Part Agreement 2012
Part Agreement 2012
Part Agreement 2012
I. Rules of Conduct:
Violations of the following rules of proscribed conduct will result in disciplinary action:
Misconduct on school property or at a school sponsored function which also results in the athlete being charged
with a Reportable Offense(s) in accordance with Annotated Code 7-303 and COMAR 13A.08.01.17.
B. Possession or use of alcohol
C. Possession, use or showing evidence of use, sale, or distribution of controlled dangerous substances,
including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, look-a-like drugs, and substances represented
as controlled substances or drug paraphernalia (unless documentation on file that a student may self
D. Possession or use of tobacco
E. Insubordination or use of profanity to any faculty member, school administrator, coach, advisor, or
game official
F. Flagrant misconduct and misbehavior in school
G. Misbehavior or misconduct in the community
H. Absences from school, or tardiness to school, announced meetings, activities, practices, etc. in
accordance with school and/or team rules
II. Consequences
An athlete who has been suspended or expelled from school shall be prohibited from participating in athletics during the period
of suspension or expulsion. Such athlete shall also be prohibited from participating in athletics for remainder of the season in
which the infraction occurred if such infraction constitutes a violation of A, B, or C above. If mitigating circumstances exist for
A, B, and C above, the administrator may impose disciplinary action ranging from a suspension for 20% of the seasonal
remaining games to dismissal from the team. The student will be required to practice when a lesser penalty is applied. If the
athlete violates provision C above the athlete must present a negative drug screening to the principal prior to returning to the
Violations of rules of conduct D through H will result in disciplinary actions ranging from a conference to a suspension and/or
dismissal from the team for the remainder of the season. The principal, in collaboration with the coach/advisor, shall make the
decision on the disciplinary action.
Eligibility for a marking period shall be determined by the students grades for the most recently
completed marking period.
Students must achieve a minimum grade point average of 2.0.
All new 9th grade students are eligible to participate in the first quarter of 9th grade.
Appeal Procedure:
Appeals for reinstatement in athletics may be made to the building principal with a further appeal to the Superintendent of
Schools or designee. Students shall remain ineligible from participation in athletics through the conclusion of the due process.
I have read, understand, and agree to abide to the above rules of conduct governing participation in athletics, and have received
information regarding concussions and steps to be completed before returning to play, in the Allegany County Public School System.
Student Signature ___________________________________ Date ______________
Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date ______________