July 2003: Resulting From The Burying of Debris Used in Constructing The Grade Will Be Paid For As Common Excavation
July 2003: Resulting From The Burying of Debris Used in Constructing The Grade Will Be Paid For As Common Excavation
July 2003: Resulting From The Burying of Debris Used in Constructing The Grade Will Be Paid For As Common Excavation
300. 1. SCOPE
Clearing and grubbing shall consist of the removal and disposal of all trees, stumps, roots,
logs, shrubs, grass, weeds, fallen timber and other surface litter, wherever they occur within
the right-of-way and within such other areas as directed and staked out by the Engineer.
Within the limits as directed and staked out by the Engineer, all brush and trees, except
those designated by the Engineer to be saved, shall be cut level with the ground, and all
surface debris, excluding merchantable timber but including fallen timber, slash limbs, brush,
grass and weeds, shall be disposed of as hereinafter set forth.
Within areas where excavation will be made and where the embankment grade is less than
one metre above the original ground level, all stumps and roots shall be grubbed out.
Trees shall be felled towards the centre of the area to be cleared. Any brush or trees falling
outside of the area to be cleared shall be moved back to the right-of-way and disposed of.
The Contractor shall take all precautions against damage to other trees, traffic, structures,
pole lines or property in his felling of trees, and he shall be liable for any damages occurring
in the performance of this work.
Timber from which forest products can be manufactured shall be cleared of limbs and neatly
piled on the right-of-way as directed or permitted by the Engineer. Usable timber shall be
the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the right-of-way before any
payment by progressive estimate for work done in that area will be made.
Clearing and grubbing shall be completed at least one kilometre in advance of grading
operations. The Contractor shall not start any clearing, grubbing or burning without
permission from the Engineer.
Burning of debris shall be carried on concurrently with clearing operations so that the debris
from each day’s operations is disposed of in that day. Burning shall be done far enough from
the outer edge of the right-of-way to prevent injury to live trees, adjacent property, structures
or pole lines. Further, the Contractor shall take all precautions to prevent the fires from
spreading, and he shall be liable for any damages occasioned in the performance of this
work. It may not be possible to obtain a burning permit if the fire hazard is severe. It may
therefore be necessary for the Contractor to stockpile the debris and burn it at some future
date. No additional compensation will be payable because of being required to handle the
debris in this manner.
Where debris and other materials cannot be burned and must be disposed of by burying, the
Contractor shall perform these operations well in advance of grading operations. Material
resulting from the burying of debris used in constructing the grade will be paid for as
Common Excavation.
Clearing, grubbing and burning operations shall be conducted in accordance with the
applicable Provincial and Municipal regulations and Acts.
Before final acceptance of the work, the contractor shall make a final clean-up of windfalls
and other debris which may have been covered with snow during the original clearing and
grubbing operations.
July 2003 -2- No. 300
The number of hectares of “Clearing and Grubbing” for which the Contractor will be paid will
be derived from measurements made by the Engineer of the area staked out by him, and
actually cleared and grubbed.
The volume of material removed during grubbing operations will be measured and paid for
as Topsoil Excavation..
Clearing and grubbing will be paid for at the unit price per hectare set forth in the Contract for
“Clearing and Grubbing” which will be payment in full for performing all operations necessary
or incidental thereto.