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EDUC 5170 Humanities and Social Sciences Education M

Assessment Two: Immigration Nation Unit Plan


Year Level

Year 5

Learning Area

Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)




Immigration Nation

Content Description

The reasons people migrated to Australia and the experiences and

contributions of a particular migrant group within a colony (Australian








Connecting (where appropriate) stories of migration to students own family

histories (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSK109).


According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 28.1% of Australias estimated resident
population (ERP) was born overseas (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2015). As schools are microcosms
of society, they inherently reflect the social, religious, linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity that
constitutes Australias pluralist cultural identity. Subsequently, it is critical educational programs
develop students understandings of their own ancestry, as well as the social, economic, political and
environmental factors that have shaped Australias colonial past (Australian Curriculum, Assessment
and Reporting Authority [ACARA] 2015b). Furthermore, students must be equipped with the
knowledge and understanding to serve as active and informed global citizens, critically evaluating and
reflecting upon controversial ethnic, racial and cultural issues (ACARA 2015a; Commonwealth of
Australia 2012). Therefore, migration is a relevant and valuable cross-curriculum topic within the
primary years curriculum.
This unit on migration connects to the knowledge and understanding strand within the Year 5 History
Curriculum (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSK109). It integrates key historical concepts of cause and effect,
continuity and change, significance, empathy and perspectives (ACARA 2015b), to develop students
understanding of the push and pull factors of migration, as well as the experiences and contributions
of new Australians to our history, society, identity and culture (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSK109). In turn,
students will identify connections of time and place between their personal ancestry and the heritage
of others, contributing to their identity and sense of belonging (Australian Government 2011),

objectives consistent with the 2001 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (UNESCO 2002).
Furthermore, the unit presents opportunities to organically integrate the cross-curriculum priorities,
Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and
Cultures (ACARA 2015a), enriching learning experiences that relate to the content description (ACARA
2015b, ACHASSK109). Students will recognise the influence of Indigenous Australians and Asian
migrants since colonisation, consistent with the objectives outlined in the History Achievement
Standard (ACARA 2015b). Additionally, students will develop a broader understanding of the global
emphases, interdependence and globalisation, social justice and human rights, peace building and
conflict resolution, and most predominantly, identity and cultural diversity (Commonwealth of
Australia 2012; Reynolds 2014).
Ultimately, this unit on migration builds upon the historical skills and understandings established in
the Year 4 Curriculum (ACARA 2015b), offering constructivist, inquiry based learning activities that are
developmentally appropriate for year 5 students. At this age, students are typically presenting
characteristics synonymous with the concrete operational stage of development, responding more
adeptly to practical and realistic learning experiences (Pressley & McCormick 1995; Woolfolk &
Margetts 2012). The following unit plan integrates the inquiry process, improving students historical
capabilities, whilst developing their capacity to transfer acquired understandings to valuable concepts
(Reynolds 2014).

Jane Angove


The Learning Focus

Unit Overview
Students to explore the following concepts:

Individuals migrate for many reasons (push/pull factors).

There is internal (within nations) and external migration (between nations).

Asylum seekers are individuals who leave their country of origin to seek
protection in another nation.

Refugees are individuals who leave their country of origin in fear of persecution,
due to nationality, race, religion or membership within particular social group.

Understanding of their own identity and Australias cultural diversity.

The experiences and contributions of migrant groups within Australia.

Historical Knowledge and Understanding

Content Description
The reasons people migrated to Australia and the experiences and contributions
of a particular migrant group within a colony (Australian Curriculum, Assessment
and Reporting Authority [ACARA] 2015b, ACHASSK109).
Connecting (where appropriate) stories of migration to students own family
histories (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSK109).

Historical Inquiry and Skills (ACARA 2015b)



Develop appropriate questions to guide an inquiry about people, events,

developments, places, systems and challenges (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSI094)
develop appropriate inquiry focus question in their Action Learning Groups.


Locate and collect relevant information and data from primary and secondary
sources (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSI095) critically analyse the credibility and
reliability of sources of information.

Organise and represent data in a range of formats including tables, graphs and
large- and small-scale maps, using discipline-appropriate conventions (ACARA
2015b, ACHASSI096) identify map locations in respect to their family heritage
and create infographic poster that incorporates statistical information.

Sequence information about peoples lives, events, developments and

phenomena using a variety of methods including timelines (ACARA 2015b,
ACHASSI097) produce infographic poster that includes historical timeline.

Jane Angove



Examine different viewpoints on actions, events, issues and phenomena in the

past and present (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSI099) critically examine different
perspectives on the impacts of migration.

Evaluating and reflecting


Work in groups to generate responses to issues and challenges (ACARA 2015b,

ACHASSI102) work collaboratively in action learning groups to negotiate
responses to inquiry question.


Present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of texts and

modes that incorporate source materials, digital and non-digital representations
and discipline-specific terms and conventions (ACARA 2015b, ACHASSI105)
create infographic poster and present findings of inquiry at class exhibition.

General Capabilities (ACARA 2015c)

Literacy demonstrate communication skills through articulating different

perspectives of the inquiry topic, using verbal and written responses.

Numeracy understand and interpret world maps and statistical infographics.

Information and communication technology (ICT) capability develop podcasts

and infographic poster to communicate key ideas.

Critical and creative thinking interact with a variety of sources and fellow peers
to understand and evaluate multiple perspectives.

Ethical understanding develop socially-orientated values and morals.

Intercultural understanding understand regional, national and international

events that have shaped Australian history, with particular emphasis on the
traditional owners of the land.

Cross-Curriculum Priorities (ACARA 2015a)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures develop knowledge
and understanding of the impact of migrants to the Aboriginal Peoples and Torres
Strait Islander Peoples.

Asia and Australias Engagement with Asia develop knowledge and

understanding of the experiences and contributions of Asian migrants in Australia.

Jane Angove


Values and Actions

The unit has been designed utilizing a values and actions approach to enhance
students global education (Reynolds 2014). Whilst the primary focus is to develop
students understanding of identity and cultural diversity, they will inadvertently gain
an appreciation of social justice (Bliss, cited in Reynolds 2014; Commonwealth of
Australia 2012). Furthermore, additional values perpetuated within the plan reflect
those stipulated by Global Education Australia (Curriculum Corporation, cited in
Reynolds 2014) and the Values for Australian Schools (Department of Education,
Science and Training [DEST] 2005, cited in Reynolds 2014), including equality;
responsibility; understanding, acceptance and inclusion; concern and compassion for
others; respect; freedom and equity.

Achievement Standard (Year 5 History)

By the end of Year 5, students describe the significance of people and
events/developments in bringing about change. They identify the causes and effects
of change on particular communities and describe aspects of the past that have
remained the same. They describe the experiences of different people in the past.
Students sequence information about events and the lives of individuals in
chronological order using timelines. When researching, students develop questions
for a historical inquiry. They identify a range of sources and locate, collect and
organise information related to this inquiry. They analyse sources to determine their
origin and purpose and to identify different viewpoints. Students develop, organise
and present their texts, particularly narrative recounts and descriptions, using
historical terms and concepts (ACARA 2015b).

Jane Angove


The Teaching Sequence

Phase of Inquiry Learning Model Engage

Students will gain interest and motivation in the inquiry topic (Arnold 2010).
Teacher Focus

Learner Activity

Learner Organisation and


Activity One Exploring Migration

- Teacher to display video clip,

- Students to watch educational

- Whole class activity.

National Treasures - Cuc Lams

documentary to incite interest

- Computer/interactive

Suitcase on an interactive

and engagement.


whiteboard (Film Australia

- Video clip (Rated PG; 4mins,


52secs), National Treasures

Cuc Lams Suitcase, presented
on an interactive whiteboard
(Film Australia 2004).

- Teacher to distribute learning

- Students to complete prior

- Individual activity.

logs (Appendix One).

knowledge activity in learning

- Will be used as a diagnostic

log (Appendix One).

tool to gauge existing


- Teacher to ask following

- Students to discuss their

inquiry questions and record

responses in pairs, before

responses on interactive

engaging in whole group



- What do we know about the

- What do we know about the

lives of people in Australias

lives of people in Australias

colonial past and how do we

colonial past and how do we

know? (ACARA 2015b).

know? (ACARA 2015b).

- What would be the most

- What would be the most

exciting or challenging thing

exciting or challenging thing

about moving countries? (Film

about moving countries? (Film

Australia 2004).

Australia 2004).

- Whole class discussion.

- Interactive whiteboard.

Activity Two Stories of Migration

- Teacher to divide class into

- Students to explore objects in

- Three groups divided using

three groups using picture

suitcase and speculate where

picture cards displaying a

cards displaying a suitcase,

the individual may have

suitcase, baggage label and

baggage label and birth

originated from, possible

birth certificate.


reasons for migrating, and

- Three suitcases with objects

- Teacher to provide each group

reasons the person may have

and artefacts that

with a different suitcase.

selected those particular items.

illustrate/represent where an
individual originated e.g.) letters
from family, passport, baggage

Jane Angove


label, photographs, and trinkets

(Museum Victoria n.d.).
- Teacher to redistribute each

- Students to explore the objects

suitcase to a new group.

in the new suitcase and

- Remain in previous group.

speculate where the individual

may have originated from,
possible reasons for migrating,
and reasons the person may
have selected those particular
- Teacher to complete final

- Students to explore the objects


in the final suitcase and

- Remain in previous group.

speculate where the individual

may have originated from,
possible reasons for migrating,
and reasons the person may
have selected those particular
- Teacher to bring students back

- Students to share group

together as class, highlighting

discussions, recognizing

similarities and differences in


- Whole class discussion.

the group discussions.

- Teacher to ask students to

- Individual activity.

bring in an object of personal

cultural significance e.g.)
photograph, souvenir,
memorabilia (Film Australia
Activity Three Your Suitcase
- Teacher to divide students into

- Students to share their item of

small groups.

cultural significance in small

- Student artefacts.

groups, explaining their reason

for selecting that particular
-Teacher to ask students which

- Students to record their

- Individual learning logs

five objects they would take in

responses in their learning logs

(Appendix One).

their suitcase if they were to

(Appendix One).

migrate and reasons for doing

so (Film Australia 2004).

Jane Angove


Phase of Inquiry Learning Model Tune in/Hypothesise

Students will be encouraged to establish connections between key concepts and their experiences and
world, expressing their prior knowledge and ideas related to the topic to predict outcomes
(Arnold 2010).
Teacher Focus

Learner Organisation and

Learner Activity


Activity One Activating Prior Knowledge

- Explore previous experiences.
- Determine existing knowledge
of Australias migration history.
(Arnold 2010).
- Teacher to place butchers

- Students to document any

- Whole class activity.

paper around the classroom,

images, words, definitions,

- Seven sheets butchers paper,

with the following headings:

phrases or descriptions they

with relevant headings.

Migration (forced and

deem relevant or appropriate.

- The pages will then be

voluntary); Australias

displayed within the classroom.

immigration story; Types of

migration; Reasons for
migration (push and pull
factors); Refugees; Asylum
seekers; Role of Government
(World Vision 2010).
- Students to record definitions

- Individual activity.

of key jargon in learning logs.

- Learning log (Appendix One).

Activity Two Get Connected

- Teacher to ask students to

- Students to discuss their

share their ancestral knowledge

family ancestry, particularly

in small groups.

their country of origin, reasons

- Small group discussion.

for migration and first

impressions of Australia.
- This activity will build on the
experiences and anecdotes
shared during the Your
Suitcase activity.
Activity Three Family Ties
- Teacher to ask student to write

- Students to write the names of

- Individual activity.

the names of their

their grandparents, parents and

- Five small strips of paper per

grandparents, parents and

themselves on a small strip of


Jane Angove


themselves on a small strip of

paper, then place it on their

- Blue tack.

paper, then place it on their

origin of birth on the map.

- World map (no smaller than

origin of birth on the map.

- Students to connect each

1m x 1.5m).

individuals origin of birth to

- Yellow, red and green string.

Australia, using a specific colour

of string to represent their
mode of transportation i.e.
yellow (plane), red (boat), green
- Teacher to explain the

- Students to place names of

- Individual activity.

honorary significance of the

family members on class

- Welcome Wall display.

Welcome Wall at the Australian

Welcome Wall, replicating the

- Once completed, teacher to

National Maritime Museum,

installation at the Australian

display world map and

asking students to place their

National Maritime Museum

Welcome Wall in classroom.

family members names on the

(Australian National Maritime

class display (Australian

Museum 2013).

National Maritime Museum

- Teacher to promote class

- Students to provide reasons

- Whole class activity.

discussion and record responses

families immigrated to Australia,

- Interactive whiteboard.

on an interactive whiteboard.

push/pull factors of migration,

and world events that have
influenced Australias
immigration story (World Vision

Activity Four Introduction to Immigration Nation

- Define topic and key
terminology utilizing World
Vision education pack (World
Vision 2010).
- Isolate investigation focus.
- Identify focus questions
utilizing the three levels of
questioning: literal, interpretive,
and inferential (Browett &
Ashman 2008).
- Teacher to formally introduce

- Students will discuss the

- Whole class discussion.

topic of migration, as well as the

following inquiry questions

- Teacher Resources for

Jane Angove


relevance and significance of

the topic.

(ACARA 2015b):
- What do we know about the

background information (see

References and Resources).

lives of people in Australias

colonial past and how do we
- How did an Australian colony
develop over time and why?
- How did colonial settlement
change the environment?
- What were the significant
events and who were the
significant people that shaped
Australian colonies?
- Teacher to record central

- Whole class activity.

themes and discussion points

- Interactive whiteboard.

on an interactive whiteboard,
which will be displayed in the

Jane Angove



Phase of Inquiry Learning Model Structure an Inquiry

Students will determine the critical information required to answer their inquiry questions
(Arnold 2010).
Teacher Focus

Learner Organisation and

Learner Activity


Activity One Developing an Inquiry Focus

- Determining the structure of
the inquiry.
- Identifying primary and
secondary sources of
- Scaffolding activities to
support student planning.
(Arnold 2010).
- Teacher to reintroduce

- Students to create a KWL

- Whole class discussion and

Immigration Nation topic and

chart of focus learning areas


encourage student deliberation,

and record responses in

- Interactive whiteboard,

recording discussion on the

Learning Log (Appendix One),

MindMeister collaborative mind-

interactive whiteboard.

developing questions for an

mapping software.

investigative inquiry (Gordon

- Teacher to introduce concept

- Students to add contributions

- Individual activity.

of Reflection Wall.

to wall throughout inquiry.

- Post-it notes.

- Teacher to present examples

- Students to determine the

- Whole class activity.

of primary and secondary

most suitable sources of

- Sample range of primary and

sources that may be utilized

information and select a specific

secondary sources.

whilst researching the inquiry

migrant group to narrow the

question e.g.) books, websites,

scope of the inquiry.

interviews, artefacts.
Activity Two Action Learning Groups (ALGs)
- Divide students into Active
Learning Groups.
- Set parameters and timelines.
- Allocation of tasks and group
(Arnold 2010).

Jane Angove



- Teacher to assign students

- Small groups of three

into Action Learning Groups

students, each with specific role,

using random selection from a

as stipulated in Learning Logs

popstick bundle.

(Appendix One) (Primary

- Teacher to designate the role

Connections n.d.).

of manager, speaker or director

- Popsticks with student names.

(Primary Connections n.d.).

Activity Three Podcasts
- Each ALG to produce a 5-

- ALG activity.

minute podcast, which explores

- Podcast equipment: computer,

the key learning areas and

microphone and headset,

questions of their chosen

recording/editing software, MP3

inquiry into a particular migrant

converter (1 set per ALG).

- Teacher to upload podcasts to
the class learning blog.

Jane Angove



Phase of Inquiry Learning Model Critically examine evidence

Students will collect, sort and manage the information and evidence gathered (Arnold 2010).
Teacher Focus

Learner Organisation and

Learner Activity


Activity One Dark Dreams

- Gather, categorize and
manage information.
- Critically examine primary and
secondary sources.
- Challenge student
- Direct students to additional
(Arnold 2010).
- Students will read two excerpts

- Whole class activity.

from Dark Dreams: Australian

- Excerpts from Dark Dreams:

Refugee Stories, including For

Australian Refugee Stories

the Love of a Child: Mais Story

(Dechian, Millar & Sallis 2004).

written by Khazmira Florentyna

Bashah, and Journey to
Freedom by Hai-Van Nguyen
(Dechian, Millar & Sallis 2004).
Activity Two Cultural Diversity Role Play
- Broaden student
understanding of Australias
cultural diversity.
- Empower students to
empathize with others.
- Encourage students to be
active and informed global
- Teacher to randomly divide

- Student to engage with their

- Small groups (maximum 8 per

students into groups (maximum

character profile and be


8 per group) and allocate

prepared to answer questions.

- Cultural Diversity Role Play

character roles.

- Students to ask one another

character profiles and activity

questions about each character

sheet located in Learning Log

to complete associated

(Appendix One).

worksheet (Australian Human

Jane Angove



Rights Commission 2010).

- Teacher to encourage

- Once completed, students to

- Whole class activity.

conversation regarding cultural

devise a list of similarities and

- Butchers paper.


differences between characters

on butchers paper.
Activity Three Sources of Information

- Teacher to provide students

- Students to research inquiry

- Computers (1 per student).

with example websites, assisting

topic, exploring websites related

- List of example websites (see

students to find a variety of

to Australias migration history,

Student Resources, in

valid and reliable sources.

as well as engage with relevant

References and Resources).

videos, audio and interactive

- Students will learn to examine
different resources, searching
for bias and credibility.
Activity Four Infographic Poster
- Teacher to present students

- Students to determine focus of

- ALGs.

the ABC Splash infographic

their poster, creating their

- Computer (1 per ALG),

(ABC Splash 2014), asking

design using Microsoft Publisher

Microsoft Publisher software.

students to create an


infographic poster, which

includes relevant information
about their selected migrant
group (N.B. must include
historical sequencing on a
- After presentations, teacher to

- ALGs to present their

display infographs in classroom.

infograph to the whole class.

- Whole class activity.

Jane Angove



Phase of Inquiry Learning Model Reach a conclusion

Students will ascertain a conclusion, supported by their collected evidence (Arnold 2010).
Teacher Focus

Learner Activity

Learner Organisation and


Activity One - Podcast Reflection

- Action Learning Groups to

- Whole class activity.

present their initial podcasts

- Audio projector.

and reflections made

- Learning Logs (Appendix One).

throughout the inquiry process.

Activity Two Exit Ticket
- Teacher to encourage students

- Students to complete an exit

- Individual activity.

to reflect their new thoughts

ticket, illustrating knowledge

generated throughout the

and understanding acquired

inquiry, sharing their broadened

throughout the inquiry, as well

understanding and areas for

as areas for future development

future development.

(The Teacher Toolkit n.d.).

- Teacher to divide students

- Responses will be shared in

- Small group activity students

using Jigsaw method.

small groups with members of

divided utilizing Jigsaw method.

other Action Learning Groups,

- Exit Ticket resource in

divided using the Jigsaw

Learning Logs (Appendix One).


Jane Angove



Phase of Inquiry Learning Model Reflect and apply

Students will transfer their acquired knowledge to alternate individuals, places and times
(Arnold 2010).
Teacher Focus

Learner Activity

Learner Organisation and


Activity One Reflection Wall

- Students to have regularly

- Whole class activity.

added contributions to the wall

- Reflection wall.

after meetings with their ALGs

i.e. any moments of discovery,
interest, surprise or curiosity.
- Teacher to group post-it notes

- Reflect on Socratic thinking,

according to student feedback.

grouping similar reflections

Activity Two - Exhibition

- Teacher to organise an

- Students to present their

- ALGs.

exhibition of students inquiry

research projects in their ALGs

- Physical space for

investigations, for members of

to the school community.


the broader school community.

Jane Angove



Future Learning Modules

Future learning modules will centre on developing students knowledge and understanding of
refugees and asylum seekers, building on the work completed during the tuning in stage of
this inquiry. Students will then transfer this knowledge to contemporary refugee issues in the
media, writing letters of action to people of significance concerning issues surfaced
throughout the inquiry.

Areas (ACARA 2015b; Commonwealth of Australia 2012)



Information and communication technology (ICT) capability

Critical and creative thinking

Personal and social capability

Ethical understanding

Intercultural understanding

Understanding of global citizenship

Social skills, including collaboration, negotiation, compromise

Transference and application of knowledge

Identification of credible primary and secondary sources

Assessment Tools (Reynolds 2014)


Prior knowledge questions completed in learning log (Activity One).


Oral questioning.

One-to-one discussion.

Teacher observation visual and written (individual and group).

Socratic meetings.

Observation of social/work skills presented in Action Learning Groups

(Appendix Two).

Jane Angove

Documentation of class discussion.

Learning log entries (Appendix One).

Development of suitable inquiry question.

Rationalization of understandings and opinions.

Subjective reflections of initial understandings and any changes.




Research project skills exemplified during inquiry process and

exhibited in final exhibition (Appendix Three).

According to Hattie and Timperley (2007), it is imperative educators deliver explicit and directive
feedback consistently throughout the learning process, as students may develop a deeper
understanding of their academic progress and prospects for development. Subsequently, this unit of
historical inquiry places greater emphasis on formative assessment, rather than summative
assessment. The assessment items have been developed in accordance with the Assessment Reform
Groups (2002) Assessment for Learning: 10 Principles (cited in Reynolds 2014, p. 269).

Jane Angove



References and resources

Teacher Resources - used to build background knowledge or develop inquiry unit.
Arnold, D 2010, Inquiry Learning: Making History Active, Ethos, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 20 - 25.
Australian Bureau of Statistics 2015, 3412.0 Migration, Australia, 2013-14, Australian Bureau of
Statistics, viewed 8 December 2015,

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA] 2015a, Cross-curriculum

priorities, Education Services Australia, viewed 3 December 2015,

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA] 2015b, F-6/7 HASS

Curriculum, Education Services Australia, viewed 10 December 2015,

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA] 2015c, General capabilities,
Education Services Australia, viewed 5 December 2015,

Australian Government 2011, Global perspectives: a framework for global education in Australian

schools, Education Services Australia, viewed 3 December 2015,

Australian National Maritime Museum 2013, Welcome wall: recording life-changing journeys,
Australian National Maritime Museum, viewed 15 December 2015, <http://www.anmm.gov.au/ww>.
Browett, J & Ashman, G 2008, Thinking globally: global perspectives in the early years classroom,
Curriculum Corporation, Victoria.
Commonwealth of Australia 2012, What is global education?, Global Education, viewed 14
December 2015, <http://www.globaleducation.edu.au/global-education/what-is-global-ed.html>.
Global Travel Marketing n.d., World Map, Global Travel Marketing, viewed 15 December 2015,
Gordon, K n.d., Inquiry approaches in primary studies of society and environment key learning
area, Occasional paper prepared for the Queensland School Curriculum Council, Education,
Training and Curriculum Services, pp. 1 22.

Jane Angove



Hattie, J & Timperley, H 2007, The power of feedback, Review of Educational Research, vol. 77, no.
1, pp. 81 112.
Jaeger, M 2014, Australia is my home a history unit for years 5/6 on migration in Australias

history, Australian Curriculum Lessons, viewed 14 December 2015,

Museum Victoria n.d., Whats your story?, State Government of Victoria, viewed 12 December
2015, <http://museumvictoria.com.au/education/learning-kits/whats-your-story/>.
Pressley, M & McCormick, CB 1995, Thoughtful classrooms, in M Pressley & CB McCormick (eds),

Advanced educational psychology for educators, researchers and policymakers, Harper Collins,
New York, pp. 286 288.

Primary Connections n.d., Investigating resource sheets, Primary Connections, viewed 11 December
2015, <https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwjh4fwidrJAhXIo5QKHazsDnAQFggdMAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.primaryconnections.org.au%2Fm
Reynolds, R 2014, Teaching humanities and social sciences in the primary school, 3rd edn, Oxford
University Press, Victoria.
The Teacher Toolkit n.d., Exit Ticket, The Teacher Toolkit, viewed 15 December 2015,
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2002, Universal

declaration on cultural diversity, viewed 3 December 2015,

Woolfolk, A & Margetts, K 2013, Educational psychology, 3rd edn, Pearson Australia, NSW.
World Vision 2010, Issue 8 Migration, World Vision, viewed 7 December 2015,
World Vision 2012, School Resources, World Vision, viewed 9 December 2015,
Zimmerman, A 2013, Get inspired with biography research! Part 2 project ideas, Scholastic,
viewed 17 December 2015, <http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/top-teaching/2013/02/getinspired-biography-research-part-2--project-ideas>.

Jane Angove



Student Resources - used to develop knowledge and research skills, whilst adding depth
to the learning logs.
ABC Splash 2014, Country of birth, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 12 December 2015,
Amnesty International Australia n.d., Activity: Time to Flee, Amnesty International Australia, viewed
29 November 2015, <http://www.amnesty.org.au/images/uploads/hre/activity_time_to_flee.pdf>.

Amnesty International UK 2013, Activity: The great escape, Amnesty International UK, viewed 17
December 2015, <https://www.amnesty.org.uk/resources/activity-great-escape#.VnTmZTYxHBI>.
Australian Government 2015, Australian identity, Australian Government, viewed 8 December 2015,

Australian Human Rights Commission 2010, Voices of Australia, Australian Human Rights
Commission, viewed 15 December 2015,

Behind the News 2015, Chinese migration, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, viewed 17

December 2015, <http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4178063.htm>.

Dechian, S, Millar, H & Sallis, E (eds.) 2004, Dark dreams: Australian refugee stories, Wakefield
Press, South Australia.

Film Australia 2004, National treasures Cuc Lams suitcase, video, National Film & Sound Archive,
viewed 12 December 2015, <http://aso.gov.au/titles/documentaries/cuc-lams-suitcase/clip1/>.
Peddie, S (dir.) 2015, Luke Nguyen, Who do you think you are, television program, SBS, 18 August
Refugee Council of Australia n.d., Refugee Council, Refugee Council of Australia, viewed 17
December 2015, <https://www.refugeecouncil.org.au>.

World Vision 2010, Issue 8 Migration, World Vision, viewed 7 December 2015,


Jane Angove




Appendix One Learning Log (created by Jane Angove 2015).

(Global Travel Marketing n.d.)

Immigration Nation
Year 5 History Learning Log

Name: _______________________

Activity One Activating Prior Knowledge

(Jaegar 2014)

Why is Australia home to so many different nationalities?

Who were the people who came to Australia and why did they come?
Why did/do people migrate to Australia?
What thoughts/feelings do people have when migrating?
What issues may arise for migrants?

Activity Two Your Suitcase

(Zimmerman 2013)

Imagine you were migrating and could only take one suitcase. What five items would
you choose and why?

Jane Angove



Activity Three Jargon

Asylum seeker: ___________________________________________________________


Migration: _______________________________________________________________





Immigration Restriction Act: ________________________________________________


Refugee: ________________________________________________________________


Treaties: ________________________________________________________________


White Australia Policy: _____________________________________________________


Jane Angove



Activity Four KWL Chart

What we Want to know

What we Know

(Gordon n.d.)

What weve Learnt

Jane Angove



Activity Five Action Learning Group Team Roles

(Primary Connections n.d.)


Accountable for gathering and returning team equipment.

Accountable for consulting teacher or another groups speaker for
Accountable for ensuring all team members clearly understand
the focus of the inquiry.

My team members are ____________________________________________________


My role in this inquiry is___________________________________________________


Jane Angove



rightsED | Voices of Australia

Activity Six Cultural Diversity Role Play

Character profiles
Resource sheet

(Australian Human Rights Commission 2010, p. 12-14)

Character one: Diana

t I am 45 years old and I live in Narrabundah, ACT.
t I grew up in Brisbane in the 1960s and 70s, and every summer we used to go to the
Sunshine Coast or the Gold Coast.
t Im a fan of the rock band Led Zeppelin. I love turning the radio up loud and singing the
t I am both Australian and Lebanese. I have the best of two great cultures. Being part of Middle
Eastern societies has taught me the value of family and respect for elders.

Character two: Chris

t I am 53 years old and I live in Northcote, Victoria.
t My family moved from the Ukraine after World War II. My fathers town in the Ukraine was
invaded by Russian Communists under Stalin. They were starved of food unless they followed
orders. They were not allowed to speak their native language or go to their church.
t The German Nazis invaded after the Russians, and they sent my father to work in Germany.
t I know all the dances and songs, symbols and ceremonies from the Ukraine.

Character three: Aunty Kathy

t I am 69 and I live in Darwin, Northern Territory. I am an Aboriginal Elder from the Kungarakan
People. I married a Larrakeyah man.
t My mother is from the Gurinji people. She was taken away from her family as a child and sent
to the Kahlin Compound in Darwin.
t Aboriginal people are generous in sharing the land. They take pride and pleasure in teaching
people, and telling stories about the land.

Character four: Adela

t I am 41 years old and I live in Camp Hill, Queensland.
t I was born in El Salvador and came to Australia in 1988. My family moved to Brisbane after
we escaped a civil war at home.
t I was very scared when we first moved to Australia. I didnt speak any English and I had to
catch the train every day to lessons at TAFE.
t The ticket man used to get very angry with me and said I should go back to my own country.
I was sad until we got a new ticket man, who was very nice.

Jane Angove



Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/voices_of_australia


Character five: Selina

t I am 15 years old and I live in Leumeah, NSW.
t My family is from Bangladesh though we lived in Malaysia before coming to Australia.
t My mum likes me to wear my clothes from home. I dont like to because all my friends are
wearing tops and pants.
t It is hard to be proud of my culture and religion when we are so often associated with

Character six: David

t I am 45 years old and I live in Sydney.
t My family is from Scotland, they immigrated to Australia from Scotland in 1970.
t My birth father is from Kashmir, though I was adopted by my family when I was born.
t I have always lived in Scotland or Australia, but people always ask me where Im from. People
never believe that Im from Scotland.

Character seven: Arama

t I am 30 years old and I live in an Aboriginal Community called Titjikala near Alice Springs, NT.
t I am a New Zealand Maori, so I am bilingual. Being bicultural helps me to build relationships in
a new community.
t I am a teacher and the Principal of a community school. The students speak two or three
languages before they speak English.
t The women in the community have been very accepting of me, they have taken me out for
bush tucker and invited me to different ceremonies.
t I love living here because it teaches you how to be different.
Character eight: Vicki
t I am 50 years old and I live in Ardmona, Victoria.
t My family are from Greece but I grew up in Australia. I loved growing up on a sheep and
wheat station. I also loved going to Shepparton with my Mum to do the shopping.
t My mum used to catch up with her Greek friends at the cafeteria on a Friday afternoon. They
spoke in Greek and laughed a lot.
t I used to speak about Greek culture at the Rotary and Lions Club, and then I became
President of the Ethnic Council, Shepparton District.
t I have been a Commissioner at the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/voices_of_australia

Jane Angove




Activity sheet

Find a character who

Lived in Malaysia once

Is a fan of Led Zeppelin

Is a respected Elder in Australia

Works with children who speak more than one


Came to Australia in 1970

Can perform songs and dances from the


Grew up on a sheep farm

Escaped from a civil war in El Salvador


Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/voices_of_australia

Jane Angove



Activity Seven Podcast Reflection

What were the main points in your podcast?

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

How have your views changed since the initial podcast?


What did you learn about yourself during this inquiry?


What would you change if you were to do the inquiry again?


Jane Angove



Activity Eight Exit Ticket

(The Teacher Toolkit n.d.)

Jane Angove



Student name

Action Learning Group members

Listens to others

Takes turns

Learning area: Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

Respects others

Year level: Year 5


Shows initiative

Subject: History

Work Skills Feedback Observation Sheet


Jane Angove


Topic: Immigration Nation


Appendix Two Formative Work Skills Feedback Observation Sheet (adapted from Reynolds 2014).



Jane Angove


understanding of the content.

understanding of the content.

originality in presentation

logical and coherent sequence.

Limited level of visual appeal and
originality in presentation

and coherent sequence.


confidence, fluency, eye contact

and use of visual aids.

demonstrating minimal

Presents topic clearly and

inquiry, utilizing ICT capabilities.

Limited presentation of topic,

Good level of visual appeal and

Does not present information in

Organises information in logical

Displays creativity in execution of

coherent sequence.


eye contact and use of visual aids.

demonstrating confidence, fluency,

Satisfactory presentation of topic,

Presents information in logical and


Poor selection and analysis of


Good selection and analysis of

Sound knowledge and

Critical selection and analysis of

particular migrant group.

experiences and contributions of a

migrated to Australia, and the

understanding of reasons people


question that addresses key

Well developed inquiry focus

Minimal knowledge and



Demonstrates knowledge and

Poorly developed inquiry focus

question that fails to address key

question and addresses key


Subject: History


Learning area: Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)

Develops appropriate inquiry focus

Year level: Year 5

Immigration Nation Inquiry Assessment Rubric


visual aids.

fluency, eye contact and use of

demonstrating good confidence,

Excellent presentation of topic,


and originality in presentation

Outstanding level of visual appeal

logical and coherent sequence.

Presents information in extremely


Excellent selection and analysis of

understanding of the content.

High level knowledge and

beyond key concepts.

focus question that extends

Exceptionally developed inquiry





Topic: Immigration Nation


Appendix Three Summative Inquiry Assessment Rubric (created by Jane Angove 2015).


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