in this respect they may be resored
by the department at the cost of the contractor.

3. When an existing embankment is to be winded, continuous, horizontal benchess, each atleast

0.3 metre wide shall be cut into the existing slope for ensuring adequate bond with the
fresh embankment materials to be added. The material obtained from the cutting of
benchess can be utilized in the widening of the embankment, Where the width of
widened portions is insufficient to permit the use of useal rollers or other approved plant.
The dumping of materials from trucks for windening operations shall be avoided except in
diffucult circumstances when the extra width is too narrow to permit the movement of
any other typeofhaulling


4. The soil to be used for embankment shall be free from trees, stumps roots, rubbish or any
other objectionable materials. Only material considered suitable by the Engineer- in -
Charge shall be used for the construction and that considered unsultable other disposed off
as directed by him. The selection of the materials to be used in the construction of
embankment shall be made after soil surveys and laboratory investigations are carried
out by the Department. The embankment shall consist of earth availlable from road side
borrow puts on either side with all lead and all lifts, and within land- width in the manner
specified in para 12 below. The road, if any required for the purpose of haulage of earth by
men, animals or vehicles will be constructed (if not existing) and maintained by the
contractor at his own cost. The material satlsfying the density requirements given in the
table below shall be employed for embankment construction.

Typeof work Laboratory dry density

when tested as per IS
2720 (PtVII)

--- Embankment upto 3 meter height Not less than 1.44 gm/ cc
--- Embankment exceeding 3 meter Not less than 1.52 gm/ cc
height or emabnkment of any height
subject to long periods of
--- Top 0.5 metre of embankment Not less than 1.65 gm / cc
below the sub grade level and
shoulders (where earth shou-
ders are specified)

Field density shall be a percentage of laboratory density as recommended by Gujarat

Engineering Reaserch Institute.

5. Department will extend all necessary co- operation in helping contractor to get borrow
area from nearby Government or Panchayat land, if available However depertment is not
responsible if not such area is made available to the contractor and in the case, contractor
will have to make his own arrangement to get borrow area for borrowing earth of the
approved quantity even by making temporary arrangement with the private landowners.

6. The embankment shall be constructed in uniform layers not exceeding 250mm in loose
thickness . The soil shall be spread uniformily over the entire width of the embankment,
unless otherwise directed by the Engineer- in - Charge. The consolidation including
watering and rolling of earth work shall be carried out by the Contractor . The operation of
laying the successive layer of earth shall have to be suitably synchronized with the
consolidation work. If the soil as delivered to the road bed is to wet. it shall be dried by
exposure to the sun till the moisture content is acceptable for compaction. All clods of hard

lumps of earth shall be broken to have maximum size of 15 cm. when being placed in the
embankment and a maximum of size 5 cm. when being placed in the top 45 cm on the
embankment. The work of next layer shall be allowed only after the first layer below it
has been throughly compacted to the density specified.

7. Where an embankment is to be placed on sloping ground, the surface of the ground shall be
benched in the steps of trenches or broken up in such a manner that the new material shall
have perfect bond with the existing surface. Where the embankment is to be placed over an
existing road surface the surface shall be scarifiled to minimum depth of a 5 cm so as to
provide sample bond betwen the old and within 1 metre of new subgrade level the
pavement shall be broken up in place not to excceed 0.1m and may be left under the new
embankment. If the existing road surface is to granular of bituminous type andlies within 1
mt. of the new subgrade level. the same shall be scarified to a depth of minimum 50mm so
as to provide ample bound between the old and the newmaterial.
8. To avoid interference with the construction of abutment, wing wall or return wall of
culverts/ bridge structures the contractor shall at point to be determined by the Engineer - in
- charge suspend work on embankments forming approaches to such structures , until such
time as the construction of the latter is sufficiently advanced to permit the completion of
approaches without the risk of interference of damage to the bridge work . the embankment
from the back of the embankment shall be carried out independent of the work on the main
embankment. The fil material shall not be place against any abutment or wing wall unless
ssiopremin has been given by the Engineer - in - Charge but in any case not until the
concrete or masonry has been in position for 14 days. the embankment shall be brought up
simultaneously in equal years on each side of the structure to avoid displacement and
unequal pressure, The sequence of work in this regard shall be got approved from the
Engineer - in - Charge. Where the provision of any filter medium is specified behind the
abutment the same shall be laid in layers simultaneously with the paying of fill material .
The material use for the filter shall conform to the requirements for filler medium and will
be paid extra in the relevant item . Where it may be impracticable to use power rollers or
other heavy equipment, the compaction shall be carried out by mechanical tempers or other
methods approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Care shall be taken to see that the
compaction plant does not hit or come too close to any structural member so as to cause
any damage tothem.

9. The embankment shal be finished in conformity with the alignment, levels, cross sections
and dimension shown on the plans or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Where the
alignment of he road is in a curve, the top of the embankment shall be formed with the
super elevation and the increased width shown on the drawings or as the Engineer- in-
charge may direct, Finishing operations shall inolude the work of shaping and dressing the
shoulders,roadbed and the side slopes to conform the crosssection.

10. The consolidation of earth work including rolling and laboratory investigations and testing
of sample shall be carried out by the Contractor , However, the contractor shall give full
co- operation and shall bear the charges for earthwork in layers shall be synchronized with
the work of compaction and consolidation of earth work and the operations shall also be
synchronized with the field and laboratory testing. When density measurements reveal any
soft areas in the embankment the Engineer-in-charge shall direct that these areas shall be
compacted further. If inspire of that, specified compaction is not achieved the materials in
the soft areas shall be removed as directed and replaced by the approvedmaterials.

11. The earthwork measurements shall be paid on cross sectional measurements and computing
the volumes of earth work in cubic metres by average area method. The contractor shall
sign day to day leveling both longitudinal and cross of the ground shall be taken by the
Engineer-in-charge before the actual earth work is started. The contractor or his authorized
representative shall attend day to day leveling work and sign with date the field book daily,
in token of his acceptance. If there is any disagreement, the contractor shall inform of it in
writing to the officer concerned with specific reference to the sections before starting of
level book shall not be deemed as disagreement. The Executive Engineer shall also verify
leveling work to the extent of 5%before
commencement of earth work and on finalization, The contractor shall maintain the
embankment by filling in ruts, rain cuts, depression due to shrinkage etc. to proper
formation and grade till this item is finally measured and accepted by the Department.
The measurement quantity of compacted earth work . However the contractor shall have
to bear loss of quantity due to all settlements as well as other types of deformations etc.,
if any, that might have taken place at the time of taking the final measurements of

12. If usable approved material is available within the land width of road, the same shall
be permitted for use in the road embankment subject to the following conditions:-
(i) The borrow pits will be so excavated as to form a road side longitudinal gutter to
drain the water interrupted by suchgutter.
(ii) The width of the drain shall be restricted to 1.5 mts. only. The depth will be
restricted to such grade so as to drain the water efficiently. All balance quantity of
earth shall be brought from disant borrow areasonly.
(iii) If there is top layer of black cotton or other objectionable soils, the same be
removed and disposed off elsewhere and usable material found at the lower level
will only be used in the earthen embankment, if the contractor chooses to utilize
(iv) The drain should be aligned along the boundary of the land width of the road, No
pit, other than this drain, shall be dug within 5 metres of the toe to the final section
of the roadembankment.
(v) No borrow pits shall be allowed in the length in which earth obtained from cutting
is specified to be used inembankments.

13. The rate of earthwork includes clearing jungles, dog belling, fixing profiles, erecting
necessary pillars for stones for bench marks for levelling purpose, excavating earth from
borrow areas, breaking clods, conveying and spreading earth in layers with all lead

and lift, finishing the entire embankment to the proper profile, camber, grade and
slopes. The rate also includes all cutting in ordinary soil, soft murrum, soft rock, hard,
hard murrum shall be utilised in embankment construction under this item within the lead
specified in that particular item. No payment shall be made under this item for the cutting
stuff used in the embankment but labour for cutting will be paid as per specifications in that
particular item, and only balance quantity of earthwork brought from borrow areas will be
paid in thisitem.

14, The Payment shall be made on cubic metre basis by average areamethod.

Item No. 3:-Rolling & watering of earthwork in layers with vibratory roller including
filling in depressions which occur during theprocess..

1.0 For spreading materials in layers and bringing the appropriate moisture content, the
embankment materials shall be spread uniformly over the entire width of the
embankment in layers not exceeding 250mm in loose thickness. Successive layers of
embankment shall not be placed until the layer under construction has been thoroughly
compacted to the requirements set down hereunder.

Moisture content of the material shall be checked at the source of supply and if
found less than that specified for compaction, the same, shall be made good either at the
source or after spreading the soil in loose thickness for compaction. In the latter case,
water shall be sprinkled directly from a hoseline or from a truck mounted water tank, and
flooding shall not be permitted under any circumstances.

If the materials delivered to the road bed is too wet it shall be dried, by
evaporation and exposure to the sun, till the moisture content is brought down to
acceptable standard for compaction. Should circumstances arise, where owing to wet
weather, the moisture content cannot be reduced to the required level by the above
procedure, work of compaction shall be suspended.

Moisture content of each layer of soil shall be checked in accordance with IST 2720 (Part-
II) and unless otherwise mentioned shall be so adjusted, making due allowance for
evaporation losses, that at the time of the compaction it is in the range of 1 percent to 2
percent below the optimum moisture content determined in accordance with ISI (Part-
VII). Highly expansive clays shall however be compacted at 2 to 4 percent above the
optimum moisture content.

After adding the required amount of water, the soil shall be processed by means of
harrows, rotary mixers or as otherwise approved until the layer is uniformlywet.

Clods or hard lumps of earth shall be broken to have maximum size of 150mm when being
placed in the lower layers of the embankment and a maximum size of 60mm when being
placed in the top 0.5meter portion of the embankment below thesubgrade.

Hauling equipment shall be dispered uniformly over entire surface of the previously
constructed layer to minimize cutting of uneven compaction.

Where the embankment is to be constructed on low area ground that will not
support the weight of trucks of other hauling equipment, the lower part of the fill should
be constructed by dumping successive loads in a uniformly distributed layers of a
thickness not greater than that necessary to support the hauling equipment while placing
subsequent layers.

2.0 Compaction : Only compacting equipment approved by Engineer-in-charge shall be employed

to compact the materials. The contractor shall demonstrate the efficiency of the plants he
intents to use for carrying out compaction trials.

Each layer of the materials shall be thoroughly compacted to the densities specified in

Table 1.2

Sr. Type of work / Materials Field dry density as percentage of

No. maximum laboratory dry density
as per IS : 2720 (Part-VII)
1 Top 0.5 meter portion of embankment Not less than 100
below subgrade level and shoulders.
2 Other portion of embankment Not less than 95
3 Highly expensive class 85 to 90

Subsequent layers shall be placed only after finished layer has been tested according to
M.O.S.T. specification Clause 902 and accepted by the Engineer-in-charge.

When density measurements reveal any soft areas in the embankment further
compaction shall be carried out as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. If insite of that the
specified compaction is not achieved, the materials in the soft areas shall be removed and
replaced by approved materials and compacted to the density requirement, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

3.0 Measurements for Payment : Consolidation of earth embankment construction shall be

measured by taking cross section at intervals in the original position before the work
starts and after its completion and computing of the volume of earthwork in cubic meters
by the method of average and areas. The measurement of fill material from borrow area a
shall be the difference between the net quantities of suitable materials brought from
roadway and drainage excavation. For this purpose it shall be assumed that one cubic

meter of suitable materials brought to site from roadway and drainage excavation froms
one cubic meter of compacted fill and bulking or shrinkage shall beignored.

Stripping including storing and reapplication of top soil shall be measured as volume in
cubic meter.

4.0 The contract unit rate includes cost of mechanical roller required for consolidation including
all labour equipments fuel, hire charges, tools, and incidentalsnecessary.

5.0 The payment shall be made on cubic metrebasis.

Item No. 4Providing and laying granular sub-base Grade-1 C.B.R. not less than 30 % by
providing coarse graded material, consisting of B.T. crushed stone
aggregates 53 mm to 26.5 mm @ 35 %, 26.50 mm to 4.75 mm @ 45 %,
2.36 mm to below @ 20 %, coarse sand combination and stone dust/ grit
spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface
mixing by mix in place method with rotovator at O.M.C. to required dry
density including filling the depressions which occurred during the
process using vibratory roller complete as per clause-401 ( As per R.A.)

GRANULAR SUB BASE – as per MORT&H Section 401 for G.S.B.

This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on prepared subgrade in
accordance with the requirements of these Specifications. The material shall be laid
in one or more layers as sub-base or lower sub-base and upper sub- base (termed
as subbase hereinafter) as necessary according to lines, grades and cross-sections
shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The material to be used for the work shall be natural sand, moorum, gravel, crushed stone, or
combination thereof depending upon the grading required. Materials like crushed
slag, crushed concrete, brick metal and kankar may be allowed only with the
specific approval of the Engineer. The material shall be free from organic or other
deleterious constituents and conform to one of the three gradings given in Table
400- 1.
While the gradings in Table 400-1 are in respect of close-graded granular sub-base materials, one
each for maximum particle size of 75 mm, 53 mm and 26.5 mm, the corresponding
gradings for the coarse-graded materials for each of the three maximum particle

sizes are given at Table 400-2. The grading to be adopted for a project shall be as
specified in the Contract.

Physical requirements: The material shall have, a 10 per cent fines value of 50 kN or more (for
sample in soaked condition) when tested in compliance with BS:812 (Part 111). The
water absorption value of the coarse aggregate shall be determined as per IS : 2386
(Pan 3); if this value is greater than 2 per cent, the soundness test shall be carried
out on the material delivered to site as per IS : 383. For Grading II and III materials,
the CBR shall be determined at the density and moisture content likely to be
developed in equilibrium conditions which shall be taken as being the density
relating to a uniform air voids content of 5 per cent.
IS sieve Percent by weight passing the IS sieve.
Designation Grading I Grading II Grading III
75.0 mm 100 -- -
53.0 mm 80- 100 100 -
26.5 mm 55-90 70-100 100
9.5 mm 35-85 50-80 65-95
4.75 mm 25-55 40-65 50-80
2.365 mm 20-40 30-50 40-65
0.425 mm 10-25 15-25 20-35
0.075 mm 3-10 3-10 3-10
CBR Value 30 25 20


IS sieve Percent by weight passing the IS sieve.
Designation Grading I Grading II Grading III
75.0 mm 100 - -
53.0 mm - 100 -
26.5 mm 55-75 50-80 100
9.5 mm - - -
4.75 mm 10-30 15-35 25-45

2.365 mm - - -
0.425 mm - - -
0.075 mm <10 <10 <10
CBR Value 30 25 20

Note : The material passing 425 micron (0.425 mm) sieve fur all the three grading when
tested according to IS : 2720 (Part 5) shall have liquid limit and plasticity index not
more than 25 and 6 per cent respectively.

Strength of sub-base
It shall be ensured prior to actual execution that the material to be used in the sub- base satisfies
the requirements of CBR and other physical requirements when compacted and
When directed by the Engineer, this shall be verified by performing CBR tests in the laboratory as
required on specimens remoulded at field dry density and moisture content and
any other tests for the “quality” of materials, as may be necessary.

Construction Operations
Preparation of subgrade : Immediately prior to the laying of sub-base, the subgrade already
finished to Clause 301 or 305 as applicable shall be prepared by removing all
vegetation and other extraneous mailer, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary
and rolled with two passes of 80 -100 kN smooth wheeled roller.

Spreading and compacting : The sub-base material of grading specified in the. Contract shall be
spread on the prepared subgrade with the help of a motor grader of adequate
capacity, its blade having hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustment and for
maintaining the required slope and grade during the operation or other means as
approved by the Engineer.

When the sub-base material consists of combination of materials mentioned in Clause 401.2.1,
mixing shall be done mechanically by the mix-in-place method.

Manual mixing shall be permitted only where the width of laying is not adequate for mechanical
operations, as in small-sized jobs. The equipment used for mix-in-place construction
shall be a rotavator or similar approved equipment capable of mixing the material
to the desired degree. If so desired by the Engineer, trial runs with the equipment
shall be carried out to establish its suitability for the work.

Moisture content of the loose material shall be checked in accordance with IS:2720 (Part 2) and
suitably adjusted by sprinkling additional water from a truck mounted or trailer
mounted water tank and suitable for applying water uniformly and at ontrolled
quantities to variable widths of surface or other means approved by the Engineer so
that, at the time of compaction, it is from 1 per cent above to 2 per cent below the
optimum moisture content corresponding to IS:2720 (Pan 8). While adding water,
due allowance shall be made for evaporation losses. After water has been added,
the material shall be processed by mechanical & other approved means like disc
harrows, rotavators until the layer is uniformly wet.

Immediately thereafter, rolling shall start. If the thickness of the compacted layer does not exceed1
100 mm, a smooth wheeled roller of 80 100 kN weight may be used. For a
compacted single layer upto 215 mm the compaction shall be done with the help of
a vibratory roller minimum 80 to 100 kN static weight with plain drum or pad foot-
drum or heavy pneumatic tyred roller of minimum 200 to 300 kN weight a
minimum tyre pressure of 0.7 MN/m2 or equivalent capacity capable of achieving
the required compaction. Rolling shall commence at the lower edge and proceed
towards the upper edge longitudinally for portions having unidirectional crossfall
and super-elevation and shall commence at the edges and progress towards the
centre for portions having crossfall on both sides.Each pass of the roller shall
uniformly overlap not less than one-third of the track made in the preceding pass.
During rolling, the grade and crossfall (camber) shall be checked and any high spots
or depressions which become apparent, corrected by removing or adding fresh
material. The speed of the roller shall not exceed 5 km per hour.

Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 per cent of the maximum dry
density for the material determined as per IS:2720 (Part 8). The surface of any layer
of material on completion of compaction shall be well closed, free from movement
under compaction equipment and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose
material. All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be made good to
the full thickness of layer and re-compacted.

Surface Finish and Quality Control of Work

The surface finish of construction shall conform to the requirements of Clause 902. Control on the
quality of materials and works shall be exercised by the Engineer in accordance with
Section 900.

Arrangements for Traffic

During the period of construction, arrangement of traffic shall be maintained in accordance with
Clause 112.

Measurements for Payment

Granular sub-base shall be measured as finished work in position in cubic metres. The protection of
edges of granular sub-base extended over the full formation as shown in the
drawing shall be considered incidental to the work of providing granular sub-base
and as such no extra payment shall be made for the same.

The Contract unit rate for granular sub-base shall be payment in full for carrying out the required
operations including full compensation for :
malting arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 except for initial treatment to verges, shoulders and
construction of diversions;
furnishing all materials to be incorporated in the work including all royalties,fees, rents where
necessary and all leads and lifts;
all labour, tools, equipment and incidentals to complete the work to the Specifications;
carrying out the work in part widths of road where directed; and
carrying out the required test for quality control.
Unit rate for payement of this item shall be per 1-cum. of complete item

Item No. 5 Supplying and stacking 40mm to 63mm size machine crushed stone aggregate
on site of work as per specification and filling the measure boxes of
standard size etc. complete. With all lead andlift.

1. The crushed stone shall be hard, durable and free from excess flat, elongated, soft and
disintegrated particles dirt and other deleterious material. The stone metal shall be obtained
from quarries approved by the Executive Engineer prior to collection. The metal shall be of
approved quality with all leads and lift. The size of metal shall be 40mm to 63mm and shall
be of machine crushed.

2. The samples of metal collected form approved quarries shall be got tested at Government
recognized Laboratory. The test result shall conform to the standard requirements laid
down for metal to be use for W.B.Mwork.

3. The physical requirements for standard size metal shall conform to the test results indicated
in the
4. Tablebelow.
Type of const. TEST Test Method Requirement
Base *(a) Los Angles Abrasion value IS 2386 Part IV 40%(Max)
 AggregateImpact IS 2386 Part IV or 30%(Max)
Value IS 5640 30%(Max)
(b) Combined Flakiness & IS 2386 Part- I
elongation indices

* Aggregate may satisfy requirement of either of

two test, Frequency of test shall as per
TABLE – 7.1
5. The grading requirements of the metal to be used for W.B.M shall be asunder.
Sr. No. Size Range Sieve DesignationPercentage by weight
passing through the
1 40mm to 63 mm. 90 mm 100
63 mm 90 – 100
53 mm 25 – 75
45 mm 0 – 15
22.4 mm 0–5
6. Wherever any doubt exist as to whether the above requirements are satisfied, in whole or
any part of the collection, metal shall be got screened by the contractor at his own cost, if
so ordered by Engineer – in –charge.

7. Stacking shall be done by filling in the standard steel boxes of 2m x 1.5m x 0.5m size
which shall be supplied by the Department if available on rent. Other wise contractor shall
make his own arrangements No deduction for whether the quantity of stacks of metal in
any hectometer is not confirming with the cubical content of the standard Pharas ( 2m x
1.5m x 0.5m ) shall be got corrected by the contractor if so ordered by the Engineer – in –
charge for which no extra payment shall be claimed by the contractor. If the quantity of
metal in any stack in a particular hectometer is found to be less than the standard
measurement viz. 1.5 cmt , The entire collection in the hectometers shall be paid on the
basis for the quantity so found Regular stacks shall be done by the contractor on a fairly
level ground. Stacking of the metal shall be done in manner as directed by the Engineer – in
– charge Collection of metal shall be completed in two hectometer wise as per the final
requirement and measurement shall be recorded two hectometer wise. Until the quantity of
metal as per final requirement is not collected in any two consecutive HM and std. boxes
are not filled in completely in two hectometer, measurements shall not be recorded and
payments shall not bedone.

8. For roadwork complete staking of metal as per requirement shall be carried out in 3 km
length before spreading. The metal stacks shall be measured and recorded and got cross-
checked by other Deputy Engineer as per rules beforespreading.
The collection shall always, commence at once at one end of the Km. and be carried
continuously towards the other end unless the Engineer – in – charge shall direct

9. The payment shall be on cubic meter basis without deduction for voids. The contractor
shall maintain all stacks in regular and proper size till the whole materials shall be not
measured and finally accepted by the Department. The spreading of materials shall not be
allowed till the materials are fully stacked stacked and completed kilometerwise.

10. The rate includes cost of collection, conveyance to the site with all lead and lift and filling
the boxes including all lab our, tools, equipment, and other incidental expense. The rate
quoted is inclusive of all such tools duties, fees royalties, taxesetc.


The payment shall be made on cubic metre basis.

Item No. 6 Supplying and stacking 6mm to 10mm size machine crushed key
aggregate on site of work as per specification and filling the measure
boxes of standard size etc. complete. With All lead andlift

1. The crushed stone shall be hard, durable and free from excess flat, elongated, soft and
disintegrated particles dirt and other deleterious material. The stone metal shall be obtained
from quarries approved by the Executive Engineer prior to collection. The metal shall be of
approved quality with all leads and lift. The size of metal shall be 6mm to 10mm and shall
be of machine crushed.
2. The samples of metal collected form approved quarries shall be got tested at Government
recognized Laboratory. The test result shall conform to the standard requirements laid
down for metal to be use for W.B.Mwork.
3. The physical requirements for standard size metal shall conform to the test results indicated in
the Tablebelow.
Type of const. TEST Test Method Requirement
Base *(a) Los Angles Abrasion value IS 2386 Part IV 40%(Max)
 AggregateImpact IS 2386 Part IV or 30%(Max)
Value Pg
IS 5640 30%(Max)
(b) Combined Flakiness & IS 2386 Part- I
elongation indices
* Aggregate may satisfy requirement of either of
two test, Frequency of test shall as per
TABLE – 7.1
4. The grading requirements of the metal to be used for W.B.M shall be asunder.
Sr. No. Size Range Sieve Designation Percentage by weight
passing through the
1 Type - B / 11.20 Screening 11-20mm 100
Material as per Morth 5-60mm 90-100
180 micron 15-35

5. Wherever any doubt exist as to whether the above requirements are satisfied, in whole or
any part of the collection, metal shall be got screened by the contractor at his own cost, if
so ordered by Engineer – in –charge.

6. Stacking shall be done by filling in the standard steel boxes of 2m x 1.5m x 0.5m size
which shall be supplied by the Department if available on rent. Other wise contractor shall
make his own arrangements No deduction for whether the quantity of stacks of metal in
any hectometer is not confirming with the cubical content of the standard Pharas ( 2m x
1.5m x 0.5m ) shall be got corrected by the contractor if so ordered by the Engineer – in –
charge for which no extra payment shall be claimed by the contractor. If the quantity of
metal in any stack in a particular hectometer is found to be less than the standard
measurement viz. 1.5 cmt , The entire collection in the hectometers shall be paid on the
basis for the quantity so found Regular stacks shall be done by the contractor on a fairly
level ground. Stacking of the metal shall be done in manner as directed by the Engineer – in
– charge Collection of metal shall be completed in two hectometer wise as per the final
requirement and measurement shall be recorded two hectometer wise. Until the quantity of
metal as per final requirement is not collected in any two consecutive HM and std. boxes
are not filled in completely in two hectometer, measurements shall not be recorded and
payments shall not bedone.

7. For roadwork complete staking of metal as per requirement shall be carried out in 3 km
length before spreading. The metal stacks shall be measured and recorded and got cross-
checked by other Deputy Engineer as per rules beforespreading.

The collection shall always, commence at once at one end of the Km. and be carried
continuously towards the other end unless the Engineer – in – charge shall direct

8. The payment shall be on cubic meter basis without deduction for voids. The contractor
shall maintain all stacks in regular and proper size till the whole materials shall be not
measured and finally accepted by the Department. The spreading of materials shall not be
allowed till the materials are fully stacked stacked and completed kilometerwise.
9. The rate includes cost of collection, conveyance to the site with all lead and lift and filling
the boxes including all lab our, tools, equipment, and other incidental expense. The rate
quoted is inclusive of all such tools duties, fees royalties, taxesetc.


The payment shall be made on cubic metre basis.

Item No. 7 Supplying and Stacking stone dust for binding material with all lead andlift

1. Material shall be confirm to M-7 Material for the purpose shall be approved quality. Any
materials which is found inferior shall be rejected and the contractor shall remove such
rejected material from the site at his own cost. The material shall be collected from quarries
approved by the Executive Engineer. The materials shall be granularand

2. The materials shall be got approved by the Executive Engineer prior to collection at site. It
shall be free from all rubbish, dust and any organic materials as well as clods of back
cotton soils. Materials shall not be allowed to be collected from within the road boundary.
Materials to be
W.B.M. ROAD construction shall have P.I. value of less than 6 as determined in
accordance with IS: 2720 (Par.V). The materials to be used should be get tested prior to
its use in road construction.

3. Stacking shall be done by filling in the std. size steel boxes of 2 m x 1.50 x 0.5 mm size
which shall be supplied by the department if available on rent otherwise contractor shall
make his own arrangements and not deduction for voids shall made from the gross
measurements. Where any doubt exist as to whether the quality of stacks of stone dust in an
hectometer is not confirming with the cubical contents of the standard pharas (2m x 1.5 m.
x 0.5) shall be got corrected by the contractor if so ordered by the Engineer-in-charge for
which no found to be less than the std. Measurement viz. 1.50 cmt. The entire collection in
the Hectometer shall be paid on the basis of the quantity so found. Regular stacks shall be
done by the contractor on a fairly level ground. Stacking of the stone dust shall be done in a
manner as directed by theEngineer-in-charge.

4. For road work complete stacking of stone dust as per requirement shall be carried out in 2
KM. length before spreading. The stone dust stacks shall be got checked by the other
Deputy Engineer as per rules before spreading. The collection shall always commence at
one end of the KM. and be carried out continuously towards the other end unless the

Engineer-in-charge shall direct otherwise.

5. The payment shall be made on cubic meter basis without deduction for voids. The
contractor shall maintain all stacks in regular and proper size till the whole materials are
collected measures and finally accepted by the Department. The spreading of material shall
not be allowed till the materials are full stacks and completed kilometerwise.

6. The rate includes cost of collection, conveyance to the site with all lead and lift and filling
the boxes including all labour, tools, equipment and other incidental expenses. The rate
quoted are inclusive of all such levels royalties, taxesetc.

7. The payment made on cumbasis

Item No. 8 Spreading the Stone Aggregate for solling and W.B.M. including filling the
interstices to required camber and gradient. (Excluding Spreading of

1. Metal shall not be spread without permission of the Engineer-in-charge. Metal should be
spread under careful supervision by trained coolies. Contractor shall see than uniform
spreading as per collection of metal is done. The contractor shall spread the metal fully
from the stacks without keeping any balance unless directed by the Engineer-in-charge to
keep some stacks in balance for making good unevenness or depressions during rolling
work. To ensure that the material is spread to the required thickness the road surface shall
be marked out into length over which the conents of heaps are to with spreading of metal.
These bunds shall be laid with distance between them equal to the width of the road to be
metaled and shall be enough to prevent the loose metal from spreading during
consolidation as well as to retain water used for consolidation. Payment for bunds will be
made in the respectiveitem.

2. The metal (including old metal) shall be screened and rubbish, dust, grass shall be
removed and spread evenly on the prepared surface in grade and camber by using camber
boards etc., so as to ensure that the surface is true to camber and grade. At least two
camber boards shall be in use at site. The surface shall be checked at every 50 ft. by
means of templates white the correctness of the camber in between shall be tested by
strings and corrected as required. Between the straight lengths and the curves and at the
meeting points of the convex and concave portions of reverse curves the change in
camber of the road to super elevation shall be made very gradually as may be directed by

3. The spreading of metal shall proceed only 200mt (Maximum) in advance of the rolling
operations. The collection and spreading of the metal shall not be carried out in one and
the samekilometer.

4. At the time of rolling all surface irregularities, hollows, depressions, humps, etc. shall be
set right. The spreading of metal in required layer shall be done by the contractor. The rate
for this item shall be paid on Cmt. Basis and includes all the above operations with all lead
and lift except consolidation.

Item No. 9 Spreadingthe Stone dust blindage or road crust filling the gaps in metal
and levelling to camber and gradient asdirected

1. Spreading of material shall be started after the full supply in a particular KM. is collected
measured and recorded in the measurements books mission of the Executive Engineer
shall be obtained before spreading of stone dust is allowed. After the coarse aggregate
has been rolled and dressed to the required camber and grade the binding material (stone
dust) is to be spread over the metaled surface then the spreading shall be uniform and as
it has to act a binding surface is shall be used for filling then interstices of metal and
forming a smooth running surface as far as possible. Stone dust blindage shall be spared
evenly with a twisting motion of the baskets. No more stone dust shall be used then
specified as blindage rate is for gross measurements and no deduction of voids shall be
made, it shall be spread in a manner as directed by the Executive Engineer. The
contractor shall make good all unevenness, depressions, projections etc. during
consolidation work and rate of this item includes all these operations

2. Quantity of binding material / stone dust to be spread will be 0.10 cum per 10 m 2 area.
After application of stone dust the surface shall be copiously sprinkled with water the
resulting slurry swept in with hand brooms or mechanical brooms to fill. The voids
property and filled during which water shall be applied to the wheels of the roller if
necessary to wash down the blinding materials sticking to them. These operations shall
continue until the resulting slurry after filling of voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels
of the movingroller.

3. The rate is for gross measurement and no deduction shall be made if the stone dust is to
be spread as blindage it shall be spread in manner as directed by ExecutiveEngineer.

The contractor shall make good all unevenness depressions during consolidation works
and the rate of this item includes all these operations.

4. The payment shall be made on cubic metrebasis.

Item No. 10 Rolling and consolidation using Vibratory Road Roller 8 - 10 tonne capacity
( including Watering) (C) Water Bound Macadam (Layer not exceeding
100mm. thickness)

1. Immediately following the spreading of the coarse aggregates rolling shall be with three
wheeled power rollers of 8 to 10 tonne capacity of tandem roller or equivalent vibratory
roller. The weight of the roller shall depend upon the type of the aggregate and be
indicated by Engineer – in –charge.

2. Except on super-elevated portions where the rolling shall proceed from inner edge to
outer, rolling shall begin from the edges gradually progressing towards the center. First
the edge/edges shall be compacted with roller running towards backward. The roller shall
then move inwards parallel to centerline of the road in successive passes uniformly
lapping preceding tracks by at least one half thewidth.

3. Rolling shall continue until the aggregate is thoroughly keyed and the creeping of
aggregate ahead of the roller is no longer visible. During rolling slight sprinkling of
water may be done if necessary. Rolling shall not be done when the sub grade is soft or
yielding or when it cause a wave like motion in the sub grade or sub basecourse.

4. The rolled surface shall be checked transversely and longitudinally with templates and
any irregularities corrected by loosening the surface adding or removing necessary
amounts of aggregate and re-rolling until the entire surface conforms to desired camber
and grade. In no case shall the use of screening be permitted to make anddepression.

5. The blindage material where it is required to be used shall be applied successively in two
or more than layers at a slow and uniform rate. After each application the surface shall be
copiously sprinkled with water the resulting slurry, swept in with hand brooms or
mechanical brooms to fill the voids property and rolled, during which water shall be
applied to the wheels of the rollers if necessary to wash down the binding materials
sticking to them. These operations shall continue until the resulting slurry after filling of
voids, forms a wave ahead of the wheels of the movingroller.

6. After the final compaction of water bound macadam course the road shall be allowed to
dry overnight. Next morning hungry spots shall be filled with screening of binding
materials as directed, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled. No traffic shall
be allowed on the road until the macadam has set. The Engineer-in-charge shall have the
discretion to stop halt traffic from using the completed water bound macadam course if in
his opinion it would cause excessive damage to thesurface.

7. Payment will be make on cum Basis of the finished work and shall include cost of
watering rent of machinery, cost of fuel, wages of drivers and cleaners and murrum

Item No. 11 Providing and supplying and eventy priming / tack coat with bitumen
emulsion @ Rate of 6.00 Kg / 10 Sqmt (including heating the bitumen &
the cost ofbitumen


This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid
bituminous material to a porous granular surface preparatory to the superimposition of
bituminous treatment or mix.


Primer: The choice of a bituminous primer shall depend upon the porosity
characteristics of the surface to be primed as classified in IRC:16. Theseare:

(i) Surfaces of low porosity; such as wet mix macadam and water boundmacadam.

(ii) Surfaces of medium porosity; such as cement stabilized soil base;and

(iii) Surfaces of high porosity; such as, a gravel/soil-aggregatebase.

Primer viscosity: The type and viscosity of the primer shall comply with the
requirements of IS:8887, as sampled and tested for bituminous primer in accordance with
these standards. Guidance on viscosity and rate of spray is given in Table500.1.


Porosity Type of Surface Kinematics Saybolt Furol Quantity per 10
Viscosity of Viscosity at 60o sqm (kg)
Primer at 60oC C (Seconds)

Low WBM/WMM 30-60 14-238 7-10

Medium Stabilized Base 70-140 33-66 9-12

High Gravel Base 250-500 117-234 12-15

Choice of Primer: The primer shall be Slow Setting Bitumen Emulsion Grade SS-
1, complying with IS:8887 or as specified in the Contract or as directed by the Engineer.
The use of medium curing cutback as per IS:217 shall be restricted only for sites at sub-
zero temperatures or for emergencyapplications.

Weather and SeasonalLimitations

Bituminous primer shall not be applied to a wet surface (see Clause 502.4.2) or
during a dust storm or when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature
in the shade is less than 10 o C. Surfaces which are to receive emulsion primer should be
damp, but no free or standing water shall be present.


Equipment : The primer distributor shall be a self-propelled or towed bitumen

pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at specified rates and
temperatures. Hand spraying of small areas, inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow
strips shall be permitted with a pressure hand sprayer. Use of a hand held perforated
canister shall, however, not bepermitted.

Preparation of road surface: The surface to be primed shall be prepared in

accordance with Clause 501. Immediately prior to applying the primer, the surface shall be
carefully swept clean of dust and loose particles, care being taken not to disturb the
interlocked aggregate. This is best achieved when the surface layer is slightly moist (lightly
sprayed with water and the surface allowed to dry) and the surface should be kept moist
until the primer is applied.

Application of Bituminous Primer: The bituminous primer shall be

sprayed/distributed uniformly over the dry surface, prepared as per Clause 502.4.2, using
self- propelled or towed sprayer, capable of supplying primer at specified rates and
temperature so ass to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of primer. If the surface to be
primed is so dry or dusty as to cause freckling of bituminous material, it shall be lightly
and uniformly sprinkled with water immediately prior to priming; however, the bituminous
material shall not be applied till such time as no surface water is visible. The primer shall
be applied at the rate as specified in Table500.1.

Temprature of application of a primer need only be high enough to permit the

primer to be effectively sprayed through the jets of the spary bar and to cover the granular
base surface uniformly in the desired quantity. For a bituminous emulsion primer, the range
of spraying temperature shall be 20o C to 60o C and for cutback 50oC - 80o C if Medium
Curing grade is used.

The primer coat shall be applied only on the topmost water bound macadam or any
granular layer, over which the bituminous base course/wearing course is to be laid.Curing
of primer and opening to traffic: A primed surface shall be allowed to cure for at least 24
hours or such other period as is found to be necessary to allow all the volatiles to evaporate
before any subsequent surface treatment or mix is laid. Any unabsorbed primer shall be
blotted with an application of sand, using the minimum quantity possible. A primed surface
shall not be opened to traffic other than that necessary to lay the next course. A very thin
layer of clean sand may be applied to the surface of the primer, to prevent the primer

picking up under the wheels of the paver and the trucks delivering bituminous material to

Tack Coat: Over the primed surface, a tack coat should be applied in accordance
with Clause503.

Quality Control of Work

For control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the
relevant provision of Section 1800 shall apply.

502.6 Arrangements for Traffic

During construction operations, arrangements for traffic shall be made in

accordance with the provisions of Clause 111.

Measurement forPayment

Prime Coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres.


The contract unit rate for prime coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including full compensation for all components listed in Clause 401.9
(i) to (v) and as applicable to the work specified in these Specifications.



This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of low viscosity liquid
bituminous material to an existing bituminous road surface preparatory to the
superimposition of a bituminous mix, when specified in the Contract or instructed by the


Binder: The binder used for tack coat shall be Rapid Setting Bitumen Emulsion
Grade RS-1 complying with IS:8887 or as specified in the Contract. The use of cutback
bitumen (Medium Curing grade) as per IS:217 shall be restricted only for sites at sub-zero
temperature or for emergency applications as directed by theEngineer.
Weather and SeasonalLimitations

Bituminous material shall not be applied to a wet surface or during a dust storm or
when the weather is foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature in the shade is less than
10o C. Where the tack coat consists of emulsion, the surface shall be slightly damp, but not

wet. Where the tack coat is of cutback bitumen, the surface shall be dry.


Equipment: The tack coat distributor shall be a self-propelled or towed bitumen

pressure sprayer, equipped for spraying the material uniformly at a specified rate. Hand
spraying of small areas, inaccessible to the distributor, or in narrow strips, shall be
permitted with a pressure hand sprayer, or as directed by theEngineer.

Preparation of base: The surface on which the tack coat is to be applied shall be
clean and free from dust, dirt, and any extraneous material, and be otherwise prepared in
accordance with the requirements of Clause 501. Immediately before the application of the
tack coat, the surface shall be swept clean with a mechanical broom, or by other means as
directed by theEngineer.

Application of binder: The binder shall be sprayed on the base at the rate specified
in Table 500.2. The normal range of spraying temperature for a bituminous emulsion shall
be 20o C – 60o C and for a cutback 50o C – 80o C if Medium curing grade is used. It shall be
the responsibility of the Contractor to carefully handle the inflammable bituminous cutback
material so as to safeguard against any fire mishap. The binder shall be applied uniformly
with the aid of either self-propelled or towed bitumen pressure sprayer capable of spraying
bitumen at specified rates and temperature so as to provide a uniformly unbroken spread of
bitumen. Work should be planned so that no more than the necessary tack coat for the
day’s operation is placed on thesurface.


Type of Surface Quantity of Bituminous Emulsion in kg per

square metre area

(i) Normal bituminous surfaces 0.60

(ii) Dry and hungry bituminous surfaces 0.25 to 0.30

(iii) Granular surfaces treated with primer 0.25 to 0.30

(iv) Cement Concrete Pavement 0.30 to 0.35

503.4.4 Curing of tack coat: The tack coat shall be left to cure until all the
volatiles have evaporated before any subsequent construction is started. No plant or
vehicles shall be allowed on the tackcoat.
Quality Control of Work

For control of the quality of materials supplied and the works carried out, the
relevant provisions of Section 1800 shall apply.

Arrangements forTraffic

During the period of construction, arrangements for traffic shall be made in

accordance with the provisions of Clause 111.
Measurements forPayment

Tack coat shall be measured in terms of surface area of application in square metres.
503.8 Rate

The contract unit rate for tack coat shall be payment in full for carrying out the
required operations including for all components listed in Clause 401.9 (i) to (v) and as
applicable to the work specified in these Specifications.

ItemNo. 12ProvidingandLayingof SingleLayerOpenGradedPremixBituminousGrouting

19.90Kg./M.T.oftotalmix&Bitumenfortackcoat@2.50Kg./10Sq.mt. on BT Surface
includingheating & mixing indrummix plant, transporting spreadingthesame
withpaverfinisher&consolidation withvibratoryroller
owndrummix plant& equipment tool,etc.complete inaccordance withthe
requirementof specification.

Thework shallconsistofconstructioninaSinglecourseofcompactedcrushedaggregatespremixedwith
grades andcrosssectionsshown on thedrawingorasdirected bytheEngineer.
Builtupspray grout shallbeusedin aSinglecoursein apavement structure.

Materials:Binder :-Thebinder shallbeofviscocity grade (VG-10)grade satisfying the requirementof

IS :73.Theactualgradeofbinderto beusedshallbedecided byEngineer-in-Charge.

Aggregate :-TheAggregateshall consistofcrushed stone of typeblack traponly. They shallbeclean, strong

durable of fairly cubicalshape and free fromdisintegratedpieces, organicorotherdeleterious
matterandadherentcoating. The aggregatesshallpreferably by hydrophobic andof lowporosity.If
hydrophilic aggregatesare tobeused, thebitumenshallpreferably be treatedwith anti-stripping agentsof
approvedquality insuitabledoesasAppendix-5.The aggregateshallsatisfy thephysical requirementset
forth inTable.


Sr. Test TestMethod Requirement
1 LogAngelesAbrasionValue* IS :2388 (Part-4) (7272)
40 percentMaximum
2 AggregatesImpactValue* IS :2486 (Part-4) 30 percentMaximum
* Aggregatemaysatisfyrequirementsfor eitherof thetwo tests.
** Todeterminethiscombinedproportion,theflakystonefromarepresentativesampleshouldfirst
dividedby weightofstonesample.Only theelongated particlesbeseparatedoutfromtheremaining (non
flaky)stonemetal.Elongationindexisweightofelongatedparticlesdividedbytotalnonflakyparticles. The
valueofflakinessindex and elongationindexsofound are added up.Proportioning of materials:

Themaximumcompacted thicknessofalayershallbe100mm.



IS SieveDesignation Percentbyweightpassingthe
53.00mm 100
26.5mm 75-100
22.4mm 50-85
13.2mm 20-40
5.6mm 5-20
2.8mm 0-5

Variationin proportioning ofMaterials:

TheContractor shallhave theresponsibility forensuring properproportioning ofmaterialand
producingauniformmix.Avariationinbindercement+0.3percentbyweightoftotalmixshall however,
bepermissibleforindividualspecimens takenforqualitycontroltestsvideSection-900.

Construction Operation:


orwet,orduringduststormorwhen atmosphere temperatureis shadeis10degreeC orless.

Preparation ofbase:
thedrawings asotherwise stated in the contract.

ForScarifying and relaying thegranular surface:
Thematerialsused shallbecoarseaggregatessalvagedfrom scarificationoftheexistinggranularbase
coursesupplementedby fresh coarse aggregateand screeningsso thataggregateand screening thus
supplemented correspondto Clause404. WaterBoundMacadamorCluse406 :WetMixMacadamas the

ForPatchingPotholesand sealingcracks:
repaired andsealedinaccordancewith Clauses3004.2&3004.3 orasdirected bytheEngineer.

be coveredwith awearingcourselayer.

Profilecorrective courseand itsapplications:

laidas partof theoverlay strengthening course.However,ifprovidedas aseparatelayer, itmay beofthe
same specification asthelayeroverwhich itis to be laid intermediatebetween underlyinglayer, as shown
on thedrawing.SurfacesLevels:-
Thelevelsofthesubgradeanddifferentpavementcourseasconstructed shallnowvaryfrom those
directed bytheEngineerbeyond thetolerancesmentioned inTable900-1.
Bituminousmaterialshallnotbeappliedtoawetsurfaceorduringaduststormorwhenthe weather is
foggy,rainy or windy orwhen the temperature in the shade is less than10 C. Where the tack coat
consistof80/100, the surface shallbe slightly damp,butnotwet. Where thetack coatisof cutback bitumen,
the surfaceshallbedry.

Construction Equipment:-

innarrowstrips, shallbesprayedwitamurrum andlayerasallowedby theEngineer.503.42ofMORTH
Specificiationpreparationofbase. Thesurfaceonwhichthetackcoatistobeappliedshallbecleanand freefrom
dust,dirtandanyextraneousmaterial,andbeotherwisepreparedinaccordancewiththe requirements
ofClause 501.8and 902 as appropriate.Immediately before the applicationofthe tack coat,
thesurfaceshallbesweptcleanwithamechanicalbroom andhighpressureairjetorbyothermeansas directed


Theasphaltattherateof 4.00 Kg.per10Sq.mt.onB.T.shallbeusedfortackcoattemperaturefora

0 0 0 0
bituminousshallbe20 Cto70 Candforcutback50 Cto80 CifRC-70/MC-70 ISused.Where
geosynteticISproposed forused, theprovisionsofClauses703.3.2 and70.4.4ofMORTH specification shall
apply. Themethodof application of the tack coatwilldepend on the typeofequipment to beused, size of
nozzles, pressure at the spray bar and speed of forward movement. The contractor shall
demonstrateataspraying trial, thattheequipmentandmethodtobeusedin capableofproducing a
uniformspray, withthetolerances specified.

Wherethematerial toreceivedanoverlay isfreshly laidbituminouslayer,thathasnotbeensubjectedto

traffic,orcontaminatedbydust,atackcoatisnotmandatorywheretheoverlay iscompletedwithintwo days.

Curing of tack coat:

The tack coat shallbeleft tocurveuntilallthevolatileshaveevaporatedbeforeany subsequent

Quality ControlofWork:

1. Sub Grade +20mm

2. Sub Base4– 10mm
(a)FlexiblePavement -20mm
(b)Concretepavement +6mm
(Drylean ConcreteorRolled concrete)

3. Base course forflexiblepavement.


(b)Otherthan bituminous +10mm
(i)Machinelaid -10mm
(ii)Manuallylaid +15mm
4. WearingCourseflexiblepavement.

(a)Machinelaid +6mm
(b)Manuallylaid +10mm
5. CementConcretepavement +5mm

Theworkshall consistofthe application ofa singlecoatofbitumen ofviscocity grade (VG-10) material
contractor asinstructed bytheEngineer.

Thebinderusedfortack coatshallbebitumen80/100complying withIS3887ofStypeandgradeas specified in
theSection-500or MORTHSpecification contractor asdirected by theEngineer. Theuseof cutbackbitumen
asperIS:217 shallbe restricted onlyfor suits atsub zero temperatureor for emergency
application asdirectedbytheEngineer.

Weatherand SeasonalLimitations:
Section 900 shall apply.

Specification :
Therateshallcovertheprovisionoftackcoatat0.25Kg.persquaremeterwithprovisionthatthe variationin
actualquantityofbitumen used willbeassessedandthepayment adjustedaccordingly.

Preparationand transportof mix:

Bituminousgroutmixshallbepreparedinahotmixplantofadequate capacity andcapableofyielding a
mix ofproper and uniformqualitywiththoroughlycoated aggregated.

producinguniform mix within thejob mix formula such aslaiddown in Appendix-A.
(a) InCastofdrummixplant,thecoldfeedsystemshallhavevariablespeedconveyors/orother
automaticallyfroma controloperation/controlcabin.

(b) Bitumen ControlUnit:

Capable of measuring / metering and spraying required quantity of bitumen at specified
temperaturewithautomaticsynchronization ofbitumen and aggregatefeed.

(c) FillerSystem:
incorporationtothemix inthecorrectquantityshallbenecessaryauxiliary.

(d) DustControl:
atmospherefor environmentalcontrol, whoeverso specifiedbytheEngineer.

(e) Suitable auxiliary Bitumen Boiler or Adequate capacity with self heating arrangement and
temperaturecontroldevice.Theboiler shouldbefittedwithtemperatureindicatinginstruments.The
temperatureofbinding atthetimeofmixing shallbein rangeor150DegreeCto163DegreeCand thatof
theaggregateintherangeof155Degree C163DegreeCprovidedthatthedifference in
temperaturebetweenthebinderand aggregateatnotime exceeds14degreeC.

Mixingshallbethoroughlytoensurethathomogenousmixtureisobtainedin whichallparticlesofthe
160 degreeC.

Themixtureshallbemansportedfromthemixing planttothepointofuseinsuitabletippervehicles.
Thevehiclesemployedfortransportshallbecleanandbecoveredintransitifsodirectedbythe Engineer. Any
tipper causing excessivesegregationof materialby its spring suspension orother contributing
factorsorthatwhichshownunderdelay shallberemovedfrom theworkunitsuchcondition arecorrect.

Spreading :-
propelled mechanicalpaver with suitable screeds capableof spreading, tampingand finishingthemix true
tothespecifiedlines,gradesand crosssections. The paverfinisher shallhavethefollowing essential feature.

(a) Ladinghoppersand suitabledistributingmechanism.
(b) Alldriveshavehydrostaticdriver/ control.
(c) Themachineshallhaveahydraulicallyextendablescreed forappropriatewidth requirement.
(d) Thescreedshallhavetampingandvibratingarrangementforinitialcompactiontothelayerasit
(e) Thepavershallequipmentwithnecessarycontrolmechanismsoastoensurethatthefinished
(f) Thepavershallbefittedwithanelectronicsensingdeviceforautomaticlevelingandprofile
(g) Thescreedshallhave the internalheatingarrangement.
(h) Thepavershallbecapableoflayingeither2.5to4.0m.width4.0to7.0m.widthasstipulatedin
(i) Thepavershallbeso designed astoeliminateskidding/ slippageofthetyresduringoperation.

However,inrestricted locationsandinnarrowwidths,wheretheavailableplantcannotbeoperatedin the

opinion of theEngineerhemaypermitmanual layingof themix.

Thetemperatureofthemixatthetimeoflaying shallbein therangeof120degreeC to160degreeC in

150mm. However, thejointin thetop mostlayer shallbe atthelanelineofthepavement.

Longitudinal jointsandedgesshallbeconstructedtrue tothedelineating lineparalleltothecentrelineof the

road.All jointsshallbecutvertical to the full thickness of thepreviously laidmix and the surface
paintedwithhotbitumenbeforeplacingfreshmaterial.Longitudinalandtransversejointsshallbeoffset byat
least250 mm. fromthose inthelower courseandthejointonthetop most layer shallnotbeallowed
tofallwithinthewheelpath.All transverse jointshallbecutvertically tothefullthicknessofthe previously
laidmixwith asphaltcutter/pavementbreakerand surfacepainted withhotbitumenbefore placing
freshmaterial.Longitudejointsshallbepreferably notjoint.Coldlongitudinal jointshallbe properly heatwith
jointheater toattain asuitabletemperatureof about80 degreeCbefore laying of

soonaspossibleafter thematerialhasbeenspread deploying asetofrollers astherolling is tobe completed
inlimited timeframe.The rollershallmoveataspeed notmorethan6 Km./h.Rolling shallbe donewith
caretoavoid undulyrougheningofthepavement surface.

Rollingofthelongitudinal jointshallbedone immediatelybehind thepavingoperation.Afterthis, the rolling

shallcommenceat theedgesandprogresstowards the centrelongitudinally exceptthatonsuper elevated

and uni-direction cambered portion, It shallprogress fromthe lower to theupper edgeparalled to
thecentrelineof thepavement.

Theinitialorbreak down rolling shallbedonewith 80-100kNstaticweight smoothwheelroller (3-

wheelersortandem),assoonasitispossibletorollthemixwithoutcrackingthesurfaceorhavingthe mixpick
upontherollerwheel. Thesecondor intermediaterolling shallfollow thebreak downrolling
withminimum7wheels andminimumtypepressureof0.7MPsascloselyaspossibletothepaverand
bedonewhilethepavingmixisstillatatemperaturethanwillresultinmaximumdensity.Thefinal rolling
shallbedonewhile materialisstillworkable enoughfor removalorrollermarkswith60-80kN
tandemroller.During the final rolling vibratory systemshallbe switched off. thejointsandedges shallbe
rolled witha80to 100 kNstatic roller.

theentiresurfacehasbeen rolledto95percentoftheaveragelaboratorydensity (obtainedfrom Marshall
specimenscompactedasdefinedin Table500-100)thereisnocrushing ofaggregates andallrollermarks
havebeenellminated.Eachpassoftherollershalluniformly overlapnotlessthanonethirdofthetrack madein
thepreceding pass. The rollerwheel shallbekeptdampitnecessary toavoidbituminousmaterial from
sticking to thewheelsandbeingpickedup.Innocaseshallfuel,lubricatingoilbeused forthis purpose, nor
excessivewaterpouredon thewheels.

Rolling operations shallbecompleteevery respectbefore the temperatureof themixfalls below100


Roller(s)shallnotstandon newly bidmaterialwhilethere isa risk that surfacewillbedeformedthereby.

binderbeforethenew mix isplacedagainstit.

SurfaceFinish andQuality ControlofWork:

Thesurfacefinishofconstructionshallconform totherequirementofClause902.Controlonthequality
ofmaterials andworks shallbeexercised bytheEngineerin accordancewith section -900.

Thebuiltup spray groutshallbeprovided with nextsurfacingwithoutand delayifthereisto beanydelay

thecourseshallbeexceedbysealcoattotherequirementofClause513beforeallowinganytrafficover it. The
sealcoatin such cause shallbe considered incidental tothework andshallnotbepaidfor separately.

Duringthe period of construction,arrangement oftrafficshallbedonetoClause 112toMORTH
ForWidening /Strengthening existing carriagewherepartwidthoftheexisting carriageisproposedto be
usedforpassageoftraffic,treatedshouldersshallbeprovidedonthesideon whichwork isnotin
progress.Thetreatmentto theshouldershallconsistproviding atleast150mm thickgranualbase course
coveredwithbituminoussurfacedressing in awidth ofa least1.5m.andthe surface shallbemaintained
throughouttheperiodduring whichtrafficusesthesametothe satisfaction oftheEngineer. The
continuouslength inwhichsuchworkshallbecarriedout,wouldbelimitednormallyto500m.ata
place.However,where work isallowedby the Engineer in longer stretchespassing places at least20m.
longwithadditionalpavedwidth of2.5m. shallbeprovided atevery0.5 Km. interval.

Incaseofwidening existing twolane to four lane,the additional two laneswould beconstructed firstand
becarriedout.However, incasewhereontherequestof the contractor,work onexisting twolane
carriageway isallowedby theEngineerwithtrafficusing partof the existing carriageway,stipulations as in
paraabove shallapply.

After obtaining permission of the engineer, the treatment shoulder shall be dismantled, the debris
disposed of and theareaclearedasperthedirectionsoftheEngineer.

purpose, the contractorshallhaveto installaweightbridgeof suitablecapacity for thepurposeof
weighmentofdumpersat suitableplace athiscostasdirected.Weightofempty andweightofloaded
someloadeddumperstestcheckedatotherweightbridges.Weighbridgewillbeperiodically got calibrated
and verifiedfromweight and measure authorities.

For thepurposeof applicationof tack coat, if theoreticalareaasper sanctioned estimate forbasisof tonne
differswiththeactualareaofwork donein the field, thereduction inor addition ofpaymentshallhaveto be

Weightofmixmaterialwillbedoneinpresenceofresponsible,not lessthan therank of supervisorof

Departmentand themeasurementshallbe recorded by theDeputy ExecutiveEngineerorAssistant
inboundandnumberedregister,whichwillbemaintainedby theDepartmentalrepresentativeandsigned
bythecontractorpropergatepasssystemshallbeestablished forthevehiclescomingtotheplantsite
individualdumpers areuploadedshallbe recorded carefully.

includingfullcompensation for
(i) Making arrangements for traffic to Clause 112 to MORTH specification, except or initial
treatmentto verge, shoulders and constructionofdiversion.
(ii) Preparationofbaseexcept forlayingofprofilecorrective coursebutincludingfillingofpotholes.
(iii) Providingallmaterialstobeincorporatedintheworkincludingarrangementforstockyards,all
royalties,fees,rentswherenecessaryand allleads andlift.
(iv) Alllabour,tools,equipments,plantsincludinginstallationofhotmixplant,powersupplyunits
and allmachineriesincidentaltocompletetheworktothespecifications. (v)
Carryingouttheworkin partwidthoftheroad where directed.
(vi) Carryingoutall tests for controlofquality.

ItemNo. 13Providing and laying 25mm. compacted thick open graded premix bitumenous carpet with
B.T. aggregate as specified and bitumen for tack coat at rate of
2.50kg/10smton B.T.surfaceandusingbitumen formixing withaggregateatthe
Mix Plant and spreading the same by paver finisher and consolidation with vibratory
roller including necessary firewood,oil, lubricants labour charges, using
in accordancewith therequirementof specification.



Sr.No. Test Testmethodrequirements
1.LosAnglesAbrasionvalue* IS:2386(PART-IV)* 40percentmax.
2.Aggregateimpactvalue* IS:2386(PART-IV)* 30percentmax.
3.CombinedFlakiness& IS:2386(PART-l) 30percentmax.
4.Strippingvalue IS:6241 25percentmax.
5.WaterAbsorption IS:2386(PART-IIl) 2percentmax.




SieveDesignation Percentbyweightpassingthesievefor
20mm 100
12.5mm 70to100
10mm 20to40
The 4.75mm 0to5 abovegr
ada tionistent



Sr. Typeofconstruction Test Frequency
1. Tackcoat (i)Bindertemperaturefor Atregularclose
application intervals.
(ii)Rateofspreadofbinder Twotestperday

2. Premixcarpet (i)Aggregateimpactvalue Onetestper100Cum.


(ii)Flakinessindexofaggregate Onetestper100Cum.

(iii)Strippingvalue Onetestper100Cum.

(iv)mixgrading Onesetoftestson

(v)Temperatureofbinderinthe Atregularclose
boiler,aggregateinthedryerandmix intervals.

(vi)Controlofbindercontentand OneTestforeach100
gradationinthemix(Bindercontentt tonesofmixsubjecttomax
estwideASTMD– .oftwotestperdayperplan
(vii)Rateofspreadingmix Regularcontrolthrough
material. checksonlayerthickness.




ItemNo. 14ProvidingandlayingSealCoatwithB.T.aggregateasspecifiedusingaggregateat
M.Ton.oftotalmixincludingheatingandmixingindrummixplantand spreading the samebypaver
finisherandconsolidation withvibratory roller includingnecessary using contractor'sown
drum mix plant, machineriesand equipment,toolsetc.complatein accordancewiththe
requirementof specification.

Theworkshallconsistofconstructionofpremixsealcoataswearingcourse,onapreviously preparedbase,
totherequirement to these specifications.


2.1 BINDER ::-

Thebindershallbestraightrunbitumenof ViscocityGrade(VG-10) satisfying the

requirementsofIS-73,theactualgradeofthebiddertobeusedshallbedecided bythe Engineer– In –
Charge andit shallhave to bebroughtbyContractorto the siteathisown
costunlessotherwiseprovided inSchedule– “A”.


The coarse aggregateshall consistof crushed stone ofcrushedgravel. Theseshallbe

strong,durable,offairly cubical shape,freeofdisregardedpieces,organic orother
deleteriousmatterandadherentcoatings.Theaggregatesshallpreferably behydrophobic andof
lowporosity andshall satisfy the physical requirement set forth in Table givenin Item18 para2.

2.3 Fineaggregates:-
The fine aggregatesshallconsistof crusher runscreenings,natural sand oramixtureof both.These
shallbeclean,harddurable,uncoated,dry andfreefrom injurious softor flakypieces
andorganicordeleterious substances.

2.4 Filler::-
Thefiller, whererequired shallbe aninertmaterialthewholeofwhich passes600micron
sieve,atleast90%passing150micronsieveandnotlessthen70passing75micron sieve. The filler
shallbecementstonedust,hydrated line, fly ash orothernon-plastic mineralmatter approved
bytheEngineer– In – Charge.

2.5 Aggregategradation:-
Themineral aggregates, including mineral filler, shallbe so graded or combined asto confirmto
thegradingset forthintablebelow:-


Sievedesignation PercentagebyWt. PassingtheSieve

12.5 mm ForType– ‘A’
-- 100
10 mm 100 70-100
4.75 mm 40-85 20-40
2.35 mm 5.20 5-20
75 Micron 0-4 0-4

2.6 Proportioningof Materials::-

Thebiddercontent forpremixingshallbeatrateof45.00 Kg./M.T. i.e. 4.50 formixing
TheContractorshallgetthejob-mixformula for themixapprovedby theEngineer–In–
2.7 Variationin proportioningof Materials::-
TheContractorshallhavetheresponsibility ofensuring properproportioning ofmaterials in
accordance with the approved job-mix formula an producing a uniform mix A variation
inbindercontentof+0.3%by weightoftotalmixshall,however,be permissible in individual
specimenstaken forquality control testsvide MOST specification section 900.

3.1 WeatherandseasonalLimitation::-
Pre–mixsealcoatshallnotbelaidduringrainyweatherorwhenthesurfaceis damporwet.
3.2 Preparationof base:-
Thebaseonwhichpremixsealcoatistobelaidshallbeprepared,shapedand conditioned
tothespecifiedlines,gradeandcrosssectionsinaccordancewith MOST Specification
Clause501asdirectedby theEngineer–In–Charge.The surfaceshallbethoroughly
sweptandscrapedcleanandfreeofdustandforeign matter.
3.3 Preparationof the mix:-
Hot mix plant of adequate capacity and capable of producinga proper
anduniformquality shallbeusedforpreparingthemix,theplantshallbecontinuous type
havingco-ordinatesset of essential unitssuch as dryerfor heatingthe
aggregates,deviceforbatching,feeding by weightorvolume therequired
quantitiesofaggregates,abinderheatingandcontrolunitformattering onthe correct
quantityof heatedbindertogetherwith apaddlemixerforintimatemaybe remixing of the
binder and aggregates. For details relating Hot Mix Plant
Annexure–‘A’(Seepageno. )maybereferred.Thetemperatureofbinderat
thetimeofmixingshallbeintherangeof150Cto165C andof aggregatesinthe
rangeof155Cto163Cprovidedalsothatattimeshallthedifference in
temperaturebetweentheaggregatesandthebinderexceed14C.Theviscosity at
thetimeofmixingshallbe150–300cst of75–150sts.Mixingshallbethroughtoensurethat
ahomogeneousmixtureisobtainedinwhichall theparticlesofthemineralaggregates arecoated
uniformly.Themix shall betransportedfromthemixingplanttothepointofuseinsuitable
vehicles.Thevehiclesemployedfortransportshallbecleanandbecoveredoverin transitof so
directed bytheEngineer– In – Charge.
3.4 Spreading :-

Themixtransported from themixplanttothesite,shallbespreadbymeansofself –

propelledmechanicalpaverwith suitable screenscapableofspreading, tamping and
finishingthemixturetospecifiedgradelinesandcrosssections. Thetemperatureofmix and
thetimeoflayingshallbe inrange120 C– 163 C.Longitudinal
jointsandedgesshallbeconstructedtruetothedelineatinglinesparallelto the
centerlineoftheroad.Longitudinaljoints shall beoffsetby atleast150mm from those in
thebindercourse.All jointsshallbecutvertical to the full thicknessof the previously laid mix and
the surface painted with hot bitumen before placing fresh material.

3.6 Rolling :-Assoonassufficientlengthhasbeencoveredwiththepremixedmaterialthesurface

shallberolledwith80KNto100KN staticweightVibratory rollers.Rolling shallbe
continueduntilthepremixedmaterialcompletely seal thevoidsinthebituminous course
Therollerwheelshallbekeptdamptopreventthemixfrom adhering tothem butinno case shall fuel lubricating oilbe
usedfor thispurpose.Rolling shall commence longitudinallyfrom
elutriatedportions,itshallprogressfromthelowertoupperedgeparalleltothecenter lineof thepavement. The roller
should proceed onthefreshmaterialwith rearorfixed wheel leading so as to minimizethepushing of themixand
each passof the roller shall uniformlyoverlapnotlessthanonethirdofthetrack madeintheprecedingpass.Rolling
shall continueunit the entiresurfacehasbeen rolled to compaction and all the rollermark eliminated.


Trafficmaybe allowed immediatelyafter completionof thefinal rollingwhen themix has cooled down

ThesurfacefinishofconstructionshallconformtotherequirementsofMOST Specification
Clause901.ControlonthequalityofmaterialandworksshallbeexercisedbytheEngineer–In– Charge
inaccordancewith MOSTSpecification Clause902.


TheprovisionsofMOSTSpecificationClause105shallapplyasregardstheflowoftraffic duringconstruction.

The paymentshallbemadeonthe tonnagebasisof the weightofmixofaggregatesandbitumen.

Forthispurpose theContractorshallhavetoinstallaweightbridgeof suitable capacity forthe
purposeofweighmentofdumpersat suitableplace athiscost asdirected. Weightof empty dumper and
weightof loaded dumperwillbe recorded in bound and numbered registeron plant
site.Departmentwillbe freetoget someloadeddumperstest checked atotherweightbridge. Weight
bridge will be periodically got calibrated and verified from weight and measure authorities.Weightof
mixmaterialswillbe done in presence of responsibleperson,not less than the rank of
SupervisorofDepartment andthemeasurementsshallberecordedby theDeputy Executive
EngineerorAssistantEngineerorAddl.AssistantEngineer,if authorized.Recordoreach
dumperwillbemaintainedseparatelyinContractor.Propergatepasssystem shallbeestablished
K.M.hectometerand meterin which individualdumpersareunloaded willberecordedcarefully.

8.0 RATE ::-

Thecontractunitrateforsealcoatshallbeforpaymentinfullforcarrying outthe required


Item No. 15Providing and laying asphalt painting on BT surface with bitumen grade VG-10 at
the rate of 5.0 kg/10 sqm by mechanical sprayer and spreading the stone dust
on prepared surface at the rate of 0.03 cum/10 sqm and Rolling with smooth
wheeled roller and pneumatic roller and brushing etc. complete.(as per RA)
1.0 Scope :-
This work shall consist of the application of a single coat of bitumen Grade VG-10 to an existing
bituminous road surface in accordance with the following specifications.
2.0 Materials :-
2.1 Bitumen :- The Bitumen used for asphalt painting shall be Grade VG-10 complying with IS : 73 or as
directed by the Engineer.
2.2 Stone Dust :-
2.2.1 This shall be obtained from crushing hard black trap or equivalent. It shall be not contain more than 8% of
silt as determined by field test will measuring cylinder. The method of determining silt contents by fields
test is given as under.
2.2.2 A sample of stone dust to be tested shall be placed without drying in 200mm measuring cylinder. The
quantity of the sample shall be such that it fills the cylinder upto 100mm. mark. The clean water shall be
added upto 150mm mark. The mixture shall be stirred vigorously and the content allowed to settle for 3
2.2.3 The height of silt, visible as settled layer above the stone dust shall be expressed as percentage of the
height of the stone dust below. The stone dust containing more than 8% silt shall be washed so as to bring
the content within the allowable limit.
2.2.4 The fitness modules of stone dust shall not be less than 1.80
3.0. Weather and Seasonal Limitations :-
Bituminous material shall not be applied to a wet surface or during a dust storm or when the weather is
foggy, rainy or windy or when the temperature in the shade is less then 100C.
4.0 Construction :-
4.1 Equipment :-
The asphalt painting shall be applied through a distributor and it shall a self propelled or towed bitumen
pressure sprayer equipped for spraying the material uniformly at a specified rate, hand spraying of small
areas, inaccessible to the distributor in narrow strips, shall be sprayed with a pressure hand sprayer or as
directed by the Engineer.
4.2 Preparation of base :-
The surface on which the asphalt painting is to be applied shall be clean and free from dust, dirt and any
extraneous material and other wise prepared in accordance with the requirements of Caluses-501.8 & 513
of MORT&H as appropriate. Immediately before the application of the asphalt painting the surface shall be
swept clean with a mechanical broom and high-pressure air jet or by other means as directed by the
5.0. Mode of Measurements & Payment
5.1. The rate of Asphalt Painting shall be for a unit of one Square meter.

Item No. 16 & 21 Excavation for foundation upto 1.5 m depth including sorting out and
stacking of useful materials and disposing off the excavated stuff upto 50
Meter lead
1. Excavation for structures shall consist of the removal of material for the construction of foundations for
culverts, retaining walls, cut of walls pope culverts and othersimilar structures, in accordance with the
requirements of these specifications and the lines and dimensions shown on the drawing or as indicated by the
Engineer-in-charge. The work
placingthefoundations,trimmingbottomsofexcavations,backfillingandclearingupthe site and the disposal of all
2. Afterthesitehasbeenclearedthelimitsofexcavationshallbesetouttruetolines,curves andslopes.
3. Excavationshallbetakentothewidthoftheloweststepofthefooting.Thecontractorathis
ownexpenseshallputupnecessaryshoring,struttingandplankingorcutslopestoasafer angleofbothwithdue-
regardtothesafetyofpersonsandworksandtosatisfactionofthe Engineer-in-charge.
4. Thedepthtowhichtheexcavationistobecarriedoutshallbeasshown,onthedrawings.
Unlessthetypeofmaterialencounterissuchastorequirechanges,inwhichcasethe depth shall be as ordered by
the Engineercharge.
5. Wherewatersismetwithinexcavationduetostreamflow,seepagesprings,rainofother reasons, the contractor shall
take adequate measures such as dialing, pumping,
regardandotherdetailsthereofshallbelefttothechoiceofthecontractorbutsubjectto approvaloftheEngineer-in-
6. Pumpingfromtheinteriorofanyfoundationenclosuresshallbedoneinsuchmannerasto
thereafter,unlessitisdonefromasuitablesumpseparatedfromtheconcreteworkbya water tight wall or other
7. Thebottomofthefoundationshallbeleveledbothlongitudinallyandtransverselyor stepped as directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. Before footing is laid, the surface shall be slightly watered and rammed. In the event of
excavation having been made deeper than that shown on the drawings or as otherwise ordered by the Engineer-
in-charge, the extra depthshallbemadeupwithconcreteormasonryofthefoundationgradeatthecostofthe
contractor.Ordinaryfillingshallnotbeusedforthepurposeofbringingthefoundationto level. If there are any slips of
blows in the excavation these shall be removed by the contractor at his own cost.
8. Near towns, villages and all frequented places, trenches and foundation pits shall be
9. Backfillingshallbedonewithapprovedmaterialafterconcreteormasonryisfullysetand
spacebetweenfoundationmasonryofconcreteandthesidesofexcavationshallberefilled to the original surface,
making due allowance for settlement in 250mm loose layers. This shall be watered and compacted.

materialisdirectedtobeusedintheconstructionofembankment,itshallbedirectly deposited at the

11. All useful materials, not intended for use in the band, shall be stacked neatly on Government land as
directed by the Engineer- in-chare within 50 meter lead. Unsuitable
andsurplusmaterialsnotintendedforuseinanypartoftheroadshallbedisposedoffas directed by theEngineer-in-
12. ExcavationforstructuresshallbemeasuredinCubicMetersforeachclassofmaterialen-
countered.LimitedtothedimensionsshownofthedrawingsorasdirectedbytheEngineer- in-
plankingshallbedeemedasconveniencefortheContractorinexecutingtheworkand shall not be measured and
paid forseparately.
13. Thecontractunitratefortheitemsofexcavationforstructuresshallbepaidinfullfor Carrying out the required

1. Settingout
2. Constructionofnecessaryshoringandbracingandtheirsubsequentremoval:
3. Removalofalllogsstumps,grubsandotherdeleteriousmatterandobstructionsforplacing the foundations including
trimming of bottoms ofexcavations;
4. Foundation sealing, dewatering includingpumping;
5. Backfilling,clearingupthesiteanddisposalofallsurplusmaterialwithinallliftsandleads Upto100meters;
6. Alllabour,materials,tools,equipment,safeguardsandincidentalsnecessaryto Complete the work to
14. Excavation shall be for ordinary soil such as vegetable of organic soil, turf slit, and loam,
onedirectionnotexceeding75mmoccurringinsuchstratashallbedeemedtobecovered under this category. The
classification of excavation shall be decided by the Engineer-in-

15. The payment shall be made on cubic metrebasis.

Item No. 17Providing and filling in foundation with ordinary cement concrete M-100 mix and
providing necessary vertical pin headers incl. Formwork, vibrating, ramming
and curing complete as directed. as per specification

1. In case of ordinary concrete, mix is not required to be designed by preliminary tests and
proportions of cement, tine aggregates and coarse aggregates are specified by volume as given in
table below for different grades of concrete designated as ordinary M. 100, M. 150, M.200 and

2. In the designation of a concrete mix, letter "M" refers to the mix and the number the specified 28
days works cube compressive strength of that mix on 150 mm cubes expressed in kg. /cm 2.

3. The ordinary concrete mix shall generally b6 specified by volume. For cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as 0.035
cubic metres in volume. While measuring aggregate by volume, shaking, ramming or hammering
shall not be done. Proportioning of sand shall be as per its dry volume. In case it is dump,
allowance for "bulking" shall be made as per I.S.: 2386 (Part -III).
4. Ingredients required for ordinary concrete containing one 50 Kg bag of cement of different
proportions of mix shall be as given in Tablebelow.


Grade of Mix by Volume Total quantity of dry Proportion of Quantity of water

concrete aggregate by volume per 50 fine aggregate to per 50 Kg. of
Kg. / of cement to betaken

as per sum of individual volume of fine and coarse aggreates, maximum

1 2 3 4 5
Ordinary Liters Liters
M-100 1:3:6 300 Generally 1 : 2 34
M-150 1:2:4 220 for aggregate to 32
M-200 1:1 ½ : 3 160 coarse aggregate 30
M-250 1:1:2 100 by volume but 27
subject to and
upper limit of 1 :
1 ½ and a lower
limit 1 : 3 lower limit
NOTE - The proportions of the aggregates shall be adjusted from upper limit to
progressively as the grading of the fume aggregates becomes
finer & the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger.
Example - For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is Zone II of I.S.: 383-1963) the proportions shall
be 1:1.1/2, 1:2 and 1:3 for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm, 20 mm. and 40 mm. respectively (after
carrying out sieveanalysis).
Note-2 A mix leaner than M.100 (1:3:6) may be used for non- structural parts, if provided in the
contract. In such case grading of aggregates shall be by volume. Other requirements for
mixing, placing & curing shall be thesame.
5. Following shall be the maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate for the different items ofwork.
Sr. No. Item of Construction Maximum nominal size of
coarse aggregate
(i) R.C.C. well curb, R.C.C. well staining and R.C.C. pipes 40 mm.

(ii) R.C.C. well staining 63 mm

(iii) Well cap or pipe cap; solid type pipes abutment and wing- 40 mm
walls, and their pipe caps
(iv) R.C.C. works in cross girders deck slab, wearing coats, kerb, 20 mm
light posts, blast walls, approach slab etc. and hollow type
piers, abutment, wing-walls and their pier caps.
(v) R.C.C. bearings 20 mm

(vi) For any other item of construction not covered by items (i) to As specified on the drawing or as
(v) desired by the Engineer-in-charge
in case it is not specified on

For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams nominal maximum
size of aggregate shall usually be restricted to 5 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance
between the main bars or 5 mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement, whichever
is the smaller.

6. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. It shall be free from dust and such other
substances. The sand be got approved by theEngineer-in-charge.
7. All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion of their quality and
fitness for the work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise
considered defective by the Engineer-in-charge shall not be used in theworks.
8. Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and water tight sheds. Wherever
bulk storage containers are used, their capacity should be sufficient to cater to the requirements at
site and should be cleaned at least once every 3 to 4 months. The aggregate shall be stored in such
a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different size of fine or coarse aggregate shall
be stored in separate stock-piles sufficiently away from the each other to prevent intermixing the
9. The water for mixing shall be potable water to satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The
quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for
10. For all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other accessories
shall be kept in first class working condition and so maintained throughout the construction.
Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and uniform colour of the entire
mass is obtained and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate show complete coating of
mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less
than 2 minutes after all ingredients have been put into themixer.
11. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for small jobs or for certain other
reasons. It shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient turning
over of the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water. Mixing platform shall be so
arranged that no foreign material shall get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow
out. Cement in required number of bags shall be placed in a uniform layer on top of the measured
quantity of fine and coarse aggregate, which shall also be spread in a layer of uniform thickness
on the mixing platform. Dry coarse and fine aggregate and cement shall then be mixed thoroughly
by turning over to get a mixture of uniform colour. Enough water shall then be added gradually
through a rose can and the mass turned over till a mix of required consistency is obtained. In hand
mixing quantity of cement shall be increased by 10 per cent above thatspecified.
12. Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before
putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge, the first batch of
concrete from the mixer shall contain only two thirds of normal quantity of coarse aggregate.
Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of cement toanother.
13. The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
Concrete shall be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or loss of its
constituent material takes places. All form work and reinforcement contained in it shall be
cleaned and made free from standing water, dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of
concrete. No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge has beenobtained.
14. If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be
obtained again from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting being given, it shall proceed
continuously over the area between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against
concrete which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction joint is
formed. Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its discharge from
the mixer unless carried in properly design agitators, operating continuously, when this time shall
be within 2 hours of the addition of cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of its discharge
from the agitator. Except where otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in- charge, concrete shall be
deposited in horizontal layers to neither a compacted depth of nor more than 0.45 metre when
internal vibrators are used and not exceeding 0.30 metre in all othercases.

15. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge concrete shall not be dropped into place
from a height exceeding 2 metres. When trunking or chutes are used they shall be kept clean and
used in such a way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface
which has hardened, it shall be roughened, swept, clean, thoroughly wetted and covered with a 13
mm thick layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as in the concrete mix
itself. This 13 mm layer of mortar shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing
of new concrete. Where concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by
scrubbing the well surface with wire or bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of
any particles of coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted, all free water
removed and then coated with neat cement grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this
surface shall not exceed 150 mm in thickness, and shall be well rammed against old work
particular attention being given to corners and closespots.
16. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with the assistance of
vibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for exceptional cases, such as
concreting under water, where vibrators can not be used. Sufficient vibrators in serviceable
condition shall be kept at site so that spare equipment is always available in the event of break
17. Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of weather,
including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature changes, frost and
driving out process. It shall be covered with wet sacking, Hessian or other similar absorbent
material approved by the Engineer-in-charge soon after the initial set, and shall be kept
continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonary work
over the foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of it’s laying but the curing of concrete
shall be continued for a minimum period of 14days.
18. From work shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the concrete
together with all temporary construction required for their support. Form work shall however be
divided into following two distinctcategories:
(1) Shuttering i.e., form work required for forming theconcrete.
(2) Scaffolding i.e., form-work required for supportingshuttering.
Forms for shuttering shall be constructed only in metal suitably lined. Forms for scaffolding shall
be constructed of metal or timber. Both shuttering and scaffolding shall be or substantial rigid
construction and shuttering shall be true to shape and dimensions shown on the drawings: All
bolts and rivets shall be counter-sunk and well ground to provide a smooth, plane surface.

19. Forms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and bracings to
prevent any displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be strong enough to withstand
all pressure, ramming and vibration, without deflection from the prescribe lines occurring during
and after placing the concrete. Screw jacks or hard wood wedges where required shall be
provided to make up any settlement in the formwork either before or during the placing of
concrete. Suitable comber shall be provided in horizontal members of structure, specially in long
spans to counteract the effects of any fixed as to provide for such camber. Forms shall be so
constructed as to be removable in sections in the desired sequence, without damaging the surface
of concrete or disturbing other sections. Unless otherwise specified or directed, chambers or
fillets of sizes 25 mm x 25 mm shall be provided at all angles of formwork to avoid sharpcorners.
20. The inside surfaces of shuttering shall, except in the case of permanent form work or where
otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in- charge, be coated with an approved material to prevent
adhesion of concrete to the form work. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any
reinforcement or pre stressing tendons and anchorages. Different release agents shall not be used
in form work for concrete which will be visible in the finishedworks:
21. Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the form work does not hinder the shrinkage of
concrete because without these cracking could occur before the from work is removed. Wherever
applicable arrangements must be made to ensure that the form work does not restrain the
shortening and hogging of the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons. The form work
should take due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative camber so as to ensure
the correct final shape of the structures having regard to the deformation of a false work,
scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous or deferred deformation due to various causes
affecting pre stressed structures. Where there are re-entrant angles in the concrete sections the
form work should be removed at those sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set in
order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage of concrete. From work shall be tight enough to prevent
any appreciable loss of cement during vibrations, suitable tolerances should be provided in the
harm work, immediately before concreting all farms shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor shall
give the Engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to
inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength alignment and general fitness, but
such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for safety of men, machinery,
materials and for results obtained.
22. The Engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance be the contractor of his intention to strike
any formwork. While fixing the time for removal of formwork, due consideration shall be given
to local conditions, character of the structure, the weather and other conditions that influence the
setting of concrete and of the materials used in the mix. Where field operations are controlled by
strength tests of concrete, the removal of the load-supporting or soffits forms may commence
when concrete has attained strength equal to at least twice the stress to which the concrete will be
subjected at the time of striking props including the effect of any further addition of loads. When
field operations are not controlled by strength tests of concrete the vertical forms of beams,
columns and walls may be removed after 2 days. The props of slabs and beams may be removed
after 14 and 21 days respectively. All formwork shall be removed without causing any damage to
the concrete. Centering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to permit
the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal
ties are permitted, they or their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to
the concrete and remaining holes filled with mortar. No permanently embedded metal part shall
have less than 25 mm cover to the finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to refuse the
formwork, it shall be cleaned and made good to the satisfaction of theEngineer-in-charge.
23. Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing through the Cement
concrete member and used for shuttering or any other purpose shall be cut inside the cement
concrete member to a depth of at lest 25 mm below the surface of the concrete and the resulting
holes be filled by cement mortar. All fins caused by form joints, all cavities produced by the
removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or
corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water and carefully pointed
and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the
grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry as consistency as is possible to use.
Considerable pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all
voids. Surfaces which have been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of twenty four hours. If
rock pockets/honeycombs, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-change are of such an extent or
character as to affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel
reinforcement, he nay declare the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of
the portions of the structureaffected.
24. In the case of reinforced concrete work workability shall be such that the concrete surrounds and
properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of consistency, which shall depend up on the nature
of work and methods of vibration of concrete shall be determined by regular slump tests.
Following slump shall be adopted for different types ofworks.
Sr. No. Type of Work Slumps
Where Where
vibrators are vibrators are
used not used
(i) Mass concrete in R.C.C. foundations, footings and 10 mm to 25 mm 80 mm
retaining walls
(ii) Beams, slabs and columns simply reinforced 25 mm to 40 mm 100 mm to 120
(iii) Thin R.C.C. section or section with congested steel. 40 mm to 50 mm 125 mm to 150
25. Works strength tests shall be made in accordance with I.S.: 516. Each test shall be conducted on
ten specimens five of which shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 28 days. The
samples of concrete shall be taken on each day of concreting and cubes shall be made at the rate
of one for every 5 cubic metre of concrete or a part thereof. However, if concreting done in a day
is less than 15 cubic meter, the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the specific
permission of the Engineer-in-charge. Similar works tests shall be carried out whenever the
quality and grading of materials is charged irrespective of the quantity of concrete proud. The
number of specimens may be suitably increased as deemed necessary by the Engineer-in-charge
when procedure of tests given above reveal a poor quality of concrete and in other specialcases.
26. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the specified
works cube-strength. 20 per cent of the cubes cast for each day may have values less than the
specified strength, provided the lowest value is not less than 85 per cent of the specifiesstrength.

27. R.C.C. work shall have exposed concrete surface. Centering design and its erection shall
approved by he Engineer-in-charge. One carpenter with helper will invariably be kept present
throughout the period of concreting. Movement of labour and other persons shall be totally
prohibited over reinforcement laid in position. For access to different parts, suitable mobile
platforms shall provide so that steel reinforcement in position is not disturbed. For ensuring
proper cover, mortar blocks of suitable size shall be cast and tied to the reinforcement. Timber,
Kapchi or metal pieces shall not be used for this purpose. Concreting of important structural
members shall always be done in the presence and under the supervision of departmental person
not below the rank of Assistant Engineer / Additional Assistant Engineer Overseer or as
instructed by the Engineer-in-charge. After removal of form work checks that concrete produced
is of good quality. Plastering shall not be allowed to the expressed faces ofconcrete.
28. In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The slab
shall be measured as running continuously through and the beam as the portion below theslab.
29. All necessary labour, materials equipment, etc., for sampling, preparing test cubes, curing etc.,
shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete may be arranged by the
Engineer-in-charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of thecontractor.
30. The payment will be made on Cum. basis of the finishedwork.
31. The unit rate of concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools and plan required for
mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting finishing as per directions of the Engineer-
in-charge, curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to
complete the structure or its components as show on the drawings and according to these
specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making/fixing and removing of all centers
and forms required for thework.
Item No. 18 Providing and laying in position FE 415 TMT bar reinforcement including
cutting, bending, hooking and tying complete as per detailed drawings for all
the R.C.C. works






















































Sr. Diameterofste weightofsteelper Sr.No Diameter weightofsteelper

No el ofsteel running
1 6mm 0.22Kg/ 8 20mm 2.47Kg/Rmt

2 8mm 0.39Kg/ 9 22mm 2.98Kg/Rmt

3 10mm 0.62Kg/ 10 25mm 3.85Kg/Rmt

4 12mm 0.89Kg/ 11 28mm 4.83Kg/Rmt

5 14mm 1.21Kg/ 12 32mm 6.31Kg/Rmt

6 16mm 1.58Kg/ 13 36mm 7.99Kg/Rmt

7 18mm 2.00Kg/ 14 40mm 9.86Kg/Rmt





11.4.TherateshallbeforaunitofOne MT

Item No. 19 Providing and casting in situ ordinary cement concrete M – 150 mix and
providing necessary pin headers including shuttering, scaffolding, laying
vibrating, curing and finishing complete. Without V – Grooves upto all height as

1. In case of ordinary concrete, mix is not required to be designed by preliminary tests and
proportions of cement, tine aggregates and coarse aggregates are specified by volume as given in
table below for different grades of concrete designated as ordinary M. 100, M. 150, M.200 and

2. In the designation of a concrete mix, letter "M" refers to the mix and the number the specified 28
days works cube compressive strength of that mix on 150 mm cubes expressed in kg. /cm 2.

3. The ordinary concrete mix shall generally b6 specified by volume. For cement which normally
comes in bags and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as 0.035
cubic metres in volume. While measuring aggregate by volume, shaking, ramming or hammering
shall not be done. Proportioning of sand shall be as per its dry volume. In case it is dump,
allowance for "bulking" shall be made as per I.S.: 2386 (Part -III).
4. Ingredients required for ordinary concrete containing one 50 Kg bag of cement of different
proportions of mix shall be as given in Tablebelow.

Grade of Mix by Volume Total quantity of dry Proportion of Quantity of water

concrete aggregate by volume per 50 fine aggregate to per 50 Kg. of
Kg. / of cement to betaken

as per sum of individual

volume of fine and coarse
aggregates, maximum

1 2 3 4 5
Ordinary Liters Liters
M-100 1:3:6 300 Generally 1 : 2 34
M-150 1:2:4 220 for aggregate to 32
M-200 1:1 ½ : 3 160 coarse aggregate 30
M-250 1:1:2 100 by volume but 27
subject to and
upper limit of 1 :
1 ½ and a lower
limit 1 : 3
NOTE - The proportions of the aggregates shall be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit
coarse aggregate.cement maximum.
progressively as the grading of the fume aggregates becomes finer & the maximum size of
coarse aggregate becomes larger.
Example - For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is Zone II of I.S.: 383-1963) the proportions shall
be 1:1.1/2, 1:2 and 1:3 for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm, 20 mm. and 40 mm.
respectively (after carrying out sieveanalysis).
Note-2 A mix leaner than M.100 (1:3:6) may be used for non- structural parts, if provided in the
contract. In such case grading of aggregates shall be by volume. Other requirements for
mixing, placing & curing shall be thesame.Following shall be the maximum nominal size of
coarse aggregate for the different items ofwork.

Sr. No. Item of Construction Maximum nominal size of

coarse aggregate
(i) R.C.C. well curb, R.C.C. well staining and R.C.C. pipes 40 mm.

(ii) R.C.C. well staining 63 mm

(iii) Well cap or pipe cap; solid type pipes abutment and wing- 40 mm
walls, and their pipe caps
(iv) R.C.C. works in cross girders deck slab, wearing coats, kerb, 20 mm
light posts, blast walls, approach slab etc. and hollow type
piers, abutment, wing-walls and their pier caps.
(v) R.C.C. bearings 20 mm

(vi) For any other item of construction not covered by items (i) to As specified on the drawing or as
(v) desired by the Engineer-in-charge
in case it is not specified on

For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams nominal maximum
size of aggregate shall usually be restricted to 5 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance
between the main bars or 5 mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement, whichever
is the smaller.

5. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. It shall be free from dust and such other
substances. The sand be got approved by theEngineer-in-charge.
6. All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion of their quality and
fitness for the work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise
considered defective by the Engineer-in-charge shall not be used in theworks.
7. Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and water tight sheds. Wherever
bulk storage containers are used, their capacity should be sufficient to cater to the requirements at
site and should be cleaned at least once every 3 to 4 months. The aggregate shall be stored in such
a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials. Different size of fine or coarse aggregate shall
be stored in separate stock-piles sufficiently away from the each other to prevent intermixing the
8. The water for mixing shall be potable water to satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The
quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for
9. For all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other accessories
shall be kept in first class working condition and so maintained throughout the construction.
Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and uniform colour of the entire
mass is obtained and each individual particle of the coarse aggregate show complete coating of
mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less
than 2 minutes after all ingredients have been put into themixer.
10. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for small jobs or for certain other
reasons. It shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient turning
over of the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water. Mixing platform shall be so
arranged that no foreign material shall get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow
out. Cement in required number of bags shall be placed in a uniform layer on top of the measured
quantity of fine and coarse aggregate, which shall also be spread in a layer of uniform thickness
on the mixing platform. Dry coarse and fine aggregate and cement shall then be mixed thoroughly
by turning over to get a mixture of uniform colour. Enough water shall then be added gradually
through a rose can and the mass turned over till a mix of required consistency is obtained. In hand
mixing quantity of cement shall be increased by 10 per cent above thatspecified.
11. Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before
putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge, the first batch of
concrete from the mixer shall contain only two thirds of normal quantity of coarse aggregate.
Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of cement toanother.
12. The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
Concrete shall be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or loss of its
constituent material takes places. All form work and reinforcement contained in it shall be
cleaned and made free from standing water, dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of
concrete. No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until the approval of the
Engineer-in-charge has beenobtained.
13. If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be
obtained again from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting being given, it shall proceed
continuously over the area between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against
concrete which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction joint is
formed. Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its discharge from
the mixer unless carried in properly design agitators, operating continuously, when this time shall
be within 2 hours of the addition of cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of its discharge
from the agitator. Except where otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in- charge, concrete shall be
deposited in horizontal layers to neither a compacted depth of nor more than 0.45 metre when
internal vibrators are used and not exceeding 0.30 metre in all othercases.

14. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge concrete shall not be dropped into place
from a height exceeding 2 metres. When trunking or chutes are used they shall be kept clean and
used in such a way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface
which has hardened, it shall be roughened, swept, clean, thoroughly wetted and covered with a 13
mm thick layer of mortar composed of cement and sand in the same ratio as in the concrete mix
itself. This 13 mm layer of mortar shall be freshly mixed and placed immediately before placing
of new concrete. Where concrete has not fully hardened, all laitance shall be removed by
scrubbing the well surface with wire or bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of
any particles of coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted, all free water
removed and then coated with neat cement grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this
surface shall not exceed 150 mm in thickness, and shall be well rammed against old work
particular attention being given to corners and closespots.
15. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with the assistance of
vibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for exceptional cases, such as
concreting under water, where vibrators can not be used. Sufficient vibrators in serviceable
condition shall be kept at site so that spare equipment is always available in the event of break
16. Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of weather,
including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature changes, frost and
driving out process. It shall be covered with wet sacking, Hessian or other similar absorbent
material approved by the Engineer-in-charge soon after the initial set, and shall be kept
continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date of placement. Masonary work
over the foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of it’s laying but the curing of concrete
shall be continued for a minimum period of 14days.
17. From work shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the concrete
together with all temporary construction required for their support. Form work shall however be
divided into following two distinctcategories:
(1) Shuttering i.e., form work required for forming theconcrete.
(2) Scaffolding i.e., form-work required for supportingshuttering.
Forms for shuttering shall be constructed only in metal suitably lined. Forms for scaffolding shall
be constructed of metal or timber. Both shuttering and scaffolding shall be or substantial rigid
construction and shuttering shall be true to shape and dimensions shown on the drawings: All
bolts and rivets shall be counter-sunk and well ground to provide a smooth, plane surface.

18. Forms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and bracings to
prevent any displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be strong enough to withstand
all pressure, ramming and vibration, without deflection from the prescribe lines occurring during
and after placing the concrete. Screw jacks or hard wood wedges where required shall be
provided to make up any settlement in the formwork either before or during the placing of
concrete. Suitable comber shall be provided in horizontal members of structure, specially in long
spans to counteract the effects of any fixed as to provide for such camber. Forms shall be so
constructed as to be removable in sections in the desired sequence, without damaging the surface
of concrete or disturbing other sections. Unless otherwise specified or directed, chambers or
fillets of sizes 25 mm x 25 mm shall be provided at all angles of formwork to avoid sharpcorners.
19. The inside surfaces of shuttering shall, except in the case of permanent form work or where
otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in- charge, be coated with an approved material to prevent
adhesion of concrete to the form work. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any
reinforcement or pre stressing tendons and anchorages. Different release agents shall not be used
in form work for concrete which will be visible in the finishedworks:
20. Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the form work does not hinder the shrinkage of
concrete because without these cracking could occur before the from work is removed. Wherever
applicable arrangements must be made to ensure that the form work does not restrain the
shortening and hogging of the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons. The form work
should take due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative camber so as to ensure
the correct final shape of the structures having regard to the deformation of a false work,
scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous or deferred deformation due to various causes
affecting pre stressed structures. Where there are re-entrant angles in the concrete sections the
form work should be removed at those sections as soon as possible after the concrete has set in
order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage of concrete. From work shall be tight enough to prevent
any appreciable loss of cement during vibrations, suitable tolerances should be provided in the
harm work, immediately before concreting all farms shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor shall
give the Engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to
inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength alignment and general fitness, but
such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility for safety of men, machinery,
materials and for results obtained.
21. The Engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance be the contractor of his intention to strike
any formwork. While fixing the time for removal of formwork, due consideration shall be given
to local conditions, character of the structure, the weather and other conditions that influence the
setting of concrete and of the materials used in the mix. Where field operations are controlled by
strength tests of concrete, the removal of the load-supporting or soffits forms may commence
when concrete has attained strength equal to at least twice the stress to which the concrete will be
subjected at the time of striking props including the effect of any further addition of loads. When
field operations are not controlled by strength tests of concrete the vertical forms of beams,
columns and walls may be removed after 2 days. The props of slabs and beams may be removed
after 14 and 21 days respectively. All formwork shall be removed without causing any damage to
the concrete. Centering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a manner as to permit
the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal
ties are permitted, they or their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to
the concrete and remaining holes filled with mortar. No permanently embedded metal part shall
have less than 25 mm cover to the finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to refuse the
formwork, it shall be cleaned and made good to the satisfaction of theEngineer-in-
charge.Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing through the
Cement concrete member and used for shuttering or any other purpose shall be cut inside the
cement concrete member to a depth of at lest 25 mm below the surface of the concrete and the
resulting holes be filled by cement mortar. All fins caused by form joints, all cavities produced by
the removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or
corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned, saturated with water and carefully pointed
and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate mixed in the proportions used in the
grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry as consistency as is possible to use.
Considerable pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in all
voids. Surfaces which have been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of twenty four hours. If
rock pockets/honeycombs, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-change are of such an extent or
character as to affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel
reinforcement, he nay declare the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of
the portions of the structureaffected.
22. In the case of reinforced concrete work workability shall be such that the concrete surrounds and
properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of consistency, which shall depend up on the nature
of work and methods of vibration of concrete shall be determined by regular slump tests.
Following slump shall be adopted for different types ofworks.
Sr. No. Type of Work Slumps
Where Where
vibrators are vibrators are
used not used
(i) Mass concrete in R.C.C. foundations, footings and 10 mm to 25 mm 80 mm
retaining walls
(ii) Beams, slabs and columns simply reinforced 25 mm to 40 mm 100 mm to 120
(iii) Thin R.C.C. section or section with congested steel. 40 mm to 50 mm 125 mm to 150
23. Works strength tests shall be made in accordance with I.S.: 516. Each test shall be conducted on
ten specimens five of which shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 28 days. The
samples of concrete shall be taken on each day of concreting and cubes shall be made at the rate
of one for every 5 cubic metre of concrete or a part thereof. However, if concreting done in a day
is less than 15 cubic meter, the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the specific
permission of the Engineer-in-charge. Similar works tests shall be carried out whenever the
quality and grading of materials is charged irrespective of the quantity of concrete proud. The
number of specimens may be suitably increased as deemed necessary by the Engineer-in-charge
when procedure of tests given above reveal a poor quality of concrete and in other specialcases.
24. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the specified
works cube-strength. 20 per cent of the cubes cast for each day may have values less than the
specified strength, provided the lowest value is not less than 85 per cent of the specifiesstrength.

25. R.C.C. work shall have exposed concrete surface. Centering design and its erection shall
approved by he Engineer-in-charge. One carpenter with helper will invariably be kept present
throughout the period of concreting. Movement of labour and other persons shall be totally
prohibited over reinforcement laid in position. For access to different parts, suitable mobile
platforms shall provide so that steel reinforcement in position is not disturbed. For ensuring
proper cover, mortar blocks of suitable size shall be cast and tied to the reinforcement. Timber,
Kapchi or metal pieces shall not be used for this purpose. Concreting of important structural
members shall always be done in the presence and under the supervision of departmental person
not below the rank of Assistant Engineer / Additional Assistant Engineer Overseer or as
instructed by the Engineer-in-charge. After removal of form work checks that concrete produced
is of good quality. Plastering shall not be allowed to the expressed faces ofconcrete.
26. In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The slab
shall be measured as running continuously through and the beam as the portion below theslab.
27. All necessary labour, materials equipment, etc., for sampling, preparing test cubes, curing etc.,
shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete may be arranged by the
Engineer-in-charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of thecontractor.
28. The payment will be made on Cum. basis of the finishedwork.
29. The unit rate of concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools and plan required for
mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting finishing as per directions of the Engineer-
in-charge, curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to
complete the structure or its components as show on the drawings and according to these
specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making/fixing and removing of all centers
and forms required for thework.

Item No. 20& 28

Providing and casting in situ nominal mix concrete M-200 mix and providing necessary
pinheaders V- shaped false joints to form suitable panels on exposed faces as per
approved design including cost of shuttering, scaffolding, laying,vibrating, curing,
finishing etc. complete without V- grooves. (Height 0 mt to 5 mt (more than 10 ton ) (as
per R.A.)

1. In case of ordinary concrete, mix is not required to be designed by preliminary tests and proportions of
cement, tine aggregates and coarse aggregates are specified by volume as given in table below for different
grades of concrete designated as ordinary M. 100, M. 150, M.200 and M.250.

2. In the designation of a concrete mix, letter "M" refers to the mix and the number the specified 28 days works
cube compressive strength of that mix on 150 mm cubes expressed in kg. / cm2.

3. The ordinary concrete mix shall generally b6 specified by volume. For cement which normally comes in bags
and is used by weight, volume shall be worked out taking 50 kg of cement as 0.035 cubic metres in volume.
While measuring aggregate by volume, shaking, ramming or hammering shall not be done. Proportioning of
sand shall be as per its dry volume. In case it is dump, allowance for "bulking" shall be made as per I.S.: 2386
(Part - III).

4. Ingredients required for ordinary concrete containing one 50 Kg bag of cement of different proportions of mix
shall be as given in Table below.

Grade of concrete

Mix by Volume Total quantity of dry aggregate by volume per 50 Kg. / of cement to be taken as per sum of
individual volume of fine and coarse aggregates, maximum

Proportion of fine aggregate to coarse aggregate.

Quantity of water per 50 Kg. of cement maximum.

1 2 3 4 5 Ordinary Liters Liters M-100 M-150 M-200 M-250 1:3:6 1:2:4 1:1 ½ : 3 1 : 1 : 2 300 220 160 100
Generally 1 : 2 for aggregate to coarse aggregate by volume but subject to and upper limit of 1 : 1 ½ and a
lower limit 1 : 3 34 32 30 27

NOTE - The proportions of the aggregates shall be adjusted from upper limit to lower limit progressively as the
grading of the fume aggregates becomes finer & the maximum size of coarse aggregate becomes larger.

Example - For an average grading of fine aggregate (that is Zone II of I.S.: 383-1963) the proportions shall be
1:1.1/2, 1:2 and 1:3 for maximum size of aggregates 10 mm, 20 mm. and 40 mm. respectively (after carrying
out sieve analysis).

Note-2 A mix leaner than M.100 (1:3:6) may be used for non- structural parts, if provided in the contract. In such
case grading of aggregates shall be by volume. Other requirements for mixing, placing & curing shall be the

5. Following shall be the maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate for the different items of work.

Sr. No. Item of Construction Maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate (i)

R.C.C. well curb, R.C.C. well staining and R.C.C. pipes 40 mm.

(ii) R.C.C. well staining 63 mm

(iii) Well cap or pipe cap; solid type pipes abutment and wingwalls, and their pipe caps

40 mm

(iv) R.C.C. works in cross girders deck slab, wearing coats, kerb, light posts, blast walls, approach slab etc. and
hollow type piers, abutment, wing-walls and their pier caps.

20 mm

(v)R.C.C. bearings 20 mm

(vi) For any other item of construction not covered by items (i) to (v)

As specified on the drawing or as desired by the Engineer-in-charge in case it is not specified on drawing.

For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams nominal maximum size of
aggregate shall usually be restricted to 5 mm less than the minimum lateral clear distance between the main
bars or 5 mm less than the minimum cover to the reinforcement, whichever is the smaller.

6. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. It shall be free from dust and such other substances. The sand
be got approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
7. All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration or intrusion of their quality and fitness for the
work. Any material which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by the
Engineer-in-charge shall not be used in the works.

8. Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and water tight sheds. Wherever bulk storage
containers are used, their capacity should be sufficient to cater to the requirements at site and should be
cleaned at least once every 3 to 4 months. The aggregate shall be stored in such a way as to prevent
admixture of foreign materials. Different size of fine or coarse aggregate shall be stored in separate stock-
piles sufficiently away from the each other to prevent intermixing the materials.

9. The water for mixing shall be potable water to satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The quantity of water
shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for the job.

10. For all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other accessories shall be kept in
first class working condition and so maintained throughout the construction. Mixing shall be continued till
materials are uniformly distributed and uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained and each individual
particle of the coarse aggregate show complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of
cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less than 2 minutes after all ingredients have been put into
the mixer.

11. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for small jobs or for certain other reasons. It shall
be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient turning over of the ingredients of
concrete before and after adding water. Mixing platform shall be so arranged that no foreign material shall
get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow out. Cement in required number of bags shall be
placed in a uniform layer on top of the measured quantity of fine and coarse aggregate, which shall also be
spread in a layer of uniform thickness on the mixing platform. Dry coarse and fine aggregate and cement
shall then be mixed thoroughly by turning over to get a mixture of uniform colour. Enough water shall then
be added gradually through a rose can and the mass turned over till a mix of required consistency is
obtained. In hand mixing quantity of cement shall be increased by 10 per cent above that specified.

12. Mixers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly cleaned before putting in a
new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge, the first batch of concrete from the mixer
shall contain only two thirds of normal quantity of coarse aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly
cleaned before changing from one type of cement to another.

13. The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Concrete shall
be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or loss of its constituent material takes
places. All form work and reinforcement contained in it shall be cleaned and made free from standing water,
dust, snow or ice immediately before placing of concrete. No concrete shall be placed in any part of the
structure until the approval of the Engineer-in-charge has been obtained.

14. If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given, it shall have to be obtained again
from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting being given, it shall proceed continuously over the area between
construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against concrete which has been in position for more
than 30 minutes unless a proper construction joint is formed. Concrete shall be compacted in its final
position within 30 minutes of its discharge from the mixer unless carried in properly design agitators,
operating continuously, when this time shall be within 2 hours of the addition of cement to the mix and
within 30 minutes of its discharge from the agitator. Except where otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-
charge, concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to neither a compacted depth of nor more than 0.45
metre when internal vibrators are used and not exceeding 0.30 metre in all other cases.
15. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-charge concrete shall not be dropped into place from a height
exceeding 2 metres. When trunking or chutes are used they shall be kept clean and used in such a way as to
avoid segregation. When concreting has to be resumed on a surface which has hardened, it shall be
roughened, swept, clean, thoroughly wetted and covered with a 13 mm thick layer of mortar composed of
cement and sand in the same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This 13 mm layer of mortar shall be freshly
mixed and placed immediately before placing of new concrete. Where concrete has not fully hardened, all
laitance shall be removed by scrubbing the well surface with wire or bristle brushes, care being taken to
avoid dislodgement of any particles of coarse aggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted, all
free water removed and then coated with neat cement grout. The first layer of concrete to be placed on this
surface shall not exceed 150 mm in thickness, and shall be well rammed against old work particular
attention being given to corners and close spots.

16. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with the assistance of vibrators,
unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for exceptional cases, such as concreting under water,
where vibrators can not be used. Sufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be kept at site so that
spare equipment is always available in the event of break downs.

17. Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of weather, including rain,
running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature changes, frost and driving out process. It shall be
covered with wet sacking, Hessian or other similar absorbent material approved by the Engineer-in-charge
soon after the initial set, and shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the
date of placement. Masonary work over the foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours of it’s laying
but the curing of concrete shall be continued for a minimum period of 14 days.

18. From work shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the concrete together with
all temporary construction required for their support. Form work shall however be divided into following
two distinct categories:

(1) Shuttering i.e., form work required for forming the concrete.

(2) Scaffolding i.e., form-work required for supporting shuttering.

Forms for shuttering shall be constructed only in metal suitably lined. Forms for scaffolding shall be constructed
of metal or timber. Both shuttering and scaffolding shall be or substantial rigid construction and shuttering
shall be true to shape and dimensions shown on the drawings: All bolts and rivets shall be counter-sunk and
well ground to provide a smooth, plane surface.

19. Forms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and bracings to prevent any
displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be strong enough to withstand all pressure, ramming
and vibration, without deflection from the prescribe lines occurring during and after placing the concrete.
Screw jacks or hard wood wedges where required shall be provided to make up any settlement in the
formwork either before or during the placing of concrete. Suitable comber shall be provided in horizontal
members of structure, specially in long spans to counteract the effects of any fixed as to provide for such
camber. Forms shall be so constructed as to be removable in sections in the desired sequence, without
damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing other sections. Unless otherwise specified or directed,
chambers or fillets of sizes 25 mm x 25 mm shall be provided at all angles of formwork to avoid sharp

20. The inside surfaces of shuttering shall, except in the case of permanent form work or where otherwise
agreed to by the Engineer-in- charge, be coated with an approved material to prevent adhesion of concrete
to the form work. Release agents shall be applied strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
and shall not be allowed to come into contact with any reinforcement or pre stressing tendons and
anchorages. Different release agents shall not be used in form work for concrete which will be visible in the
finished works:

21. Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the form work does not hinder the shrinkage of concrete
because without these cracking could occur before the from work is removed. Wherever applicable
arrangements must be made to ensure that the form work does not restrain the shortening and hogging of
the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons. The form work should take due account of the
calculated amount of positive or negative camber so as to ensure the correct final shape of the structures
having regard to the deformation of a false work, scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous or deferred
deformation due to various causes affecting pre stressed structures. Where there are re-entrant angles in
the concrete sections the form work should be removed at those sections as soon as possible after the
concrete has set in order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage of concrete. From work shall be tight enough to
prevent any appreciable loss of cement during vibrations, suitable tolerances should be provided in the
harm work, immediately before concreting all farms shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor shall give the
Engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit him to inspect and accept
the false work and forms as to their strength alignment and general fitness, but such inspection shall not
relieve the contractor of his responsibility for safety of men, machinery, materials and for results obtained.

22. The Engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance be the contractor of his intention to strike any
formwork. While fixing the time for removal of formwork, due consideration shall be given to local
conditions, character of the structure, the weather and other conditions that influence the setting of
concrete and of the materials used in the mix. Where field operations are controlled by strength tests of
concrete, the removal of the load-supporting or soffits forms may commence when concrete has attained
strength equal to at least twice the stress to which the concrete will be subjected at the time of striking
props including the effect of any further addition of loads. When field operations are not controlled by
strength tests of concrete the vertical forms of beams, columns and walls may be removed after 2 days. The
props of slabs and beams may be removed after 14 and 21 days respectively. All formwork shall be removed
without causing any damage to the concrete. Centering shall be gradually and uniformly lowered in such a
manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight uniformly and gradually. Where
internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable parts shall be extracted without causing any
damage to the concrete and remaining holes filled with mortar. No permanently embedded metal part shall
have less than 25 mm cover to the finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to refuse the formwork, it
shall be cleaned and made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.

23. Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing through the Cement concrete
member and used for shuttering or any other purpose shall be cut inside the cement concrete member to a
depth of at lest 25 mm below the surface of the concrete and the resulting holes be filled by cement mortar.
All fins caused by form joints, all cavities produced by the removal of form ties and all other holes and
depressions, honeycomb spots, broken edges or corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned,
saturated with water and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and fine aggregate
mixed in the proportions used in the grade of concrete that is being finished and of as dry as consistency as
is possible to use. Considerable pressure shall be applied in filling and pointing to ensure thorough filling in
all voids. Surfaces which have been pointed shall be kept moist for a period of twenty four hours. If rock
pockets/honeycombs, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-change are of such an extent or character as to
affect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of the steel reinforcement, he nay
declare the concrete defective and require the removal and replacement of the portions of the structure

24. In the case of reinforced concrete work workability shall be such that the concrete surrounds and properly
grips all reinforcement. The degree of consistency, which shall depend up on the nature of work and
methods of vibration of concrete shall be determined by regular slump tests. Following slump shall be
adopted for different types of works.

Slumps Sr. No. Type of Work Where vibrators are used

Where vibrators are not used

(i) Mass concrete in R.C.C. foundations, footings and retaining walls

10 mm to 25 mm 80 mm

(ii) Beams, slabs and columns simply reinforced 25 mm to 40 mm 100 mm to 120 mm (iii) Thin R.C.C. section or
section with congested steel. 40 mm to 50 mm 125 mm to 150 mm

25. Works strength tests shall be made in accordance with I.S.: 516. Each test shall be conducted on ten
specimens five of which shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 28 days. The samples of
concrete shall be taken on each day of concreting and cubes shall be made at the rate of one for every 5
cubic metre of concrete or a part thereof. However, if concreting done in a day is less than 15 cubic meter,
the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the specific permission of the Engineer-in-charge.
Similar works tests shall be carried out whenever the quality and grading of materials is charged irrespective
of the quantity of concrete proud. The number of specimens may be suitably increased as deemed
necessary by the Engineer-in-charge when procedure of tests given above reveal a poor quality of concrete
and in other special cases.

26. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the specified works cube-
strength. 20 per cent of the cubes cast for each day may have values less than the specified strength,
provided the lowest value is not less than 85 per cent of the specifies strength.

27. R.C.C. work shall have exposed concrete surface. Centering design and its erection shall approved by he
Engineer-in-charge. One carpenter with helper will invariably be kept present throughout the period of
concreting. Movement of labour and other persons shall be totally prohibited over reinforcement laid in
position. For access to different parts, suitable mobile platforms shall provide so that steel reinforcement in
position is not disturbed. For ensuring proper cover, mortar blocks of suitable size shall be cast and tied to
the reinforcement. Timber, Kapchi or metal pieces shall not be used for this purpose. Concreting of
important structural members shall always be done in the presence and under the supervision of
departmental person not below the rank of Assistant Engineer / Additional Assistant Engineer Overseer or
as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge. After removal of form work checks that concrete produced is of
good quality. Plastering shall not be allowed to the expressed faces of concrete.

28. In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The slab shall be
measured as running continuously through and the beam as the portion below the slab.

29. All necessary labour, materials equipment, etc., for sampling, preparing test cubes, curing etc., shall be
provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete may be arranged by the Engineer-in-
charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of the contractor.

30. The payment will be made on Cum. basis of the finished work.

31. The unit rate of concrete shall include the cost of all materials, labour, tools and plan required for mixing,
placing in position, vibrating and compacting finishing as per directions of the Engineerin-charge, curing and
all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of specified strength to complete the structure or its
components as show on the drawings and according to these specifications. The rate shall also include the
cost of making/fixing and removing of all centers and forms required for the work.
Item No. 22 Providing and casting in situ controlled cement concrete M-250 for R.C.C.
work in pier cap,abutment cap and dirt wall including controlled cement
concrete M-250 bed blocks or pedstals of required size below bearings as per
detailed drawings, centering, shuttering, scaffolding, wherever necessary,
laying vibating, curing and finishing complete.(more than 10 ton)&

Item No. 25 Providing and casting in situ controlled cement concrete M-250 for R.C.C. solid
slab including centering, scaffolding curing and finishing complete asdirected.
Item No. 26 Providing and casting in situ Design mix cement concrete M-250 for R.C.C
Approach slab including form work ,curing, finishing etc complete

1. For controlled concrete, design of the mix shall be approved after preliminary tests and
all necessary precautions shall be taken in its production to ensure that the required works
cube strength is attained and maintained. The controlled concrete shall be in eight grades,
designatedasM.100,M.150,M.200,M.250,M.300,M.350,M.400and M.450withthe suffix
`controlled' added toit.

2. In the designation of a concrete mix, letter 'M' refers to the mix and the number to the
specified 28 days works cubs compressive strength of that mix on 150 mm. cubes,
expressed in kg/cm where ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 269 or Portland
last furnace cement Conforming to IS : 455 is used, the compressive strength requirements
for various grades of concrete shall. be as given below on the next page:
Grade of concrete Compressive works test strength in kg/cm2 on 150mm. cubes
conducted in accordance with IS : 516
Min. at 7 days Min. at 28 days
M 100 --- 70 100
M 150 --- 100 150
M 200 --- 135 200
M 250 --- 170 250
M 300 --- 200 300
M 350 --- 235 350
M 400 --- 270 400
M 450 --- 300 450
NOTE- In all cases, the 28 days compressive strength specified in the above Table
shall alone be the criterion for acceptance or rejection of theconcrete.
Where the strength of a concrete mix, as indicated by tests, lies in between the
strength for any two grades specified in the above Table such concrete shall be classified
for all purposes as a concrete belonging to the lower or the two grades between which its
strength lies.
3. Concrete mix shall be designed on the basis of preliminary tests so as attain a
strength at least 33 per cent higher than that required on work tests. The proportions for
ingredients chosen shall. be such that concrete has adequate workability for conditions
prevailing on the work in question and can be properly compacted with the means
available. Except where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge
that supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform quality can be maintained till
the completion of work, grading of aggregate should be controlled by obtaining the coarse
aggregates in different sizes and bleeding them in the right proportions as required.
material shall be stock piled several hours, preferably a day, before use. Grading of coarse
and fine aggregate shall be checked as frequently as possible, frequency for a given job
being determined by the Engineer-in-charge to ensure that the suppliers are maintaining the
uniform grading as approved for samples used in the preliminary tests.
4. In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by
weight. Where the weight of cement is determined by accepting the maker's weight per
bag, a reasonable number of bags shall be weighed separately to check the net weight.
Where cement is weighed from bulk stocks at site and not by bags, it shall be weighed
separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be measured by volume in calibrated
tanks or weighed. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean, and serviceable
condition. Their accuracy shall be periodicallychecked.
5. It is most important to keep the specified water-cement ratio constant and at its correct
value. To this end, moisture content in both fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined by
the Engineer-in-charge according to the weather conditions. The amount of mixing water
shall then be adjusted to compensate for variations in the moisture cement. For the
determination of moisture content in the aggregates, IS : 2386 (Part.-Ill) shall be
referred to. Suitable adjustments shall also be made in the weights of aggregates to
allow for the variation in weights of aggregates due to variation in their moisture
content. Minimum quantity of cement to be used in controlled concrete shall not be less
than 210 Kg. per cubic meter in plain concrete and not less than 300 kg/per cubic meter in
reinforced concrete structural members. The minimum quantity of cement for prestressed
concrete work shall not less than 360 kg/per cubic meter of concrete nor shall it be more
than 540 kg/per cubic meter of concrete.,

6. Following shall be the maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate for the different items of
Sr. Item of construction Maximum nominal size of
No Coarse Aggregate.
1 R.C.C. well curb, R.C.C. well steining and R.C.C. 40 mm.
2 P.C.C. well steining 63 mm.
3 Well cap or pipe cap: solid type piers, abutments 40 mm.
40 mm.and wing, walls, their pier caps.
R.C.C. works in cross girders, deck glab, wearing coarse, 20 mm.
posts, blast walls approach slab etc., and hollow type piers,
abutments, wing- wall and their caps.
R.C.C bearings 20mm
For any other item of construction not covered As specified on the drawng
by item (i) to (v) above or as desire by the Engineer
- in charge in case it is not
specified on drawing
For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams,
nominal maximum size of aggregate shall usually be restricted to 5 mm. less than the
minimum lateral clear distance between the main bars or 5 mm. less than the minimum
cover to the reinforcement whichever is the smaller.
7. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. It shall be free dust and such other
substances. The sand be get approved by theEngineer-in-charge.
8. All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration of there quality and
fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is
9. Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and watertight sheds.
Wherever bulk storage containers are used, their capacity should be sufficient to cater to
the requirements at site and should be cleaned atleast once every 3 to 4 month s. The
aggregates shall be stored in such a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials.
Differentsizesoffineorcoarseaggregateshallbestoredinseparatestockpilessufficiently away
from such other to prevent intermixing thematerials.
10. The water for mixing shall be potable water to satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The
quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required
workability for thejob.
11. For all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other
accessories shall be kept in first class working condition and so maintained throughout
the construction Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and
uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained and each ideal particle of the coarse
aggregate shows complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of
cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less than 2 minutes after all ingredients
have been put into themixer.
12. Mixer, which has been out of use more than 30 minutes, shall be thoroughly cleaned before
putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge, the first
batch of concrete from the mixer shall contain only two thirds of normal quantity of coarse
aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of
cement toanother.
13. The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in
charge. Concrete shall be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or
loss of its constituent material takes place. All firm work and reinforcement contained in
it shall be cleaned and made free from standing water, dust, slow or ice immediately
before placing of concrete. No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until
the approval of the Engineer-in-charge has beenobtained.
14. If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given. It shall have to be
obtained again from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting then shall proceed. Continuously
over the area between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against
concrete, which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction
joint is formed. Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its
discharge from the mixer-unless carried in properly design agitators, operating
continuously when this time shall be within 3 hours of .the addition of cement to the
mix an within 3,) minutes of its discharge from the agitator. Except where otherwise
agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge. Concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a
compacted depth of not more ti-an 0.45 meter when internal vibrator are used not
exceeding 0.30 meter in all othercases.
15. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge concrete shall not be dropped into
place from a height exceeding 2 meters. When trucking or chutes are used they shall be
kept clean and used in such a way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be
resumed on a surface which has hardened, it shall be roughened, swept clean, thoroughly
wetted and covered with a 13 mm. thick layer of mortar composed of cement a rd sand
in the same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This 13 mm. layer of mortar shall be
freshlymixed and placed immediately before placing of new concrete. Where concrete has
not fully hardened, all laitance shall be re. -.loved by scrubbing the wet surface with wire
or bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of any particles of
coarseaggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted, all free water removed and
then coated with neat cement grout. The first layers of concrete to be placed on this
surface shall not exceed 150 mm. in thickness and shall be well rammed against, old
particular attention being given to corners and close sports.
16. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with the
assistance of Vibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for
exceptional cases, such as concreting under water, where vibrators can not be used.
Sufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be kept at site so that spare equipment is
always available in the event ofbreak downs.

17. Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of
weather including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature
changes, frost and drying out process. It shall be covered with wet socking, Hessian or
other simila, absorbent material approved by the Engineer-in- charge soon after the initial
set, and shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date
of placement. Masonry work over the foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours
of itslayingbutthecuringofconcreteshallbecontinuedforaminimumperiodof14days.
18. Form work shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the
concrete, together with all temporary construction required for theirsupport.
Formwork shall however be delived into following two distinct categories
(1) Shuttering i.e. from work required for forming theconcrete.
(2) Scaffolding i.e. formwork required for supportingshuttering.
Forms for shuttering shall be constructed only, in metal suitably lined. Forms for
scaffolding shall be constructed of metal or timber. Both shuttering and scaffolding
shall be substantial rigid Construction and shuttering shall be true to shape and
dimensions show on the drawings. All bolts and reverts shall be counter-suck and well
ground to provide a smooth, planesurface.
19. Forms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and
bracings to prevent any displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be
strong enough to with stand all pressure, ramming and vibration, without deflection
from the prescribed lines occurring during and after placing the concrete. Screw jacks or
hardwood wedges where required shall be provided to make up any settlement in the
formwork either before or during the placing of concrete. Suitable camber shall be
provided in horizontal members of structure specially in long spans to counter ate the
effectsofanydeflection.Theformworkshallbesofixedastoprovideforsuch camber. Forms
shall be so constructed as to be removable in sections in the desired sequence. Without damaging the
surface of concrete or disturbing other sections.. Unless otherwise specified or directed, chamfers
or fillets of sizes 25 mm x 25 rum shall be provided at all angles of formwork to avoid sharp
20 The inside surface of shuttering shall, except in the case of permanent form work or where
otherwise agreed to be the Engineer- in-charge, be coated with an approved material to
prevent adhesion of concrete to the form work. Release agents shall be applied strictly in
accordance with the manufacture's instructions and shall not be allowed to come into
contact with any reinforcement or prestressing tendons and anchorages. Different release
agent shall not: be used in formwork for concrete, which will be visible in the finished
21. Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the form does not hinder the shrinkage of
concrete because without these cracking could occur before the formwork is removed.
Wherever applicable arrangements must be made to ensure that the formwork does not
retrain the shortening and hogging of the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons.
The formwork shout;: take due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative
camber so as to ensure the correct final shape of the structure having regard to the
deformation die of false work, scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous or deferred
deformation due to various causes affecting priestesses structures. Where they are re-
entrant angles in the concrete sections the formwork should be removed at these sections
as soon as possible after the concrete has set in order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage
of concrete. Formwork shall be tight enough to prevent any appreciable loss of cement
during vibrations. Suitable tolerance should be provided in the formwork.
Immediately before concreting all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor shall
give the engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit
him to inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength, alignment and
general fitness, but such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility
for salty of men, machinery, materials and for resultsobtained.
22. The Engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of hiss intention to
strike any formwork. While fixing the time for removal of formwork, due consideration
shall be given to local conditions that influence the setting of concrete and of concrete
and of the materials used in the mix. Where filed operations are controlled by strength
tests of concrete the removal of the load supporting of suffix forms may commence when
concrete has attained strengthing props including the effect or any further addition) of
loads. When field operations are not controlled by strength tests of concrete the vertical
forms of beams, columns and walls may be removed after 2 days, The props of slabs and
beams may be removed after 14 and 21 days respectively. All formwork shall be removed
without causing any damage to the concrete. Centering shall be gradually and uniformly
lowered in such a manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight
uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable
parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to the concrete and remaining holes
filledwithmortar.Nopermanentlyembeddedmetalpartshallhavelessthan25mm.cover to the
finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to cleaned and made good to the satisfaction
of theEngineer-in-charge.
23. Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing through the
Cement Concrete member to a depth of at least 25 mm. below the surface of the concrete
aid the resulting holes are filled by cement mortar. All fins caused by form joints, all
cavities produced by the removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions,
honeycomb spots, broken edges or corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned,
saturarated with water and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and
fine aggregated mixed in the proportions used in the grade of concrete that is being
finished and of as dry a consistency as is possible to use. Considerable pressure shall be
applied in filling and pointing to ensure through filling in all voids. Surfaces, which have
been pointed, shall be kept moist for a period of twenty-four hours. If rock
pockets/honey-combs, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge are of such an extent
or character as to effect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of
the steel reinforcement, he may declare the concrete defective and require the removal and
replacement of the portions of the structureaffected.In the case of reinforced concrete
work, workability shall be such that the concrete surrounds and properly grips all
reinforcement. The degree of consistency, which shall depend upon the nature of work
and methods of vibration of concrete, shall be determined regular slump tests. Following
slump shall be adopted for different types of works.

Type of work where vibrators are Slumps where vibrators

used are used
(i) Mass concrete 'in R.C.C. foundations, 10mm to 25mm 80 mm
footing and retaining walls
(ii) Beams, slabs and columns simply 25mm to 40mm 100mm to 120mm
(iii) Thin R.C.C section or section with 40mm to 50mm 125mm to 150mm
congested steel

24. For controlled concrete preliminary tests shall consist of three sets of separate tests, and in
each set, tests shall be conducted on six specimens. Not more than one set of six specimens
shallbemadeonanyparticularday.Of:hesixspecimen ineach set,threeshallbetested at seven
days and the remaining three at 28 days. The preliminary tests at 27 days are intended
only to indicate the strength likely to be attained at 28 days. Work strength tests shall be
made in accordance with IS- 516. EACH test shall be conducted on ten specimens five of
whom shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 23 days. The same as of
concrete shall be taken on each day in concreting and cubes shall be made at the rate of
one for every 5 cubic meter of concrete or a part thereof. However, if concreting done in
a day is than. 15 cubic meters the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the
specific permission of the Engineer-in- charge. Similar works tests shall be carried out
when ever the quality and grading of materials is changed irrespective of the quantity of
concrete poured. The number of specimens may be suitably increased as deemed necessary
by the Engineer-in-charge when procedure to tests given above reveals a poor quality of
concrete and in other specialcases.
25. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the
Specified works cube strength. 20 per cent of the cubes cast each day may have values
less than the specified strength, provided the lowest value is not less than 85 per cent of the
26. R.C.C. work shall have exposed concrete surface. Centering design and its erection shall be
approved by the Engineer-in- charge. One carpenter with helper will invariably be kept
through out the period of concreting. Movement of lab our and other persons shall be
totally prohibited over reinforcement laid in position. For access to different parts,
suitable mobile platforms shall be provided so that steel reinforcement in position as not
disturbed.Forensuringpropercover,mortarblocksofsuitablesizeshallbecastandtiedto the
reinforcement. Timber, kapachi or metal pieces shall not be used for this
purpose.Concreting of important structural members shall always be done in the presence
and under the supervision of departmental person not below the rank of Astt.
Engineer/Addl. Astt. Engineer/Overseer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge. After
removal of form work and shuttering, the executive Engineer shall inspect the work and
satisfy by random checks that concrete produced is of good quality. Plastering shall not
be allowed to the exposed faces ofconcrete.
27. In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The
slab shall be measured as running continuously through and the beem as the portion
below theslab.
28. All necessary lab our, materials. Equipment, etc., for sampling, preparing test cubes,
curing etc., shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete
may be arranged by the Engineer-in-charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of the

29. Thepaymentwillbemadeoncmt.basisofthefinished work.

30. The unit rate for concrete shall include the cost of all materials, lab our, tools and
plant required for mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting finishing as per
directions of the Engineer-in-charge, curing and all other incidental expenses for
producing concrete of specified strength to complete the structure or its components as
shown on the drawings and according to these specifications. The rate shall also include
the cost of making fixing and removing of all centers and forms required for thework

Item No. 23 Providing and fixing in position steel dowel bars of grade S-415 (H.Y.S.D.) in pier
cap abutment caps for anchorage in fix end as per detailed drawing including
cutting bending and welding etccomplete.

1. For HYSD Steel specifications for HYSD Steel reinforcement shallapply.

2. The HYSD Steel dowel bars shall be provided and anchored in pier caps. abutment caps
and super-structure as per detailed drawings for free ends and fixed ends. G.L.Pipes and
other, materials such as mastic asphalt as directed by Engineer-in-charge or as per
drawing shall be provided G.I. pipes shall as approved byEngineer-in-Charge.

3. The payment shall be made per number of dowel bars in raincfiorecdcondition.

4. Unit rate shall include cost of all materials, labour and equipments to complete theJob.

Item No. 24 Providing and fixing in position steel dowel bars of grade S-415 (H.Y.S.D.) in pier
cap abutment caps for anchorage in fix end as per detailed drawing including
cutting bending and welding etc complete. Dowel bars for tree end bearing etc

1. For HYSD Steel specifications for HYSD Steel reinforcement shallapply.

2. The HYSD Steel dowel bars shall be provided and anchored in pier caps. abutment caps
and super-structure as per detailed drawings for free ends and fixed ends. G.L.Pipes and
other, materials such as mastic asphalt as directed by Engineer-in-charge or as per
drawing shall be provided G.I. pipes shall as approved byEngineer-in-Charge.

3. The payment shall be made per number of dowel bars in raincfiorecdcondition.

4. Unit rate shall include cost of all materials, labour and equipments to complete theJob.

Item No. 27Providing and casting in situ Controlled cement concrete M-250 for average 75
mm thick wearing coat laid as directed including tamping ,vibrating,
finishing, curing and filling in joints with bitumen complete. (more than 10

1. For controlled concrete, design of the mix shall be approved after preliminary tests and
all necessary precautions shall be taken in its production to ensure that the required works
cube strength is attained and maintained. The controlled concrete shall be in eight grades,
designatedasM.100,M.150,M.200,M.250,M.300,M.350,M.400and M.450withthe suffix
`controlled' added toit.
2. In the designation of a concrete mix, letter 'M' refers to the mix and the number to the
specified 28 days works cubs compressive strength of that mix on 150 mm. cubes,
expressed in kg/cm where ordinary Portland cement conforming to IS: 269 or Portland
last furnace cement Conforming to IS : 455 is used, the compressive strength requirements
for various grades of concrete shall. be as given below on the next page:

Grade of concrete Compressive works test strength in kg/cm2 on 150mm. cubes

conducted in accordance with IS : 516
Min. at 7 days Min. at 28 days
M 100 --- 70 100
M 150 --- 100 150
M 200 --- 135 200
M 250 --- 170 250
M 300 --- 200 300
M 350 --- 235 350
M 400 --- 270 400
M 450 --- 300 450
NOTE- In all cases, the 28 days compressive strength specified in the above Table
shall alone be the criterion for acceptance or rejection of theconcrete.
Where the strength of a concrete mix, as indicated by tests, lies in between the
strength for any two grades specified in the above Table such concrete shall be classified
for all purposes as a concrete belonging to the lower or the two grades between which its
strength lies.

3. Concrete mix shall be designed on the basis of preliminary tests so as attain a

strength at least 33 per cent higher than that required on work tests. The proportions for
ingredients chosen shall. be such that concrete has adequate workability for conditions
prevailing on the work in question and can be properly compacted with the means
available. Except where it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge
that supply of properly graded aggregate of uniform quality can be maintained till
the completion of work, grading of aggregate should be controlled by obtaining the coarse
aggregates in different sizes and bleeding them in the right proportions asrequired.
Aggregates of different sizes shall be stocked in separate stock piles. Required quantity of
material shall be stock piled several hours, preferably a day, before use. Grading of coarse
and fine aggregate shall be checked as frequently as possible, frequency for a given job
being determined by the Engineer-in-charge to ensure that the suppliers are maintaining the
uniform grading as approved for samples used in the preliminary tests.
4. In proportioning concrete, the quantity of both cement and aggregate shall be determined by
weight. Where the weight of cement is determined by accepting the maker's weight per
bag, a reasonable number of bags shall be weighed separately to check the net weight.
Where cement is weighed from bulk stocks at site and not by bags, it shall be weighed
separately from the aggregates. Water shall either be measured by volume in calibrated
tanks or weighed. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a clean, and serviceable
condition. Their accuracy shall be periodicallychecked.
5. It is most important to keep the specified water-cement ratio constant and at its correct
value. To this end, moisture content in both fine and coarse aggregates shall be determined by
the Engineer-in-charge according to the weather conditions. The amount of mixing water
shall then be adjusted to compensate for variations in the moisture cement. For the
determination of moisture content in the aggregates, IS : 2386 (Part.-Ill) shall be
referred to. Suitable adjustments shall also be made in the weights of aggregates to
allow for the variation in weights of aggregates due to variation in their moisture
content. Minimum quantity of cement to be used in controlled concrete shall not be less
than 210 Kg. per cubic meter in plain concrete and not less than 300 kg/per cubic meter in
reinforced concrete structural members. The minimum quantity of cement for prestressed
concrete work shall not less than 360 kg/per cubic meter of concrete nor shall it be more
than 540 kg/per cubic meter of concrete.
6. Following shall be the maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate for the different items of
Sr. Item of construction Maximum nominal size of
No Coarse Aggregate.
1 R.C.C. well curb, R.C.C. well steining and R.C.C. 40 mm.
2 P.C.C. well steining 63 mm.
3 Well cap or pipe cap: solid type piers, abutments 40 mm.
40 mm.and wing, walls, their pier caps.
R.C.C. works in cross girders, deck glab, wearing coarse, 20 mm.
posts, blast walls approach slab etc., and hollow type piers,
abutments, wing- wall and their caps.
R.C.C bearings 20mm
For any other item of construction not covered As specified on the drawng
by item (i) to (v) above or as desire by the Engineer
- in charge in case it is not
specified on drawing
For heavily reinforced concrete members as in the case of ribs of main beams,
nominal maximum size of aggregate shall usually be restricted to 5 mm. less than the
minimum lateral clear distance between the main bars or 5 mm. less than the minimum
cover to the reinforcement whichever is the smaller.
7. Fine aggregate shall be clean, hard, coarse sand. It shall be free dust and such other
substances. The sand be get approved by theEngineer-in-charge.
8. All materials shall be stored as to prevent their deterioration of there quality and
fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is
9. Cement shall be stored above the ground level in perfectly dry and watertight sheds.
Wherever bulk storage containers are used, their capacity should be sufficient to cater to
the requirements at site and should be cleaned atleast once every 3 to 4 month s. The
aggregates shall be stored in such a way as to prevent admixture of foreign materials.
Differentsizesoffineorcoarseaggregateshallbestoredinseparatestockpilessufficiently away
from such other to prevent intermixing thematerials.
10. The water for mixing shall be potable water to satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The
quantity of water shall be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required
workability for thejob.
11. For all work concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer which along with other
accessories shall be kept in first class working condition and so maintained throughout
the construction Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and
uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained and each ideal particle of the coarse
aggregate shows complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of
cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less than 2 minutes after all ingredients
have been put into themixer.
12. Mixer, which has been out of use more than 30 minutes, shall be thoroughly cleaned before
putting in a new batch. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge, the first
batch of concrete from the mixer shall contain only two thirds of normal quantity of coarse
aggregate. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned before changing from one type of
cement toanother.
13. The method of transporting and placing concrete shall be approved by the Engineer-in
charge. Concrete shall be so transported and placed that no contamination, segregation or
loss of its constituent material takes place. All firm work and reinforcement contained in
it shall be cleaned and made free from standing water, dust, slow or ice immediately
before placing of concrete. No concrete shall be placed in any part of the structure until
the approval of the Engineer-in-charge has beenobtained.
14. If concreting is not started within 24 hours of the approval being given. It shall have to be
obtained again from the Engineer-in-charge. Concreting then shall proceed. Continuously
over the area between construction joints. Fresh concrete shall not be placed against
concrete, which has been in position for more than 30 minutes unless a proper construction
joint is formed. Concrete shall be compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of its
discharge from the mixer-unless carried in properly design agitators, operating
continuously when this time shall be within 3 hours of .the addition of cement to the
mix an within 3,) minutes of its discharge from the agitator. Except where otherwise
agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge. Concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a
compacted depth of not more ti-an 0.45 meter when internal vibrator are used not
exceeding 0.30 meter in all othercases.
15. Unless otherwise agreed to be the Engineer-in-charge concrete shall not be dropped into
place from a height exceeding 2 meters. When trucking or chutes are used they shall be
kept clean and used in such a way as to avoid segregation. When concreting has to be
resumed on a surface which has hardened, it shall be roughened, swept clean, thoroughly
wetted and covered with a 13 mm. thick layer of mortar composed of cement a rd sand
in the same ratio as in the concrete mix itself. This 13 mm. layer of mortar shall be
freshlymixed and placed immediately before placing of new concrete. Where concrete has
not fully hardened, all laitance shall be re. -.loved by scrubbing the wet surface with wire
or bristle brushes, care being taken to avoid dislodgement of any particles of
coarseaggregate. The surface shall then be thoroughly wetted, all free water removed and
then coated with neat cement grout. The first layers of concrete to be placed on this
surface shall not exceed 150 mm. in thickness and shall be well rammed against, old
particular attention being given to corners and close sports.
16. All concrete shall be compacted to produce a dense homogeneous mass with the
assistance of Vibrators, unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for
exceptional cases, such as concreting under water, where vibrators can not be used.
Sufficient vibrators in serviceable condition shall be kept at site so that spare equipment is
always available in the event ofbreak downs.
17. Immediately after compaction, concrete shall be protected against harmful effects of
weather including rain, running water, shocks, vibration, traffic, rapid temperature
changes, frost and drying out process. It shall be covered with wet socking, Hessian or
other simila, absorbent material approved by the Engineer-in- charge soon after the initial
set, and shall be kept continuously wet for a period of not less than 14 days from the date
of placement. Masonry work over the foundation concrete may be started after 48 hours
of itslayingbutthecuringofconcreteshallbecontinuedforaminimumperiodof14days.
18. Form work shall include all temporary or permanent forms required for forming the
concrete, together with all temporary construction required for theirsupport.
Formwork shall however be delived into following two distinct categories
(1) Shuttering i.e. from work required for forming theconcrete.
(2) Scaffolding i.e. formwork required for supportingshuttering.
Forms for shuttering shall be constructed only, in metal suitably lined. Forms for
scaffolding shall be constructed of metal or timber. Both shuttering and scaffolding
shall be substantial rigid Construction and shuttering shall be true to shape and
dimensions show on the drawings. All bolts and reverts shall be counter-suck and well
ground to provide a smooth, planesurface.
19. Forms shall be mortar-tight and shall be made sufficiently rigid by the use of ties and
bracings to prevent any displacement or sagging between supports. They shall be
strong enough to with stand all pressure, ramming and vibration, without deflection
from the prescribed lines occurring during and after placing the concrete. Screw jacks or
hardwood wedges where required shall be provided to make up any settlement in the
formwork either before or during the placing of concrete. Suitable camber shall be
provided in horizontal members of structure specially in long spans to counter ate the
camber. Forms shall be so constructed as to be removable in sections in the desired
sequence. Without damaging the surface of concrete or disturbing other sections.. Unless
otherwise specified or directed, chamfers or fillets of sizes 25 mm x 25 rum shall be
provided at all angles of formwork to avoid sharp corners.
20 The inside surface of shuttering shall, except in the case of permanent form work or where
otherwise agreed to be the Engineer- in-charge, be coated with an approved material to
prevent adhesion of concrete to the form work. Release agents shall be applied strictly in
accordance with the manufacture's instructions and shall not be allowed to come into
contact with any reinforcement or prestressing tendons and anchorages. Different release
agent shall not: be used in formwork for concrete, which will be visible in the finished
21. Special measures shall be taken to ensure that the form does not hinder the shrinkage of
concrete because without these cracking could occur before the formwork is removed.
Wherever applicable arrangements must be made to ensure that the formwork does not
retrain the shortening and hogging of the beams or slabs during tensioning of the tendons.
The formwork shout;: take due account of the calculated amount of positive or negative
camber so as to ensure the correct final shape of the structure having regard to the
deformation die of false work, scaffolding or propping and the instantaneous or deferred
deformation due to various causes affecting priestesses structures. Where they are re-
entrant angles in the concrete sections the formwork should be removed at these sections
as soon as possible after the concrete has set in order to avoid cracking due to shrinkage
of concrete. Formwork shall be tight enough to prevent any appreciable loss of cement
during vibrations. Suitable tolerance should be provided in the formwork.
Immediately before concreting all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned. Contractor shall
give the engineer-in-charge due notice before placing any concrete in the forms to permit
him to inspect and accept the false work and forms as to their strength, alignment and
general fitness, but such inspection shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibility
for salty of men, machinery, materials and for resultsobtained.
22. The Engineer-in-charge shall be informed in advance by the contractor of hiss intention to
strike any formwork. While fixing the time for removal of formwork, due consideration
shall be given to local conditions that influence the setting of concrete and of concrete
and of the materials used in the mix. Where filed operations are controlled by strength
tests of concrete the removal of the load supporting of suffix forms may commence when
concrete has attained strengthing props including the effect or any further addition) of
loads. When field operations are not controlled by strength tests of concrete the vertical
forms of beams, columns and walls may be removed after 2 days, The props of slabs and
beams may be removed after 14 and 21 days respectively. All formwork shall be removed
without causing any damage to the concrete. Centering shall be gradually and uniformly
lowered in such a manner as to permit the concrete to take stresses due to its own weight
uniformly and gradually. Where internal metal ties are permitted, they or their removable
parts shall be extracted without causing any damage to the concrete and remaining holes
filledwithmortar.Nopermanentlyembeddedmetalpartshallhavelessthan25mm.cover to the
finished concrete surface. Where it is intended to cleaned and made good to the satisfaction
of theEngineer-in-charge.
23. Immediately after the removal of forms, all exposed bars or bolts passing through the
Cement Concrete member to a depth of at least 25 mm. below the surface of the concrete
aid the resulting holes are filled by cement mortar. All fins caused by form joints, all
cavities produced by the removal of form ties and all other holes and depressions,
honeycomb spots, broken edges or corners and other defects, shall be thoroughly cleaned,
saturarated with water and carefully pointed and rendered true with mortar of cement and
fine aggregated mixed in the proportions used in the grade of concrete that is being
finished and of as dry a consistency as is possible to use. Considerable pressure shall be
applied in filling and pointing to ensure through filling in all voids. Surfaces, which have
been pointed, shall be kept moist for a period of twenty-four hours. If rock
pockets/honey-combs, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge are of such an extent
or character as to effect the strength of the structure materially or to endanger the life of
the steel reinforcement, he may declare the concrete defective and require the removal and
replacement of the portions of the structureaffected.
24. In the case of reinforced concrete work, workability shall be such that the concrete
surrounds and properly grips all reinforcement. The degree of consistency, which shall
depend upon the nature of work and methods of vibration of concrete, shall be
determined regular slump tests. Following slump shall be adopted for different types of

Type of work where vibrators are Slumps where vibrators

used are used
(i) Mass concrete 'in R.C.C. foundations, 10mm to 25mm 80 mm
footing and retaining walls
(ii) Beams, slabs and columns simply 25mm to 40mm 100mm to 120mm
(iii) Thin R.C.C section or section with 40mm to 50mm 125mm to 150mm
congested steel

25. For controlled concrete preliminary tests shall consist of three sets of separate tests, and in
each set, tests shall be conducted on six specimens. Not more than one set of six specimens
shallbemadeonanyparticularday.Of:hesixspecimen ineach set,threeshallbetested at seven
days and the remaining three at 28 days. The preliminary tests at 27 days are intended
only to indicate the strength likely to be attained at 28 days. Work strength tests shall be
made in accordance with IS- 516. EACH test shall be conducted on ten specimens five of
whom shall be tested at seven days and the remaining five at 23 days. The same as of
concrete shall be taken on each day in concreting and cubes shall be made at the rate of
one for every 5 cubic meter of concrete or a part thereof. However, if concreting done in
a day is than. 15 cubic meters the minimum number of cubes can be reduced to 6 with the
specific permission of the Engineer-in- charge. Similar works tests shall be carried out
when ever the quality and grading of materials is changed irrespective of the quantity of
concrete poured. The number of specimens may be suitably increased as deemed necessary
by the Engineer-in-charge when procedure to tests given above reveals a poor quality of
concrete and in other specialcases.
26. The average strength of the group of cubes cast for each day shall not be less than the
Specified works cube strength. 20 per cent of the cubes cast each day may have values
less than the specified strength, provided the lowest value is not less than 85 per cent of the
27. R.C.C. work shall have exposed concrete surface. Centering design and its erection shall be
approved by the Engineer-in- charge. One carpenter with helper will invariably be kept
through out the period of concreting. Movement of lab our and other persons shall be
totally prohibited over reinforcement laid in position. For access to different parts,
suitable mobile platforms shall be provided so that steel reinforcement in position as not
disturbed.Forensuringpropercover,mortarblocksofsuitablesizeshallbecastandtiedto the
reinforcement. Timber, kapachi or metal pieces shall not be used for this
purpose.Concreting of important structural members shall always be done in the presence
and under the supervision of departmental person not below the rank of Astt.
Engineer/Addl. Astt. Engineer/Overseer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge. After
removal of form work and shuttering, the executive Engineer shall inspect the work and
satisfy by random checks that concrete produced is of good quality. Plastering shall not
be allowed to the exposed faces ofconcrete.
28. In reinforced concrete the volume occupied by reinforcement shall not be deducted. The
slab shall be measured as running continuously through and the beem as the portion
below theslab.
29. All necessary lab our, materials. Equipment, etc., for sampling, preparing test cubes,
curing etc., shall be provided by the Contractor. Testing of the materials and concrete
may be arranged by the Engineer-in-charge in an approved laboratory at the cost of the
30. Thepaymentwillbemadeoncmt.basisofthefinished work.
The unit rate for concrete shall include the cost of all materials, lab our, tools and plant
required for mixing, placing in position, vibrating and compacting finishing as per directions
of the Engineer-in-charge, curing and all other incidental expenses for producing concrete of
specified strength to complete the structure or its components as shown on the drawings and
according to these specifications. The rate shall also include the cost of making fixing and
removing of all centers and forms required for thework

Item No. 30 & 31 Providing and laying filter media 600mm as directed at the back
Ofabutments returns as perdetailed specification and codal requirements

1. Wellgradedpebblesormetalof40mmto63mmsizeshallbeused.Thegradingand
tolerances of metal of pebbles shall be asunder:
Percentage by weight
Sr. No. No. of Size range Sieve designation
passing through sieve
1 63 mm to 40 mm 90 mm 100-00
63 mm 85-100
50 mm 35-70
40 mm 00-15
20 mm 00-05
2. Materialshallbefirststackedinboxesof2.00mX1.50mX0.5Mt.sizesonfairlylevel
ground andmeasured.
3. The measurement for payment shall be made on Square Meter Basis. No deduction shall
be made forvoids.
4. The unit rate includes the cost of material, scaffolding, labour and tools to complete the

Item No. 32 Providing and laying weep hole in Aburtments, and returns by using 10 cm
DiaA.C. pipe and C.I. grating including cutting, laying the pipe in required
slope and positing as directed etc complete

The weep holes in the masonry / mass cement concrete of abutment and
returns shall be
dinfull thickness of the masonry/concrete work. Necessary i.e. grating
shall be provided on back

The Asbestos Cement pipes of 100 mm diameter specified in the description of this item
surface and regular internaldiameters.


Workman ship:

The rate for payment of this items shall be on One Number basis of complete item.
Item No. 33 Providing 12mm Pre-moulded asphalt filler joints as per drawings and as

1. Open joints shall be constructed at the loations as directed by the Engineer-in-charge

using a wood strip, metal plate, other suitable material which is subsequently removed.
When removing the material, care shall be exercised to avoid chipping or breaking the
corners of the concrete. The edge of the concrete at the joints shall be edge finished.
Reinforcement shall not extend across as openjoint.
2. When performed filler is to be provided the filler shall be placed in correct position
before concrete is placed against the filler. The filler material shall form part of the joint
and while concreting the slab, care shall be taken to prevent the former from bring
displaced. After the work is completed, the exposed face of the joint shall be cleaned of
all loose material sticking toit.
3. The material used for filling expansion joint shall be bitumen impregnated felt which
shall conform to the requirements of IS : 1838, and shall be got approved from the
Engineer-incharge.The joint shall consist of large pieces and assembly of small pieces to make
up the required size shall be avoided.
4. The expansion joint shall be measured in square metres. Thickness of the expansion joint
will be 20 to 25 mm. Width of the expansion joint shall be equal to full depth of theslab.
5. The rate shall include the cost of all materials, labour, equipments and other incidental
charges for fixing the joints complete in all respect as per these specifications and as
shown on thedrawings.
6. The payment shall be made on square metrebasis

Item No. 34 Providing flood guage marks on substructure as per design including
painting as per specification and as may be directed etccomplete.

1. The width of the flood gauage shall be 60 cm. and will have caneri yellow background
colour. The flood gauage marking will be in 10 cm. thick strips of alternative back and
white colour. The width of the strip shall be as under:

(a) At every10cm.. 15 cm. width

(b) At every 1/2 m. 25 cm. width in black
(c) At everymetre.. 35 cm. width in white

The lettering shall be in black colour and of 10 cm. height. The lettering shall
show every metre and 1/2 m. level. The lettering shall show levels based on either GST
B.M. or Arbitrary B.M. as furnished by Engineering-in-charge.
2. All the painting work shall be done in 3 coats. The paint shall be of approvedmake.
3. The measurement for payment shall be on running meter basis measured verticaly ir,
The unit rate includes the cost of materials, labour, painting, equipment if any to complete

Item No. 35 Providing temporary diversion suitable for traffic during the construction
period of the bridge / cd works by levelling existing ground and supplying and
spreading quarry spall in layers etc. complete. Asdirected.

1.0 The item provides for the diversion road work traffic during the workin progressbysuitable
means such as by providing road work nearest to existing road alignment as possible. The
diversion may be as per necssacity and as per approved by Engineer-in- charge.
2.0 This item includes necessary earthwork required layer of hard stuff like hard sand,quarry
spall,H.B.Metal, whichever is required as site condition and availibility of
material on site as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. This item also includes the
Hume pipes of required dia. and in required numbers as per requirement as per site
condition. This diversion shall construct in such a manner that the traffic may flow
smoothly on this prepared diversion. The contractor shall take all necessary protective
measures against possible erosion due totidal veriations if any and shall maintain the
diversion in proper manner during construction and repairing work of the bridge. The
contractor will not be entitled for any payment or compensation in the event of washout
of the diversion due to tidal water if any or floods, or any other reasons what so ever,
The size of the diversion shall be such as not allow any obstruction and
inconvenience in traffic during upto the completion of the work

The laboratory-density(when tested) of earth to be used for diversion shall be as per
I.S.2720(ptVll) .
The layer of hard stuff if required shall be as uniform in size as possible. The
hard stuff shall be hard, tough, solid durable of black trap quarry of close texture , free
from decay andweathering.

4.0 The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during
construction and provide erect and maintain such barricates, guard stones including
signs,markings flags, lights and flagmen as may be required by the Engineer-in-charge
for the information and protection of traffic. Before taking up any constructin of
diversion an agreedphased programme for the diversion of traffic on the road shall be
drawnup in consultation with the Engineer-in-charge
At the point where traffic is deviate from its normal path on temporary diversion
the channel for traffic shall be clearly marked with the aid of pavement markings painted
drums or a similar device to the directions of the Engineer-in-charge. At night the
passage shall be delinated with laterns or other suitable light sourse or by reflective
On both sides (ends) suitable regulatory /warning signs shall be installed for the
guidance of road users. On each approach at least two signs shall be put up one close
to the point where transition of carriageway begins and the other 120.OOM away . The
signs shall be of approved design and of reflactory type if sodirected.
5.0 Signs, lights,barriers,and other traffic control device,as well as the riding surface of
diversion shall be maintained in satisfactory conditions till upto completion of work or
such time they are required as directed by Engineer-in-charge. The temporary travel way
shall be kept free of dust by frequent application of water ifnecessary.
6.0 The unit cost includes all materials, labour and equipment to complete the item of
diversion road work for traffic as job and will have to be constructed and maimed till all
operatins to complete the entire repairing work of bridge structure are may be completed
as may benecessary.
7.0 The measurement for payment shall be as job work for entire diversion road work for traffic as

Item No. 36 Providing PVC 100 mm diameter water spoiuts including necessary iron
gratings as per drawing including finishing etccomplete

1. Matrial for the water spout shall be as mentioned in the item and shall be got approved
from theEngineer-in-chage.

2. Water spout shall be 100 mm, internal dia. Cast iron grating shall be provided at the entry
and shall be fixed in the recess so as to be flush with the road surface. The quality and
size of the grating shall be got a pnroved from tha Engineer-in-chage. The water spouts
shall project at-least 10 cm. outside the concrete and shall be rigidly fixed in it. The
grating and C.1. pipes shall be painteo with two coats of anticorrosive black bitumen

3. Measurement shall be per number of water spoutfixed.

4. Unit rate includes cost of all matrials, labour and tools to complete thework.

Item No. 37 Providing and fixing marble slab including engraving letters numbers painting
etc complete 75cm x 60cm x4cm)
1. Marble plate shall be white and of approved quality and shall be of size as mentioned in
the item. Lettering shall be done by V-shape engraving and shall be filled with black
paint of approved quality, letting shall be done as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The
Marble plate shall be fixed in neat cement at a place as directed by the Engineer-in-
charge. Cement shall confirm to relevant IS Specification.
2. Measurement shall be per number of marble platefixed.
3. Unit rates includes cost of all material labour and tools to complete thework.

ItemNo. 38CautionaryWarningSign:-Providingandfixingsingboardsmadeoutof2mm
merandtwocoatsofbestqualityepoxypaint;reflectorised withretro
refiectivesheetingasper latestM.O.S.T.Specifications;3.1mlongstandpostand
framefabricatedfromsuitablesizeironangleof35x35x3mm,75x75x 6mmas
required;painted withbestqualityepoxycoatings inblackandwhitebends.The
detailsofsymbolforeach boardshallbeaspertheinstructionofengineerin charge. The
fixingatsiteshallbein1:2:4CCblockofsize45x 45x 60Cms. foreach leg.including
excavation, curing etc.completeunderthe supervisionofengineer in

1.1 Thematerialshallbeaspertheitemdescribedintheschedule'B'oftheitems.
The aluminiumsheetof2mmthickshallbeuniforminsize,shape&colourandtheBoard sizeshall
beof1.0 Mtrx 1.0 Mtr as pertheIRCdesign (IRC-67-1977)Theboard shall be
pretreatedphosphetingprocessandacidetchingandcoatedwithapoxy primercoating
andtwocoatofapprovedqualityapoxy paint.Thespecificationdescribedinthe description
oftheitem shall be carried out.
Thespecified length andsection anglepost shall be fixed in C.C. 1:2:4 blocks of45cm x
45cm x60m. for each beg. curingshall bedoneas pernorms.
2.1 The fabricated board shall be fixed with 3.10 Mtrlonganglepost two nos legand the
Leg shall be fixed byexcavatingnecessarypit and puttingC.C. 1:2:4 gradeC.C.block of
Size 45 x45x60cm, size and curingshall bedoneas perstandard practice.
ThewholeworkshallbecarriedoutasdirectedbytheEngineer-in-ChargeTheretro- reflectiveboard
shall beofEngineering grade.TheBoard fixingshall bein plub, approved Height and at
theplacewhereit is instructed.
3.1 Themeasurementshallbetakenofwholecomplete,finisheditemasinstructed
and described in Schedule'B' and fixed in aposition.
3.2 Theunitrateincludesthecostofmaterial,labourtools,plants,drillingofHoles, necessary
welding,revetting,fixinginpositionwithC.C.cube.curingand finishingoftheworked site.
3.3 The rateshall be forOne Squaremeterunit and shall bepaid in thesame.

Item No. 39 Providing and fixing Precast Cement Concrete Hectometer as per IRC type
design incl. painting lettering etc fixing in C.C.1:5:10

The work shall be carried out as per the item of ordinary kilometer stone except that the
I.R.C. 26 (Type design for 200 metre stones) and fixing shall be in C.C. 1:5:10 which
will consist of one part of cement, five part of good sand and ten parts of good brickbats.
The measurement for payment as well as the operations included in the unit rate shall be
as per ordinary kilometers stone. Rate includes all labour and curing etc. necessary for

The Payment shall be made on No. basis for complete item.

Item No. 40 Providing and fixing ordinary K.M. stone of precast C.C. 1:2:4 including
necessary reinforcement as per I.R.C. type design in C.C. 1:4:8 including letter
and paints etc. complete.

1. KilometerstoneshallbeofapprovedqualityandshallbeofapprovedhardstoneorC.C.
specified in item . as per IRC typedesign

2. Thesize,manneroffixing,paintingandletteringofK.M.stoneshallconformspecification
asperI.R.C.-8(Typedesignforhighwaykilometerstones).Thefixing of K.M. stone
shall be carried out in ordinary concrete of grade specified in the item using handbroken
metal ofgravel.
3. ThemeasurementforpaymentshallbemadeperNumberofK.M.stonefixedinposition.

4. UnitrateforKilometerstoneincludesthecostofallmaterials,labour,tools,fixingfinishing

Item No. 41 Supplying and fixing road sign board of M.S. plates and angle iron including
painting lettering etc. complete including excavation etc. complete as per I.R.C.
Type design as directed.(ii) Reflectivetype.

1Theboardshallconsistofa90cmx90cmtriangularplateof6mmthicknessatthetopanda 90cmx61 cm rectangular

plate of 6mm thickness below if fixed at suitable distance. This
groundlevelandshallbeatleast60cmbelowgroundlevel.Totalheightofpostshallbe 3mt. (minimum).The
exposed platform shall be neatly finished and its shape shall be as directed by theEngineer-in-charge.

2. Thepostwillbepaintedwithtwocoatsalternativelyinblackandwhitestrips23cminheight
afterapplyingonecoatofanticorrosivereflectivepaint.Thepaintshallbeofapproved quality. The
board shall be painted with approved colour and reflective painting lettering shall be
accordance with I.R.C 30(Standard Letters and Numerals of Different Heightfor

3. ThemeasurementforpaymentshallbeperNumberofsignboardfixedinposition.

4. Theunitrateincludesthecostofmaterials,labour,tools,drillingofholes,rivetingor
weldingfixing,curing,painting&letteringwithreflectivepaintasdirectedbytheEngineer- InCharge.
Item No. 42 ProvidingandfixingJunctionboardofM.S.platesandanglesasper
Standard I.R.C. type design including fixing in C.C.1:4:8 with necessary
excavation, painting figuring and lettering on board etc. complete..

1. Theboardsshallbefixedatadistanceof120Mt.Fromthecentrelineofthecross
fficand facing thetraffic.
2. Theboardwillbelocatedinsuchawaythattheedgesoftheboardtowardsthece
the centreofaS.H.orM.D.R.orasdirectedbytheEngineer-in-charge.
3. Thebottomoftheboardshallbe1Mt.abovetheroadsurfaceandtheboardshall
beat rightanglesofthecentrelineoftheroadfacingthedirectionofthetraffic.
4. ThesizeforthejunctionboardM.S.plateandanglesshallbeasperstandardconfir
I.R.C. type design.
5. Theboardshallbefixedinconcreteandtheprojectionofthisabovetheroadlevelsh
allbe 4 Cm. X 45 Cm. And a height of 24 Cm. Above the road level and the
top is to be finished tapering from to the height of 15Cm.
6. TheboardshallbesupportedbytheironpartsofM.S.angleasshowninthestandard
type design.
7. Thesizeoflettersandfiguresshallbe8Cm.forEnglishand10Cms.ForDevnag
riand Gujaratiscripts.
8. The post shall be painted in black and white radium colour paint alternative
strips of 23 Cms. Inheight.
9. Theboardshallbepaintedinwhitewithblackboard2Cm.wide.
10. Onthisboardtabletsshallbepaintedinradiumcolourpaintyellowwithablackbor
derand thetabletsshallhave5Cm.Cleardistancefromtheboard.
11. Eachsuchtableshallbe61Cms.Inlengthand33Cms.Inheightarrowlinesindicati
essof5 Cms.forN.H.and4Cms.OfS.H.and2.50Cms.ForM.D.R.
12. All letters and figures shall be painted inblack.
13. TheworksshallbecarriedoutasperdesignandaspertheEngineer-in-charge.
14. The board shall be fixed truly vertical and workmanship of the board shall be
neat, clean and good inappearance.
15. ThemeasurementforpaymentshallbeforNumberofboardfixedinpositionandco
mplete in allrespects.
16. TheunitrateincludescostofmaterialsLabourtoolsweldingconcretingreflectivep
ainting, lettering etc.complete.
Item No. 43 Providing and fixing village name boards as per standard I.R.C. type
design of steel plate including painting,lettering etc. complete with
fixing in C.C.1:4:8 block with necessary excavation as directed.
1. Theworkshallbecarriedoutaspertheitemofsignboardsexceptthatthereshal
2. The boards plate shall be painted in radium black color letter & figure shall
be painted in
beas directed by theEngineer-in-charge.
3. The measurement for payment as well as operations included in the unit
rate shall be as
It.No.:- 44 :
Citizen' s information Board- Providing and fixing of typical MMGSY information board
as per instruction. 16 gauge 1.6mm GI Sheet, of 900 mm x 750mm size fixed at top &
bottom duly rivetted with MS angles of 25 x 25 x 5 mm thick M.S angle shall be welded
by two vertical M.S angle of 5 mm thick to 75 mm x 75 mm of 12
SWG square tubes posts duly embedded in cement concrete M-15 grade blocks of
600mm x 600mm x 75mm, below ground level. The letters & figure of any shade
reflectorised with High Intensity Prismatic Grade Retro Reflective Sheeting of Type-4 as
per ASTM D-4956 and latest MORD specifications; All sections of framed posts and steel
tube will be painted with primer and two coats of epoxy paints as per drawing Clause
1701 and Annexure 1700.1 (10.16). (A) Class-B High intensity Grade Retro Reflective


roadsignswillbe positionedwithrespecttothelocationorsituationtowhichitapplies.The
locationandlegibilityof theroadsignwillbesuchastoprovideadequateresponsetimetoroad
signshouldbe turnedslightlyawayfromtheroad.Onhorizontalcurves,thesignshouldnotbe
fixednormaltothecarriagewaybuttheangleof placementwillbe determinedwithregardtothe

signsmayhaveinscription/messagehavingcutlettersofnon-reflective blacksheetingwhich
GI CompositeMaterialconformingtofollowingsubsections.
a)GI Sheet

GI sheetsusedforsignboardsshallbeofsmooth,hardandcorrosionresistantGI alloy
b)GI CompositeMaterial
DensityPolyethylene‟(LDPE)betweentwothickskins/sheetsofGI withoverallthicknessof4
mmand3mm,andGI skinthicknessof0.4-0.5mmand0.25-0.3mmrespectivelyonbothsides.
TheretroreflectivesheetingmustbeappliedonthetopsurfacewithGI surfacewithrecommended
exposedsurfaceofGI toensurecorrosionresistantandweatherabilityandshallconformtorelevant
ASTM.Themechanicalpropertiesof4mmand3mmGIandthatofitsGI skinshallconformtothe
requirementgiveninTable1.1,whentestedinaccordancewiththetestmethodsmentionedagainst eachofthem
Table1.1SpecificationsforGI CompositeMaterial

Specificationfor Specification

4mm for3mm

Sta Acce Acceptable

nd ptabl
ard e
test value


n w
g i
t t

Peel off h hs


t (

i D

n rg Min.
T 40
E8 N/m

0.2%ProofStress AS Min. Min.34N/mm2

T 34
E8 2
Elonga E8 Min.
ti on
C3 130

PropertiesofGI Skin

AS Min.
T 150
E8 N/m
Min. 7

AS 70,0 0
T Min.
E8 N/m
T A50
Elonga E8 Min.
ti on Min.
T 110
E8 N/m


notbeless3mmthickwithGI CompositeMaterial.Allothersignsshallbeatleast4

mm thickwithGI CompositeMaterial.Thethicknessofthesheetshallberelatedtothe sizeof

thesignanditssupportandshallbe suchthatitdoesnotbendor deformunderprevailing
windandotherloads.AlloverheadsignsmadewithGI CompositeMaterialshallbeminimum


asmoothoutersurface,whichhasthepropertyofretroreflectionoveritsentiresurface.Itshall be weather
resistant and exhibit colour fastness. It shall be new and unused and show no evidence of
cracking, scaling, and pitting, blistering, edge lifting or curling and shall have
retroreflection,daytimecolourand luminance,shrinkage,flexibility,linerremoval,adhesion, impact
resistance, specular gloss and fungus resistance, 3years outdoor weathering and its
havingpassedthesetestsshallbeobtainedfromInternational/Government laboratory/Institute
bythemanufacturer ofthesheetingandincasethecertificateisobtainedfrominternational
themanufacture inabroad.Alternatively, acertificateconforming toASTMSpecification (D
4956-09)onartificialacceleratedweatheringrequirements fromareputedlaboratoryinIndia willbe
accepted.Thesupplierwillhavetosubmitperformanceguaranteeof meetingthe
1.7Messages/borders: Themessage(legends,letters,numeralsetc.)letter,numerals, symbols/legend/arrow
opaqueincaseofdurabletransparentoverlay.Table6.4:AcceptableMinimumCoefficientof Retro-reflectionforType-








- 5 3 2 4 3 1
3 2 1 1 1
. - 3 2 1 2 2 1
2 4 6 7 4 5 6 9 2 0
0 +
. 3 1 1 1 1
2 0 7 3 3 0
6 2 3 . 5
. - 1 1 1
5 4 5 1 2
6 2 2 . 9 4
0 +
. 3
5 0
7 5 2 1 1 . 5 4 2
-1 -2
minimumCoefficientofRetroreflection(RA)(cd.lx .m ).
A o
retroreflectivesheeting.TheGI sheetingshallbede-greasedeitherbyacidorhotalkalineetching

used.Thematerialshallcoverthesignsurfaceevenlyandshallbefreefromtwists,cracksand folds.Cut-

1.10.3Thesignsshallbefixedto thepostsbyweldinginthecaseof steelpostsandbyboltsand washersof
4.2.1.Thesupportingstructureandsignsshallbefabricatedanderectedasperdetailsgivenin theplans.

4.2.3.Signsposts,theirfoundationsandsignmountingsshallbesoconstructedastoholdsigns ina
properandpermanentpositionto adequatelyresistswayinginthewindordisplacementby vandalism.
4.2.4 After installation ofsign is complete, the sign shall beinspected bythe Engineer. If
specularreflectionisapparentonanysign,itspositioningshallbe adjustedbytheContractorto

1.11Warrantyanddurability:TheContractorshallobtainfromthemanufacturea seven-year warranty

forsatisfactory fieldperformance including stipulated retroreflectance oftheretro-
reflectancesheeting.AndsubmitthesametotheEngineer.TheContractor/supplier shallalso
furnishacertificationthatthesignsandmaterialssuppliedagainsttheassignedworkmeetsall the
stipulated requirements and carry the stipulated warranty. Processed and applied in
accordancewithrecommendedprocedures,the reflectivematerialshallbeweatherresistantand,
followingcleaning,shallshownoappreciablediscolouration,cracking,blisteringor dimensional



TheContractunitrateshallbe paymentinfullfor thecostof makingtheroadsign,includingall

materials,installingitatthesiteandincidentalsto completetheworkin accordancewiththe

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